Trouble Maker...

By coopsaadvice

65.6K 1K 57

"Cause I'm a trouble maker," Rachel looks at her boyfriend as Jayden wraps his arms around Rachel's small si... More

Trouble Maker
O.| Everyone Hates Me
Act One
Chapter One: The Purple Piano Project {1}
2.| Where's Quinn?
3.| It's Not Unusual
Chapter One: The Purple Paino Project {2}
Chapter Two: I Am A Unicorn {1}
4.| Definitely Not Smart
5.| Vocal Adrenaline
6.| Booty Camp!
7.| Angelic Kisses
Chapter Two: I Am A Unicorn {2}
Chapter Three: Asian F {1}
8.| You're Late
9.| Last Minute Auditions
10.| So, What Dream Did You Let Go Of
11.| Lights Will Guide You Home
Chapter Three: Asian F {2}
Chapter Four: Pot O' Gold {1}
12.| Original Members
13.| Last Friday Night T.G.I.F
14.| U2's over-rated
Chapter Four: Pot O' Gold {2}
Chapter Five: The First Time {1}
15.| Cooter Mankins
16.| Trying To Make It Right
17.| Losing Rachel's Vigrinity
Chapter Five: The First Time {2}
Chapter Six: Mash Off {1}
18.| I Guess I Just Dig Van Halen
19.| Fighting Against The TroubleTones
20.| Vote 'Jayden and Kurt For President And Vice-President'
Chapter Six: Mash-Off {2}
Chapter Seven: I Kissed A Girl {1}
21.| Principal Figgins's Office
22.| 'Lady's Music Week'
23.| Again To Principal's Figgins Office
Chapter Seven: I Kissed A Girl {2}
Chapter Eight: Hold Onto Sixteen {1}
24.| We Can't Do This Without Sam
25.| Sam Is Back
26.| Competing at Sectionals
Chapter Eight: Hold Onto Sixteen {2}
Chapter Nine: Extraordinary Merry Christmas {1}
27.| The Best Christmas Ever!
28.| Extraordinary Merry Christmas
Chapter Nine: Extraordinary Merry Christmas {2}
Chapter Ten: Yes/No {1}
29.| Summer Nights
30.| The Proposal Idea
31.| Swimming Pool Themed Proposal
Chapter Ten: Yes/No {2}
Chapter Eleven: Micheal {1}
32.| Starting Something
33.| Blaine's Eye Injury
34.| Work This Out
Chapter Eleven: Micheal {2}
Chapter Twelve: The Spanish Teacher {1}
35.| La cacaracha
36.| Santana's sexy outfit
Chapter Twelve: The Spanish Teacher {2}
Chapter Thirteen: Heart {1}

1.| Shalom, blogsphere!

3.3K 47 1
By coopsaadvice

1.| Shalom, blogosphere!

Cheap Thrills - Sia
"Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight (I love cheap thrills!), baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight (I love cheap thrills!), but I don't need no money, as I long as I can feel the beat, I don't need no money, as long as I keep dancing,"


Jayden walked through the corridor with Rachel under his arm when she had gotten a text from Kurt, Rachel looked up at Jayden as he kissed her before she went into the choir room.

Jayden opened his locker to hear Jacob Ben Israel down the corridor with his camera man, "shalom, blogosphere! Jacob Ben Israel here at McKinley high. Sudden death big stakes senior year-" Jayden tried to get his books out of his locker quicker when one of his books got stuck, "who will succeed and who will fail?"

Jacob came towards Jayden as he finally got out his chemistry book with his letterman jacket as he put his bag straps onto his broad shoulders, "Jayden Collins, mediocre quarterback, mediocre glee club lead and also Jayden has a brother named Johnny who's just a defender and also in glee club,"

Jayden looks around when he couldn't find anyone to get Jacob away from him, "what do you wanna be when you grow up?" Jacob puts the microphone on Jayden, "well, I want to go into directing or being a music producer, but mom probably would want me to go to Stanford or Harvard,"

Jacob frowned at Jayden, "oh,"


Mike saw Jayden down the corridor with Jacob Ben Isream, he was about to walk away when Jacob came towards Mike, Artie and Tina with Jayden next to him, "my mom still hasn't decided if I'm going to Harvard or Stanford yet." Tina fixed Mike's collar of his shirt.

Jayden rolled his eyes at Mike's response but Jayden knew Mike's parents and his brother as their parents were friends in the lawyer business as they wanted both Mike and Jayden with Johnny to follow in there footsteps, "and where are you applying?"

Tina looked at both Jayden and Mike, "I'm not, I'm only a junior, Seniors-" Tina pointed to both Jayden and Mike before pointing at herself and Artie, "junior, junior,"

Artie waved as Jayden just smiled at the wheelchair boy, "Hello," Jacob crouched down to Artie, "I thought you were a senior,"

Artie smiled as Jayden just rolled his eyes behind Jacob, "optical illusion. The chair adds a year." Jacob Ben Israel nods as he then walked away from the 4 teens.

Jayden let out a breath, "thank god, he's gone," Mike smiled at his best friend, "I know right, so you coming around for dinner again tonight?" Jayden smirked at Mike, "I don't know have to ask my mom but I'll let you know,"


Jayden shifted in his seat as his brother sat beside him, "Jayden, where were you? we had a tutor today remember?" Johnny furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Jayden, "Jay-Jayden,"

Jayden looked at his brother, "do you think mom will find out that I didn't go to the tutor?" Johnny looks a his brother, "you know Mrs. Brown, she will tell mom she always tell mom and she started shouting at me about he you weren't there,"

Jayden sighed as everyone was crowding around the trophies, "Mr. Schue why are all of our trophies in the middle of the room?"

Tina nodded as Brittany looked at Mr. Schue, "I was sure that our nationals trophy would grow during the summer,"

Rachel came beside Jayden as she sat underneath his arm as she grabbed his hand and put it over her shoulders, "I want this image to burn into your mind, this what the difference between first and 12th place looks like, and it's also what it feels like,"

Puck who walked past Mr. Schue, fist bumped Jayden as he went past the couple, "are you planning on bumming us out all year long?" Mr. Schue looks at Puck, "no, I'm planning pushing you harder then you've ever been pushed, we made it to nationals last year, this year, I'm not gonna to let anything or anyone stop us from winning it all, I let you guys down last year, I lost focus, let some Broadway pipe dream get in the way,"

Rachel looked at Mr. Schue, "and we're really sorry that the guy who replaced you in April Rhodes' musical won the Tony, i mean, I can only imagine your regret,"

Mercedes looked at the couple, "yeah, you know what I regret? Being the laughing stock of the show choir world." Artie cringed, "and that's saying something,"

Kurt looked at Artie and Mercedes, "Mercedes has a point. Jayden and Rachel's 'The kiss that kissed' already has 20,000 views on YouTube, and the comment sections is just full of pithy banter like 'Why is that handsome boy kissing the Jew?"

Jayden looked at Kurt and everyone else, "how many times do we have to apologise?" Rachel just smiled at her boyfriend, Lucy looked at Finn as Finn was smiling at her, "Yeah, no more apologies,"

Jesse looked at the two of them, as Lucy started dating Finn, she's literally like had no time for him anymore, he actually missed his sister.

Mike who was sat beside Mercedes and Lucas who was getting a shoulder message by Tina, "the school hates us even more now,"

Mr. Schue switched off a light, "which is why we have to work even harder this year to recruit new members, we're three man down,"

Santana looked at Mr. Schue, "yeah, only because Johnny couldn't convince Lizzie to stay," Johnny looked at Santana, "her family was moving away to Washington, what was I supposed to do,"

Santana looked at Johnny, "kiss her or convince her to stay like you almost did before she left," Johnny glared at Santana, "she was the one that went far, far away,"


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