Elements: Rise of The Destruc...

By Mklng13

530 30 12

High school. Pretty normal. Homework, classes, some class smarty pants, class clowns and even a skateboarding... More

Author's Note
Same Old, Same Old (Chapter 1)
Plot Twist (Chapter 2)
...Sensei? (Chapter 3)
Targets Identified (Chapter 4)
Magic 101 (Chapter 5)
Coach that burns! (Chapter 6)
Scars Don't Heal (Chapter 7)
Bandages can't stop the pain (Chapter 8)
Behind that smile (Chapter 9)
Love and Care the Orphanage (Chapter 10)
Separated at 4 (Chapter 11)
Orphan and adopted (Chapter 12)
Twins of Fire and Water (Chapter 13)
Super Strength (Chapter 14)
Just a replacement to you?(Chapter 15)
A Hole In My Life (Chapter 16)
Forced Passions (Chapter 17)
Family Scars (Chapter 18)
Teddy Bear (Chapter 19)
Mom? Dad? (Chapter 20)
Skates and Boards (Chapter 21)
Ice and Lightning (Chapter 22)
First Battle (Chapter 24)
Staff of Misery (Chapter 25)
Orb of Portals (Chapter 26)
Relic of Reverse (Chapter 27)
As If I Haven't Already Raised Enough Kids (Chapter 28)
Something's Missing, but what? (Chapter 29)
Remember The Good 'Ol Days? (Chapter 30)
What's The Plan? (Chapter 31)
Meeting of Elements and Masters (Chapter 32)
Plans of Both Sides (Chapter 33)
Amy VS Captains and Generals (Chapter 34)
We Trust, You Lie (Chapter 35)
Sibling VS Sibling (Chapter 36)

Not The Orphanage (Chapter 23)

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By Mklng13

Owen gets thrown across the room, his back hitting the wall.

"What a bunch of weaklings. I can't believe you all are the Elemental Masters," the robot standing in the middle shakes their head with a sigh.

Urana runs towards them but they send her flying backwards with a punch to her stomach.

"You know, we villains prove ourselves by having a battle with the Elemental Masters. But this!" They point at them.

Brenton jumps from the ground, a fist in the direction of the robot when they grab Brenton's head and flings him towards another wall.

"This! Is just pathetic!" The robot cries out.

Alex uses his speed but ends up being tripped over by the robot and kicked to the wall.

"Seriously? Honestly, I really did expect better," the robot sighs, putting their hands in their pockets...or whatever passes for pockets on their armor.

Ava draws back her bow, and shoots the arrow. It touches their armor and does nothing. "Ugh! That was another normal one!" Ava growls. She summons her shurikins (throwing stars) and runs toward the robot. The place had given her them for closer range battles. The robot grabs her hand and throws her to a wall.

"No...ugh!" Brenton tries to get up.

How did we end up like this..?


In the morning...

The doorbell rings at Ku's house after the call with Belle and Ben. Owen dashed to the front door and opens it. "Jamil!" Owen hugs his older brother.

"I've never seen Owen so happy!" Alex eyes widen as he walks over.

"Owen! Oh my god I'm so sorry!" Jamil starts to tear up. James is pretty much the same height as Owen but looks less muscular than his brother. Jamil leans more towards the nerdy side, with his square-ish black frame glasses. Jamil has light brown black hair and brown eyes that turn green randomly, so consider them hazel.

Ku follows right behind Alex. "Sibling love really is something.." Ku's mud brown eyes look sad. Alex notices and gives him a hug.

"Its gonna be okay," Alex smiles up at him.

"Come on in," Owen lets Jamil go and steps in. Jamil comes in, never letting go of Owen's hand.

"That's Alex," Owen points to him. "And that's Sensei," Owen then points to the elderly man. "Guys, this is my older brother, Jamil, or
call him James if you prefer an easier pronunciation."

"I can't thank you enough for taking care and saving Owen," Jamil shakes hands with Ku.

"No need to thank me. I enjoy having Owen here. Besides, it would be ridiculous to have you take care of him while you have college," Ku smiles warmly.

"But seriously, thank you! You have no idea how much I've wanted to be here but I couldn't," Jamil shakes his head. Guilt shines brightly in his eyes.

"You have nothing to be guilty about. Let me get you something. Water?" Ku asks, motioning him to sit on the couch. Jamil shakes his head.

"I really appreciate it but I can't. I have exams laters today," Jamil rubs his temples.

"Jamil! Your college is two and a half hours away from here!" Owen gives him a look saying that he was crazy.

"I know, I know. But I couldn't just sit there," Jamil sighs.

"Jamil. Here is some food for he road. Also, there is one thing I would appreciate if you did," Ku hands him a bag filled with all sorts of food.

"Thank you...what is it?" Jamil asks, curiosity in his eyes.

"Take care of yourself for Owen. Finish college and stabilize yourself and then we can talk about you taking care of Owen. He may not need it by then but still," Ku says firmly.

"Will do sir! I plan on it anyway," Jamil smiles.

"Also, Alex? Thanks for being Owen's friend," Jamil ruffles Alex's golden locks.

He then turns to Owen. "Stay strong dude," Jamil ruffles his hair too. Then, with a wave, he leaves through the front door.

Owen's hand sadly went down from the wave he was giving his brother. Alex saw pure sadness for the first time Owen's face and goes to give him a hug. Ku joins in too, remembering the times where he had to say goodbye to those he loved.

Not that Owen was unsure of seeing them again.

Ku knew that whenever he said goodbye, you'd never know if that was the last. He wanted to keep these kids away from it and suddenly he realized just one reason as to why the Elemental Masters choose to have the kids here.

They didn't want them to have to say goodbye like that.

Ku felt relief flood him as he realizes that Owen was almost guaranteed that his brother would still be alive and well.

But he didn't know for how long it would last. Ku hugs he boys tighter. Villains will do whatever it takes...they could take their unsuspecting family and we would not know till too late, Ku tries to dismiss that thought but it wouldn't go away.

"You guys can let me go now," Owen smiles faintly in their direction.

"Oh! Sorry," Ku backs away, letting Alex and Owen go.

"Owen, that's the saddest I've seen you look!" Alex cries out and hugs him again.

"It's fine, it's fine...I just miss him is all," Owen pats Alex's head awkwardly. The golden haired kid let's go of him and offers him a big smile.

"And it is okay to miss your brother. Just make sure you talk to him alright? You do not want to cut off everything," Ku pats both boy's heads.

"Now, I have got to go," Ku grabs his staff and heads to the door.

"Be careful!" Both Alex and Owen say at the same time. Ku turns back and smiles softly with a chuckle.

"Do not worry. Just take care of yourselves while I am gone okay? Oh! And make sure the rest of you lot do not do anything stupid," Ku then leaves, locking the door behind him.

He double-checked the protection spell on the house and made sure to re-apply the compressing spell on the teens. Amy shows up behind him in her workout clothes.

"I don't want to be cocky...but for once I can say that we'll come back," Amy ties her hair up again.

"I agree. Just try to not let it get to your head," Ku wipes off of some dust off of his cloak.

"Ha...the Magic Council took care of that for us. They said we could let them talk. That's something. Also, why send us both?" Amy thinks out loud.

"I do not know...nothing comes to my mind as a reason," Ku shrugs. "I am also sure that the talking will not take long."

"Yeah that's still preferable compared to having to fight...are they all alone? Or are they all together?" Amy asks, truth be told, she's worried for them.

"Alex and Owen are obviously together...as for the others, I am not sure. I think they will come over, but I am very worried about Brenton's impulses to do things," Ku's calmness turns into worry. "And I am worried that the others will agree and come where we are going."

Amy nods, as if she understood perfectly. "You're just paranoid because you're thinking of yourself as their parent or something," Amy shrugs. "Don't stress out over it."

"I am according to the Magic Council...and technically am in the Magic World," Ku worries even more.

"Sensei! This isn't the Magic World! There's no need to worry," Amy puts a hand on his shoulder.

"You are right. Let us get this get over with," Ku's facial expression turns into a more focused look. They reach their destination. Ku looks at Amy and she nods in her direction.

"Do not lose your temper," Ku warns.

"I'm not going to," Amy stares straight ahead. Finally, I can beat the crap outta them, Amy thinks to herself, her hands forming fists.

Time to make them pay, Ku slightly smiles to himself. But shakes it off, however personal this may be, he had to make sure it didn't get to his head. But anyone who hurts kids should-Ku! You need information too. Like who taught them magic? Or how did they get heir hands on this magic? Ku calms his emotion with questions that he wanted answered.

With a final check to make sure they weren't noticed, Amy and Ku step into the rundown building and look for The Eliminators.

The both of them saw the Orphanage at a block away and noted that they would have to be very careful.

And have to take care of it quickly.


Alex and Owen watch Sensei leave. Alex couldn't but worry and Owen sensed it. He puts his hand on Alex's shoulder.

"This is Sensei we're talking about. He'll beat the crap outta them and be back before we know it. He even has Coach with him! There's no way they could lose," Owen reassures him with a barely visible smile.

"You're smiling!" Alex jumps up and down. "You should smile bigger! And more often!" Alex chirps with a grin.

"Seriously," Owen mumbles and rolls his eyes. "Does that really cheer you up?"

Alex nods with a smile. "Only Urana can make you smile an actual smile. The rest of us get your tiny little ones," Alex demonstrates.

Wow, I never thought that I'd actually prefer someone to smile bigger...Owen thinks. A small smile really doesn't cut it for him.

"See? Small smiles are nice but big smiles really bring out the happiness," Alex crosses his arms, looking proud of himself.

"Alright I see your point, but honestly I don't want to smile unless I need to. Even then I'm not doing much smiling," Owen goes over to sit on the brown, leather couch.

Alex joins him, tapping his head. "You'll learn eventually. I'll make sure of it!" Alex grins.

"I don't need to learn anything," Owen sighs. I really am not used to this much positivity. And this is just Alex, Owen mentally rolls his eyes.

"Uh, ya do dummy. You need to learn how to smile!" Alex counters. Owen goes on his phone instead of replying to Alex. Owen texts into the group chat.

Owen: you all coming or not?

Sunlight: I'm already here!! 🤗

Owen: I'm sitting right next to you, I know you're here 😑

Sunlight: hehe😁

Owen: 🙄

HotHead: be nice Owen 😂

Owen: you're one to talk 🙄🙄🙄

HotHead: excuse you?! I'm really nice! 😱

Freckles: haha you? You literally fought with a dog bc he ate your sandwich after school 😂😂😂


Owen: bruh, you can't even spell correctly when you're angry

Sunlight: 😂😂😂

Speedy: 😂😂😂I love this

Freckles: sameeeeee

Owen: now are you guys coming or what?

Sunlight: I am!

Owen:....I know you are.....I'm sitting right next to you....

Speedy: wow..what has this generation come to???? U just talk all day through text 😔

Owen: excuse me? I just got on!

Sunlight: yeah!! Sameee

Freckles: bunch of wierdos

HotHead: u got no room to talk!

Freckles: says you

HotHead: yeah says me!!😡😡😡

Owen: 🙄are you guys coming or not???

Sunlight: answer poor Owen's question already guys!! OHHHH WAIT!!!

Speedy: what is it???

Freckles: ???

HotHead: ???

Owen: ??? I'm too lazy to ask


Speedy: really?!! No!!! I missed it!!

HotHead:.....really? Wow...

Freckles: congrats on your accomplishment

Owen: it's not like I don't smile at all!

Sunlight: um u don't, now answer his question

Speedy: I might

Freckles: I'll be there later

HotHead: are you scared??

Owen: me? Pfft get out

Sunlight: yeah!! We're tough!!

HotHead:...you both are as scared as hell right now...

Sunlight: NO DUH 😭

Owen: alright just get your butts over here 🙄

Owen closes his phone and rolls his eyes, Alex watching him with a laugh. "They're all hilarious aren't they?" Alex puts his phone on the table.

"Oh yeah. Absolutely," Owen replies with sarcasm. "Amazingly hilarious."

"And what's up with you and the rolling eye emoji? You used that the entire time!" Alex demonstrates what the emoji looks like. He looks up with an annoyed expression.

"Because that's my mood," Owen answers simply, leaning back into the couch. He closes his eyes and lets out a breath. It becomes silent and Alex lays back against the couch. After a while of silence, Alex pokes Owen's cheek.

Owen opens his eyes and shoos Alex's hand away. "Lemme sleep," Owen grumbles.

"Dude you slept all day!" Alex bounces on the couch.

"Ughhhhh lemme beeeeee," Owen mumbles and turns his face the other way. Feeling exhausted from all that was going on, he closes his eyes and relaxes. He feels something on his shoulder, then turns to look and sees Alex leaning his head against Owen's shoulder. The golden haired teen also has his eyes closed.

Owen debates on whether or not it would be weird to lean his head against Alex's for support. He was too tired to debate further and leans his head against Alex's lightly.

Ha...he's like another brother, Owen thinks before drifting off into sleep.

Owen's a good brother. And DANG HIS SHOULDER IS SOFT, Alex thinks to himself, then falls asleep.


"Are y'all alive in there?!" Brenton bangs at the door.

"Alex! Owen! Are you two okay?!" Ava starts to worry, she moves the doorknob, not that it was budging.

"Guys calm down! We just need to call them, goodness," Urana rolls her eyes and calls Owen.

Inside, the sleeping teens wake to the sound of Owen's phone ringing. Alex jolts awake, looking completely afraid then relaxes at the sight of Owen quickly answering his phone. Both teens look completely freaked out, but calmed down at the sight of the house.

"Yo ponytail. Open the door," Urana says. "We've been standing out here for years."

"Ugh, okay, hold on," Owen rubs his eyes and opens the door, only to be bombarded with questions.

"We were taking a nap!" Alex answers from the couch.

"Well maybe don't make it seem like you're dead!" Brenton calls out as he steps inside.

"Well maybe you should've called from the start," Owen rolls his eyes.

"To be fair, we were just really panicked," Ava says, going over to the couch and sitting on it.

"Yeah, if anything we thought you two might've gone somewhere," Urana nods her head in agreement and sits down next to Ava.

Brenton sits on the other couch across from them, and Owen joins him there.

"Like I said. Just call," Owen crosses his arms.

"Yeah I was really enjoying that nap," Alex yawns, stretching his arms out.

"A nap doesn't matter if you're dead!" Brenton mummers as Owen rolls his eyes again.

"When did Sensei leave?" Ava asks, looking around and the empty house.

"He left ten minutes before we fell asleep," Owen crosses his arms and leans back into the couch. Ava nods, acknowledging the answer.

"Does anyone know where Sensei and Coach even went?" Brenton asks, eyeing the house for any hints.

"Brenton, no one knows and even if we did, we're not telling you," Urana narrows her eyes at Brenton. "We're not trying to help you get killed."

"I'm just curious!" Brenton protests, looking annoyed. Owen scoffs and rolls his eyes again as Urana shakes her head. Alex and Ava burst out laughing for no apparent reason.

"How do you three always manage to coordinate your facial expressions?" Ava tries to stop laughing but fails at it.

"You have to admit it's amazing how they can do that!" Alex exclaims. "But really, really creepy."

Brenton rolls his eyes this time and crosses his arms. "Either way, we should work on working together. Not 'how long can we have an argument'," Brenton air quotes.

"He's got a point. We all need to work on the one thing we really don't know how to do," Owen nods his head approvingly. "Good idea Brenton. I didn't think you would be able to put aside your temper."

"Don't test it Owen." Brenton glares at the brown haired kid.

"I don't plan to." Owen replies firmly and looks back at him a slight glare.

"You guys aren't competing business companies. Cut the hard look," Urana looks at Alex and Ava with a soft look. "Those two know how to get along and how to look at each with a nice look."

"Why thank you Urana," Ava dramatically flips her hair. Urana chuckles at the sight, then is joined by Ava.

"Wow! A compliment from Urana! A first time for the both of you today!" Alex refers to Owen and Urana as he grins.

Brenton's phone rings and he looks at it. It's Ben and Belle saying that they were running late with their practices.

Brenton: no worries guys 😊😉

Skater boy Ben: don't do anything stupid 🙃

Brenton: you know me, won't

Skates Queen Belle: we do. That's why we're worried genius

Brenton: 😑 go practice perfectionists

Skater boy Ben: lol see ya

Skates Queen Belle: don't do anything stupid!

Brenton grumbles to himself and puts his phone away.

"That's the exact thing Owen did while we were texting!" Alex points to Brenton in surprise.

"I didn't do that," Owen looks disgusted.

"Exactly. Thank y-"

"I looked a lot more mature doing it," Owen interrupts.

"Excuse me? And what exactly does that mean?" Brenton turns to glare at Owen.

"I'm saying that I don't look childish while doing it," Owen shrugs.

"Well I'm no child," Brenton turns his head away. "Meanie."

"You're such a kid," Owen sighs.

"You both are acting petty," Urana points out.

"Might I add that I am way more mature than you," Owen raises an eyebrow at Urana.

"Haha you think Owen," Urana waves her hand dismissively at Owen.

"Guys don't start..." Ava's voice trails off.

"Coach and Sensei aren't here to keep you all in line," Alex reminds them. "And I for one am NOT going to break the fight if you decide to use magic." Alex shakes his head.

"Oh but I would really love to give those smug expressions a punch to the face," Brenton mummers.

"I'd like to see you try and pull that off," Owen scoffs, that is followed quickly by a chuckle.

"If you mean put everything on fire, then you'll never land a punch," Urana smirks and leans her head back a little.

"Woah she looks scary!" Alex exclaims. "Brenton you're in for a beating!"

"All of you back off of each other already. Jeez," Ava eyes them all as if they might just jump and start to fight.

"Wait guys, in all seriousness, where are Sensei and Coach?" Brenton asks again. The others shake their heads, not knowing the answer to the answer.

"Wait hold on," Alex gets up and looks on the fridge for a note. He finds one and takes it off the fridge. "Here's the note Sensei left. Says don't do anything dumb....if you need us we're here...and a bunch of things to do when we are under attack or something."

"Lemme see!" Brenton jumps from the couch and to Alex, taking the note and reading the address.

Urana starts to head towards the door, just in case as Owen gets up to read the paper. Ava catches on and prepares herself to block Brenton from running if he does.

As soon as Brenton read the address, he took off. Ava tries to grab his arm, when that didn't work, she tries using her air to blow him towards the couch. Ava takes in a huge breath and releases it at a force that might knock Brenton over.

Brenton dived under before running again as Ava and Alex chase after him.

Urana blocks the door. "Brenton you can't leave!" Urana says firmly and holds the doorknob.

Alex and Ava caught up in no time and grabbed Brenton's arms. "I have to go! The place they're at is too close to the Orphanage!" Brenton cries out.

"You can't just run off though! You're going to get yourself killed like that," Owen reminds him before standing in front of the door too.

"Can we please at least guard the Orphanage? Just in case?" Brenton pleads. "I don't want them to get hurt when I could do something about it."

"We can do that. You don't need to run off," Urana nods and opens the door.

"You just need to ask next time," Alex says.

"It wouldn't hurt to just have us help you. You don't need to go and jump to the conclusion that we won't," Ava adds.

Brenton nods as he follows his friends outside.


Brenton sighs in relief, seeing the Orphanage still intact and not burning.

"Honestly Brenton, you're the only one who could burn down the Orphanage," Urana jokes.

"Hardi har har, very funny Urana," Brenton rolls his eyes.

"Good one Urana," Ava laughs.

"Sorry Brenton but it's true," Alex pats the fire mage's shoulder.

"We really haven't thought this out so don't blame me if we die," Owen puts his hands up.

Brenton eyes the abandoned building in the distance and senses a sickening magic energy from him. "I feel sick. Does anyone else feel that?" Brenton shudders.

The others nod, their own faces looking a bit disgusted.

Brenton then senses another magic energy that felt familiar. He guesses its Coach and Sensei and turns away from it.

Ava looks at the building too after seeing Brenton looking at it. Ava could feel anger radiating from the building. She shuddering before looking at her friends for any sign that they might've sensed the anger.

Suddenly, Brenton takes off running to the building.

"Brenton!" Ava calls out, noticing him run and turns to chase after him.

"He's on the run again!" Alex cries out and turns on his heel before running too.

"I swear..!" Urana quickly dashes towards the runners direction.

"Why the hell is he running towards the sickening magic energy?!" Owen questions as he runs after them. The realization of his parents made him slow down a little. He bites his lip and shakes his head, picking up his pace again.

Alex realizes too, he felt his scars sting and turns back to see Owen holding his right hand. Alex breathes in deeply before continuing to chase after Brenton.

"They picked that place for a reason...Coach is gonna get hurt," Brenton has a weird gut feeling. The moment he steps inside he confirmed his gut feeling.

Sensei said there's no magic here so it's harder to use magic...everything is also weakened by some level. Coach said the fairy wings are strong but fragile. They must be even more fragile here and then there's the amount on knife traps' here. I've come here enough to know where they are but I doubt Coach does...

"Brenton? What the actual hell?" Urana storms in.

"There are knife traps here!" Brenton argues.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Owen questions.

"Coach's wings! They're fragile here and they'll come right off of it some dagger or sword were to cut them! She doesn't know!" Brenton explains.

"We've gotta warn her," Ava agrees with Brenton.

"Then why are we standing around? Let's go!" Alex starts to run again after they all take a glance at one another.

That's when a figure appears from the shadows.


Amy flies on top of the two woman and grabs their hair, yanking it as she kicked their backs straight into a wall.

Ku grabs the fists of both men and smacks their heads together. He jumps back to put some distance between them in order to avoid an attack.

"They aren't saying anything useful..." Amy mummers to Ku. He nods in reply, eyeing the enemy closely.

Amy's wings are thin, medium-length, and have a sharp shape. The wings have a green shine to the semi-transparent color. The wings twitch, a little quirk Amy has when she's anxious.

Suddenly a dagger falls straight towards Amy's wings as Ku pushes her aside and grabs the dagger.

"They're after my wings!" Amy realizes and keeps herself even more alert. Ku watches around too as the enemy comes at them again.

"A fairy's weakness is her wings after all," Susan smirks, followed closely behind Henry.

"Take that weakness and exploit it," Jackie glares straight at Amy, as Jackson follows to back up his wife.

"I'd like to see you try," Amy puts a finger to her chin and smirks with her eyes closed.

"Cocky fairy. Closing your eyes?" Henry laughs as he jumps up.

"What a bad move," Jackson agrees as his hand glows black.

Amy grabs Jackson's hand and Henry's leg before her own hands turn green and she throws them at Ku. "Batter up!" Amy calls out.

Ku nods as he takes his staff and hits the men with it, knocking them into the wall. "Hooooooome run!" Ku smiles.

Amy dodged more traps before smiling at Ku. Her hands glow green again and a bowling ball drops onto Jackie's feet.

"What the he-" Jackie is cut off with Amy body slamming Susan into Jackie. Then sending them both where their husbands are.

"Nice Amy. Your slamming has gotten better since last time," Ku nods approvingly.

"Thanks! Your batting has gotten a lot better too!" Amy grins, catching one of the arrows heading towards her wings.

"I sense my son," Susan narrows her eyes.

"What's he even doing here?" Henry questions.

"You have no right to call him your son," Ku growls threateningly and slams his staff on the ground.

"None of you do. You all deserve to rot! Wait. Getting rid of your limbs one by one sounds better," Amy glares, her eyes glowing. Her hand goes towards her pouch, where her wand is. Ku stops her and shakes his head in disagreement.

"I can't do that...I know," Amy grumbles to Ku.

"Owen's here as well," Jackson noted.

"Probably here to disappoint us as usual," Jackie rolls her eyes.

"That young man works so hard to please you and that is what you think of it?!" Ku takes a deep breath to keep his cool.

"Oh just let me rip them apart!" Amy growls as her eyes glow even brighter and her form starts to change.

"Amy! Control yourself!" Ku says before controlling his fist. Amy breathes heavily, watching the fear in the adults' eyes with pleasure. That disappears as she returns to herself.

"Well good thing that dude or whatever will take care of him," Jackson reminds them.

"What dude?" Amy questions quickly.

"Oh we were just given this robot to help us," Susan boasts.

"That lot came anyway!" Ku grits his teeth and turns to go the exit.

Jackie tries to stop him by punching him but Ku grabs her hand and squeezes it. "Focus on us ya old man!" Jackie struggles to say.

Amy starts to fight again, pinning one of them down then dealing with another and the cycle repeats.

"We need to destroy these bugs and then the teens!" Henry reminds them.

"You don't think we know that?" Jackson sighs and gets thrown into another wall.

"Focus on the battle!" Jackie hisses as she tries to grab Amy's wings who is met with Ku's angry face.

"Come near my child and I will not hesitate to end you," Ku looks down at the woman before smacking her into Susan and Henry. Who then join Jackson.

"Eat the medicine before they take us away," Jackie orders quietly.

"We clearly need to take them to the Magic Council for questioning," Amy runs toward them.

"Good idea," Ku then sees them all drop. He rushes over and checks their pulse.

"They are dead."


The figure grabs Urana and throws her towards Owen.

"Owen look out! There's some dude!" Urana warns him as she comes flying towards him.

Owen turns around and ducks as Urana hits the wall.

"Ow...dude..." Urana gets up, rubbing her back. Everyone turns to look at the person who threw Urana.

A robot steps from the shadows. He's wearing some body armor that simply protects his body. No marking or anything to tell of their name or where they're from.

"You'll pay for laying your hands on my sister..!" Brenton's fist lights on fire as he jumps towards the man.

"Brenton! NO!" Everyone cries out but he continues. Brenton gets thrown back at them and his friends barely manage to catch him.

Owen summons his weapon, the katana, before running towards the man.

"Oh c'mon Owen!" Urana huffs, stomping her foot. Brenton gets himself back up.

Owen gets thrown across the room, his back hitting the wall.

"What a bunch of weaklings. I can't believe you all are the Elemental Masters," the robot standing in the middle shakes their head with a sigh.

Urana runs towards him but he sends her flying backwards with a punch to her stomach.

"You know, we villains prove ourselves by having a battle with the Elemental Masters. But this!" They point at them.

Brenton jumps from the ground, a fist in the direction of the robot when they grab Brenton's head and fling him towards another wall.

"This! Is just pathetic!" The robot cries out.

Alex uses his speed but ends up being tripped over by the robot and kicked to the wall.

"Seriously? Honestly, I really did expect better," the robot sighs, putting their hands in their pockets...or whatever passes for pockets on their armor.

Ava draws back her bow, and shoots the arrow. It touches their armor and does nothing. "Ugh! That was another normal one!" Ava growls. She summons her shurikins (throwing stars) and runs toward the robot. The place had given them for closer range battles. The robot grabs her hand and throws her to a wall.

"No...ugh!" Brenton tries to get up.

How did we end up like this..?

An arrow pierced the robot's leg.

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