AMBW - Jackson Wang

By purpleyounamjoon

24K 505 256

A 23 year old black girl is sent on a scholarship to korea by accident and there is nothing she can do about... More

AUTHORS NOTE - plz read


2.7K 59 50
By purpleyounamjoon

I had arrived at Jackson's share house and i sat on his bed as he put on a movie. i barely slept so as soon as you entered the blankets opposite the TV, i didn't think about how comfortable i was making myself. i was so tired that i  didn't even acknowledge whether i should be trusting Jackson. His roommate, Bambam was asleep on the other bed. Jackson had let me sleep and lie on the bed as he sat on the floor below. Within minutes, i was fully asleep.

Jackson got up at the end of the film to find me sleeping, and he himself needed to sleep, and the sofa was taken by JB who didn't have the strength to walk to his own. Jackson decided to leave a message on your phone. While i slept, he muted my phone, and texted me with his.

'Y/N, you fell asleep on my bed and I have nowhere else to sleep so I guess I had to sleep next to you. I don't want to hurt you, I just need to crash besides you. If you wake up and find me next to you, just know nothing happened, and I would never ever hurt you. I really just wanna protect you. So please get as much sleep as you want, and don't feel uncomfortable for even a sec. Jackson' 

(a/n ok im even crying this please protect jackson wang man do we deserve this guy or am i just making a fictional jackson wang angel. fr though if your man does this then i acc swear you better marry him and give him whatever he wants)

(you woke up lying in Jackson's chest like this/ 7.00am on Saturday morning)

I realized and slowly lifted my head to find Jackson sleeping. He was dead asleep but he still looked so good doing it. His hair was ruffled and as much as I was confused I put my head down and lay it on Jackson's chest once again to feel his hard abs and savor the moment. I bit my lip and for just a moment I thought about how it would feel to wake up like this everyday. I finally got up and left Jackson there to sleep, and slowly slipped out of his house taking my phone. I put in the code and entered in the dorm to find everyone sleeping. I slipped into my bed and found a message, from him on my phone from last night. Him. Jackson freaking Wang.

I read the message, and blushed. I could feel heat rise in my cheeks as I lay back in my bed. I felt like I had slept enough but I was still the only one awake in the whole house and I didn't know how to make anything. I decided to have a shower. I was ready at 8am and when I still found everyone sleeping I decided to go and take a tour of the local area. On my way, I took some pictures of the small streets.

It was when you started to walk back when I spotted men which were about 35 catcalling me. They were following me, speaking in Korean but i didn't want to assume they were talking about me because I didn't understand but when they whistled and cornered me then I knew something was up. My house was in the distance and I really wanted to just get to safety. 

'Hey girl', one of them said. 'You're pretty sexy', he said confidently. 

'Thank you', I swallowed, they're just being nice I told myself.

'How much for tonight? He held out a lot of cash, but I didn't know how much it was. I was shocked when his friend smacked my bum. I froze in fear. I tried to muster the words to say no but i was so scared. I didn't know what they could've done to me. I pushed them away and screwed them. There was a corner which I could've ran, and before I could think one of them said, money still in his hands, 'What do you say huh? It will be fun', he winked as the other laughed. I could feel tears drip from my eyes and when I closed them I heard a different voice.

'What the fuck you doing, touching my girl? Don't you not get enough pussy for yourself that you gotta go looking for others? I tell you what. You both better get the fuck out of my face before I deal with you both by myself, don't fucking underestimate me. Oh and if you come near my or my girl I will flatten your face, you hear me?' the familiar voice said. Your eyes were closed still, frozen in fear. You knew the men were gone so you opened your eyes.

Without saying anything, he pulled me close into a tight hug, holding my head into his chest. 

(a/n im actually crying jackson is actual daddy am i right)

'I am so sorry', he said as you cried into his chest, we held each other for another 2 minutes, and then walked home, a street away. 

'I should go in by myself', I said, conscious of the boy ban. 'Yeah, okay, um I guess I will see you', Jackson shyly said, still facing me, unaware of how to say goodbye. He sweetly kissed my cheek.

As I entered the house I saw Namchan, (remember? the girl that helped me unpack while the others were out and confessed her love for JB? Yeah that one) who sat me down on the sofa concerned and crossed her legs. 

'Y/N-ah are you ok?', she asked concerned. I could tell she knew something must have happened. I assumed nobody else was awake.

'Yeah, I'm ok. Is everyone else still sleeping? Its 9.30', you said, dismissing her concern.

'Yeah they're all still sleeping, its just me. I saw what happened outside, but since your okay we wont talk about it. But hey, you and Jackson huh?', she let out a cute lil laugh. 

'We're not dating. He just said that we are to protect me from those men. I met him before at the club though. Nothing happened, and he turned out to be a really nice guy. I don't know why I let him hold me like that I-'

she cut me off, moving to the kitchen getting some water and pouring me some too. 

'Y/N i don't care if you date Jackson. I am dating JB, and he is lowkey the hottest guy ever and he is a gentleman. As long as you don't tell anyone, then nobody cares. In fact, almost all the girls are dating the Holland boys as you could tell last night. Mark and Taeyeon have had issues with their relationship which is why i assume we cant date, but she shouldn't let her relationship affect anyone else really. I even slept with JB the other night.' she sipped her water.

'um ok...', i said sipping mine.

'Jackson is a good guy, and I'm sure you can fix his broken heart from his previous relationship. You guys will make a cute couple. Give him a chance. Even a drunk self can tell he is into you', she smiled, walking into her room, leaving me here smiling like an idiot.


(a/n thanks for reading I promise to have updated this story again by tonight so hang in there my dudes) also message me for any recommendations for this story

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