Chapter Nineteen

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Cassandra thought dying would have been different. She honestly expected light and music on the other side, but all she could see was darkness.There was nothing, and she felt nothing. She didn't feel the pain of the gunshot, she didn't feel her broken heart at leaving so much behind, she didn't even feel relief that it was over. Time passed differently here too, she didn't know if she'd been here for a few moments or a few days. Then she heard music playing a song she knew so well. Cassandra suddenly felt warm all over. There was a tingling sensation that started near her lips and traveled all the way down to her toes. It was a wonderful light feeling that left her breathless. She didn't know where it was coming from but she didn't want it to stop. The blackness started to recede, a soft pale light taking its place. Then the pain came. In her abdomen, the sharp, stinging, aching pain. She cried out and hunched over squeezing her eyes shut. She wished for the blackness and nothingness to come again, but something tugged at the back of her mind that wouldn't allow it. The tugging continued, she felt as if she were coming up from a deep dive into a pool. The light behind her eyelids brightened beckoning her to open them. Confused Cassandra opened her eyes and was met, not by the nothingness she was used to seeing, but by a head. A wonderfully familiar head of red hair that was under her hand. How? How could she be seeing this? She had died! Hadn't she? Cassandra looked up into his disbelieving eyes. "Peter...?" Peter stared at her not daring to hope, not daring to breathe. How? Peter touched his fingers to his lips then tentatively reached out and lightly brushed Cassandra's. "My kiss..." He whispered in awe. Cassandra was confused. Kiss? But before she could ask she was swept up into Peter's tight embrace. A strangled half laugh half sob escaped Peter's throat as he repeated her name over and over. He kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair. Cassandra was alive! Only a few moments ago Peter was in the depths of despair and now, now he could float on air! "Cassandra! Oh my Cassandra! My kiss saved you! Just like in your stories! I remembered your stories where the prince kisses the princess and she wakes up! I hoped against hope, but it worked! MY kiss saved you!"
Cassandra winced as Peter squeezed just a little too tight. Peter immediately stopped and looked down with worried eyes. Tiger Lily, who had just arrived, shoved Peter outof the room with the Lost Boys. All they could do now was wait. And wait. And wait. It had been at least two hours since Peter had left Cassandra and he couldn't take it anymore! Just as he was about to storm into the room, Tiger Lily came out. Peter hurried and ran to her. Tiger Lily laughed at Peter's eagerness. "Cassandra will be fine, and will heal very nicely. Now hold on!" Tiger Lily said restraining Peter. "She needs her rest to heal, you can see her tomorrow." Peter yanked his shoulder out of the Tiger Lily's grasp. "I need to see her now." Tiger Lily sighed knowing she wouldn't win this argument. "Be gentle with her." She said as she ushered Peter into the room. Cassandra was sitting up, propped by a few pillows. Her midsection was wrapped tightly in bandages, but her face held more color than it did when Peter brought her here. Upon seeing Cassandra, Peter's insides were now a tangled bunch of nerves. He had demanded to see her, and now that he did, Peter didn't know what to do. He wanted to run to her and just hold her until the stars fell down from the heavens, but he didn't know if she would allow him too. And he didn't want to hurt her. So Peter slowly walked towards Cassandra, her eyes following his every move. He knelt down beside her. Gently reaching his hand he cupped Cassandra's face and brushed his thumb over her cheek. Cassandra's breathing hitched at his nearness. And she looked into Peter's eyes. They were so full of emotions and some she had never seen before. Hurt, sorrow, anger, relief, joy, and something else. Something deeper, but she couldn't make out what it was. She knew what she hoped it would be, but hoping and reality are sometimes vastly different. "I lost you today." Peter choked out. Cassandra's heart broke. "Let's not focus on unhappy thoughts." She had to keep Peter from blaming himself. Her eyes brightened. "Why don't you tell me a story instead?" Peter looked a little surprised at the idea, but went along with it for Cassandra. Anything for Cassandra. "Once upon a time there was a girl. A brave, wonderful, beautiful girl, who had a very long name." Peter snickered as he scooted closer to Wendy. "And one day this girl met a boy. The most fantastic boy who ever lived!"
Cassandra rolled her eyes, but continued listening, interested to where this story would go. "When the boy saw the girl, he thought it would be fun to take her on an adventure. So he took her to his home. The girl changed this boy's life. She made the stars shine brighter and made life more exciting. The girl even taught him a few things." "Oh?" Cassandra said intrigued. Peter playfully shushed her and reached for her hand. "Yes, the girl taught the boy many things about bravery. About courage, loyalty, kindness…and the greatest thing he would ever learn." "And what was that?" Cassandra asked. Peter turned so he could look into Cassandra's eyes. He brought her hand up to his chest so she could feel his heart. "Love." It was a simple word but Oh! How much it meant to Cassandra. She was breathless. Peter leaned in closer till he was just a hairs breadth away. "I meant what I said back on the ship." Cassandra could hardly speak with him so close. "And…what was that?" Peter smiled "I think I love you." Cassandra smiled back playfully "You think?" Peter couldn't take it anymore. He closed the distance between them and placed a chaste but heart-fluttering kiss on Cassandra's lips. "I know."

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