Chapter Seven

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Peter's dark chocolate brown eyes gazed at the four inch tall girl sitting in his hands. She looked almost exactly like Wendy, Jane and Moria at that age; of course, she had the bright sky blue eyes and she had Wendy's hair and face, but she also had Moria's smile,and she had Jane's fierce spunk to top it off. Suddenly, masculine shouts came reverberating out of the doorway in the direction across from her and Peter. Peter instantly put his fingers over top of her and held her against him. At the same time he pulled out a dull, but deadly looking sword from it's hiding place. As the shadows and crashes began to rustle and roar furiously as the male shouts got closer. Cassandra felt Peter's body go completely still as every muscle in him seemed to tense. He was like a sleek poised cobra just waiting for the chance to strike.All at once the clambering of shouts began to get stronger and clearer as a ball of fur and human limbs burst through the trees and came tumbling to a mewling heap in the middle of the clearing floor. Peter's body slowly began to unwind as the ball quickly came undone and revealed a handful of teenage boys dressed in animal hides all screaming unintelligibly at the others. She couldn't get a very good look at them because they kept wrestling each other into a flailing heap of bodies on the ground. Peter stepped to the side and yelled in a low but sharp growl, "ATTENTION!" In an instant the screaming voices stopped and the boys gathered quickly to their feet to stand in a perfect military line-up, complete with right handed salutes. Now that they were silent and still she could see that there were exactly six of them. They were all very attractive looking though none of them were quite as striking or alluring as Peter. On the very end stood a boy wearing a fox hood on his own light blonde crown. The deep red hair of the fox's fur made a startling contrast against the bright golden strands of the boy's ear length wispy hair. Despite the daunting creature's pelt the boy was wearing on his head, the boy himself had a rather disarming appearance. He had a good natured smile that created two perfect dimples in his cheek bones that led up to two deep blue sparkling eyes. He was the tallest of all the boys, second tallest when compared with Peter but the body under the soft red fur of the fox onesie he had on was made up of lean corded muscle. Beside him and only a few inches shorter, was a pair of twins dressed in matching storm grey animal onesies​. Each one had a long raccoon tail dangling from a loop on their black leather belts. Everything about them was a perfect mirror of the other, same shaggy deep brown hair whose tips just reached their shoulders, with the same large unruly strand that fell limply in-between their same dark grey eyes, same medium-sized slim build, and they even had the same sharp focused expression on their attractive, yet stern faces. In the middle of the line was the largest in width size of the boys in a dark brown bear skin onesie. Others might mistake his girth for a bit of baby fat, but you could tell from the bulging muscles of his bodybuilder like arms that his stomach was all hardened muscle. He also had curly chestnut brown hair that feathered around his head in large soft waves. In spite of his massive frame he had a cute round face and droopy dark brown puppy dog eyes that made him (for a moment) seem harmless. Beside him was the medium-sized of the boys. He was all arms and legs, and although he was lean there was nothing awkward or lanky about him. He was about up to Peter's​ thighs in height, but was relaxed and comfortable in his own skin. His onesie was made out of a rabbit's fur and they wrapped around every inch of him like a second skin. He too was blonde, but his wasn't the bright gold shade of the boy with the fox onesie. Instead his was dirty sandy blonde that was cut in a fashion similar to Peter's but was much shorter. He had a grin that she might have called calming had she not seen Peter's, but since you had, this man's smile just looked rueful. She couldn't help, but notice that his emerald green eyes seemed to be laughing at some private joke. Next to him, and the very last in line, was the shortest and youngest looking of all the boys. In fact he was only up to Peter's knees in size .This boy was wearing a onesie fashioned from a skunk's fur that blended with his black hair and one of his light blue eyes seemed to sparkle. His face was soft and round, cherub cheeked, and overall delicately baby faced. Peter straightened, putting the sword into the holster tied to the belt around his waist. " Lost Boys, we have a new recruit with us." Upon hearing that, the boys looked at eachother excited, as if there hadn't been anyone new among them in ages. "Where is he, Peter?" the eldest Lost Boy asked. Peter shook his head, "Not 'he' Slightly. She," That got the boys's attention. A girl among them? Who was she? Where was she? And what was Peter holding? They watched as Peter moved his hand to his shoulder, and opened his hand. The looks of surprise and utter bewilderment crossed everyone's faces; sitting on Peter's shoulder was a tiny teenage girl dressed in jeans, sneakers and a white blank T-shirt. Her caramel brown hair in a low ponytail. "Now, let me introduce to you The Lost Boys," he said as his hand swept in a gesture to include the gaggle of boys in front of him. " This is Tootles," Tootles gave her a respectful bow before Peter turned to point at the tall boy beside him, "And this is Slightly," Slightly gave you a cocky smile and Peter continued down the line, "That's Cubby, and beside him are the Twins."  "Wait, a minute, don't the twins have names?" she interrupted before he could move on. "Oh yes, of course, there is First Twin and Second Twin." The twins gave a solemn curt nod. "That's their names?" she asked​ incredulously. "Uhm-hmm," Peter says simply and continues on pointing at the boy with the rabbit onesie, "And last, but not least this is Nibs, Men this is Cassandra. She is going to be living with us from now on and I expect you to treat her well." The boys started bouncing around Peter trying to get a good look at her, saying their 'hello's'.Cassandra smiled warmly at them, finding it extremely adorable when they called her 'mother'. Then they started shooting off ideas of what they should do first, but the answer was made clear when Cassandra's stomach growled, reminding her she hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday. "First food and rest, then adventure." The boys deflated a bit at Peter's order, but followed it nonetheless, heading to their bunks. Peter retrieved the box and went into his room. Moving the bear skin curtain aside and stepping in, Cassandra saw his room. Like the rest of the tree house, was round. The room was modest sized. A large double bed sat against the far right wall. There was also a long mahogany colored hammock hanging above a chest that must have been where Peter usually slept, a worn wooden dresser, a small fire pit, and most eye catching of all, a tall throne attached to the wall and carved from the very roots of the tree itself. The floor below was tidy and spotted here and there with fur skinned rugs. More of the Indian décor seeped in here as well. On the far wall was a tribal styled pendulum clock and to the left there was a large dark wooden bow mounted on the wall with a sheaf full of turkey feathered arrows propped underneath it. There wasn't as much light here as in the rest of the place. The dim setting made being in Peter's room feel intimate. "It's not much, but its home," he murmured softly, his lips brushing her ear lightly.He carefully removed her bed from the box and placed it on the empty nightstand before placing Cassandra there, sitting a chair as she munched on some food she had. when she finished, she went over to her bed ; with that he waited for her to get settled."Sleep well, Cassandra ." Peter softly whispered as he bent down and kissed her head, "I'll be right here, so don't worry." With that Peter settled into his bed, and soon settled into sleep; laying there a little listening to his rhythmic breathing before finally her poor, tired little eyes shut and she too was getting the rest her body so dearly needed.

 Neverland: The Most Wonderful AdventureUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum