Chapter Twenty

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Over the course of the next few weeks, Cassandra was nursed back to health by both Tiger Lily and Peter, until she was at last fully recovered. Peter watched her sleep peacefully, exhaustion clearly written on her face. Peter had opted to stay, keeping watch, her silent sentinel. Peter turned on his side and watched the gently rise and fall of Cassandra's chest. Relief flooded through him each time she drew a breath. Turning to lay on his back, Peter clasped his hands behind his head and blew out a long breath. The toll of the past few days finally catching up with him. There had been so much adrenaline coursing through his veins that he had hardly had time to stop and think, which was good. He didn't know if he wanted to think. Now that things had settled down, his mind was starting up again. Hook. Hook was gone. Peter didn't know if he felt relief, or what he felt. His age old enemy was finally defeated, that stirred strange thoughts of loss. But when Peter thought about what Hook had done to his Cassandra, his blood boiled and he was glad Hook was gone. Forever. Never to hurt those he cared about again. Cassandra. He had lost her for a moment there. Never had he felt such depth of emotion, and that terrified Peter. The loss had been heart wrenching and so painful, he would rather die than go through that again. But on the other hand the joy he felt after was equally as powerful. It was all so new, so strange. There was so much to explore, so much to learn. This was all new territory, when it came to the feelings he had towards Cassandra. But one thing was for sure, he was over the moon. It scared him a little how much one silly girl had taken hold of him. She meant everything to him, she was the reason behind his crow, and she was his home. Home. Peter's heart stung, as long as there was those like Hook around, Cassandra would never be safe. He didn't want to lose her again. It was then he made the ultimate decision, one that would change him years later. " What is it Peter?" Cassandra asked, noticing Peter lost in his thoughts. Peter ran his hand through his hair and sighed. " you want to go home?" Cassandra was confused. "What do you mean?" Peter looked worried. "I don't mean back to the hide out, I mean home, home. To London home." He asked bracing himself for the answer that was sure to come. The girl looked at the ground for a long time. She hadn't even thought about her London home. She'd almost forgotten about it. Then she looked up at the boy who had become to mean so much to her. This felt so right, so new, so exciting! How could she give all of this up? But at the same time, how could she leave her home, her mother and father and never see them again. Cassandra was quiet for a long time and it scared Peter. Suddenly she spoke up. "No Peter...This," she gestured to the magical land surrounding them, "This, the Lost Boys...and you," She added shyly. "This is my home now." Peter just stared at her in shock. That was not the answer he was expecting. Finally after a moment, the words clicked into place in Peter's mind. This was her home, he was her home. A huge smile of relief plastered itself on his face. And he leaned in closer.
Cassandra's heart started to beat rapidly, but she wasn't done talking. She put a finger on Peter's lips. "But I would like to visit my parents every once in a while."Peter nodded and put his finger on Cassandra's mouth."Anything for you Cassandra. Now, will you please stop talking?" Cassandra looked a little taken back. But before she could reply, Peter's lips were on hers. Cassandra was suddenly dizzy, and her heart threatened to beat out of her chest. But she also felt like she could explode into a million pieces of light. She leaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Peter's neck. Peter broke the kiss and touched Cassandra's forehead with his own. " You know I really like kisses." Cassandra laughed and hugged Peter. "Of course you do, silly boy. Come on, let's go see what the Chief has cooked up this time." Peter gave Cassandra one more, quick kiss and then the two started to make their way to the celebration. The stars looked down and smiled, there had been so many adventures. And so many stories had come to a close on that island. But for Peter Pan and Cassandra Carter- this was only just the beginning. They made plans to head to London that night, after the powwow. Soon they were off, their fingers interlocked.

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