Dancing With The Devil

由 no_nonsenceny

3.4K 122 61

(Sequel to The White Rabbit) It's been a year since Jace and his older brother Caleb put their father in jail... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's Note Update

Chapter 10

95 3 2
由 no_nonsenceny

We all stand in silence for a while. Suddenly Caleb yells out anger and shock evident in his voice. "What?"
Detective Robinson repeats her statement again. "James is out of jail. He's free."
"How the fuck does that happen," Caleb asks angrily. "He's rotting in jail. He killed 2 people and he admitted it! How the fuck does he get out with those kinds of charges."
"There was a breach in protocol. An officer forgot to sign his arrest warrant. They had been trying to deal with this, but the judge ruled that until they sign is arrest warrant, James can't be held in custody."
"Then get someone to sign the damn warrant," Caleb retorts. Detective Johnson glares at Caleb warningly, but let's Detective Robinson continue. "It isn't that simple. The officer who was supposed to sign his arrest warrant died of a heart attack last month. They need another officer to go through the same process that that officer went through in order for him to sign the warrant."
Caleb growls and punches the wall, making me flinch back. He notices me standing there and looks at me apologetically. "Caleb, I'm gonna need you to calm down," Detective Johnson says. Caleb glares at him.
"What do you expect us to do? Wait for him to come to us?" Detective Robinson shakes her head. "No. That's why we're sending a pair of our officers to watch over your home. At least until the warrant is signed." Caleb sighs. "What time will they be there?"
      "At around 9," Detective Robinson responds. Caleb nods and turns to me. "Let's go home." I walk out of the interrogation room, Caleb following after me.
      We get in the car and make our way home. We drive in silence for a while before Caleb begins to speak. "I went by the hospital. They wouldn't let me see Bonnie because she's in surgery. They said that she had some internal bleeding, a concussion, and some broken bones." He pauses for a bit and then continues. "We can go try to see her tomorrow." I nod but don't say anything.
     When we get home, Mike stands in front of the door. "Who's that," I hear Caleb ask. I don't answer and get out of the car. I run up to Mike and he pulls me in his arms. "I heard about what happened to Bonnie. Are you okay," he asks and I nod. Mike kisses my cheek and I enjoy the feeling comfort.
     I hear Caleb walk up behind me and scowl. "And you are," he asks. Mike lets me go and extends his hand towards Caleb. "I'm Mike." Caleb looks at him skeptically before shaking his hand. "Caleb," is all that he says and I glare at him.
     Mike turns to me. "I'll tell Mr.Aubrey about what happened. He'll most likely close the diner for a while so that he can go see her." I nod. "Okay."
     "I'll see you later," he says. Suddenly Mike leans in and kisses me. Caleb stares at us wide-eyed and I kiss him back. When Mike pulls away he turns and leaves. Caleb stares at his back for a while before turning back to me. He shakes his head and walks inside of the house. When I walk inside, Caleb turns and glares at me. "What," I ask.
       "Seriously Jace? You're friend just got hit by a car, we just found out that our insane dad is out of jail, and you wanna duck face with some boy?" It's my turn to glare at Caleb.
       "What are you talking about? You know nothing about Mike! He's not just some boy! He's the first person in years to actually like me and not want to take advantage of me!"
      "I get where you're coming from Jace, but I can tell that he's not good for you," Caleb says. "I just want to protect you and make sure that you're safe."
       "Oh what the fuck do you care for," I yell. "Just last night, you said that I ruined your life! You said that I got Kyle killed and that it was my fault!" Caleb stares at me shocked. "When did I say that?" My glare hardens.
      "Last night. You came home drunk and I was the one to have to take you to bed!" Caleb looks at me apologetically. "Jace, you know I would never say that. I was drunk and I don't know what I was saying. I'm so sorry."
        He looks so defeated. His eyes are sad and they practically beg me to forgive him. But anger is blinding and right now, I can't see anything. "No," I say angrily. "You said that I ruined your life and you're right. Maybe I should've stayed with dad. That way, you wouldn't have to worry about a burden like me." Caleb growls angrily. If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.
      "You know what Jace, I don't care anymore. If you want to go out with some boy and get heartbroken, then you go do that. I'm done." His body sags dejectedly and his eyes are tired. Regardless I walk upstairs, slamming the door behind me. I grab Harry and sit on my bed. Tears prick my eyes but I don't let them fall. He said that he doesn't care, so neither should I. But it still hurts. Caleb had meant what he said when he said that I ruined his life.
     "I hate him," I whisper to no one. I hate him so much but it hurts to hear him say that he doesn't care about me anymore. Caleb had been my knight in shining armor. He saved me from dad and was there for me when I needed him the most. Now he hates me too.


    I walk next to Caleb inside the hospital. We came here early this morning to beat some traffic. Neither of us said a word to each other on the way here.
     A receptionist in blue scrubs greet us in the waiting room of the hospital. "Hello. Are you here for an emergency or visitation?"
      "Visitation," Caleb says kindly. The receptionist nods and asks Caleb who we're here for. When he tells her Bonnie's real name, she point down the hallway towards an elevator. "She's on the 3rd floor in room 309B." Me and Caleb nod and walk towards the elevator and get inside.
      The vibe in the entire elevator is uncomfortable. It's just me and Caleb in here and we're held in an uncomfortable silence. I feel bad for yelling at Caleb like that. The anger that I held yesterday has dissipated and now only sadness and regret is left. I want to apologize to who but I don't know how. I don't even think that he would accept my apology. I was acting like a brat.
      The elevator stops with a ding and we get off. It takes us a while to find Bonnie's room, but when we do we see a woman with dark skin sitting next to Bonnie. She notices us and stands up. "Are you a friend of Bonnie's?"
      We nod and I begin to speak. "My name is Jace and this is my brother Caleb." The woman nods and smiles brightly. "Oh so you're the famous Jace! Bonnie's told me so much about you!" I laugh and smile kindly. "It's nice to meet you ma'am."
      "It's nice to meet you too Jace. My name is Abby and in case you haven't noticed, I'm Bonnie's mom."
       "How is she," I ask. Abby's face goes slump and she frowns. "She has to get surgery yesterday. She's in a coma now, and the doctors don't know when she'll wake up." I nod and look at Bonnie sadly.
       She has so many machines and wires attached to her that she almost doesn't even look like Bonnie anymore. Her body is slump and unmoving. I'm so used to seeing Bonnie talking and jumping around that it's weird to hear her completely quiet.
      Abby begins to cry softly. "I'm sorry that you have to see me like this. The doctor said that...he just doesn't know if she'll ever wake up. My poor baby." She bursts into tears and her cries being tears to my own eyes. Caleb tries to comfort her and I stare at Bonnie.
      I take her hand into my own. It's limp and I squeeze it tightly. "Bonnie," I whisper. "If you can hear me, please, wake up."


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