F.Y.I. I'm a Spy


930 57 37

Kidnapped, tested, measured, and chosen. Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

8 1 0

Hello reader :) remember to leave a vote on this chapter and have a great day. If you have a sec please answer this in the comments: Who are your favorite fictional badasses? Meaning movies or books. Tata

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• Samantha Ried•

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Tuesday, Sept. 24th

"Only you, Alyson. You are so dramatic."

I huffed and glared at my smirking best friend. "So? I deserved that mental health day."

"And you got it."

The girls were looking at us back and forth like this was a tennis match. They hadn't seen anyone talk to me like that before, and were probably afraid for Veronica's well being.

"But so did he," I growled. Sharing was never my forte.

Nica probably rolled her dark eyes behind her huge sunglasses as she laughed at me. "And?"

The shades she was sporting, while fabulous, were well out of uniform but no one seemed to care. If it were me, Mackey would have expelled me.

"Shut up!" I slammed both of my hands on the table. Though I wasn't actually throwing a tantrum, I was in an explosive mood- a ticking time bomb.

I could feel a particularly bad one coming on.

My 'friends' all flinched at the sound of the impact.

Nica laughed again. This time it was even louder than before. "You know, I actually rather like Cole."

I forgot all about my petulant anger. Every other girl at the lunch table stared at Veronica in utter shock. For once, I was on the same page as them.

"You...like.....but Cole? Why?"

I was surprised that Gina was the one who spoke. She was always so silent around Nica.

I was even more surprised when Nica answered like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. "He's hot."

"No," I objected fervently, finding myself. Not that I could be sure. All I knew was that he had limbs and hair and a face. And a few other things, but that was basically it.

Veronica took a bite out of her wrap. My food had been finished within the first ten minutes of lunch. When she finished chewing she looked over at me with playful disapproval.

"You seriously need to get over your grudge at him. It's been like four periods."

The girls at the table started to laugh, then saw that I was unamused and stopped. Kelly was quickly at my defense.

"But if Mrs. Potler even said that Aly's pie was the best, it's not fair that Cole won the mental health day too."

"Thank you, Kelly," I gushed while glaring at Nica.

"Whatever," she shrugged. I saw an evil glint in her eye. "Fode alert."

My eyes narrowed. "Very funny, Nica. I told you not to do that."

"Okay," she sang.

I felt a tug on the back of my seat.

"What the-"

The legs of the red cafeteria chair were scraping against the floor at an amazing speed. Someone had grabbed the back of my chair and was pulling me away. I turned my head around and saw an annoyingly persistent blonde.

Worse than that, everyone was staring.

Before I could truly register that and calmly respond, I blew my top. "Aaron you have zero seconds to let go of this chair!"

No respose.

I started thrashing against the pull with my hands gripping the sides of the chair in a wild attempt to slow him down. This was the dumbest thing I could've done besides jumping right off.

Stupid Aaron Fode tripped backwards and toppled over the chair, thus crushing me underneath it and his huge body.

Before I knew it my hands were around his neck. "Why are you such an aggressive jerk!?"

I shook him violently. There wasn't one drop of control in me. Heaven knows how close Aaron came to an untimely death that day.

"Why are you such an aggressive BITCH," he fired back in a strangled gasp. He was running out of oxygen.


I slapped him across the face and rolled on top of him. "Don't ever talk to me like that!"

He seemed to nod his head as his ugly face began to turn the strangest shade of purple.


"Oh, Alyson, stop," Nica cried unconvincingly. She appeared to be enjoying the show just as much as everyone else, possibly more.

That wasn't nearly enough to stop me. Gina had to pry my body off of Aaron's and eject me from the cafeteria altogether to dispel the scuffle.

And to keep me from resisting Gina's hold on me, Kelly had to help restrain my arms and legs. All the while, Emma talked sense into me.

"It's okay, no teachers saw, alright," she voice wasn't soothing. She sounded very scared.

Nica sauntered over to us with an amused grin on her lips. "I never thought that such a little person could pack such a punch."

My responding grin was natural. "Now do you believe I could take you?"

She nodded and laughed. "You totally wrecking Aaron Fode gives me a new outlook on life."


"No, but it was hilarious to watch."

I easily broke free from my restraints. Kelly and Emma looked very relieved that I was back to my normal self, but Gina seemed pouty.

"Looks like all Aaron's muscles are good for nothing," Kelly joked.

"Nothing but licking...."

I cringed at Emma's crude fantasy. Originally, when I met Aaron he had no face. Then, he was the ugliest guy I'd ever laid eyes upon.

And now when I looked at his face, all I saw was a huge red blur.

Nica placed a firm pat on my back and let out a huge laugh.

"Everything is better when you're around, Aly. You're such a rainbow."

I rolled my eyes and squirmed away from her.

What kind of compliment was that?


Gina and I walked to History with Nica trailing silently behind us.

I wasn't sure exactly what to make of her today. She was being slightly annoying, but was so much taller and therefore heavier than me that I couldn't chance taking a swing on her. Even if I had allowed her to walk with me and Gina, she seemed too out of it to talk, anyway.

Her catty eyes were still hidden ny her tinted sunglasses as she stared off into space. It was a wonder that she hadn't bumped into something...or someone. Let's pray that no one is that unlucky. On my first day at St. Peter's, Nica crashed into me and was about to try to rearrange my face.

I began to wonder if that was some sort of pattern with her. Had her eyes been empty and vacant when she bumped into me? Strangely, I couldn't recall. And I normally remembered everything.

But she was definitely acting strange today.

Who the hell calls someone a rainbow that isn't on weed?

I peeked over my shoulder behind my hair. Was she on weed?

Gina chatted aimlessly until we entered Mackey's classroom. I departed from her without a word.

"Hey," Aaron greeted me shyly. He waved slightly and had a small apologetic smile on his lips. "I'm really sorry about what I said. I just really like you and wanted your attention."

I shot him the most deadly glare I could muster. I was still hoping that looks could kill.

He quickly turned away.

The bell rang just then, and Mackey walked in barely making it to his own class on time. I wish I could get him sent to prison for that.

"Okay, guys, let's start class."

Everyone continued to talk. I was silent, not wanting to capture his attention in any way. Every fiber of my being wanted to go against this and provoke the shit out of this asshole, but I couldn't always make a spectacle of myself multiple times a day. I needed to start blending in around here sooner rather than later.

At this school, I was some kind of hilarious, edgy rebel chick with a good sense of style, according to Gina. I had to quash all of those misconceptions. Aside from the last one. We all knew that was true.

I thought of how individually I wore the uniform. I had swapped my white socks for navy blue ones and cut the sleeves of my sweater off with my tie visible over the sweater rather than tucked underneath. My skirt was also rolled twice at the waistline to flow out more and secured with three bobby pins. Chic.

I knew this for a fact, because it was hard to miss the masses of girls I'd seen desperately try to copy it. And fail. They either forgot to tuck the polo shirt under the sweater in completely - or at all and looked like creme puffs with their sweaters on.

Sometimes, it was their amateur cutting skills that exposed their inept, the strings of thread protruding out for everyone to see. And laugh at. Especially me and Nica.


I was instantly buzz killed, thinking of how much more of a model she looked in the St. Peter's uniform than everyone else. Instead of cutting the sleeves of her sweater, she slung the sleeves over her shoulders and tied them once, exposing the light blue polo which she bleached white. She ditched the navy blue knee sock trend I'd started and kept hers white and rolled to just about her ankles. Even though rolled socks are an unforgivable felony around here, most teachers responded somewhat well to it.

I scowled.

"Veronica Harris!"

Mr. Macky was fuming in front of my daydreaming best friend. This was going to get ugly in a few seconds.

I longed for a buttery bowl of popcorn.

How would it feel to see someone else yell at Mackey? Would I think they did it wrong?

His fist came down on her desk and her eyes blinked multiple times.

"Yes?" Even her voice sounded abnormal. I wouldn't have believed she said this if I hadn't seen her lips move along with the word.

Nica's response seemed to calm Mr. Mackey down a bit. At this point I knew that this wasn't a good thing. When Mackey wasn't angry, he was an exceptional prick.

"This is not the time to be having fantasies about me, Miss Harris. That would've been lunchtime."

The class exploded in laughter at Mackey's crude joke. I was getting rather scared. It was difficult to imagine the things that Nica was about to do to him. How many of them would get her expelled?

But instead of any of the gruesome acts of violence that I could expect from myself, Nica was as tame as a kitten, or as Gina would be.

I even looked around Aaron's huge, useless body to investigate. I saw the same empty expression concealed by the shades.

Mackey smiled to himself and began to begin the class.

Control it, Sam. Don't do it. Be NORMAL!


Against my better judgement, my hand shot up.

I saw a bead of sweat form on Mackey's forehead. He probably knew something had to befall him before the bell rang for his idiotic comment. He had probably just been hoping it wouldn't be from me.

"Y-yes, Miss Ward," he actually stuttered.

I saw from the corner of my eye the students reposition themselves in their seats in preparation for what I would say.

I didn't even know what I would say. My rage was so out of control that I'd probably end up too angry to form logical sentences, like when I wrote that stupid poem to calm myself down.

"I was just wondering why Veronica would need to fantasize about your tiny penis when it's already a centerfold in Play Girl: Pedophile Eddition?" My voice came out much more innocently than I would've imagined.

I thought it would be an unintelligible, enraged snarl.

There were three seconds of amazed silence before them hysteric laughter came.

Mackey had a vein popping out of his left temple and a face that was as red as the blood I wanted to extract from him.


And there would be no getting out of that one.


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