Ryan Reeves Fanfiction- My Ad...

By UnknownGallyy

7.6K 147 14

A story of a 15 year old girl, Mia, getting away from her abusive parents to live in Ashdene Ridge. Meeting R... More

2- Can I trust you?
3- Truth Or Dare
4- Protect Me
5- Speak To Me
6- He's Back Again
7- School
Sorry (Not a chapter)
8- Day Trip
10- How could you do this
11- Apologetic

1- Arriving

1.5K 24 3
By UnknownGallyy

I was running so fast down the slippery paths. My long brown hair covering my eyes, feet aching from the pain. Suddenly my vision went dark, falling down onto the floor as I felt a body fall on mine. "Get off me!! Please don't hurt me!" I cried in a mess on the floor, opening my eyes I saw a lanky brunette with hazel eyes looking down on me.
"Oh my god I'm so so sorry! Are you okay?" A strong northern accent fell from his lips, looking concerned for me.
"I'm fine okay?! I- i need to go.. now!!" I crawled from the floor onto my feet and ran in a random direction, I looked back to see the boy already looking at me. My heartbeat thumped loudly, was this because I was running or because a cute boy just fell on top of me? Gah! What am I saying? It's just a boy that I'll never meet again!

Out of nowhere I'm side tackled from the street- two women pinning me down, dragging me into the car and strapping me in. "EMMA LET ME GO! I TOLD YOU, I'M NOT GOING THERE!" I screamed, rather loudly.
"Tough Mia, you're going and that's final! You have no family to go to after what's happened, you'll be in a safer place." She sighed.
I still didn't care, I wasn't getting out and that's that.

Emma's car zoomed down the road, on a our way to some care home. This would be my second time in care, the first was to a dark, dark place: they would hit you, not let you out, not feed you near enough, lock your rooms. Maybe this time will be different?
A small tear escaped from my eye, rolling down my bruised cheek covered in makeup. What? I wasn't going in with bruises and scars showing, was I!? I closed my heavy eyelids and prepared for a hard day, probably full of arguing and shouting.

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, shaking me awake. My eyes bolted open, scared that I was back home. "Mia we're here, come on." Emma explained.
I was actually happy to see her for once, I mean it was way better then being face to face with my parents. My palms are sweaty, knees wobbling with every step out of the car. I've never been more nervous, they would all hate me and bully me just like the last place. If they ever found out about my parents, why I'm in care, none of them would ever want me.

A man stood in the doorway, a huge smile on his face, "Welcome to Ashdene Ridge! You must be Mia? Well, I'm Mike." He spoke gently, smiling. I just nodded my head, I wasn't shy but just scared, he lead me through the big door and I stepped inside to the warmth of the care home. A row of younger and older children stood in the corridor, "HI, I'M FLOSS!" A ginger girl yelled from her spot on the floor.
"God Floss, stop scaring the girl." An average sized girl spoke, clearly one of the older ones, she looked like a tomboy so I think we might get along well.
"Hi I'm Tyler!" A boy with a brown Afro spoke, pulling his hand quickly from his back. I automatically flinched, quickly realising he just wanted to shake my hand and now everyone was staring at me.
I've learnt from Emma telling me that the boy with the Afro is Tyler, the tall one is Ryan, the tomboy is Jody, a younger dark boy is Archie, two identical twins named billie and tony, a smaller older girl named Sasha who was apparently good at art, Floss the 'dancing queen', Finn which was also younger, Chloe who was 'Ryan's' brother, Candy Rose the one in all pink, Bailey the one with apparent anger problems and then May-li who was another care worker along with Mike.

"Guys I think that's enough now, Ryan why don't you show Mia to her room. It's opposite yours." Mike told a boy, I'm assuming Ryan.
"C'mon then." I heard the same northern accent from before.. but it couldn't be, could it? I looked up and so did he, both to our surprise we were too shocked to say anything. Ryan was who I bumped into on the street. "A-are we going then..?" I quietly asked.
"Oh yeah! Uh come on let's go." He leaded me up the stair case, past a bathroom and a bunch of bedrooms, we finally stopped outside of a door. Ryan opened the creaking door and walked inside, "Well this is where you're staying! Oh and about earlier, I'm still so sorry." He quickly rushed out his words, mumbling. I just sent him a smile to let him know it was okay.
I looked around, blue walls with a white bed and wardrobe. "I hope you don't mind the wall colour. I mean, hopefully you aren't all girly and pink?" Ryan chuckled. I giggled along, "Not a chance, I will never be girly!"
"Let me know if you need any help, I'm just in the room opposite. I'll come and lead the way when we have tea, that's if you want. And if you need me then just knock on my door." He told me and left me to un-pack.

Where do I start..? I lifted all of my clothes into my wardrobe until they were all in there, my pictures of my grandad on my bedside table, my diary under the bed and some letters from when my grandad passed away in my drawers. Sighing, I sat down on the small bed. I don't know anyone here.. I don't have any friends.. I need grandpa back..
My baggy jumper was covering my arms which were full of scars, of course Mike and May-Li knew but would the others make fun of me? I decided to keep the jumper on, better safe then sorry.
"Come on Mia, get on with it. Stop moping around." I whispered to myself. Pushing myself off the bed, I made me way to Ryan's room which was just a few steps away. Knocking on his door, he opened it in a flash. "Are you already done?!" He asked with a confused face.
"Yep!" I replied, ready to get to know him a little more.
"Can I come in? There's no rule about girls in boys room Is there?" I asked, worrying.
"Nah don't worry, once all the older kids had a big sleepover in Tyler's room. Oh and Jody always sleeps in there anyway since he's her 'best friend' but we're all pretty sure they're getting together!" Ryan explained, laughing at the end.
I chuckled along with him, sitting down on his bed. He sat down next to me and smiled at my nervous face, "You know it's okay to be scared right?" He smirked at me.
God that smirk, I must've been staring for some time since he started laughing. "Wow, you've already fallen in love with me huh?" Giggling.
"No!! Shut up, I wasn't.. ugh!" I sighed, laughed and gave up.

"TEA'S READY YOU HORRIBLE LOT!" Mike shouted from downstairs, I flinched still not used to loud shouting. Ryan seemed to notice, "Uh are you okay? You keep flinching.. you know we won't hurt you right? I know you've probably been through a lot.. you can tell me." Ryan told me.
"Maybe later, I need to know I can trust you properly before telling you everything you know? Sorry Ryan, I'm sure I'll be able to trust you though." I smiled over.
"Let's just go get some food and I'll try and figure out a way for me to prove you can trust me later." He told me to follow and so I did.

The only place for me to sit at the table was between Ryan and Jody so I sat down whilst May-Li brought over homemade spaghetti bolognese. Everyone dug into the food but I slowly twiddled my fork around the plate, not wanting to eat anything. "So Mia, why don't you tell everyone a bit about yourself?" May-Li suggested. Everyone slowly stopped eating and turned their heads towards me.
"Uh as you already know I'm Mia Elizabeth Jones.. I've come from Manchester, I like to sing and play guitar in my spare time." I said quietly, even though they all heard me.
"You can sing and I can dance, we could be a duo!" Floss commented excitedly.
I just chuckled and sent a smile her way. Everyone went back to eating their food.

"You not hungry?" Ryan whispered towards me. "Something like that.." I muttered back.
He just sighed and asked Mike if he could show me around the garden, I knew it was just an excuse to get me away from eating.
We walked out to the big garden, "Thank you Ryan.." I spoke.
"No problem Mia, but what's going on?"

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