My Chocolate Mate (BoyxBoy)

By RainbowSticks

482K 8.3K 1.5K

*Warning* This a boyxboy and it will have sexual content through out the story. He smiled and brung me to... More

Chapter 1 (Welcome Micheal )
Chapter 2 (Why are you sniffing me?)
Chapter 3 (Welcome New Classmate)
Chapter 4 (The Start of Something New)
Chapter 6 (I Think I'm Falling For Him)
Chapter 7 (You Look Hot Jealous)
Chapter 8 (Bowling Mate)
Chapter 9 (Kiss The Pain Away)
Chapter 10 (First Date)
Chapter 11 (A Newcomer PART 1)

Chapter 5 (I Can't Believe It's Only Day One)

34.7K 669 130
By RainbowSticks

 Sorry if there are any mistakes


I Can't Believe It's Only Day One

Christian's POV

He ran his hands across my flat smooth stomach. He leaned down and kissed my hardened nipple while rolling it around on his tongue. I felt him bite slightly and I moaned in pain and pleasure. He kissed his way up to to my lips and pulled me into a deep sensual kiss. I sucked on his bottom lips lightly while my hands were every where on his hard muscled body.

I moaned, "D'Angelo please!" I cried out as he grinded his lower half against mine. Creating a very dangerous friction between my center. 

"My dear mate you are mine and will forever be mine. Now wake up." he said as his hands trailed around the waist band of my pants. 

'What did he mean wake up?' Just as he was about to put his luscious mouth on me I felt somebody shaking me. 

I shot up real fast and turned to the person who was shaking me and it was my mother. 

"What is it mom? I thought I didn't have to go to school for a week?" I said wiping the sleep from my eyes. 

"I was waking you so I could tell you D'Angelo is on his way." she said. 

"Oh thanks," I said waiting for her to leave but she just looked back at me.

"Is there something else mom?" I said looking at her weirdly.

"Well I just wanted to say that you should try to know have loud sexual dreams about D'Angelo." she said smirking and leaving the room before I could say anything. 

I sighed and leaned back in the bed. I can't believe I was dreaming about him like that. And to think that we will be spending the whole week together. 

I got up and took a shower. I put on some grey sweats, a white low cut v-neck and my powerpuff girl socks. Hey don't judge me! I love the powerpuff girls and don't even get me started on bubbles. 

 I went downstairs in to the kitchen and made some breakfast for D'Angelo and I. 

As I was finishing off the pancakes I heard the doorbell go off. I walked to the door and opened and immediately got weak to the knees. D'Angelo was standing before for me in a TIGHT black v-neck shirt and baggy jeans. I could see the muscle blugging out of it making me squirm in delight. 

"Can you stop eye raping me and let me in?" he said smirking. 

I rolled my eyes but let him and closed the door behind us. I noticed him caring a big backpack on his back and I was curious to what was in it. 

"What do you have in that backpack?" I asked walking in to the kitchen as he followed. 

"I have some of none of your business in here." he said laughing at his own corny joke. 

I glared at him playfully making him laugh more. He walked closer to me and held his hand around mines on the spactula. I felt those warm tingles and shivered. He was so close, a little to close, I felt him breathing on the back of my neck.

I wanted to press up against him so bad but I resisted the urge to do so. STAY STRONG CHRISTIAN!

"Um I cooked breakfast for us." I said slipping away from and grabbing our plates. I walked in to the dinning room and sat our plates down. When he sat down I went back in to the kitchen and got our drinks. 

I sat down in front of him and was about to dig in when he stopped me. 

I looked at him confused. "What?" I asked. 

"Aren't you forgettening something?" he drawled out. 

"I don't think so do need something else?" I asked still confused. 

"No I ment prayer you were about to eat with out saying a prayer." he said seriously. 

"Oh I'm sorry," he reached over and grabbed down my hands and led us in to prayer. When it was over we said amen and I finally was able to dig in to my food. 

 "So when are you going to tell me what a mate is?" I asked.

"When the time is right." was all he said as he continued eating. He dropped his napkin and bent down to pick it up. When he came back up he looked at me weirdly then started laughing.

"What?" I said throwing my hands on my face. 

"Why are you wearing those socks?" he asked still laughing. 

"I love the powerpuff girls." I said seriously. He stopped laughing and looked at me. Then he started back laughing and I rolled my eyes. 


"That is too funny. I swear you are too adorable for your own good." he said as laughing died down. 

After we were finish eating we went in to the living room and decided on watching a movie. I put in one of my favorites Other Guys Will Ferrell was too funny in that movie. I was seating on one end of the counch while D'Angelo was on the other opposite end.

He looked at me and frowned. "Why are you sitting so far away?" he said pouting like a three year old. 

"Why wouldn't I be sitting far away?" I asked like a smartass.

"Ha ha, I thought maybe we could cuddle. Wouldn't you like that?" he asked. 

'Hell yes I would like that!' 

"No I'm fine just over here." I lied. 

"Well, I'm not." he said getting up and moving to my end. 

He sat down in the middle and wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me closer to him. 


"Shhh the movie is about to start." he said cutting he off. 

I sighed and leaned in to him more. This actually felt good being in his arms like this. 

During half of the movie his arm feel from my shoulder to my waist. At first I thought about telling him to move it but decided against it. 

I don't know why but it felt good to be protected and secured in his arms. To think this could happen all week and it's just the first day.


Sorry I know it's short but say this is kind of like a teaser. So I have a question for you guys. Do you think I should put this as Rated R? Or make a book just for my restricted chapters? Please comment back on what you think I should do. And I saw I had 30+ plus votes on the last chapter and I was so happy. Because keep it coming it really made me smile. 

RainbowSticks OUT!

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