Chapter Six

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Cassandra's wooden prison tilted every now and then, but remained calm and still for the most part. She knew she'd been rescued,but she didn't know who her rescuer was, but by the way he was trying to keep the box from jiggling​ around, meant he didn't want to hurt her, or more if he thought she was already hurt. Soon she felt the box being gently set down, and heard the lock being tampered with. She finally got her arms legs free of their binds, standing defensively, just in case it was one of the men who abducted her. "Easy does it, Moria." a voice , that Cassandra knew instantly that belonged to a male,spoke. A hand reached in though the slightly opened lid feeling around for her. "Heh, you've should have seen Hook's face when I-" Cassandra panicked when a fingertip brushed her leg and she went into fight or flight mode, stabbing it hard. The hand shot out in pain, flicking the lid open all the way and accidentally tipping it over."Ow!" the male yelped, seeing the tiny gash on the tip of his pointer finger, blood slowly oozing out. His eyes shot back to the box to see a girl crawling out of the overturned box with what he assumed were her belongings still inside. The two then made eye contact with eachother. Cassandra slowly starting backing up as the massive boy leaned in closer, studying her features. Cassandra soon realized she backed up too far when she reached the end of the table the box was resting on, flailing her arms. The boy saw her too close to the edge and quickly shot his hand behind her as she started to fall backwards. Cassandra felt the hand four times the size of her own body tilt her upright and move her away from the edge. She backed up from the hand gazed at the boy; he looked familiar for some reason. Then remembering the doll, it clicked, the clothes, the hair, it was him. The one her great grandmothers had known. "Peter...Pan...?" No, it couldn't be, Peter Pan  was a twelve year old, this boy looked exactly seventeen, just like her.The boy groaned slightly, wrapping a thin bandage around his injured finger, "You're sure not Moria." Cassandra cringed, realizing she had stabbed him, "Oh...Sorry about that." "Nah, it's okay. I should have expected some kind of response to being captured by pirates. Besides, it's just a little cut, I'll be fine." Peter then gently held his hand out to her, palm facing up. Cassandra's mind was contemplating on whether to let him pick her up, or to climb on the offered hand herself. Taking a deep breath, she set a hand on his thumb for support and slowly climbed on, putting her life in his hands.

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