The Lavery Twins

By Drummstixx

2.1M 43.7K 11.1K

Growing up with Shane and Matt - the Lavery twins next door, Holly can't seem to get rid of them. With her d... More

The Lavery Twins
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 1
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 2
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 3
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 4
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 5
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 6
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 7
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 8
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 9
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 10
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 11
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 12
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 13
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 14
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 15
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 16
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 17
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 18
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 19
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 20
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 21
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 22
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 24
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 25
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 26
The Lavery Twins - Epilogue

The Lavery Twins - Chapter 23

52.7K 1K 427
By Drummstixx


This chapter's for all you Matt lovers out there!!! :)

This is kind of for myself, also. I can't decide between either twin....YEAH, THATS RIGHT. I'M THE AUTHOR AND I CANT FRICKIN DECIDE ON WHO ITS GON' BE.

** First of all.....I would like to give a quick shout out to HarmonyRenee for coming up with 'Shatt' :) Honestly, TEAM SHATT. <3 **

So, I'm sitting back, letting my fingers type whatever they want, and see how my own story goes :) Currently, I am good for both boys. I personally love Matt because of his asshole...ness. I like the 'bad-boy' type, and whatever he is.

But then, Shane.....*dreamy sighs*.....he's sexy. I mean, they're both sexy but I personally have a thing for guys like Shane. Lookswise, anyways. Piercings, smokers, long hair, metal. It's all for meeee.

Man, I should have just mashed Matt and Shane together to make one person.....then I would have Shatt myself. LOLOLOLOLOL. Okay, I'll shut up now.

Anyways, I just want to expose the fact that I see that almost 600 people have read one of my chapters, and i only got like 5 comments. Really? Like, are you shitting on my balls right now? I'm the one who has to listen to people complain about how i don't upload enough, and how I'm slacking off everyday. Or people whining at me in my inbox like 'UPLOAD, UPLOAD, UPLOAD.'

I'm not trying to be a comment whore....actually, too bad. I turned to the dark side, and I'm an official comment prostitude. OK. I have a life, surprisingly. I have friends, I have things to do, shit to destroy, and people to see. But, I'm dedicated to wattpad, not just 'cause I'm obsessed....but because I have fans who want to see my stories and see how they turn up. Like this story, for example. I can see there is a mini war with Matt and Shane, and it's very amusing. SO that's exactly what I'm doing, continuing this story. But if nobody comments or says how I'm doing, HOW THE HELL....AM I SUPPOSED....TO.....KNOW...OR...LIVE? What is this? Seriously, come on guys. I'm a nice person. I'm cool..... *cool face*.

Well, .....*Dramatic sigh*...... all you 600 people who read this story but don't comment. Thanks. I hope you have a serious problem with your computer, causing you to not comment....'cause I'll find you. You better hide yo kids, hide you wives, and hide you husbands 'cause me be raping aybody out there if they don't comment..... As for little number of people who actually DO put their time in to comment.....*BIG HUG* I love you guys! <3 <3 <3

Okay, so, I'm not going to be THAT much of a bitch and threaten you guys to comment or I won't upload.....BUT, I will do this. The first five people to comment, will be mentioned in the next chapter.... :) NOT LYING. I know I'm a liar....but this is legit. SO DO IT GUYS :)

anyways. Sorry for this long-ass author's note.....this might make the chapter look longer LOL. *troll smile*

Anyways, this chapter is very descriptive. I don't know, but you get to see how Holly really thinks, as a person. So yeah, hope the descriptiveness and thinking doesn't get too boring LOL.

Anyways, sorry, I think I'm pmsing or something, because....Jesus mother of christ....I type way too much. Errrks.





Chapter 23


I was surprised that I woke up at twelve. Honestly, I actually checked my phone about three times, making sure the time was right. Maybe I was excited. I flung the blankets off of my body, and climbed out of bed. Woah, a bit dizzy there. I blinked a couple times, gaining my balance, and decided I should hop in the shower.

In the shower, I let the hot water run down my sore body. Yeah, I was feeling sore for some reason. My body felt so tense, when I got out of bed I swear I broke my back. Although it was really hot out today, almost humid, it was still nice to feel the hot water ease all my muscles. I drowned my hair in my favourite shampoo and conditioner, making sure my hair was drenched in good scent.

"LETS GO TO PARIS, SHOOT SOME HEROIN AND FVCK WITH THE STARS!" I sang, scrubbing all over my body. Looking down at myself, I noticed that my boobs have gotten bigger. Fish. But man, they've babies!

I finished off in the shower, singing MGMT the whole time, and dried myself off. I threw a light pink towel on my head, and wrapped myself in a black one, almsot slipping on the bathroom floor. Woah. I chuckled to myself.

Wiping the fog off the mirror, I looked at my reflection. I've been used to seeing my natural self, without makeup. At the cabin, I haven't been wearing makeup, unlike Ally, who apparently has to. Only Ally would bring her false eyelashes to a camping trip.

I went to my room, and threw my towels on the bed. I grabbed a hot pink bra, and matching panties. It was very hot, and I had to wipe sweat off my forehead like a million times this whole morning. Throwing them on, I looked over at my closet. My real clothes. I almost forgot about what I wore and looked like when I wasn't roughing it. I had all these printed jeans, band shirts....for a week, I've been used to just roughing track pants and tank tops.

I picked out a pair of maroon coloured shorts, that were a little ragged at the ends. One of the pockets were rhinestoned. I also took out a random white baggy shirt, that was leopard printed, and a bit seethrough. But, that is what a bandeau is for.

After getting dressed, I limbered up for ten seconds, stretching out my completely lazy self. Then, I grabbed my makeup bag and ran to the bathroom. Was I trying to impress Matt? Um....honestly, not really. This boy has seen me in my worst, for example, me being sick with mono. I looked like utter shit then, yet I still didn't care when The Laverys came to the hospital to visit me that year. But no. This...getting dressed up like a grunge troll is for me. All I do, what I wear, how I's for me.

Just me. It's my life, I'm the author of my own life, blah blah blah. Also, spending a week roughing it with no priviledge of wearing makeup makes me wanna look like a clown right now. But.....that might scare Matt away.

I looked at my natural self, first. Honestly, I used to think I was hideous without makeup -- one of the main reasons why I caked eyeliner and glitter onto my face. I mean, in my opinion, I was just so....plain looking. Brown hair, brown eyes, nothing special. Although, I have always gotten compliments on my eyes. I have these really long natural eyelashes, and I guess the shape, but other than that, I'm just average without makeup. Too average. But.....I mean, now, since makeup hasn't really been a main option lately, I've grown to kind of become ammune to my natural look. And, now, it wasn't that bad. Well, poor natural face, you're about to be destroyed by a little something I like to call eyeliner.

Something Ally has always said, if you're going to wear makeup like there's no tomorrow, at least learn how to do it right. Which is exactly what her and I know how to do. You see, there are girls who walk around with unblended foundation, crooked eyeliner, so much mascarra that it makes their eyelashes look, you see. Makeup is art, in my eyes. You have your girls who wear makeup to look like they just got off their shift working at the corner.....and you have girls like Ally and I, who wear makeup to express ourselves, and to show the world that we do not give an absolute FVCK about anything.

I took out all my eyeliners, first. Most of my makeup is from MAC, and I honestly recommend that brand because it's probably the best, even though it can get a little pricy. But that's the consequence for beauty.

I decided to go with black. I don't even know why i took out all this eyeliner when I was just going to pick simple black. Groaning, I put all my other coloured eyeliners back in the bag. Black it is. I took out mascara, my gel liner, my lipgloss and some face glitter. Glitter = life. Just ask Ke$ha.

I was considering using concealer, but....I mean, why? It's just gonna melt off my face, and it's not like my skin is disgusting or anything. Actually, I gave my reflection a nod of approval when I noticed how amazing my skin has actually been looking lately., with that, I put on the makeup. I started with the gel liner, leaning closer to the mirror so I could concentrate better. This gel liner I have is probably the best kind to do eyeliner flicks with, but, however, it is a PAIN IN THE ASS to remove if you make a mistake, so it takes alot of good focus. I lined the top of my eyelid, a little thick, and at the corners of my eyes I did a little flick, creating an eyeliner wing. I've gotten really good at this, so now both of my eyes were completely equal, and I grinned in satisfaction. Next, for the bottom, I put an appropriate amount of eyeliner, nothing like Taylor Momsen, obviously, but enough to suddenly make my boring eyes not look so boring. Then, blah blah blah, I put the mascara, the lipgloss, which was a nude pink. It's really good for when your eyes are a big heavy looking with makeup, and the lipgloss makes your look more simple. Then, I splashed the glitter on my face, and shook my head rapidly to get off the unnecessary sparkles.


My eyes widened for a second. Man, the difference that's made between natural and completely UN-natural. After combing my hair, I gave it a little finger-tease, and skipped down the stairs. I felt like myself. I didn't feel so naked anymore. I was hella ready to roll.

* * *

I looked at the time, it was just 2:00pm. Troll face. Damn, I thought makeup time would take me longer than that. I still had a half an hour, because I told that son of a bitch if he comes any earlier than 2:30 on the dot, I will kill him. So, I decided to waste my life for 30 minutes by watching AUX. Aux is a channel for independent bands. It's basically like how Much Music USED to be before it came utter shit. Honestly, the channel's called Much Music....but all I see on that channel is a bunch of stupid ass shows, and rap. UGH, i hate rap. It's not even music. I'm sorry to offend any rap-lovers, but....this is all coming from a metal head like myself.

I need to see a psychiatrist. I have wars with myself in my head, and one of me is going to get killed by the other me, which would mean a part of me would die, and that would be like, partial suicide? Exhibit A, on WHY the fvck I need to see a mental doctor.

Lana Del Rey's video for 'Born to Die' was playing, and I sat there with my jaw dropped as I envied her complete sexiness. This woman is so gorgeous. I sighed, hating having to look at people on TV and wish you looked like them. It's compeltely stupid and pointless, but what can I say, I'm a loser. "Ambling Alp" by Yeasayer and "Simple Song" by The Shins came on AUX, and I spent my precious time watching them.

On the TV, the time said 2:28, and I raised my eyebrows. Holy. By the time I got off the couch, got off my lazy ass and went to the kitchen, it was 2:30 on the dot. I suddenly had a massive itch on my arm, and I scratched it.

Five minutes went by, and my arm was red from scratching it. Oh no, I probably have a mosquito bite or something. Dammit. I jumped when I heard knocking on the door, and sighed as I went to get it.

Matt was standing there, grinning. "Hey," he said, "I'm fashionably late."

I stood there for a moment, staring at him. He was in dark jeans and a white button down V-Neck, which he left unbuttoned halfway down his chest. "Like a boss," I commented, smirking at him. "Wanna come in?"

"Do you have air conditioning?" He asked, stepping up the porch. I nodded, a bragging smile on my face as I knew that he had no air conditioning yet. Ken still had to install it.

"Oh my god," Matt stepped in the house, and wiped his forehead. "You don't even understand how torturous it is in my house, Holly. I can't even explain. And my brother's lying on the couch wearing all black like some next vampire thing, and he's not even affected."

I laughed, closing the door. "Well, that's Shane for you. Never affected by heat."

"At least temperature heat," Matt muttered, looking around for a second before looking at me, smiling. "What do you want to do today?"

I pursed my lips. "I don't know....what do you want to do?"

Matt frowned. "Seriously?"


Matt fake-scoffed as he dramatically flipped his hair over his shoulders. "You ask me out on a date and you don't even know what to do?"

"What? I didn't ask you--"

"I'm kidding," Matt raised his palms in defence, laughing. "I know my prescence is enough to make any girl to crazy, right?"

"Of course," I replied sarcastically. I leaned against the wall. I heard ruffling in the living room, and my dad getting up. When he came into the foyer, his eyes lit up when he saw Matt.

"Hiya Rob!" Matt beamed, running over to hug my dad. My dad laughed as he hugged him back.

"Hey, Matt, how are you?" My dad asked. Matt pulled away, and shrugged.

"Good, Holly and I are spending the day together," He announced, proudly. I blushed, and my dad looked at me, a million questions on his face. I shrugged.

"," Dad said, confused at the fact I wanted to spend some time with Matt. If only he knew. "Uh," Dad looked at the floor for a second, "I guess this is my cue to leave."

I frowned. "Dad, you don't have to leave everytime I have people over."

"Yeah," he smirked, "I think I do. I think I'll go over to Ken's, see what he's up to."

Matt smiled. "He's just in the backyard."

"Thanks," My dad patted Matt on the back. "Bye, kids. Have fun...." he shot me a quick look before leaving the house. Matt and I stood there, in the completely empty house. I started bobbing my head, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"It's too hot outside, Holly," Matt said, frowning at me. He looked like a little kid when he frowned, it was so cute.

"I haven't been outside yet, so I wouldn't know."

Matt opened the door, and I slightly stepped out into the scorching heat. My jaw dropped as I could basically feel my skin burning as the seconds went by. I quickly came back into the house, and shook my head. "Jesus Christ."

"I'm an official Hermit."

"If that means we don't have to leave this house, then yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

Matt grinned at me. "We can make the best of it, though. I'm pretty sure."


Matt and I got comforatable in the living room, sitting on the couch. I just randomly threw on Star Wars, and kept the volume down a bit so Matt and I could talk. I felt like a party shitter, wanting to stay in the house, but Matt was more than fine with it.

Matt and I were sitting insanely close together, our legs and arms touching. I tried to ignore the tingles on my skin from him touching me, and tried to even out my breathing. This is so weird, being attracted to Matt. I mean, any girl would probably feel the same, Matt's skin was so warm, probably from being out in the sun. I kept glancing at him every now and then, a part of me wanting to talk to him about this whole 'situation' with him and his brother. I had to, I mean, we can't just NOT talk about it. But, I didn't want to ruin anything. I looked at the TV, and watched as Princess Leia came onto the screen, talking to Han Solo. This wasn't an awkward silence at all. It was actually very comforatable, but it was only tense on my behalf, because I had so much going through my head.

"Why are you and Shane fighting?" I blurted, shocked at myself. Dammit Holly, you fvcking motherfvcker.

Matt looked at me, surprised at my sudden outburst, and his arm disappeared from around my shoulder as he turned to face me, our legs still touching. "Um," he said, probably deciding whether to tell me. Honestly, I knew the reason, and I felt like a complete bitch for knowing and being the reason for the brothers fighting.

"Shane's mad at me because he's messed up in the head," Was Matt's brilliant response. I just stared at him for a moment, his face staying completely serious.

"Matt....."I muttered. "Don't shit around here."

"Okay," Matt got comforatable, leaning towards me. "Fine. You wanna know something about my brother?"

I slowly nodded, not sure if I wanted to hear what Matt had to say. Matt put his hand on my leg, and leaned in closer so our faces were centimeters apart.

"Shane's not used to getting what he wants," Matt whispered, his breath tickling my face. "And it's a shame that this one thing....or girl that he wants, is the exact same thing that I want."

I swallowed, staring into Matt's piercing green eyes. Oh my god. Oh my god. What am I supposed to do?

"Matt, I--" I stopped mid-sentence when Matt's hand started stroking my leg, his other hand tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Holly, I never actually want things," Matt said, as his lips grazed the corner of my mouth. "I just kind of get them, and let them go when I'm done. But...." His lips hovered over mine, "I don't think I'll be able to let this one go."

I don't know what was happening to me, my horomones took over me as I closed my eyes at Matt's touch. Matt lightly touched my cheek, and I sighed. "Matt," I said, my voice a little shaky. "There's no easy way to s-say this." I took a quiet intake of breath when I felt Matt's lips on my neck. Oh no, I'm falling into the evil Matt trap. HE ALWAYS DOES THIS. Whenever he wants his ways he uses his seductive sexy powers on me. NO. ITS NOT WORKING THIS TIME.

I pulled away from Matt, and he looked at me, for a second his eyes were lust-filled until he frowned. "Holly, what's wrong?"

"I like you and your brother," I blurted out, my heart pounding against my chest. I pursed my lips as I searched Matt's face. He just stared at me, and slowly, once he realized what I really said, his face fell.

"What?" He whispered. "Why?"

"I don't know! I don't fvcking know," I started freaking out. "It's been for a while now. I have feelings for you, Matt. Really, I mean, I don't know why....but I do. But, I also have feelings for.... Shane." Oh my god, I can't believe I'm telling him like this.

Matt looked like he couldn't even believe what he just heard. His eyes looked sad, and I saw his jaw clench. "Are you kidding me?" He finally asked, his voice rough.

"N-No," I shook my head, looking down. "No, I'm not kidding you. I wish I were."

"Wow," Matt groaned, running his fingers through his hair in frustraion. "The one time I actually like a girl....she has to like my brother, too. Holly, what's so good about Shane?" He scowled childishly, crossing his arms. I almost had the urge to smile in 'awe', but instead I took a deep breath.

"That's actually what Shane said about you," I mumbled. "It's kinda funny, 'cause....I never thought this would happen to me."

Matt furrowed his eyebrows, and looked away from me. I thought he was going to run out of the house, pissed as fvck. But he didn't. He stayed right there beside me, although scowling like a little kid, he didn't leave. I shut my eyes. I feel horrible! Why am I alive?! I'm hurting Matt now, too! I never thought this would happen. I got off the couch, frustrated as I stood looking at Matt.

"Matt...." I snapped, looking at him. "Do you really think I want to be in this mess?"

"You don't have to be in any kind of mess," he muttered, getting off the couch too. Matt started walking over to me, and before I knew it, I was backed up against the wall, no gap between us. I felt his body against mine, and it took all I had not to give in so quickly.

"H-How?" I asked. Really, anything. Anything to get me out of this mess.

"Forget about Shane." Matt placed both hands on the wall on either side of me as he leaned in, his lower half between my legs.

"What?" I gasped. Matt smirked at me.

"You heard me," he said softly, and all was done when he pressed his lips onto mine. The wall was cold on my back, and I gasped into the kiss and Matt pushed me more up against the cool surface, his tongue tracing my lower lip. A defeated moan escaped my lips, and Matt took the chance to lightly push his tongue inside.

Okay, so I am an official slut. A year ago I would have honestly laughed at my face about this whole situation. A year ago I would have never guessed I'd ever be in this mess.


I slung my arms around Matt's neck, and pulled him closer to me as the kiss became deeper. I kissed him back as hard as I could, as angry and lust-filled I was. I was angry at myself. I hated myself right now. Who ever gets into this sort of thing? I never would have thought that I would. This needs to stop, between Matt and Shane. I need to figure things out, just like Ally said.

So, I am not responsible for my actions in the following. This is no longer me, because I'm clearly possessed by a fvcking slut.

I tangled my fingers in Matt's hair, and he moaned in my mouth. I wrapped my lips around his tongue and sucked, completely overtaken by hormones. Matt's hands ran up and down my sides, before going up my shirt to feel my stomach, his cold hands leaving tingles on my skin. Our lips moved in complete sync, and our tongues wrestled. Matt nibbled on my bottom lip, and I sighed as I leaned into him. His hands went up my shirt to cup my bra, massaging them as his lips trailed down to my neck.

"Matt," I moaned, as he started sucking. I had to stop this....I....I

I arched my neck, giving him more access, and felt his teeth lightly graze against the skin. I'm going to hell. Oh no. Matt's hands ran down my thighs, touching the bare skin, making me shake, and he lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist. We continued to kiss like there was no tomorrow, practically eating each other's faces off.

It was my turn to feel him up, and I didn't even choose to wait. I took his shirt from the hem, and we broke from the kiss, both of us panting, as he helped me take it off. He tossed the shirt to the floor, and pressed his body against me as he slammed his lips back to mine. I let my hands explore his body, feeling his warm skin. I felt Matt starting to get hard through his jeans, and pulled his lower lip with my teeth. It felt almost powering to know I was good enough to turn a guy like Matt on.

So, basically, if we weren't wearing clothing on our lower halves, I would be losing my virginity. I know if we kept this up, it would happen sooner or later. But, was I ready to lose my V-Card? To Matt? I felt him getting harder through his jeans, and he groaned into the kiss.

I don't think I was ready, I thought as Matt's lips trailed down to my cleavage. I sighed, and gently unwrapped my legs from his waist. We both pulled apart, panting and out of breath. Matt's hair was all over the place (oopsies, my fault), and I smiled at him, my face probably as red as a tomato.

At first I thought he was going to be upset at me for breaking the kiss, but when Matt smiled down at me, a part of me didn't regret what just happened. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck, closing my eyes when he snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me close.

"Sorry," I whispered, burrying my face in his shoulder. I was apologizing to him for ruining the moment, and apologizing to myself for ruining...well...myself. Also for ruining my virginity, 'cause knowing me, I would have been more than happy to rip his jeans off and take him right there, since my hormones are evil. But, I had to stop. I'm not in the right state to lose anything right now.

"Why are you sorry?" Matt asked, rubbing my back.

"We were about to go a little far," I said, blushing as I noticed how lame I sounded. "I'm not ready for that, yet."

"Don't worry," Matt kissed my cheek before pulling away. Woah, Matt has never kissed my cheek before. "I shouldn't drink Monsters before coming over ever again. This was my fault."

I chuckled. "Well, I'm not gonna lie, It was pretty great."

"Yeah," Matt sighed, smiling at me. "It was." He moved my hair away from my face, and then he frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Holly...." Matt picked up his shirt from the ground. He looked at me, his eyes scanning my body for a moment. "Forget Shane."

I swallowed, and Matt stepped closer to me.

"Why did you ask me to hang out today?" He asked, his face expressionless.

"I need to....figure things out," I admitted, looking down at the floor. When I looked back at Matt, he raised an eyebrow at me.

"So, I'm guessing you're gonna hang out with Shane tomorrow?"

I grimaced for a second at how stupid my plan sounded as Matt said. I felt weird and pathetic. But, I sighed as I nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

Matt didn't seem the least bit affected at the fact I was going to be with his brother tomorrow. He just nodded and shrugged. "Alright."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. " that okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Even though Shane isn't worth anybody's time.....yeah it's fine with me. I don't have to tell you what to do, so you go ahead." Matt quickly threw his shirt back on. I was puzzled for a moment at his sudden behaviour. The reason our heavy makeup session started was because he got so possessive over Shane. Now he doesn't even care if Shane and I are together tomorrow.

"Um....okay," I said. Matt threw me a smirk.

"I'm gonna go, okay? I can barely breathe right now." Matt blinked, and tried to even out his breathing. I agreed, though. My breath was taken right out of me.


"I'll talk to you later, okay?" Matt smiled. I nodded, and Matt quickly pecked my lips before heading out of the living room.

"Don't melt, Matt!" I called after him. Matt laughed, and pretended to brace himself for the heat before opening the door.

"Bye, Holly!" He said, before closing the door behind him. I stood there, awkwardly and feeling like a retarded. Like, what the hell....just happened?

I stood there for what seemed like ages before I darted up to my room. Out of breath, I searched for my cell phone and when I found it on my bed, I picked it up and went through my contacts.

"Hello?" Ally picked up the phone. I could tell she was eating something, and I shut my eyes.

"Ally, Ally," I said panicked.


"Emergency. I need to tell you something."

"Oh my god, what happened?" She stopped chewing.

So then, I told Ally everything from the time Matt walked into my house. I barely took a breath between words, and by the time I was done the entire commentary of what happened, I felt like I was gonna die as I fell back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling as I held the phone tightly at my ear.

"Oh my fvcking shizzle, Holly!" Ally gasped. I clenched my jaw with worry.

"I know, I know--"

"You are amazing!" Ally shrieked, and I held the phone away from my ear as I gave it a weird look before bringing it back to my ear.

"Say what now?" I asked in disbelief. Did my bestfriend just call me amazing for what I did?

"Holly, there's nothing wrong with hooking up with two guys if you're not in a relationship. If you're single, you're allowed to do this shit."

"But, they're brothers for crying out loud!" I cried in fear.


I narrowed my eyes. "So? That's horrible of me to mess with them like this, isn't it?"

"Hun, we're 16. We're single, and of course we're going to find ourselves in messes like this eventually. Yours just happens to be now, and can you really blame yourself? Any girl would probably be in the same situation if they were you. You can't help it. The only thing you can really do is own it, and explore. You have to explore with both boys, or you're never going to find out. I know my advice usually sucks, but right now, is there anything else to do?"

I sighed in defeat. "Not really."

"You could call it quits with both of them."

"I can't," I muttered, closing my eyes.

"Exactly, so 'Operation Explore' is down to go, right?"

I stared at the wall. "I guess there's no other option."

"Good. I guess it's normal to feel guilty. You've known Matt and Shane for years, so it might feel a bit weird. But, it could be fun...." I could practically see the evil grin on her face as her voice trailed off on the other line.

"Ally, you're turning me into a slut."

"No, Holly, you're not a slut. Lauren's a slut. You're single, and it's almost a duty to do this. It's just two guys, not a hundred like Lauren deals with. Just Matt and Shane. All you have to do is pick one. If you can't just walk away from the both of them, then who's it going to be?"

I let out a frustrated groan. "I don't know, Ally! I really don't! I don't just want to pick one because of how great he is in bed or how amazing he is at kissing. I never even kissed Shane before!"

"So, like Amber and I said, you need to pick the guy that makes you feel right. At the end of all this, you should have to just pick him, and not regret it. You'll know who the right one is soon enough, Holly. Just give it some time. For now, I say have a little fun, and embrace the summer for god's sake."

I bit the insides of my cheeks, and sat up as I thought about it. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Matt seems to be okay with my 'plan', anyways.

"Okay," I finally said. "I guess you're right. Everybody makes mistakes."

"But this isn't a mistake," Ally protesed.

I shrugged. "We'll see about that."

Ally chuckled. "Well, good luck to you my babydoll. Now go and call Shane up. Bye!"

I snorted. "Bye."

The line went dead, and I sat there for a moment, not doing anything. I really feel like I'm slowly messing things up the more I go on with this plan. I know somebody's going to get hurt. Actually, a part of me has a feeling Matt's not affected by this at all.

I frowned, and jumped about five feet when my ringtone started blaring, startling me.

"CHOP CHOP CHOP YOU UP. I'M A MONSTER HA-HA-HA. EAT YOU LIKE A CANNIBAL. SPIT YOU OUT LIKE AN ANIMAL...." that famous BOTDF song blared, and I held onto my throat in shock as I stared at my phone.

Who the hell could be calling me?

I picked up my phone, and when I saw the Caller ID, I swear my eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

"Shane?" I asked, pressing the phone to my ear.

"Holly," Shane sounded relieved that I picked up. I smiled at his voice, I feel like it's been forever since we talked. The trip at the cabin has made things kind of tense between us....ever since he told me he loved me. Does Shane really love me? Or is he just shitting me?

"Wow, Shane, what's up?" I smoothed out my hair as I crossed my legs Indian-Style on my bed.

"Holly, um....are you going to that stupid Carnival thing tonight?" OH RIGHT. I totally forgot it was Canada Day today. Jesus Christ.

"Yeah," I said, slapping myself in the forehead. "Ally and I go every year. You?"

"I don't know....uh, Matt's going out somewhere tonight, and I was just wondering if I could join you guys? I'm an official loner, with no life."

I beamed, and felt my cheeks burn up a bit. "Of course you can, Shane. You're not scared of fireworks are you?"

Shane laughed. "No, no don't worry. You're talking to a guy who listens to Fear Factory to help him fall asleep." He's talking about this really heavy metal band, and a smile was brought to my face because I love them.

"True," I agreed. "Okay, so you could walk over to my place at around 5. Ally and I usually like to get there early to get a good spot at the outdoor concert. Even though there aren't good bands playing, but I think Marianas Trench is playing, if you like them...." I grimaced. I don't like that band at all.

"Ew." Was Shane's amazing response. I chuckled.

"Okay good, we can boo together."

"Yeah," I could hear a smile in his voice. "Um, listen Holly....I also wanted to say that I'm sorry about making you feel uncomforatable."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Why would you....why would you think that?"

Shane sighed. "I don't know, Matt told me you said I was creeping you out. Because of what....I told you."

My eyes widened. What the fvck?

"Um...I never said that," I narrowed my eyes. Shane coughed awkwardly.

"Oh, really? Oh uh, then....pretend I didn't say that then."

I chuckled. "Shane, I actually kind of wanted to talk to you about....this. Do you think we can maybe talk about it tonight? I don't know what Matt's doing, but you're not creeping me out." In fact, he's doing the complete opposite.

"My brother's a prick," Shane muttered.

I bit my lip. Matt's really confusing me.

"Yeah, we'll talk tonight," Shane said huskily, and even after we said our 'goodbyes', I was still puzzled as hell when I hung up the phone.

Okay, I don't remember saying anything like that about Shane. I shrugged. Whatever, Shane knows the truth. I'll talk to him later tonight.

I couldn't help but feel excited, and as I felt my cheeks reddening from thinking about Shane, I grabbed the closest pillow and screamed into it in frustration.

I'm so messed up.



HOLA. LOL guys. That scene with Matt and Holly, was very awkward for me to write, because my friend Kayleigh was literally breathing on my shoulder as she watched me type. This girl demanded a makeout sesh, so I guess I put it, because I love her very much and I kinda wanted one myself because like, none of my characters have been getting action in a while, and I feel bad for them. :(

Fail. So yeah, don't be hating on Holly. I love Holly, and....yes, I love tense action like this in stories. The Lavery twins was actually supposed to be like this in the first place, but I decided to kind of 'slow things down' a bit.

Just so you know. This story IS Rated R....for some reason....why would I know? *innocent face*

So yeah, be aware of that. Dutty things will happen in this story, and I will try to kind of censor it or saften it as best as I can, promises. Also, I'm very suckish at writing 'makeout' or 'sex''d think that someone who LIVES to read wattpad naughty stories would know some thing, right? No.

Anyways, like I said in the beginning. The first 5 people to comment on this story....I will give them a shout out in the next chapter. These have to be decent comments, though. :) Mwuahahaha.

vote/comment/like/fan <3

P.S - never jump to conclusions with my stories because they could always turn around and be something completely different :)


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