Forever and Ever (Ryan x Gold...

By Fanfictioner72418

46.2K 699 622

After the daycare is closed down for a year, and Tina leaves for a while, only Goldy, Ryan, and UnicornMann s... More

Chapter 1 - Ryan
Chapter 2 - Goldy
Chapter 3 - Ryan
Chapter 4 - Goldy
Chapter 5 - Ryan
Chapter 6 - Goldy
Chapter 7 - Ryan
Chapter 8 - Goldy
Chapter 9 - Ryan
Chapter 11 - Ryan
Chapter 12 - Goldy
Chapter 13 - Ryan
Chapter 14 - Goldy
Chapter 15 - Ryan
Chapter 16 - Goldy
Chapter 17 - Ryan
Chapter 18 - Goldy
Chapter 19 - Ryan
Chapter 20 - Goldy
Chapter 21 - Ryan
Chapter 22 - Goldy
Chapter 23 - Ryan
Chapter 24 - Goldy
Chapter 25 - Ryan
Chapter 26 - Goldy
Chapter 27 - Ryan
Chapter 28 - Goldy
Chapter 29 - Ryan
Chapter 30 - Goldy
Chapter 31 - Ryan
Announcement 2
Chapter Hang on, I'm losing track, it's 32 - Goldy
Chapter I'm about to give up on numbers 33 - Ryan
More Announcementsssssssss
Chapter Something - Goldy
Chapter 35 - Ryan
Chapter 35 Part 2 - Ryan
Chapter 36 - Goldy
Chapter 37 - Ryan
Chapter 38 - Goldy
Chapter 39 - Ryan
Chapter 40 - Goldy
Chapter 41 - Ryan
Chapter 42 - Goldy
A/N (LOL It's not an update)
Chapter 43 - Ryan
Chapter 44 - Goldy
Chapter 45 - Ryan
Chapter 46 - Goldy
Chapter 47 - Goldy
Chapter 48 - Ryan
Chapter 49 - Goldy
Chapter 50 - Ryan
Chapter 51 - Goldy
I've been tagged (Intense screeching)
Chapter 52 - Ryan
Chapter 53 - Goldy
Chapter 54 - Ryan AND Goldy
Chapter 55 - Ryan
Chapter 56 - Ryan
Chapter 57 - Goldy
Chapter 58 - Ryan
Chapter 59 - Goldy
Chapter 60 - Goldy again

Chapter 10 - Goldy

1.1K 16 5
By Fanfictioner72418

Not gonna lie, I was pretty tired from all of that running and gymnastics. But of course, I wouldn't let it show. "LUNCH!!!" Sabre yelled. "I'm HUNGRY!" I laughed. The clock read 11:00. "Already?" Ryan asked. "There's never a wrong time to eat cheese!" Sabre pointed out. Cookie giggled, and Sabre blushed, but kept to his point. "Or other food!" He finished. "I agree with Sabre," Tina said. "This tiger's hungry!" "See, this girl knows what I'm talking about!" Sabre grinned. "Ok, fine. Let's eat lunch. But I have a special place in mind..." Ryan conceded. "Oooh! Where? Where? Where?" I asked. Ryan smiled at me. "You'll just have to wait and see." "UGH! That's my least favorite thing to do!" I laughed. "To the portal then!" Ryan announced. We all ran to the portal room. "Okay! 3... 2... 1..." Ryan started. "Gooooo!" All of us shouted, and ran into the portal.

"AaaaaaAHHHH!" We all yelled, with the exception of Sabre. He just sighed and said: "Ahh," in a voice devoid of emotion. I looked at him, then at Ryan. "Eh, he's done this stuff before," Ryan said. I grinned. "Ok then!" I finally looked at my surroundings. I gasped. "We're at a beach!" I exclaimed. "This is my favorite place!" I looked at Ryan, who was smiling at me eagerly. We walked down to the shore near the water. Ryan pulled out a stack of picnic blankets, and lay the first one down on the ground. I rushed to help him. Finally, we set them all down in a huge square. That's when Ryan pulled out a couple picnic baskets. I stared at him. "You pulled ALL of that out of your pocket?" I asked. Ryan winked at me. "Magic mode." He whispered. "Ohhhh!" I winked back.

       Ryan spread out all of the stuff he packed. Sandwiches, muffins, cookies, and fruit. We all sat down. I grabbed a muffin, and Ryan did the same. We giggled. "Let's play truth or dare!" I suggested, swallowing a piece of my food. "Okay!" Cookie said, nibbling on a cookie. I almost laughed at the irony. One by one, everyone agreed. "I'll start," I said. "Ryan. Truth or dare?" "Dare!" Ryan exclaimed. I smiled evilly. "I dare you... to go jump into the waves." I told him. Ryan grinned, and took off toward the water. He jumped straight in, no regrets. Then, he ran back with a beam on his face. "Okay, Unicorn, truth or dare?" Ryan asked. "I'll say... truth!" Unicorn replied. "Ok. Is it true that you have Lizzy-bots in your basement?" He asked. I glared at Ryan. "You're cutting it close, Ryan!" I whispered.
"He still doesn't know we were in there!" UnicornMann probably blushed - I couldn't tell through his mask. "Yes." He answered. Lizzy smiles at him, her cheeks slightly pink. "That's sweet," Lizzy told him. Unicorn smiled. "Thanks, Lizzy. Ok... Tina. Truth or dare?" He asked.

        "Dare!" She exclaimed. "I dare you... to... walk on your hands as far as you can go down the beach!" Unicorn suggested. "Okay!" She said. Then, Tina flipped into a handstand and walked a couple feet down the beach, and then collapsed with a giggle. She returned to the blankets, and then her eyes narrowed. "Goldy. Truth or dare?" Tina asked me. I could feel my heart speed up. Either choice could be dangerous. Dare seemed a little less dangerous, though. "Dare." I said. Tina smiled. "Perfect," She said.

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