Neverland: The Most Wonderfu...

By coraprime17

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Cassandra Carter, a girl from the Canadian coast, is thrown out of her normal world when she and her parents... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirdteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One


143 2 0
By coraprime17

"I can't do this!" Tears of frustration ran down her cheeks. After two full Neverland years of being married, Peter and Cassandra were now having a baby. She was four inches tall again, but neither of them cared. Peter knelt by his bed, pale faced and clammy handed. She was in so much pain.... All he could do right now watch and pray. Another wail loosed from her mouth. Tiger Lily offered Peter to leave the room if he needed to, but he refused.  This was his family, his child. He wasn't missing this. Cassandra gazed at Peter as terror and the pain from more contractions washed through her. His dark chocolate brown eyes poured everything he had left into his helpless stare. He wanted to take away her pain, but they were so close... He forced himself to keep his eyes open and alert even as he prayed fervently in his mind for his wife and child. Later, Peter found her tiny, clammy, trembling hand and offered his in return.He squeezed her hand before letting it slide onto her lap, but still holding it. "I'm right here." He tilted his head at an odd angle so more of him was in view. "You're... You're doing great." Cassandra could not so much as even attempt to manage a verbal reply but squeezed Peter's finger with a grip that was darn well near crushing. She could swear she was going to break. Something would snap, be it bone or anything else. The healer fairy's word to push came as the closest thing she'd known to relief in hours. Face clenched and yelling again, she pushed hard. Fear and excitement overwhelmed his soul. Peter barely breathed. His back and neck were aching fiercely from being crouched over in an awkward position for hours, but he hardly seemed to notice. Not right now.  Suddenly a new, stringent wail cut through the noisy delivery room. Peter leaned in as close as physically possible. They allowed him to severe the imbilical cord, which he did with a slightly shaking hand. Peter was mesmerized by the bloody lump the healer fairy whisked away. "You did it, love." Peter exclaimed gently to his shaking wife. "You did it!" Blood and placenta was suctioned away to reveal perfect skin; hands and feet and little curling toes.Undoubtedly the most beautiful little thing he had ever laid eyes on."She's beautiful." he informed her, for their little bundle was blocked from view at her angle. "God she's so tiny!" He added under his breath.  There seemed to be a focused silence before she heard her daughter's cries for the first time. Cassandra caught her breath in a series of gasps that felt laboured but quickly evened.  The baby girl was cleaned up and bundled up in a warm blanket before she was passed of to her mother, who seemed rather tired but hardly enough so to keep her from staying awake for her. A fond smile took a hold of her lips. "Hey, Sweetheart." She said softly, brushing her fingertips against her damp cheek. She was so small and wrinkled but beautiful. "Nice to finally get to see you, baby." "Kept us waiting long enough." Peter added.  Then they were asked what they were going to name her. Peter and Cassandra gazed at eachother and the same thought  was in their minds,  "Kaitlynn". Whereas Peter had been a mess of fretting a minute before, he couldn't stop smiling. After hours of labor, Peter finally received his hand back.The new parents bonded together with their daughter. As he gazed at the bundled baby in Cassandra's arms, Peter's world silently changed for good. An understanding of what it meant to be a father was instantly etched in his mind; it was something too emotional to put into words, and something he was sure couldn't be learned from the best books in the world. He placed a fingertip on her forearm and leaned over to press a tender, joyful kiss to the top of Cassandra's head. Cassandra's eyes were soft as sunlit satin. Their little​ angel had calmed in her mother's grasp. She leaned down and pressed her lips to her forehead then gently investigated her face. "Peter, she's got your nose, and your hair, and your chin." She glanced up towards the massive boy with elation in her eyes. "God, look at her." "I bet she has my eyes, too, or yours​... If she would open them." Peter chuckled affectionately, and continued to scrutinize the minuscule features. Their baby showed off toothless gums in an adorable yawn, then turned instinctively into her mother's bosom, her face scrunching up from the bright light. "She's already mastered your scowl." he teased. He saw bits of both of them in their daughter's face. It was surreal, and yet nothing had ever felt more concrete. Peter had thought he had reached the pinnacle of joy when he married Cassandra. She was the undeniably best thing that ever happened to him. But this moment... This moment was his beautiful paradise.Cassandra stroked tender fingertips across her daughter's blanket covered head and rubbed her back in incredibly slow, tender circles. "You should hold her. Give her a chance to say hello to her daddy." She turned a moment to look up towards Peter with a loving smile as she cradled the newborn closer to herself. Peter stared. But no matter how long he looked, his baby girl remained as tiny as a button. A pit of doubt opened up in the young man's stomach for reasons he didn't fully understand. Peter could scarcely fathom how something so small had all the proper organs inside, same as him. For a moment, he was ready to outright refuse. But when it came down to it, Peter hadn't the heart to refuse Cassandra ANYTHING after her 9-month pregnancy and hours of agony to bring this precious child into the world. He lowered his gaze and nodded. Peter raised his hand palm-up against her side- he didn't dare try to grab the precious bundle on his own, lest he crush or maim her by accident. Cassandra​ felt satisfied to a degree, and carefully, she set their sleepy baby in Peter's hand and smiled supportively up towards him. Peter's lips twitched in a weak, nervous smile. Reverently, Peter lifted her up just below eye level. The newborn was rolled from her side onto her back from the simple motion. Peter's brow furrowed, eyes glued to his daughter. Kaitlynn squirmed just once in her cucoon of blankets, turning her cheek against the warm, textured palm supporting her. An adoring sigh escaped Peter, followed by an expression as he felt something hot prick at his eyes.  "Geeze, Kaitlynn... How are you so perfect?" "She's gonna be a snuggler." Cassandra watched the two most important people in her life interact and felt something warm take ignition within her heart. She brushed eratic strands of hair from her face and smiled up at the two of them. "Knows her daddy too. Hopefully she won't start tickling for a while yet. Heavens know she'll know where to aim with you." She gave Peter a fiesty wink, followed by a tired happy sigh. "She's everything to me already." "Me too." Peter agreed quietly. He chuckled and gently nudged Cassandra in rebuke of her silliness, but it soon morphed into a loving caress. Her strength and kindness made her so beautiful to him. Peter leaned down to kiss the only part of Kaitlynn that wasnt swaddled in a hat or blanket.  "How about giving Daddy a couple years headstart on that one?" He cupped his hand to cradle  Kaitlynn in the small indent created. How on earth he would get used to this was a mystery he could not foresee. But it was a wonderful miracle, and he couldn't wait to see how it unfolded. 

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