1D Sickfics

By justlikefabi

96.5K 1K 406

Just a bunch of Oneshots. More

Not so fun Party (Louis)
Carsick (Louis)
Sick at School (Louis)
Starting a Headspace (Louis)
"We need to go the ER!" (Kid Liam)
Dating + Stomach Issues (Harry)
Hiding (Louis)
Acid Reflux (Niall)
Stomach Bug (Kidfic Larry)
Heatstroke (Niall)
Chest Infection (Kidfic Niall)
Antibiotics-Side Effect (Part 2)
Emetophobia (Liam)
R.I.P Félicité
Met Gala Anxiety (Harry)
Seasick (Zayn)
Roseola (Harry)
Stressed (Louis)
Badly Hurt (Louis)
Long Time No See (Louis)
Drunk (mostly Zayn)

Harry sick (Part 2 from Louis sick at school)

4K 52 25
By justlikefabi

Requested by: @ilangel1

Louis is still 16 and Harry 19.
The other lads around 18-19.
Louis and Harry aren't are couple but they are in love.


Louis catched an awful stomach bug a few days ago. He already was feeling better, he didn't need to throw up anymore so he was nearly back on his feet. Everyone was happy that nobody else catched that bug... Until that one night.

Harry woke up in the middle of the night from a painful twisting stomach. He looked over to the other half of the bed. Louis laid peacefully sleeping and curlped up next to him, snoring quietly.

He older one slowly startes rubbing his own stomach like he did the last few days for Louis. He could feel his guts churning under his hand. After changing his position, Harry noticed that his shirt was drenched in sweat.

Having decided to get changed he slowly stood up. At one hand he didn't want to wake up Louis and at the other hand he didn't want to upset his stomach any further.

Louis stirred a bit but continued sleeping. As soon as Harry stood up he felt that he needed to go to the bathroom as soon as possible. He quickly looked over to Louis one last time and went as fast as possible to their bathroom.

After quickly locking the door he knelt down in front of the toilet, gagging a bit, grabbing on the toiletseat, nuckles turning white.

He gagged again, followed by a sick burp but brought nothing up. He sat there for nearly 20 minutes, full of gagging, hiccuping and spitting salvia, but didn't throw up. Trying to be as quiet as possible.

After that 20 minutes he let go from the toilet but laid down on the uncomfortable bathroom floor. He was shivering but didn't want to go back to bed, because of the awful nausea. Somehow he manged to fall asleep anyway.

By the morning Louis woke up, noticing Harry wasn't next to him. He stood up concerned about whats wrong. He checked the kitchen and livingroom just to notice he wasn't there. The last thing he checked was the bathroom. As he entered the room he nearly tripped over an on the floor laying, shivering, arms wrapped around his stomach and pale Harry.

"Oh no..." Louis mumbled to himself "Hazza.." he carefully shook his shoulder "..wake up please.." Harry moved groaning a bit, wrapping his arms around his stomach even tighter. His eyes fluttered open, he had dark bags under his slight red eyes.

"Aww Hazzie.. Catched that stupid bug didn't you?" Louis cooed and carefully helped Harry standing up. He supported him and went, half carring him, back to their bedroom. He carefully laid him down in the bed. "Dont move" Louis said and rushed into the kitchen to get a cup of tea and some toast. On the way to the bathroom he bumped into a sleepy looking Liam. "..Harry's sick too...?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Uh Uhm yeah.. I guess" Louis told "I can handle that, 's no problem for me" he mumbled and went to the bathroom where he grapped a bucket, some medicine and a thermometer to check his temperature.

After he got all that things he went back to Harry, who was sitting in the bed, clutching his stomach. "Open up Hazzie" Louis said while he placed all the things next to the bed and took the thermometer. After Harry opend his mouth, Louis slid the thermometer under his tongue carefully do not trigger his gag reflex.

Louis rubbed his back, trying to calm him a bit. "Its alright.. Its over soon". After it beeped the took it out and read the number "39,4.." (102,92). "Thats pretty high.." the smaller one mumbled and rushed into the bathroom again to get a cool wet washcloth.

As he got all the things he went back to Harry and carefully rubbed his face and chest with it. Harry seemed to relax slightly, still clutching his stomach. "Do you think you can handle some medicine and a bit tea?" Louis asked frowning cutely.

"Dunno..." Harry whispered "Maybe.. I can try.." He said his mouth barely opening. Louis gave him a pill and the tea. Harry swallowed it down with a few small sips and laid down. The younger boy carefully started rubbing his really upset stomach, feeling it churning under his hand. "Poor Haz.." Louis mumbled.

Harry laid there for a while, eyes closed. But suddenly his mouth began to water and he swallow thick. He quickly sat up "need bucket" he forced out, gagging harshly.

Louis quickly grabbed the bucket and held it under Harrys chin, rubbing his back with the other one "Let it out..you will be fine after that". Harry gagged harsh over the bucket, shivering violently. Louis patted his back slightly. "Its alright.. Its over soon" He whispered and put the bucket in Harrys lap, so he messily could tied up Harrys hair that it wasnt falling in his face.

Harry continued gagging, salvia dripping out of his mouth. Louis patted his back carefully, whispered sweet nothings to calm him down. After some awful minutes full of gagging, a thick stream of sick hit the bottom from the bucket with a disgusting splashing sound. Harrys whole body was shaking as he threw up more. Louis rubbed his back and tried to hold down his own stomach content. He could feel the heat radiating from Harrys body.

After Harry finsihed with an hiccup, Louis cleaned his mouth and gave him some water so rinse out his mouth. Once he finsihed that, Louis went to clean the bucket, feeling his own stomach churning. He gripped on the sink as a wave of nausea hit him and he nearly threw up. He wasn't completely healthy. The younger boy went to the kitchen and made himself a tea too. Then he went with the clean bucket back to Harry. Who was curled up in a blanket.

Louis took some stomach relaxers. "Still sick..?" Harry whispered looking at him. "Just a churning stomach" Louis whispered back. "Can you take some too please?" Harry nodded a bit and let Louis help him with the medicine.

They both ended up cuddling the whole day, watching movies with a lot of toilet trip for Harry.

1058 Words. Not satisfied with the ending but its okay.

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