Ebon Phoenix [#1] [Complete]

By ForeverFic

41.6K 1.5K 318

Hoping to lighten Harry Potter's life, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore recalls his family's heirlooms and legends... More

Headmaster's request
Hogwarts is Hiring
Back to School
Family Reunion
Be Our Guest
Fleur Delacour
Linked Dreams
Tainted Memories
At Sea
The Maze


1.6K 71 13
By ForeverFic

Chapter 11


"Are you sure this looks alright?" Ichigo asked as he fiddled with the thin red tie around his collar.

Hermione slapped his hands away and straightened the piece of fabric for the fourth time that night. "You look quite charming, as long as you stop touching it."

"I'm just not sure this is the best idea, I mean, I haven't done this kind of thing in well, centuries. Surely this is too inappropriate to continue, I'm not really sure why I even agreed in the first place..."

Hermione's eyes softened as she looked up at the man who had become an older brother to her. She moved to where Winky was standing next to the man's closet. She collected the black jacket from the elve's arms and brought it back over to Ichigo. Hermione hesitated before she spoke in a soft tone. "This might be the bookworm in me, but I think that truly, when it comes to age, it really is just a number."

Ichigo paused in his fidgeting and looked at the girl, no the young woman, silently asking her to elaborate. She smiled and continued. "We always say that life is too short for regrets, that we should follow our hearts, wherever they lead. But you, you live too long for regrets. You carry the weight of mistakes and losses on your shoulders for centuries, death does not being reprieve to you as it does us. And it's not as if your body has aged with you, no, you could have any woman or man that you want, but you don't. You don't even look twice in their direction. Surely, if someone has managed to turn your head, then it's something you should look into, don't you think?" With that, the witch slipped the jacket onto the shinigami's shoulders, finishing his outfit.

"How is it, Hermione, that I've only known you for a few months, but I feel as though you've known me since birth?"

She winked. "Magic." Hermione grabbed her own dress off Ichigo's bed and moved to his bathroom to change as well. She stepped out and twirled the vibrant skirt with her hands. "What do you think?"

Winky looked at both of them and smiled. "Winky thinks you both look lovely. Very much. You better hurry, Winky does not want you late." With that in mind, the elf pushed the two out of Ichigo's chambers and shut the door behind them.

Ichigo smiled and held out his arm. "Milady, do I have the honor of delivering you to Sir Krum?"

Hermione giggled and took Ichigo's arm, her hand wrapping around the inside of his elbow. "I accept your gracious offer, Milord."

The two made their way to the Yule Ball, both of them nervous and excited about what the night would hold. They stopped before they descended the stairs towards the great hall, the air already brimming with music and laughter. Ichigo pulled away as Hermione gave the tie around his neck one more tug. "I'm going to find Victor, I hope to see you and Fleur on the dance floor." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and sauntered down the stairs. Ichigo's hands unconsciously raised to fiddle with his ribbon, but he stopped himself before he could and sighed.

The shinigami shuffled downstairs. The heat and noise washed over him as he reached the bottom, an entirely different world than the one he had just left. There was no turning back now. Several students walked past him, nodding in acknowledgement but not stopping to actually speak. He watched as they passed through the doors to the ball. Ichigo had barely walked away from the stairs before he was stopped by McGonagall, who pulled him to the side.

"Mr. Kurosaki," she began. Her voice was breathy and Ichigo could make out the small beads of perspiration that lined her brow. The poor older woman had been running herself ragged trying to keep the ball from falling apart before it had even begun. "Fleur has yet to arrive -- which afterwards, Mr. Kurosaki, I should like to speak with you about in great length. Once she arrives, all of the contestants will enter the hall and lead the first dance, as you know. You and her will lead the way. Until then, wait here with the other champions." Ichigo nodded as McGonagall scurried off, most likely to avert another catastrophe as per her usual routine.

Ichigo greeted Harry and exchanged taunt pleasantries. He could tell the boy wasn't as excited for the dance as he, but it was to be expected. After all, Harry's first choice, Cho Chang, was already taken. Ichigo admired her oriental robe, and thought she looked beautiful, her attire reminding him of his past life and friends. His attention was pulled away when he heard Hermione giggle off to his left. The shinigami followed the sound until he stood before the young witch and her date. This was the closest Ichigo had gotten to the russian champion, and his gaze roamed over the young man.

Victor's head bowed, "Mister Kurosaki, it is an honor. Hermione has spoken a lot about you."

Ichigo laughed and held out his hand. "All good things, I hope. And just Ichigo is alright. Would you mind, Hermione, if I spoke with Mr. Krum for a moment or two?" Ichigo asked. Hermione eyed him warily but nodded nonetheless. She shuffled over to the others. Once he was sure she was out of earshot, his gaze on Victor hardened.

"Mr. Krum, I am sure that you are a respectable young man, but do know that I was a young man once myself." Ichigo's hand landed on Victor's bicep. A friendly gesture to those who were passing by, but if the force of the grip was anything to go by, it had a much more menacing agenda. "If you so much as look at her wrong, I'll know. And trust me Victor, that is not something you want. Do we have an understanding?"

The young man nodded tightly. "Of course, sir. I couldn't think of a worse injustice."

Ichigo smiled. "That's wonderful! I'm glad that we're both on the same page. Now that that's out of the way, we can--"  Ichigo shivered as a light chill ran down his back and the hairs of his neck stood on end. His body tensed and the shinigami turned his form slowly, cautiously. Someone was approaching him from behind, Ichigo could sense the disturbance in the air. He prept his body, his hand unconsciously going towards the wand in coat, Zangetsu having been left in his chambers for the better part of the semester. Ichigo turned fully and his eyes widened.


Fleur was standing before him, her blonde wavy hair pulled up elegantly with a pale blue hair piece against the part of her hair. She wore a silver blue strapless dress that hugged her torso and waist, then cascaded to the floor. The tips of silver heels poked out at the bottom. There was a shimmer to her cheeks and eyes that Ichigo found difficult to take his gaze away from, and a soft shine to her lips that Ichigo could've sworn wasn't there the last time he looked. Not that he had been looking...

"Like what you see?" Fleur asked with a mischievous smirk.

Ichigo coughed into his hand, his face heating under her gaze. "Very much so."

Fleur smiled and grabed Ichigo's right arm, linking her's around his elbow. "Let us hurry, before Madame McGonagall catches us. I am late enough as it is." She hurried along, tugging a slightly dazed Ichigo behind her. They found their counterparts chating next to the entrance door. Ichigo smiled at Hermione when he caught her gaze before he and Fleur stopped at the front of the group. He looked at Fleur, "Are you ready?"

She nodded and tightened her hold on her arm. "Yes. I really like your ribbon, by the way. Very, how you say, refined."

Ichigo used his free hand to fiddle with said tie when McGonagall waved the large doors open with her wand. Fleur smiled at him, and he couldn't help but smile back. She really did look lovely. McGonagall ushered them forward. Ichigo and Fleur tightened their linked arms as they entered the hall. The roar of applause was deafening as the four couples speed down the walkway. They stopped once they reached the dance area.

Violin notes began to fill the air and Ichigo pulled away from Fleur. He smiled as he bowed to her with his hand outstretched. "May I have this dance?"

Fleur's smirked, "I thought you'd never ask." They stepped together in unison, Ichigo's arm melding against the curve of her back, Fleur's small hand sliding into his and the other resting to the left of his collarbone. She wasn't quite tall enough, even in heels, to lay it on top of his shoulder completely without being awkward. The rest of the orchestra joined the violins and they fell into the dance.

Step. Step. Step. Turn. Lift. Spin. Step.Twist.

"You are quite the dancer, Mr. Kurosaki."

Ichigo smiled and pulled her closer to his torso as they spun again. "Well, I've had a lot of practice." Fleur laughed, her warm breath brushing across him. "Not too much, I hope. I might just get jealous of your past partners, Monsieur."

"There's no need to worry, Miss Delacour. They pale in comparison to my current partner of choice."

Ichigo gripped her waist and lifted her once more. "Quite the flatterer are you not? Is that you how you have gotten the whole school wrapped around your finger?" Fleur questioned through the next step sequence.

He chuckled, and Fleur felt the vibrations through their connected torsos, "I wouldn't go so far as to say that. I'm just a peacekeeper, someone who watches from the sidelines. My job's already been done. It's these children who will tell the next story."

"Now, now," Fleur shook her head. They slowed to a stop, panting as the dance ended and the noise in the hall escalated. Ichigo's arms ached from the constant lifts and turns in a most refreshing kind of way. "We both know you are much more than a simple peacekeeper, don't we?"

The initial propriety and structure of the ball fell away as the hours ticked by, the orchestra switched out for a pop band, uncomfortable shoes and jackets left at the tables. Ichigo and Fleur stayed close together, his hand resting on her hip, until the dance floor was flooded by teenagers with very... questionable dance choices. He excused himself and told her to dance with her friends. Ichigo had exhausted himself with the amount of physical activity he had just performed and was more than happy to sit and watch.

Ichigo saw Ron and Harry sitting with their dates and walked over. "Now, don't try to look too excited to see me boys. Ladies." He nodded in acknowledgement.

"Hello Mr. Kurosaki." The twins replied desolately. Their two dates however, didn't seem in the mood to answer. Ichigo turned when he heard Hermione walk past him. He smiled as he saw Victor kiss her hands and her giddy expression. She looked so happy. She noticed them and moved over.

"Hello boys. Would you like to come get a drink with Victor and I?" she asked. Ichigo nodded, a drink sounded heavenly, if there was such a thing.

"No, we don't want to go get a drink with you and Victor." Ron replied, his tone harsh and accusatory.

"What's got your wand in a knot?"

"You're over there fraternizing with the enemy."

Hermione scoffed. "The enemy? Who was the one asking for his autograph?"

Ichigo cleared his throat and stepped forward. "Okay, guys, settle down. Let's just try to enjoy the rest of the night in peace."

Hermione stood up and grabbed Ichigo's arm. "Ichigo's right. Come on, let's go get some punch." The shinigami put up little resistance as he was dragged away from his other two friends. He could tell his companion was miffed by the encounter, although the young witch would never admit it. He tried to soothe her as they drank, and Ichigo found that Victor was an interesting man to speak with. He reminded Ichigo a lot of himself, now that he thought of it.

As more time passed, more and more couples left the ball. Ichigo joined Fleur back on the dance floor at a much more languid pace before. Their bodies swaying to the rhythm as their thoughts swirled around them. Fleur's head rested against his chest and Ichigo rested his chin on top of her hair, mindful not to knock the hairpiece loose. As the night turned to morning Ichigo noticed that he and a few other couples where the only ones left of the event. His heart warmed when he noticed that Neville was still dancing with Ginny, he was proud of him. The music eventually stopped as the orchestra retired for the night, yet the dancers didn't seem to notice.

Fleur lifted her head and Ichigo looked down. She met his gaze and smiled. "Thank you for coming with me tonight. It has been...  magical," she giggled softly. Her laughter was contagious, Ichigo found.

"Yes. I admit I was very... apprehensive about coming tonight, especially since I'm, well, a bit too old for you. And you're a student, and we haven't known each other for very long, and well, a lot of reasons actually." One of Ichigo's hands left Fleur's hips in favor of scratching the back of his neck. "But, the night has turned out a lot more enjoyable than I had anticipated. Although I do feel a bit out of place with all of you youngsters."

"I thought you fit in quite well. It is nice to see you so relaxed. You always have this look in your eye and a stiffness in your shoulders that follows you like the plague. Plus I'm sure the other students were happy to see you spending time with them as well. But, you have had fun with me, yes?"

Ichigo pulled her impossibly closer. "Very much so," he replied. Fleur welcomed the embrace, looking up into his eyes. The young man was more invested in the night than she had expected, and she was thrilled. Her gaze moved lower, to his lips, and she wondered.

Ichigo noticed her leaning closer. Her eyes were falling closed, and Ichigo found himself leaning too. Their breath mingled together as their mouths were only a hair away from each other. Ichigo lifted his hand to cup her cheek.

'King, something's wrong.'

An image flashed across his mind, and he paused, opening his eyes. Fleur opened hers as well, hurt and rejection lining her features. The image flashed again, more prominent, a statue in the middle of graveyard. With the image came a sharp pain in his chest. Ichigo's grip on Fleur tightened as the imaged came again, stronger and more painful. Another nightmare, then. Where was Harry? He surely must be asleep at this hour, fitfully it seemed.

"Ichigo, what's wrong?" They were gathering the attention of the other couples in the hall, but he found it hard to pay attention. Sweat began to roll down the side of his face. The image changed to a staircase, the same one from the first dream Harry and he shared. The burning sensation from before returned as well, and that was when Ichigo noticed the first glass object in the hall, a goblet most likely, shatter like the furniture in his room had. It was surreal, to have the same experience, only awake.

"Ichigo, what's happening?" The shinigami noticed his hand was squeezing Fleur's waist harshly, and he forced himself to let go.

"I think," which Ichigo was finding more and more difficult to do by the minute, "I need -- someone needs -- to go find Headmaster... and Harry. Someone please, just wake him up, if you would." Ichigo heard more objects shattering and distant voices in the background. He heard the hiss of Voldemort's voice, and a flash of his dark mark, twisting and convulsing in his mind.

Or was that him?

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