𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 |...

By SierraDuckland

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❝𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶.❞ ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Part 1
Chapter 29 - Part 2
Chapter 30 - Part 1
Chapter 30 - Part 2
Chapter 30 - Part 3
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - Part 1
Chapter 33 - Part 2
Chapter 33 - Part 3
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 - Part 1
Chapter 45 - Part 2
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Author's Note #1
Author's Note #2

Chapter 38

745 23 3
By SierraDuckland

***Author's Note***

Oh my gosh! 😱💗😱 Ah!!! *Screams like a hardcore fangirl* Excuse my excessive fangirling, but I just saw the official E3 trailer for the Resident Evil 2 Remake 💓 *Screams out loud again*

It looks absolutely amazing, with the graphics and everything!!! ❤️ So bloody, so gory... 💉 I love it already! And hot damn! Leon looks so young, practically a fricking baby! 👶 Yet so sexy at the same time. . . 😍

Here's the official E3 trailer in case you wanna watch it too. ☝🏻

Also, now that it's officially summer break, I will have more time on my hands to do write and hopefully publish more chapters as often as I can. Still, I want to thank everyone for their time and patience with me. It means a lot to me. 😊

Don't forget to comment & like!

Peace out peeps! ✌🏻


Chris's POV

"What in the hell happened!?" I questioned Dr. Rodriquez with an agitated tone of voice, as she came of Laura's room with the rest of the medical staff.

She halted in front of me, redirecting he gaze up at me. "Due to her low blood pressure and her high heart rate; a deadly combo may I add, Laura crashed. We could've lost her for good this time, but we were fortunate enough to resuscitate her and stabilize her vitals once again. At this rate, if Laura doesn't get a blood transfusion here soon, we won't be able to bring her back the next time she goes into cardiac arrest," Dr. Rodriquez informed me, tucking a few strands of her hair behind her ear. "Did you manage to get into contact with the donor?"

"Yes, he's currently on his way here as we speak."

"How long until he gets here?" Isabelle inquired.

"He'll be here around noon, so it'll be about another two and a half hours before his girlfriend and him arrive," I answered.

"Alright then." The pager in Dr. Rodriquez's coat pocket abruptly went off again. Resonating throughout the porcelain-colored hallway. She reached her hand into her pocket—taking out the device and turning it off. "Well I gotta go." Isabelle placed the pager back in her coat pocket. "Let me know as soon as he gets here." She turned around, walking down the interminable hallway. Away from us.

As she was doing so, an Indian man treaded over towards our way, approaching us. He appeared to be around his late thirties, dressed in a clean, black business suit and shoes, with his ID card clipped onto the pocket of his blazer, carrying a clipboard in his hands. He was sporting a pair of Times New Roman glasses. His short, black hair was combed neatly to the side. Augmenting his business-like semblance.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt. Is either one of you Laura Rose's legal guardian?" The man inquired, eyeing the two of us.

Leon and I glanced at one another, pondering about who should be the one to step up and answer him. I shifted my gaze back at the gentleman—responding to his question.

"That would be me."

"And who are you?" Leon questioned him.

"Oh, forgive me. I'm Dhruv Jayavant, one of the many physicians that work here at the medical center." He replied, before directing his gaze back at me. "I would to speak to for a moment about your child, Mr..." He trailed off, as I formally introduced myself.

"Redfield. Chris Redfield."

"Mr. Redfield, if you don't mind. I promise not to take much of your time," He told me, as I gazed over at Leon.

"Sure." I followed Dr. Jayavant down the hallway, while Leon and everyone else headed inside Laura's room.

"I know that this a stressful time for you," He stopped at the end of the hallway. Turning around to face me, with his clipboard in hand.

"Look, can we just skip the pleasantries and get straight to the point. If this is about Laura's health insurance, I think we won't have any financial problems with covering her medical costs," I said to him, with a brusquely tone of voice. Just wanting to get this over with so I can get back to my niece.

"Not quite actually." Dr. Jayavant clarified, as he flipped through a couple pages of his documents, attached to his clipboard. "I'm sorry to ask about this, but did Laura ever make her wishes known in regard to organ donation?" He inquired, peering up at me.

My eyes widened momentarily, immediately knowing and not liking where this discussion was going.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Dr. Jayavant kept his gaze on me, as he adjusted his glasses. "Organs are only viable for very limited time–"

"Viable?" I cut him off, using an irked tone of voice.

"We're just hoping some good can come out of this tragic situation–"

"You listen to me doc, because I'm only gonna say this once," I cut him off again, now feeling fully livid and apoplectic. I clenched my fist tightly—digging my nails into the palm of his skin. "Laura's not gonna die. Her condition may be serious, but it doesn't mean she's not gonna pull through," I told him, using an incandescent tone of voice.

"I apologize–"

"Don't you dare talk to me like she's gonna die. Laura's just a kid for crying out loud, and here you are, acting like she's gonna perish any minute now. I do my job, now it's your turn to do yours. Save her!"

"Of course they're doing everything they can to save her–" I reacted by furiously punching the sign hanging on the wall behind him—causing the glass to crack and cutting my knuckle in the process. Prompting Dr. Jayavant to fall silent within a matter of seconds, his eyes round with shock.

"Get of here. Now!" I demanded, in which he complied straightaway. Leaving me alone at the end of the hallway, only with a bloody knuckle now.

Leon's POV

After Dr. Rodriquez walked away, the four of us headed back inside the room, all except for Chris. I gazed at Laura's lifeless and deteriorating, pale form; laying unconscious in her hospital bed, as I sat down in an empty chair across from Piers. It wasn't long before Chris rejoined us, his right knuckle cut and bleeding for some reason.

"What did that guy want?" I asked him, eyeing his bloody knuckle.

"Just wanted to review Laura's health insurance policy with me, that's all," He quickly brushed off, while clenching his injured hand.

"Have you reported in yet, Leon?" Chris spoke up, using a slightly gruff tone of voice, as he sat down beside Piers in  empty chair positioned beside Laura's bed. Slightly bending forward in his seat—resting his elbows on top of each knee and interlacing his fingers together. Moira and Rebecca had their backs inclined against the wall, whilst Tyler and Emile were sitting down at the bench again.

"I did last night, before heading to bed." The older man's eyes narrowed; the corners of his mouth quirking down.

"Did you tell her everything?"

I immediately sensed what he was getting at. "Don't worry Chris, Hunnigan won't tell anyone about about Laura's parentage. That's one thing she's gonna leave out of the report. So Laura's safe in our hands for the time being."

"Do you trust her though?" He questioned me, pressing the matter even further.

"Of course I do. She's one person out of a few people I trust from the organization. Throughout the eleven years Hunnigan I have known each other, we've stuck through thick and thin. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't been able to rescue the president's daughter; without losing my sanity back in 2004, or even been able to stop Simons and take him down two years ago for that matter."

"I see your point Leon," Chris affirmed, leaning back against his seat. Crossing his arms over his chest. "But it isn't safe to be mentioning any of this. Especially to anybody else."

"Agreed," Piers added.

"What about you Chris, have you or Piers reported in yet?" I questioned them, slanting partially forward from my seat.

"Yes, our superiors want us back at HQ. for the mission debrief ASAP," Piers responded.


"By tomorrow," Chris replied.

"So Chris, Tyler, Emile, I have a flight we need to catch tonight," Piers said, as he shifted himself in his seat.

I peered over at Emile. She was massaging her injured leg with the palm of her hand, using the other to text on her smartphone. "Emile, what about your accommodations? Do you know where you'll be staying for the time being?"

She gazed up at me; vexation clouding her features. "Yes I'll be fine, don't worry about me. My aunt Nadia is going to pick me up at the airport tomorrow, and let me stay with her in Richmond. Until my parents can figure something out about our living situation. At least she cares more about my well being than they do." Venom dripping evidently off the last sentence.

"Where are your parents, Emile?" Chris inquired, sounding concerned.

Emile directed her gaze over at him, as she turned off her phone. Setting it down on top of her lap. "They're currently in Hawaii. Attending the annual company conference. They work for Genizen Incorporated, one of the largest pharmaceutical consortiums in the US, and apparently too busy to worry about my sorry ass." She grabbed her phone—her eyes glued back to the screen as she was texting again. 'Touchy subject apparently.' I mentally noted.

I shifted my gaze over towards the brunette. "What about you Rebecca?"

Rebecca directed her gaze over at me, tucking a few short tendrils of hair behind her ear. "I'm staying here for another couple days. Somebody's gotta be here when Laura wakes up, " She answered.

I gazed over at Moira, as she texting on her smartphone. Her eye brows furrowed, whilst her eyes were glued to her screen as well. Muttering a couple of curse words under her breath. "What's wrong Moira?"

She glanced up at me, shoving her phone inside her pocket. "There'd been a shit ton of recent upheavals arising at the TerraSave headquarters back home. Mostly due to the recent viral outbreak in Seattle. With Claire now missing, somebody's gonna to step up. Take her place as director, handle these issues, and oversee the management of the organization for the time being. I'm gonna have to head back home, to go help figure everything out. Here," Moira removed the purse she had hanging on her shoulder—placing it at the end of Laura's hospital. "It's Laura's purse, it's best if you guys hold onto it for the time being. I gotta get going, before another shit storm erupts at work." Moira turned around—walking towards the door. Halting momentarily at the doorway. "See ya guys later," She left the hospital room, heading down the hallway.

"How about you, Leon?" I shifted my gaze back at Chris. "What do you plan on doing?"

"Since I'm off duty for the time being, I'm gonna be staying here in Bellevue for the next couple of days. To look after Laura along with Rebecca," I responded.

"What about Levi?"

I immediately tensed up when Chris mentioned his nephew, Levi. Claire and I's twenty one month old son. It took me right up until now to realize what would happen if I went back home to Levi, with Claire not at my side.

Levi adores us without a doubt, especially his mom. He loves it when she plays peekaboo with him, when the two of them crawl all over on our colossal master bed, when she gives him tummy tickles and kisses, and bubble baths. Levi definitely loves bubble baths. Claire was still missing. The moment that he doesn't see his mother at my side when I come home, Levi would instantly notice that's something wrong. The missing presence of his mother. That's how smart of a toddler he is. And when he does, Levi will end up throwing the biggest tantrum of his life. I pushed those thoughts aside, choosing to wait until later to resolve that pressing issue.

"Jill's looking after him for the time being, until I get back," I responded, as I adjusted myself in my seat.

Sherry's POV

Two hours later, Jake and I finally arrived in Bellevue, Washington. I sent Leon a quick text—letting him know that we're here. After we checked in at our hotel and dropped off all of our stuff in our room, Jake and I left the building and got back in our temporary rental car. A black 2015 Chevrolet Suburban. Right when Jake was about to pull out of the hotel parking lot, my phone went off for a brief moment. Notifying I received a text from Leon. I unlocked my phone, reading the recent message with Jake.

From: Leon (James Bond)
To: Sherry
11:46 am

Okay, please hurry you two. Laura's steadily getting worse, and she won't be able to hold out for much longer.

I rapidly text Leon back.

From: Sherry
To: Leon (James Bond)
11:47 am

Alright. We're on our way.

After texting him back, I slid my phone into my pocket, as Jake briskly started the car engine.

"Buckled up Sherbear?" Jake inquired, as he rapidly buckled his seat belt.

"Yeah," I reply. "Let's go. We need to hurry."

The recent update on Laura's condition prompted Jake to put the pedal to the medal. He hastily pulled out of the parking space, briskly shifting the gear to drive, and then accelerating out of there and onto the highway.

Jake had his eyes glued to the road in front of him. Solicitude and apprehension quickly taking over his well-chiseled features. His grip around the steering wheel instantly tightened, as if he was strangling the very life out of a J'avo. His knuckles turned white—clenching the steering wheel tightly. Jake was speeding on the road the entire time, heading straight for the Overlake Medical Center. The ginger was going over the speed limit by at least 15 mph, managing not to get pulled over by the cops or get a speeding ticket surprisingly.

When the two of us arrived ten minutes later at the medical facility, Jake parked the car in the parking lot, before getting out and locking it. As Jake and I hurriedly entered the edifice, arriving in the main lobby, we spotted Leon right away. Tilting his back against the wall on our left, his eyes slightly widening for a moment when he saw us. Jake and I swiftly dashed up to the blonde, approaching the man right as he stood up. A tiny small curled onto his lips, as solace started to cloud his features.

"Where is she? Where's Laura?" Jake asked him right away, as his eyes flickered with nothing but concern.

"In the ICU, on the fifth floor," Leon answered. "Follow me."


After taking the elevator up to the fifth floor, Leon lead the two of us through the seeming endless maze of corridors. As doctors, nurses, and other staff members walked by, passing by the three of us along the way in the hallway.

When we arrived at the door to Laura's room, Jake stopped. Momentarily closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, trying to relax his nerves. I grasped ahold of his hand, squeezing it gently. Giving him the reassurance he needed. Jake shifted his gaze over at me for a moment, smiling at me as we walked on.

The moment we entered the room, we spotted Laura straightaway, laying lifeless on her hospital bed. Chris and Piers were sitting in chairs, placed right beside her bed. Causing Jake to voluntarily let out a hushed growl the moment his eyes landed on the B.S.A.A. sniper and his captain. Piers fleetingly glared at Jake, narrowing his eyes at the finger before redirecting his gaze back at Laura. Her skin glowed an unhealthy shade of pale, her limbs appearing abnormally gaunt for her age, thinner than they actually should be.

Laura was laying unconscious on her hospital bed. Hooked up to a drip feed, heart monitor, and life support at the same time. Her curly, long locks of silky, blonde hair were mainly resting on her shoulders. Partially tangled and messy due to not having been brushed for about a day or so. She was dressed in a light blue hospital gown, along with a neck brace secured around her neck.

When Jake and I glanced over, we noticed four other people in the room as well. Not only just the guys. Over by Laura's bed side, there was a Hispanic doctor. She stood right over Laura, examining her all while jotting down notes on her clipboard, doing a routine check up. On the left of us, there was pixie haired brunette woman, tilting her back against the wall with her arms were crossed over her chest. When I got a good at her, I recognized her straightaway. 'Now I remember, it's Rebecca.' I thought to myself, recalling the first time I met her about a year ago.

Over by the far back wall, there were two teenagers, around Laura's age, sitting on the cushioned bench positioned against it. A boy and a girl. The young man resembled a lot like Piers, except his hair was a bit longer, his lips and eyebrows were thinner, and his hazel eyes had a slight green hue to them. When the doctor turned around to leave, she slightly flinched, upon seeing the two of us standing in the doorway.

"Jake, I'm glad that you made it," Chris spoke up with a relieved tone of voice, as the dark-brown haired man glanced over at my boyfriend.

"Nice to see you too, Redfield," Jake quickly replied using a vexed tone, as he redirected his gaze at the doctor.

"You must be Laura's doctor."

"Indeed I am," She answered, gazing at Jake from head to toe. "You must the donor they were telling me about, correct?"

"That's would be me." He held his hand out to the doctor. "The name's Jake."

"Dr. Rodriquez." She grasped his hand, shaking it generously.

Dr. Rodriquez pulled her hand away from Jake, as a small curled onto her lips. "Now that you're finally here, let's take you up to my exam room and get some blood drawn." She turned around, making her way over towards the doorway.

"How much blood exactly does Laura need?" Jake questioned the doctor, as she halted momentarily at the doorway and turned around. Facing him.

"Theoretically speaking, about two to three pints of your blood," Dr. Rodriquez answered, as she glanced at him.

Jake's eyes immediately went round for a moment, before redirecting his gaze towards me. "Do you want me to come with you Jake?" I inquired, as I smiled at him.

A tiny smirk curled onto the ginger's lips. "Well Sherry, I would like that a lot," He replied. Jake kissed my cheek, before we headed out of the room. Leaving with Dr. Rodriquez to have his blood drawn.

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