Falling for the Unexpected

Da Chelsea_Frye

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Living on the tenth floor of the Plaza, designing shoes for the best company, and dating her high school swee... Altro

Prologue ✔
Chapter One: A Daily Adult Life ✔️
Chapter Two: The Arrival of the New Boss ✔️
Chapter Three: The Interview ✔️
Chapter Four: Hiding in Black and Bushes ✔️
Chapter Five: The Proposal ✔
Chapter Six: The Ordeal of a Personal Assistant ✔️
Chapter Seven: An Introduction ✔️
Chapter Eight: The Girl in the Pictures
Chapter Nine: The Ultimate Surprise
Chapter Ten: The Closer, The Better
Chapter Eleven: Heart Breaks & Betrayal
Chapter Twelve: The Comfort of Prince Charming
Chapter Thirteen: It's a Working Process
Chapter Fifteen: The Fashion Show
Chapter Sixteen: Forgive & Forget
Chapter Seventeen: An Existence without You
Chapter Eighteen: Here comes the Bride
Chapter Nineteen: One Last Chance
Chapter Twenty: Truth be Told
Chapter Twenty One: The Departure
Author's Note

Chapter Fourteen: The Preparation

9.3K 315 14
Da Chelsea_Frye

The Preparation

Days were occupied as ever.

Just two more days until the 2014 New York Fashion Show. Workers were so engrossed to finish the hard labor. Models rehearsal how to strut in high heels every single day. Designers were coming up with new drawings of shoes, trying to figure out the outline and the perfect pattern it matches best in . Shoe makers hurried to complete the designer's desired shoes.

When the shoe turned out to be a disaster, Jacob made them take a redo, starting from scratch. Jacob wanted to prove his father wrong. Not that his father doubted him, but wanted to show that he was capable of running a company. He wanted to drop a bombshell. His only job was not to embarrass the company.

Stress, stress, stress. It said on all the employees faces.

With all the work happening, Audrey had almost completely forgot about the whole Jessica thing but never forgot about the Jacob thing. She had dreams about him every night. He would sweep her away in his arms and carry her to the castle where they lived happily ever after. Sadly, this was a reality, not your daydreams.

I bet she still slept with his shirt. Of course, she does.

Jessica was still arriving at work, helping out for the fashion show. But she came to work for only one thing, forgiveness. From time to time, Audrey received various text messages from her stating that she was very sorry. Jessica couldn't do anything, but give Audrey time and space to cope.

Since eight o'clock in the morning, they've been working very hard to complete their jobs. When the clock strikes twelve, the building was immediately evacuated. Everyone exulted in joy and gusto. All were in a rush to leave for their lunch break. They were on such a tight schedule today so Jacob decided to cut their lunch. It went from an hour and forty-five minutes to an hour only. It took place the whole five days. The majority of them were in a bad mood the entire day.

Audrey and Alexis were the only two left in the designers room. Everyone else fled like a wild goose. After adding last minute details to her design, Audrey decided to invite Alexis out to lunch. Alexis was still fixing things up. She rather seems like to be in a bad mood. She didn't squeak too much today or said a word. From what Audrey observed, that wasn't the Alexis she met the last few weeks ago.

Is she on her period or she's just having one of those bad days?

Audrey thought, maybe if she invited her out to lunch, she'll be okay. So mustered all her breath and decided to speak to her.

"Alexis," Audrey bit out.

Alexis quickly dropped her pen and took a quick glanced at Audrey and quickly continued her work.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get some tacos with me down at Taco Bell," Audrey said, biting her lower lip. "You seem... Ugh like in a bad mood. I was hoping tacos might turn that frown upside down."

Alexis showed a faint smile. "Sorry Audrey for that, but I don't seem like in a good mood today." She looked back down, "I just want to stay here for a while. You can go without me."

"Oh, I'll just stay here then. With you," she said with a warm smile.

Alexis smiled back. "I appreciate it Audrey, but you don't need to do that. I'll be fine."

"You sure?" Audrey asked sincerely.

It looked like Alexis was about to tear but she forced it in and said in a stern voice, "Yes, I'm positive."

"Okay, I'll just be heading now," Audrey said . "I'll be back soon." She had forty-five minutes left. She spent fifteen minutes trying to convince Alexis to come with her to Taco Bell. Well for her, she didn't think it was a waste of time. She was just concern about her. It isn't so hard to ask a person how they're doing.

Well, for some it might have been a waste of their time. If the person didn't want to go, never mind about them. You don't want to be persuading someone to something they're not interested in.

She just continued on with her lunch break, feeling the loneliness while stuffing tacos and sipping a can of soda through her mouth.


While others worked hard for the Fashion Show, Jacob sat in his office sitting in his chair putting his hand on his chin. He looked like he had a brain fart or was he trying to pose like the Thinker? Well, he was trying to look busy so no one would accuse him of being an obnoxious boss.

With his buddy, Evan, they pretended to talk about serious matters.

"So..." Evan sat up from his leaning position.

Jacob was sitting at his desk with a pen in his hand. "So..." he said and put the pen behind his ears.

Evan chuckled and sat on Audrey's desk. "So things look pretty busy out there."

"Isn't it obvious?" Jacob said in irritation. "What are you here for anyways?"

"Ah. Great way to greet a friend huh?" Evan sat on his chair leaning against his back. "I'm here to sit on this chair. It's really comfortable."


"No. I mean this chair is really-really- comfortable," Evan exclaimed and notice a red cushion supported the steel, cold chair. "I mean this person is brilliant! It has a cushion labeled A.W. This person really knows me well. A.W. totally knows how much I hate metal, steel chair. It keeps my ass from turning cold as ice."

"Woah, Evan! Don't go on and seduce the cushion with you ass now. If you love that much, ask A.W. if you can keep it."

Evan was laughing senselessly on the cushioned chair. "Who's A.W. anyways?"

"Audrey," Jacob groaned.

"Oh, Audrey. Is it Ward?" asked Evan with enthusiasm.

"Yes, Evan. It's Ward," Jacob said sternly.

"The beast who turned into the beauty," Evan said with a wink.

"Shut up Evan!" Jacob tried saying in a serious tone.

"Oh, c'mon mate! I know you want a smile. I see your cheeks heating up."

"Evan, there is no time for games and fun. I'm focused on my work. This show is in two days," he said with a hostile face.

"Way to kill the fun Mr. Killjoy. I bet you a million bucks that you're still hung up with Alexis," Evan snorted.

Jacob winced and rolled his eyes. "Hung up!?! How can I be so hung up on her? She's engaged and besides she looks loopy in love with Justin. He's more like a Justin Bieber look alike to me."

"That's why you have Audrey! Aren't you pretending to be in a relationship with her?"

"Yeah, for a play."

"Because of Alexis. Isn't it. You're still that crazy for her?"

"I'm not crazy for her!" Jacob barked.

"Then what?" Evan shot back.

"I just don't know anymore. And that's enough questions about my love life!"

"Fine! But just one more question. Whose kisses better? Audrey or Alexis?"

"You're seriously asking that question. And I thought you'll never speak of the kiss again."

"Hey, c'mon mate!"

"Remind me to never tell you things. You can keep you're mouth shut."

"C'mon! If I got to kiss one, I'd have been satisfied already. Even if Audrey kissed like a saint, I'd still kiss her."

"You're completely pathetic!" Jacob joked. "I tell you, I wasn't kissing a saint."

"Awe, I see. You like kissing Audrey."

Jacob was going to give one big comeback but their conversation was disturbed by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Jacob hollered. "Can you get that Evan?"

"Fine!" Evan swung the door open. He was mesmerized by the beauty standing in front of him. " Well, hello beautiful. Are you an alien?"

"Thanks but I don't want to hear your cheesy pickup lines," Jessica said. "Is Mr. Harris here?"

"Fine, but you didn't let me finish. He's at his desk."

"Yes," Jacob called. "Oh, um... What's your name?"

"Jessica Hughes," she replied.

"Miss Hughes, what is it?" Jacob asked.

"I need to talk to you."

"Don't you want to talk to me!" Evan called from the back.

Jessica turned her back to Evan and said, "Sorry, I have no time to fool around and hear that pickup line. I came here for serious business." Jessica was good at defending herself and the people around her. When it came to boys, she was sassy and defensive.

"Sassy. I like it."

"Evan, please go away. I have serious business to do with Miss Hughes," Jacob said, shooing Evan away.

"Fine, fine, fine!"

"Thank you. Oh, Miss Hughes, please take a seat."

Jessica took a seat on the metal chair next to Jacob's desk. She sat up straight and crossed her legs.

"Mr. Harris, I come to resign."

"Why so?" Jacob said while rubbing his chin against his palms.

"I'm planning to move somewhere else."

"Where is this somewhere else?"

"Well, you have no business in knowing where I am going," Jessica said furiously.

"You're right. I'm assuming you're moving far away from here. Somewhere far away from Audrey, I'm wondering."

"Excuse me, but you have no business to talk about that. I'm here to resign not to talk about my friendship with Audrey," Jessica shot back.

"Yes, I have no business to intrude into your personal life, but I know what you've done. It's not really pretty either. It's rather hurtful and dishonest."

"You know what, if we're here to talk about my problems, I'm mine as well just quit." Jessica flared up her nostril and stood up from her chair.

"Miss Hughes, I'm sorry to seem so rude. But, you still have a chance with Audrey. You can still fix your friendship before it gets thrown away into the garbage."

Jessica sat back down, holding her papers. She started to tear a little. Jacob offered her a handkerchief. She took it and wiped her tears. "I'm moving to Australia with my fiancé in weeks"

"Thank you, Miss Hughes, you'll be missed. We appreciate the service and your loyalty to this company." Jacob said and signed her papers. He held his hand out for Jessica to shake.

Jessica stood from her seat, shaking Jacob's hand. She bit her upper lip while trying to force a smile. After the warm handshake, she turned her back and started to walk towards the door. When she almost reached the door knob, she turned her back in a sudden, trying to muster her courage to speak.

"Mr. Harris," Jessica called.

"Yes, Miss Hughes?"

She started to walk towards Jacob who stood from his seat. "If things don't get better with Audrey can you give her this." She handed him a sealed envelope. It looked like an invitation.

"Course." He smiled. "Call me Jacob. I'm not that old." He reached for the envelope.

"Thank you. And can you tell her that I'm really sorry for everything I've done."

"Sure," he says with a warming smile.

"Thank you and same to you. Call me Jessica not Miss Hughes," she said with a chuckle.

"I will do so, Jessica," he said and stuck his hand out. They shook hands one more time and said their farewells.

Jacob kept the envelope inside his coat. He was planning to give the envelope to Audrey as soon as he saw her. After having his conversation, he decided to go to a jewelry store.

Oh, what for? A ring?


It was a day away until the 2014 New York Fashion Show. Things were busy as ever. Jacob had made it clear that today was the day, they had left. It was clear to the employees that they work really hard to finish the shoes in time. There was no room for mistakes and laziness. Everyone had to be doing something. If they didn't look busy enough, Jacob would have added on to their job. There was always work right after the other and the other. Everyone was present excluding Jessica. Only one person manage to be late, Alexis.

She arrived with a grouchy feeling and in a more bad mood than yesterday. Audrey didn't spoke a word to her. Every time someone spoke to Alexis, she'd simply reply no.

Harsh! What if someone was to offer you a million dollars? You'd say no. Sheesh!

Jacob had patrolled around like a police. For him, stopping for a break was a serious crime. Imagine having to potty with a boss like that.

When the minute hand finally strike to twelve, everyone ran off like a bunch of loose birds again. It was just like yesterday. This time, Audrey didn't bother to ask Alexis if she cared to join her for lunch. Instead, she was one of those loose birds, flying for freedom.

Time went by quickly at the company. But, it was a tiring week for the whole gang, especially for the shoe makers. Everyone exulted when it was time to go home.

From the entire employees, Audrey was the last one to remain at the office. She didn't mind being alone. Angela usually helped her out, but she had a massive migraine. So she fled off with the others birds.

Audrey sat on the designers room, finalizing everything for tomorrow's show. She double checked every shoe that was going to be used for tomorrow. She checked the men, women and children shoes, making sure they were in perfect shape. After checking each and every individual shoe, she took a seat and rested for a while.

For ten minutes, she had her head resting on the desk, closing her eyes. She finally decided to go home and hitch a ride home. When she arrived at the exit, a familiar SUV was parked outside. Apparently, Jacob was waiting for Audrey the whole time.

Awe, how sweet!

"Audrey!" Jacob hollered.

Audrey was stopped to look at the man calling her name. "Oh. Jacob! What are you doing here? I mean doing outside waiting here?"

"I was waiting for you," Jacob responded.

"For me?" Audrey said faltered.


"For what?"

"I wanted to talk to you," Jacob said.

Audrey seemed really interested to know what Jacob had to bring upon her. "What is it you wanted to talk about?"

Jacob pulled the envelope out from his pocket and gave it to Audrey.

"What this?" asked Audrey.

"It's some sort of letter. It's from Jessica."

"Oh." Audrey sighed loudly. She unsealed the envelope and opened it. It was an invitation to her wedding. On the envelope, Audrey's name was nicely written with curves and loops. It was in bold words and had beautiful calligraphy.

Mr. Ethan Jan Hooks
& Ms. Jessica Maria Hughes

The honor of your presence
is requested at the marriage of
Jessica Maria Hughes
to Ethan Jan Hooks on
Saturday, the twenty-first of June
two thousand and fourteen
at half past ten in the morning @ the Plaza Hotel, New York, New York.

After reading the invitation, Audrey couldn't help but tear a little.

"Despite the fight you guys have, she invites you to her wedding. Funny. Girls are different from boys," Jacob chuckled.

"How did you get this?" Audrey asked putting the invitation back inside the envelope.

"She actually resigned and gave me that," Jacob responded.

"She resigned?"

"Yes, not only that. She's also moving to Australia in a couple of weeks. And is very sorry about everything."

"I know. She told me but she didn't state where she was moving too. But Austrailia? That's so far away. Not only distance separate us but ocean, water." Audrey said while she leaned against his car.

"Audrey do you think you can ever forgive her?"

Audrey thought to herself. "I never said I would never forgive her. Maybe not today but someday. I just need to breathe."

"All you need is time to heal and space to think. Like your heartbreaks with Ethan."

"You too. Your heartbreaks with Alexis."

"Well, I have a different story. It was Alexis who needed time and space."

For a moment, a thick, long silent accompanied them.

"Jacob, don't you wish life was an iPod."

"Why an iPod?" Jacob asked curiously.

"Because if it was an iPod, you'll know what's coming. You just simply pick a song you want to play. You don't have to sit there and listen to a horrible song, you don't like. You just simply pick what you want to happen in your life."

"Well, that would sound great but life isn't an iPod. It's more of a radio." Jacob protested and stared into Audrey's eyes.

"You have to just enjoy and listen to the given song that's playing. That song is picked for a reason. Just like in life. Things happen for a reason."

"I'd like to compare it to a Pandora Station. It's like a radio." Audrey joked.

"Pandora. And besides, if life was an iPod, I would have never met you." Jacob said and smiled.

Audrey's cheeks began to heat up and it caused a smile on her face. She took a glance at the stars and stared at Jacob's eyes. They were now staring at each other face to face.

"Thank you, Jacob. I appreciate everything you do. Even if you may seem so annoying, arrogant, and ignorant at times. You sure can light up the night sky and put a smile on my face." Audrey said and reached for Jacob's hands.

"You're welcome. Anything for you!" he said with a soft chuckle.

"Can you close your eyes Jacob?" she asked in a dreamy voice.

"Why?" he asked.

"Just close your eyes," she said barely in a whisper.

He closed his eyes gently underneath the stars and awaited for the next thing to happen. He stood stiffly in the dark without any sight of his vision. His hands were sweating while he held Audrey's hand. Then a sudden weight was forced onto his feet. It felt like tiny, little toes stepping on his own, reaching as high as they can. He absorbed a flowery, heavenly scent against his face and suddenly felt soft lips pressed against his. He wanted to spice the kiss up. But the moment he responded back, her lips pulled away.

After the quick but passionate kiss, Jacob opened his eyes. It took a moment to clear his blurred vision. He gently rubbed his eyes and squinted to see. When his vision was finally in sight, he didn't see anyone. Audrey mysteriously disappeared in the twilight.


A/N 📄

Olalla! Audrey just kissed Jacob. Where did Audrey go? Why did she kiss him? What will happen to their relationship? Will they level up or will just as they are? Find out on ch. 14.

Hey, guys! I hoped you enjoyed chapter 14. It was a bit short. Don't worry chapter 15 will be longer. That's going to be the fashion show. More drama will occur next chapter. So yay! See ya laterz!

& I F Ü L I K E 👇👇👇
-Follow Me :)

With Love, 


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