X-men: First Class Reader Ins...

By KimiStorm

73.7K 2K 290

(Y/n), Raven, and Charles are foster siblings with superpowers. Them, along with new friends, are going to st... More

Broken Promise
Shattered Glass
A New Beginning
New Marvel Reader Insert!


5.4K 156 57
By KimiStorm

You, Raven, and many of the other mutants who Charles and Erik had spent quite a few days traveling around looking for, were sitting in a cush room in the base of the CIA.

"We should think of code names." Raven clapped her hands, "we're government agents now. We should have secret code names."

"Don't you think that's a little, uh, childish?" you inquired.

Raven stuck out her tongue, "stop being an old fart like Charles. You've been hanging out too much, he's rubbing off onto you."

You frowned, you didn't think you had surpassed Raven by a huge amount of years, but apparently you had. "Fine." You mumbled under your breath, luckily, it seemed like no one had heard you.

"I want to be called Mystique." Raven declared. You raised an eyebrow, well that was somewhat out of the blue.

"Damn!" Sean enunciated loudly, "I wanted to be called Mystique."

Raven laughed, "well tough. I called it." She replied pompously before shapeshifting to look like him, which gathered a lot of claps and gasps of surprise, "and I'm way more mysterious than you." That too caused a lot of clapping and you heard Alex say 'woah' more than once. "Darwin, what about you?"

"Well, uh, Darwin's already a nickname, and, you know, sort of fits." He shrugged as he stood up and walked over to the fish tank, "adapt to survive and all. Check this out." He submerged his face into the water and gills appeared on the side of his face. Once again, this invoked many claps and cheers. "Thank you, thank you." Darwin shook his face and the gills disappeared. "What about you?" he looked at Sean.

"I'm going to be... " he leaned forwards in his seat and contemplated it, "banshee." He decided.

"Why do you want to be named after a wailing spirit?" Hank asked amusedly.

"You might want to cover your ears." Sean responded as he squatted in front of the coffee table where three glass candle holders stood. He looked from side to side and then whistled, which shattered the window instead of the candle holders.

The room laughed while you cringed at the broken glass, "am I really that old?" you muttered to yourself, as you saw none of this amusing, even though you were barely older than the rest of the group.

"How'd I miss that?" Sean asked unhappily, he looked towards Angel, "your turn."

"My, uh, stage name is Angel." She replied as she stood up and took of her jacket, "kind of fits." She turned around and the wing tattoos on her arms turned into real, dragonfly like wings.

"You can fly?" Raven asked in disbelief as she looked at Angel in awe.

"Uh huh." Angel smiled and turned back to look at you guys, "and, um..." she spit and a fireball flew out of the broken window and landed on the statue outside, setting it on fire. Once again, the group laughed in the face of destruction. "What's your name?" she asked Hank as she put her jacket back on.

Hank looked away and hesitated to answer. "How about Bigfoot?" Alex asked through a drink.

Raven turned to Hank with a passive aggressive glare, "well, you know what they say about guys with big feet. And, uh, yours are kind of small."

"Ooh, burn." You laughed under your breath.

"How about you, (y/n)?" Sean asked as he turned towards you.

"Um, I don't really have anything cool to show." You laughed awkwardly, "it's more of an emotional thing. Pathokinesis."

"And." Raven prompted.

"Well, I, I can turn invisible too." You explained and let yourself turn invisible.

"Woah, where'd she go?" Sean asked in a joking manner.

"Secret agent name?" Raven nudged.

"I don't really have one." You muttered.

"Invisi-girl." Sean suggested.

You wrinkled your nose in disgust, "definitely not." You turned off your invisible skills and reappeared, "I'll just stick with (y/n)."

"Aww, boring." Raven laughed as she nudged your arm, "you've been hanging out with old fart Charles too much."

"I just don't have a creative name." You shrugged.

"How about Path? Because, pathokinesis?" Angel suggested.

"Sure." You nodded, not willing to argue with the group.

"Alex, what's your gift?" Darwin asked, "what can you do?"

"Uh, it's not, um..." he awkwardly brought a hand up to scratch the back of his head, "Um, I just can't do it. I can't do it in here." He explained.

"Can you do it out there?" Darwin motioned out to the courtyard beyond the shattered window.

"Why don't you do it out there?" Raven jumped on Darwin's idea.

"Come on." Angel persuaded.

"Come on!" Sean pushed.

"Guys, if he doesn't want to, we don't need to push him." You protested as you stood up and tried to shush the group.

"Alex." Darwin started the chant.

"Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!" everyone chanted as they tried to pump him up. Alex relented and stood up to exit out the window.

"That's the spirit!" Darwin shouted happily.

"Guys." You whined, "Alex, you don't have to show us if you don't want to." You put a reassuring hand on his arm and gave a quick glare towards everyone else as if daring them to argue that.

Alex shook his head, "it's fine." He stepped out of the window, "get down when I tell you."

"Get down when I tell you." Sean mocked.

You slapped his arm, "if he's saying that, there must be a good reason behind it!."

The group leaned out from behind the wall to see Alex prepare himself to show his power, "get back." He stated and the group retreated. You however, were standing far away from the window, and the rest of the group. The rest of the group leaned around the wall again. "Get back!" he demanded, when the group didn't listen he relented, "whatever."

Alex let a bunch of red energy rings form around him and he let it spin around before it shot across the courtyard. One of them slicing right through the statue and causing it to fall to the ground, on fire.

"Guys!" you cried out in a panic, "how are we going to fix that?"

"Relax (y/n)." Raven slung an arm around your shoulder and you were bombarded by her excited emotions, "live a little!" she laughed and then broke off to dance around.

The room quickly evolved into a party with people dancing and all around messing around. You knew in your heart that Charles would be angry to return to the seven of you having a party and making a mess, but the highly charged atmosphere wouldn't allow it. Slowly, your frown turned into a grin, and you're stoic atmosphere turned into a party animal.


"Yeah!" you laughed excitedly as you danced around with Raven and Angel. Drinks had been passed around earlier, but you insisted that you didn't need any. Even through the highly charged atmosphere, a small part of your brain told you not to have any. It didn't matter, just the drunk atmosphere made you seem like you were drunk. The loud music echoed throughout the room and you let out a shriek of excitement before jumping off of the coffee table you were standing on. You landed on the floor and then fell down to sit on your bottom, laughing the whole way. "Charles is on his way." You giggled, "him and Moira."

The entire room seemed to stop for a moment as everyone minus Raven looked at you curiously. "How do you know that?" Angel asked cautiously.

You just tapped your head, "magic." You giggled again.

"She's drunk, it probably doesn't mean anything." Darwin shrugged and then the party started up again.

"Alex! Catch me!" you shouted as you launched yourself across the room onto him.

"Woah, (y/n)!" Alex struggled to keep you in his grip and to avoid the two of you toppling to the floor.

"Whee!" you whooped.

"What are you doing?" once again the atmosphere turned on a dime, but this time, Moira was actually here. "Who destroyed the statue?" she demanded.

"It was Alex." Hank pointed to said person who really couldn't do much with you in his arms.

"No. Havok." Raven corrected, "we have to call him Havok. That's his name now."

"Can you get down (y/n)?" he mumbled embarrassedly to you, and you quickly complied, stumbling ungracefully to the floor.

Raven continued, "and we were thinking, you should be Professor X," she turned to point at Charles, "and you should be Magneto." She turned to point at Erik.

You accidently let out a giggle from your point on the floor which caused everyone to look at you. You smiled and gave a wave.

Erik gave an annoyed glare before huffing, "exceptional."

"The sarcasm is strong in this one." You mumbled under your breath.

Erik glared again before turning away and walking to wherever he needed to go. Moira quickly followed suit.

"I expect more from you." Charles hissed before he walked away too.

"Your hair is great Charles!" you shouted after him and the rest of the gang turned to try and shush you.

"I told you she didn't need a drink." Raven murmured under her breath, "this is why we don't invite her to parties."


You gradually 'sombered' up once the party atmosphere had left. What replaced it was a calmer, more shameful atmosphere. Especially coming from Raven.

"He's just stressed Raven." You gently pat her shoulder, "us having a party didn't help him ease that stress. Especially when he's trying to get the government on our side."

"Yeah." Raven mumbled, but she didn't seem entirely convinced.

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