A Heart In Hell (Dean X Reade...

By deanwinchesterloml

32.4K 861 122

Dean had had the mark of cain for almost a year now. It was so difficult for you to see your boyfriend in suc... More

Chapter 1: Secrets and Sacrifices
Chapter 2: The Mark
Chapter 3: Horror Stories From The Past
Chapter 4: Losing Control
Chapter 5: Breaking Point
Chapter 6: Deceiving Dean
Chapter 7: The "Research" Session
Chapter 8: Demon Deal
Chapter 9: Demon Or Not
Chapter 11: A Cure and A Confrontation
Chapter 12: False Fantasies
Chapter 13: Here Comes The Cavalry
Chapter 14: Advances
Chapter 15: Sam's Inner Demons
Chapter 16: Trapped In A Blue Haze
Chapter 17: Damian Won't Let Go
Chapter 18: Gone
Chapter 19: She's Never Coming Back
Chapter 20: You Took Everything From Me
Chapter 21: I Missed You

Chapter 10: Hell's Prisoners

1.4K 33 6
By deanwinchesterloml

Word Count: 1K

Your Point of View

"Y/N, please. I need your help. We have to get Sam and Dean back." Castiel said to you as you secured the latch on your satchel.

"I don't have to help you with anything."


"I said no, Cas!" You yelled and punched him in the face.

Normally that would've hurt you more than him, but powered by the Mark of Cain, you could easily take him. Cas didn't want to hurt you, but this didn't stop you from beating him to a pulp. The cuts and bruises that you inflicted kept healing themselves slowly after. you knew what you had to do to wound him. You didn't necessarily want to kill Cas, but you couldn't have him follow you either.

You reached into your bag and pulled out the First Blade. Holding it in your hand, it sent the same beautiful, euphoric feeling throughout every inch of your body. Surging power through your veins. Your eyes turned black as a malicious smile came across your face.

Cas pulled out his angel blade, as you advanced toward him, thrashing the First Blade. Cas went to put his angel blade up to block it, but the First Blade cut right through it. And you sliced his chest. You could see a bright blue light from his angel grace shining through.

He fell to the ground. You knew the wound wasn't fatal. You just wanted to buy yourself a few hours while he would be healing up from the thrash of the First Blade he had undergone.

"Goodbye Cas." You said, but just before you walked out, you heard him speak again.

"I'll find you, Y/N. I'm gonna cure you and we're gonna save Sam and Dean. Together."

You walked out of the room, slamming the door behind you.

You saw Dean's impala sitting in the parking lot and decided to take it.

You got in the car and hot-wired it.

Castiel wouldn't stop till he caught up to you and cured you. But how would you hide yourself from him? You remembered that when Cas was human he got some enochian symbols tattooed to his side to protect him from being found by angels. You then searched for nearby tattoo parlors on your phone. There was only one, a few miles away. You drove in the direction of it, so that you could get the same symbols tattooed onto you.


Dean's Point of View

Sam and Dean were locked in prison cells in Hell. Crowley was standing on the other side of the bars with a few other demons.

"What the fuck Crowley?" Dean said as he held his side, wincing at the red hot pain that was still surging through him. "I thought we were besties." He continued in a mocking tone.

"Haha. Very funny. That was when you were a demon. Now you're a human. A pathetic, weak, human." Crowley said as he clenched his fist together causing Sam to immediately fall to the ground.

"Sammy?" Dean said with worry on his face

Sam gasped in pain. His face scrunched up as he felt shots of pain shoot throughout his body.

"Stop it you son of a bitch! I'll kill you!" Dean yelled at Crowley as he slammed his hand on the bars.

"Oh calm down, Squirrel." Crowley said as he un-clenched his fist. "No need to get nasty."

Sam was panting. Gasping for air, trying to take in as much oxygen as possible.

"What do you even want?" Sam managed to get out while taking multiple deep breaths.

"I want to know where you two flannel abominations keep the Black Grimoire." Crowley responded.

"The Black Grimoire? Why?" Dean asked.

"Why is not important. The fact of the matter is, one of you are going to tell me where it is." Crowley said.

"We're not gonna tell you where it is, Crowley." Sam said.

"We'll see about that." He then turned his attention to the other demons. "Sedate the Sasquatch."

The demons entered Sam's cell and stuck a syringe in his neck. Moments after being injected, his limp body fell to the floor, unconscious.

"Crowley, if you hurt my brother, so help me god, I'll-" Dean started.

"Yeah I know you'll kill me. Stop making empty threats, Winchester." Crowley said before walking away.

The demons dragged Sam out of sight.

Dean slammed on the cell bars again out of frustration.


Your Point of View

It had been 5 hours since you last saw Cas. In that time you had found a motel room to hold up in for a little bit after getting your tattoo. You went over to the mirror and lifted up your shirt to get a better look at it. There were still a few drops of blood from where the needle had been, but other than that it seemed pretty clean.

You walked over to a chair in the room and sat down. You held the First Blade in your right arm, admiring the bright red glow of the Mark.

You heard a whoosh noise come from behind you. You turned towards the sound and dropped the blade onto the table.

"How the hell did you find me, Cas?"

"The enochian on your side... They got a few of the symbols wrong." He said.

"Damn it!" You mumbled to yourself.

"Listen, I'm sorry Cas, but I have to do this." You said as you turned around to grab the blade.

But when you went to face your opponent, he was only inches from you. He placed two of his fingers on your forehead, which caused you to fall to the floor unconscious.

"I'm sorry too, Y/N." Castiel said to your unconscious body.

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