
By nccruz16

4.5K 139 3

Olivia is a glass ceiling breaking filipina-american celebrity. Once a child star, now a well renowned singer... More

Chapter 1 - Olivia
Chapter 2 - Abby
Chapter 3 - Olivia
Chapter 4 - Olivia
Chapter 5 - Abby
Chapter 6 - Olivia
Chapter 7 - Abby
Author's Note
Chapter 8 - Olivia
Chapter 9 - Abby
Chapter 10 - Olivia
Chapter 11 - Abby
Chapter 12 - Olivia
Chapter 13 - Abby
Chapter 14 - Olivia
Chapter 15 - Abby
Chapter 16 - Olivia
Chapter 17 - Abby
Chapter 18 - Olivia
Chapter 19 - Abby
Chapter 20 - Olivia
Chapter 21 - Abby
Chapter 22 - Olivia
Chapter 23 - Abby
Chapter 24 - Olivia
Chapter 25 - Abby
Chapter 26 - Olivia
Chapter 27 - Abby
Chapter 28 - Olivia
Chapter 29 - Abby
Chapter 30 - Olivia
Chapter 31 - Abby
Chapter 32 - Olivia
Chapter 33 - Abby
Chapter 34 - Olivia
Chapter 35 - Abby
Chapter 36 - Olivia
Chapter 37 - Abby
Chapter 38 - Olivia
Chapter 39 - Abby
Chapter 40 - Olivia
Chapter 42 - Olivia
Chapter 43 - Abby
Chapter 44 - Olivia
Chapter 45 - Abby
Chapter 46 - Olivia
Chapter 47 - Abby
Chapter 48 - Olivia
Chapter 49 - Abby
Chapter 50 - Olivia
Chapter 51 - Abby
Chapter 52 - Olivia
Chapter 53 - Abby
Chapter 54 - Olivia
Chapter 55 - Abby
Chapter 56 - Olivia
Chapter 57 - Abby
Chapter 58 - Olivia
Chapter 59 - Abby
Chapter 60 - Olivia

Chapter 41 - Abby

55 3 0
By nccruz16

Liv and I haven't spoken all day, we delivered our lines and did our scenes together but outside of that, there's been a cold front, on both our ends. I know Liv, she's being stubborn and thinks she's right. She thinks I was way out of line threatening to walk out on her if she didn't do a better job at balancing her work life and me. She hasn't made much of an effort. She's still spending hours on set (granted it's with me but still), every spare minute studying, and answering emails and business calls. I know I'm right, I shouldn't have said I would walk out on her but I know Liv knows that she isn't trying harder to balance everything out.

"YO! Little Bambina! What's up with you and my bestest?" Nick said jumping into the chair next to me.

"Nothing, why?" I deflect.

"Uhhh yes there is. You could cut a knife with the tension on this set."

"I'm not telling you, you'll just side with her, everyone does."

"Oh, come on. That's not true...try me! Come on! I love hearing about other people's love life problems, reminds me that I'm single and alone."

"No, Nick. I'm not telling you what's wrong. Not that there's anything wrong," I shoot my eyes back at him.

"Lie all you want, little lady. I know. What is it? Another guy? Girl? You realize she's a pain in the ass to live with?" Nick guesses bringing his index finger to his chin. "Oh! Is it the sex? Is it bad? Oh...it's my brother isn't it?"

"Keep guessing all you want, Nick, I'm still not going to tell you!" I sing and continue to read my sides.

Nick picks up his chair so it's directly in front of mine with very little space between us, so close our knees keep bumping, "Ohh...it's work, she do something here? Is it me? Derek? Me and Derek? What about school? All the traveling back and forth to New York too much?"

I flinch because Nick is definitely getting warmer.

"Mmm, it's school and work...she's working too much, isn't she? IT IS!!!" he says wagging his index finger up and down and in my face. "DSMN is over, you'll get your girl back. It's always like this, every year, Abby."

"She's not making any effort to try and balance her work life and personal life more! None whatsoever!" I finally cave, dropping my sides on my lap and bumping our knees together.

"She's trying, she wouldn't risk you for it. Believe me, she's trying. Are you? Are you trying to be understanding?"

I shoot him a look and he puts his hands up, "I'm not siding with her! I'm trying to see both sides."

"What am I not being understanding of? I understand that this is her life, that she's Olivia Riviera..."

"Exactly, this is her life. Liv has never not juggled a ton of shit all at once. She is Olivia Riviera, she has to calculate every move because she's the face of every Asian-American female that's trying to make it in this world. She's ever-growing, always striving, always wanting..."

"But at what cost, Nick?"

"No cost, she's doing what she needs to in order to make it in this world. She has to try 10x harder than everyone else in the world because she's different from everyone else. The whole world doubts her, they don't see her the way they see me or you because of the color of her skin and now her sexuality. I know she gets consumed by it all, but it's our job -- your job to bring her back."

"I understand..."

"I'm not siding with her but this is something she would never say or she doesn't even realize this about herself. I definitely understand how you feel, I was right there listening to Lucas. It's not easy being with Liv and I'll talk to her if you want. You just have to be strong enough and most of all, secure enough with yourself to let her do her thing."

"Thanks, Nick." I hug him and I have a better understanding of Liv and her relationship with her work.

Nick scoots himself back and puts the chair he was sitting in back where it originally was, "so are you not going to ask me about my love life?" Nick looks over and smirks.

"What love life? You're too hot for your own good," I laugh picking up my sides and going over them again.

"Ouch!!! That hurts me, I just solve your relationship problem and that's what I get?" he shakes his head.

"Fine, how is your love life, Nick?"

"Non-existent, you got any friends you want to introduce me to?" he laughs.

"Ugh!" I roll my eyes.

By the end of the day, I've cooled down significantly. So much so I've kind of forgotten why I was so upset but it was still pretty chilly in the land of Olivia. I make sure to still give Liv her space. We wrap at the end of the day and I make my way to my trailer to change out of wardrobe. I finish and try my best to stall because it's going to be an awkward drive home. I eventually make my way out and head to our parked car, I turn the corner and there is Liv, looking as cool and sexy as ever leaning against the car seemingly waiting for me. I stop and admire the sight, biting my lower lip. She's standing there with her legs crossed and her arms folded across her chest. I start walking towards her and the car and she walks back towards me. My girl extends her right arm out to me to grab a hold of, I place my hand in hers and she drapes it over my shoulder with our hand still interlocked.

"I can't lose you, munch," Liv says quietly, kissing me on the head.

"I'm not going anywhere, baby," I say after she lets me into the car.


"Why would you do that? Why would you try to drop out of the program without talking to me first?" I yell at Liv while she's sitting on our couch, pouting like a little kid being scolded.

"Because..." she says under her breath.

"BECAUSE WHAT, OLIVIA? Why? We're in this together. We're in this relationship together -- it's you and me, when are you gonna realize that?"

"Because! So many of my problems — our problems can be solved by this one decision!" Olivia shouts back.

"No! But at what cost, Olivia? Look, I get it now. I get why you work so hard and why you do so much...you always feel like you need to prove something. You're always striving for more, wanting to learn. I never realized that you have to work ten times harder than anyone else because you're Filipino. Everything you do you need to calculate because you're Olivia Riviera so many hopes and dreams rest in your hands. You get consumed by your work, but it's my job to bring you back," I repeat what I learned from Nick.

"Abby..." she says but I put up my hand so I can finish.

"I'm not saying after today I'll be good and always understanding of your workload but this is new to me and I'm learning, so I'm going to get mad. I'm going to throw fits..."

"You threw pillows at me again," she said with a crooked brow.

"I'm going to throw things...but you're going to have to throw back. Fight me, it's what I need. I need someone to spar with, baby."

"Throw back huh?"

"Only if they're pillows, Olivia!" I laugh and sit on her lap.

"Call Dr. Porter and tell him you had a lapse of judgment and aren't going to give up your spot!"

"Yes, munch," she says as she kisses my jaw and down my neck. Sucking and nipping at the tender flesh.

Liv is sucking hard now on the base of my neck, I moan but then I realize what she's doing. "Liv! No!" I try and stop her but she's gripping my wrist.

Before I know it Liv is putting all her weight on me tickling my sides so much that I don't know what to do with myself, "baby! Baby! Stop! Stop! I can't breathe!! OH MY GOD!!"

I can't budge because my girl is on top of me pinning me down.

"Stop what? I'm just sitting..."

"Olivia! I can't! Stop!!! Okay! Okay! You win! I surrender!!"


It's officially a season one wrap on our TV show and as sad as I am to be leaving NoLa and all the memories we made here, I am more than pleased to be going back home to LA. Liv and I have decided to sell my house since I'm moving into her house, there's no rush to get rid of my place but it is on the market. It's my first house in LA but it's not my home anymore. My home is wherever Liv is.

Liv decided she couldn't be away from home for any longer than she already has and is just going to continue to fly back and forth to NYC but definitely stay longer than a weekend like when we were in NoLa.

We land back in LA and are parked in front of our home. Our. Home. Neither of us have seen the house since the renovation started aside from pictures and FaceTime sessions with the designer and Angie.

"You ready to see our home?" she asks me.


We open the doors and let the dogs run in first. The house looks completely different on the first floor! It looks like an entirely new home! Our home. I can't stop saying that enough! This is OUR HOME! Not going to lie, before there were hints of Lucas here and there but now, it screams Olivia and...me! I chose a lot of these changes! These were things I wanted in my dream home! Wow!

Both of us are stunned by how the house turned out! The landscaping in the back is fantastic and the dogs love it! We rush upstairs to see the changes to the closet we made so all of our stuff could fit and it's every girl's dream closet!

We sit in our new living room and exhaled deeply.

"Was it worth it? The wait? The stress? Not being in your own home?"

"Definitely!" Olivia smiled at me. "Ohh you know what all this new stuff means?"

"What, baby?" I hum softly.

Olivia brought her lips softly against mine, pressing slightly. She pulled them apart again, then back together, harder this time, sucking gently. I opened my mouth and flicked my tongue out, licking tentatively. When Liv opened her mouth and closed her lips around it, I moaned.

Liv cupped her hand on the back of my neck and held me as we kissed. She moved her mouth to my neck, just below my ear -- my spot. She took my earlobe and sucked on it lightly. Then she bit down, skimming her palm across my thigh at the same time.

I gasped and my girl chuckled. She traced her tongue around my ear.

"The old-new house needs to be christened," she whispered into my ear.

She closed her hand around my thigh, digging her fingers into my flesh. My mouth was open and I was panting.

"Mmmm, baby," I whimpered.

Liv chuckled as she sealed her mouth over mine, pushing her tongue in deeply. She slid her hand up my thighs and brushed her fingertips over my yoga pants. I quickly got up off the couch and impulsively ran outside to our newly re-done backyard with bed like chaises.

Liv chased me out and when I turned, she grabbed me by the waist and dropped me down onto the chaise, her mouth on mine, hungrily.

Liv gave a throaty chuckle. She had both of her hands on my biceps, holding me back.

"You said you needed someone to spar it. Spar with me, Abby," she said with a laugh as I tried to press into her.

"Let go and we will," I hissed.

I grunted in frustration, pulling at Liv's clothes. Liv wasn't helping at all. In fact, her resistance and her taunting was just making me wetter and more turned on by the minute.

It wasn't long before my mouth was back on her again. Liv put her hand on my breast, crushing against it, feeling my nipple, already stiff against the fabric of my shirt, pressing it into her palm, she twisted it.

I groaned and pressed kisses up Liv's neck again. I wanted to touch Liv but she wasn't having it.

Olivia grabbed me around the waist, spinning me around in front of her. I squealed and laughed.

"No fair," I fussed, squirming, pushing at Liv's hands.

"Everything is fair, munch," she told me, holding me tightly around the waist and pressing her lips to my neck. "Fuck, you're so fucking hot."

Liv's hands were on both of my breasts now, kneading firmly through the fabric of my shirt.

"You're...killing...me," she hissed, rolling her hips into my ass as she pinched and pulled at my nipples.

I moaned so deeply.

I leaned my head back into Olivia's shoulder and panted hard. Liv had me so wound up I might explode with the slightest push. Liv slid her tongue across my neck and then bit down.

"Ooohh," I groaned. "Shit."

Liv pressed her hand down between my legs and squeezed.

"Ahhh," I cried out and slammed my eyes shut.

"So wet," Olivia said, slipping her fingers under the waistband of my yoga pants and panties easing into hot stickiness. She pushed down and coated her fingers, letting her index finger trace circles around but not slipping it inside her. I was desperately thrusting my hips up, wanting more, and making breathy, whimpering sounds.

"Is this what you're trying to get?" Liv asked, easing two fingers up inside me slowly, making sure I felt it, needed it and wanted more.

"Yes, mmm, yes," I groaned. "Baby, please."

"Please what?" Olivia teased.

"Just," I urged. "More. Touch me, more."

"Like this?" Olivia asked, swiping her thumb lightly across my swollen clit.

I whimpered and pushed into her hand.

"Uh uh, yeah. Again, do it again," I pleaded.

"This?" Olivia asked, pressing her thumb against my clit. "Or this?" she said, thrusting her fingers deeper, wiggling them. "Or maybe this?" Liv did both at the same time, feeling my body's reaction immediately.

"Fuck, yes," I gasped, grabbing at her, and Liv smirked.

"I don't know," my lady said, acting conflicted. "Maybe I should just stop now."

I groaned so loudly the dogs head's may have turned outside.

She pulled her hand away, gave me a loud, sucking kiss on my neck and let me go.

"I'm going upstairs," she told me. With that, she dropped her clothes to the floor and slipped off her bra, tossing it at me.

She walked away, leaving me stunned and throbbing staring after her.

"I can't believe that you just did that," I fumed, walking up into our bedroom to find Olivia lounging on the bed. She had kicked off her shoes, but was still wearing her thong panties.

"Why?" she asked coyly. "I'm just giving you what you want, munch."

I scoffed and dumped her clothes that I picked up off the floor onto a chair.

Olivia got up and came up behind me. She swept my hair away from my neck and pressed her lips against it.

She took off the rest of my clothes and they pooled into the floor at my feet.

Liv ran her fingers up my naked back and my breathing went ragged. She feathered kissed across my shoulder blades and brought her hands around and raked her nails across my stomach. The muscles went taut, quivering beneath her fingers.

She hooked her fingers in the back of my panties and slowly dragged them down, dropping down behind me to pull them off. Liv slid her hand up the inside of my leg, trailing it up higher and higher. She drug her tongue up the back of my thigh, following her hand. She planted a soft kiss on my ass cheek and stood up, leaving her hand just resting on my inner thigh.

She slipped her hand up, grazing it across my soaked center and I whimpered. When she trailed it up, lingering and teasing between my cheeks, I gasped. Liv laughed and swirled her tongue inside my ear and I moaned.

Olivia's hand wrapped around my waist and smoothed across my stomach, while her other hand palmed over my breasts, grazing across my peaked nipples, before closing over one.

"I want to make you come, munch," Olivia said, nuzzling against my face. "What do you want?"

Olivia's fingers closed over my nipple, toying with it, squeezing and twisting, sending sparks jumping straight to my throbbing clit.

"God, that," I panted out. "That's what I want. Fuck me, Olivia."

Olivia turned me around and kissed me hard, she backed me up until my thighs hit the chaise and then she pushed me down on the cushion. I scrambled backward as Liv slid her panties off and climbed onto the chaise. She caught me around the ankle and tugged me back, hard. I sprawled flat on my back, and Liv was on top of me, kissing me roughly. My mouth, my neck, Liv's lips and her tongue were everywhere. She pushed a knee up between my thighs and felt me slide wetly down against it.

"Grind all you want," she told me. "But don't you dare come."

I grunted in frustration.

"You'll come because I make you and when I make you," Liv told me. She grabbed a breast, holding it and closed her lips around the swollen nipple, lapping, then sucking, then biting down. I took a shuddering breath and wound my hand in her hair. Liv took the other breast in her hand and did the same – licking, sucking, biting at this one while still tweaking on the nipple of the other.

The whole time I was rocking myself back and forth up and down Liv's thigh.

She took my hand and put it on own her breast. I squeezed.

"Good girl," she husked, pushing into her fingers, then she put her mouth back over my nipple, sucking. She knew I liked it because her thigh got wetter and I rocked faster. When I start making whimpering sounds Olivia pulled her knee away.

"No," I whined. "It was..."

"Stop," Liv told me and she rolled me over on my stomach. She put her hands underneath me and lifted me up on my knees. She nudged my legs apart and moved up between them. She reached around and gripped my thighs, spreading my legs wider apart. She ran her hands up my body, across my breast and then back down over my stomach and ghosting over her sex.

"Down, munch," she said and put her hand on my back, pushing me down onto her hands. She licked hotly up my back and then moved away.

The anticipation was killing me. I could feel Liv's breath on me and longed for her to touch me. When I felt Liv's cheek brush against the inside of my thigh I almost came apart. When I felt her tongue swipe wetly across my waiting clit, I groaned loudly and dropped my head onto the mattress. When I felt Liv flatten her tongue and drag it back and back and back, licking me... everywhere I gasped, jerked and came undone hard, spilling wetly down my thighs. Liv grabbed me around the waist with one arm before my legs gave out.

I was still clenching when she thrust her fingers inside me, tweaking over my sweet spot until I was writhing all over again. She pulled them away and replaced them with her tongue, she licked deeply inside me while her fingers stroked firmly up and down her clit.

I was moaning almost none stop now. Liv moved her tongue up to my clit and reached both hands up to grab my firm breasts. She pinched my nipples while she sucked my swollen clit and I rolled my head into the pillow, pushing back against Liv's mouth.

"Oh, so close, make me..." she whined "baby, please..."

Liv brought her teeth down on my clit and I felt everything swim and tighten and then warm, sweet waves washed over me as she eased her tongue back inside me, coaxing me up, up and over. It seemed as though I fell forever, Liv never let me touch the ground before she'd pull me back up all over again.

Finally, Olivia pulled her mouth and her arm away and I flattened out against the mattress like so much liquid. Liv sat back and looked at me, running her hands over the back of my thighs, the curves of my ass and my back, smiling.

I lay quietly for a good while, then put my hand out, feeling for my girl. I turned my head and saw her sitting, legs crossed, just staring at me. I turned over and Olivia smiled at me.

"Happy move-in day, munch," Liv giggled.


"You know, eventually we need to get the rest of your stuff from your house and move your furniture into storage or sell it...we can't stay holed up and naked forever," Liv says, laying on the floor of our newly remodeled living room very naked and very sleepy.

"I know, maybe later," I suggest crawling on all fours to snuggle up next to my girl, our hot sticky body's touching.

"Mitchi, no! It's hot! Ah! No, here comes the other two monsters!" Liv whines as her dogs climb all over the two of us probably thinking we're playing, we were but not we're trying rebound.

"It's too hot in here," I whine and get up to separate myself from all that body heat. "Let's go to my place and figure out all my stuff."

"Ugh I need energy! Sustenance! Munch...you wore me out, please..." she whines, raising an arm up and reaching for me like it was her dying breath.

"I'll make you lunch then we shower and go!" I bend over and seal my deal with her with a kiss. "Deal is sealed. You gotta do it."

I get up and look for at least a shirt to wear and panties and head to the kitchen to make us lunch.

After we're refueled and clean I drive us to my little house. We walk in and the house feels like home but not really anymore. For some reason, I always instantly felt comfortable at Liv's. Don't get me wrong, I made my house my home but now that I live with Liv, I really feel at home.

"What do you wanna do with all the furniture? We can pack up all your clothes and put them in the new closet," Olivia says walking around examining all my stuff.

"What would you do? I bought all this stuff, I don't know how I feel about it just sitting in storage but we also don't need it at your place since you got all new furniture..."

"I would sell it with the house but keep the stuff I like and know would want again sometime in the future, like that outdoor table you had custom built," she points outside to the giant wooden table I fell in love with when I saw at some lumber yard.

"You're right, I think that's the only thing I would keep, to be honest, oh and that pink velvet chair just because it's gorgeous!"

"Should I get the boxes for all your clothes out of your trunk or do you want to wait?" She heads for the door.

"We can start packing," and I walk in the opposite direction of Olivia into my spare room with all my memorabilia from the show that I kept, all my Monty memories. "What am I going to do with you, Monty?"

I hear Liv open the door and there's a sign of struggle so I go out and help, remembering my dream with Monty about letting him go.

"Do you think there's space in the house for some of my stuff from that spare room?" I try not to say Monty's stuff but Liv already knows.

"Of course there is, sweetheart. The whole house is yours. If you want to put up Monty's drum set you totally can. We can put it next to my Granny's piano," she smiles sweetly.

I smile back at her because I realize this must not be easy for Liv, to live in the shadow of my dead boyfriend. To me, she's not, but everyone, even if it's just a little, compares themselves to their partner's ex.

We spend the next three or four hours carefully packing up my stuff I want to take with me and before we know it my living room is full of things, I didn't even realize I had so much stuff.

"This isn't going to fit in your car, munch. Maybe if I bring my car and maybe my parents SUV. We should just have everyone we know with big cars come and just help us transport all your stuff," she jokes.

"Perfect. I'll start calling...call your brother to bring the cars over!"

"What?? I was joking...munch! Wait! That's ridiculous! Let's just get movers! Hello???" Olivia says but I'm too busy making phone calls already.

It takes four cars to get all of my stuff back to Olivia's. She said we should have just had movers come but this was more fun, now we have our friends and family over for a BBQ to come see the house after all the renovations!

"Wait, so you're putting your house on the hills on the market?" Kasey says shocked.

"Yeah, we thought about selling it or renting it out to Angie and Jeff but they had already found a place by then..." I begin to explain.

"...the offer still stands though, Jeff!" Olivia adds. "We can rent it out for dirt cheap for that area!" She entices.

"Give us 2-5 business days to discuss this offer," Jeff says half-jokingly.

"That pizza was SO good, Abby! I think barbecued pizza is going to be my new favorite thing," Shann says licking her fingers clean.

"Yeah, all the food was great, you guys, thanks for inviting us," says Kevin's friend Sam.

"Sam! Can you just like, date my brother already?" Olivia jokes even though we all know she's not because she loves Sam.

"I have a boyfriend already, plus Kevin and I are just friends."

"Boo!!! But then we can go on family vacations! They're always fun! It's like when the Kardashians go on their vacations, only a little less bougie and no filming," she laughs.

"Hey! Speaking of vacation, why don't you two come with me and Mateo this weekend to Santa Barbara! There's this great hotel just in the water and there's horseback riding! It's great!" Shann ask me and Olivia.

"This weekend?" Olivia hesitantly asks.

I can see she's thinking about the school work she has been avoiding to spend these last few days with me, "I don't know about this weekend, Shann, thanks though."

"No, I think we should go," Olivia says surprising me with her answer, is she putting work off to spend time with me and her best friend? She's actually working to balance everything! I'm impressed!

"Are you sure?" I ask my girl quietly.

"Yeah, peaches! We'll be there! Send me all the info!"

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