winter rose

By lilgeminiof92

12.5K 161 24

jac scott is the little sister of jason scott and is now a ranger , when two thunder students come will these... More

cast & summary
default chapter
chapter one: getting the power
chapter two:thunder strangers
chapter three:learning of the.deception
chapter four:a captured.white ranger
chapter five:return of thunder pt.1
chapter six:return of thunder part 2
chapter eight: the arctic wolf zord
chapter nine:pork chopped and helpinh at the dojo
chapter ten:a samurai's journey
chapter eleven: start of a relationship
chapter twelve: good will hunter
chapter thirteen :happy birthday jac
chapter fourteen:brothers in arms
chapter fifteenth: eye of the storm

chapter seven:boxing bopp a roo

644 8 0
By lilgeminiof92

Chapter 7: Boxing Bopp A Roo

Storm Chargers

It was a very  beautiful sunny day in Blue Bay Harbor. Kelly, Dustin, Blake, and jac were all at Storm Chargers, although jac held her three-year-old nephew Danny in her arms. Dustin and Blake were putting up a banner for Kelly that Jac had drawn. "Great job with the banner, Jac," Kelly praised, smiling as she stood next to her.

"Thanks Kelly took me forever sense someone didn't want to take his nap," she said, looking at her nephew with a pointed look on her face and putting emphasis on the word someone. Danny only laughed at his aunt.

Kelly laughed as well and stepped forward to the map that was underneath the banner. "Guys, check out this course. We start at the skate park," she pointed to the spot on the map. "Then there's a run to the motocross track," she traced along the line to the track. "And then an urban climb to the finish." She finished before turning to face Dustin, who was now standing next to Jac. "You entering this year, Dustin?"

Dustin shook his head, holding up his hands. "No, I'm never getting on a skateboard again; I still have bruises from last year."

Kelly turned to jac. "What about you? You gotta defend your title,"

Jac shook her head as well. "Nah, I'm not entering. If I win, than it'll give Roger Hannah another chance to try and recruit me, and I want nothing to do with him or Factory Blue," jac stated. "Plus, I promised Jason and Trini that I'd watch Danny today, as it's their anniversary."

"Hey," Shane's voice said from behind them, cutting off whatever Blake was about to say. He walked forward, Hunter with him. "You got an entry form for my kickflip challenged friend here?" he pointed to Hunter.

Jac had handed the blond a form. "Individual or you two doing this as a team?" she asked questionly looking at hunter.

Me and him?" Hunter asked looking at jac, laughing at her question. "Together?"

"You gotta better chance at seeing me on blade skates." Shane folded his arms over his chest.

"I thought they were called roller blades?" jac commented, tipping her head to the side.

"Smartass!" Shane exclaimed, making Andy laugh.

"Yep, and you know it!" she said. Then she looked down at her nephew. "Don't ever say that word." She told him. Danny tipped his head to the side, a confused look on his face, but then he laughed.

"Well, you're the second to sign up, Hunter," Kelly said after shaking her head.

"Yeah, who's first?" the blond questioned.

Shane smirked wiping off invisible dirt, "You're toast, dirt boy," he turned and started to leave the store.

Hey, wait!" Hunter jogged to catch up to Shane, who had stopped. "You hear that? It's the sound of your hopes and dreams crashing down around you." Hunter left.

Shane laughed a mocking tone to his voice, and left as well, following Hunter. Tori and jac exchanged amused looks.

"And here we find the alpha males in their natural habitat." jac said jokingly.

Dustin, Tori, Kelly, and Blake all nodded in agreement to jac.

Skate Park

As jac and Blake watched as Hunter attempted to skateboard, jac trying to teach him while Dustin tried to teach Shane motocross. Shane had asked jac to teach him, but she had already told Hunter she'd help him. The Crimson Ranger stood on the top of a ramp, a board under his feet and pads on his elbows, knees, and wrists. He clipped on his helmet and rolled the board down the ramp, losing his balance and crashing to the ground. Jac, who held Danny in her arms, and Blake winced.

"Oh, so what do you call that one?" Blake teased, pulling his brother to his feet.

"I'm just getting loose," Hunter replied, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah? Well, so is your board, dude," jac said.

"I gotta beat this guy, I don't care what I have to do," Hunter said, confidence evident in his voice.

"My advice to you," Blake started, looking at jac to finish.

"Get a stunt double." She finished.

Hunter shook his head and got onto the board, trying to skate away. He fell backwards, landing on his back, and his board started rolling away. Blake and jac flinched, and jac handed her nephew to Blake before jogging over to the board.

"Hunter, you do it like this." She took the board to the top of the ramp, getting on it and rolling down the ramp easily. She pulled off a few tricks before finally skating off the ramp and stopping the board right in front of an awe-struck Hunter. She stepped off the board and stepped on one end, causing the board to stand straight up slightly. Jac grabbed the end of it and picked it up easily. "And that's how it's done," she said before handing the board to Hunter.

"You just, how did you, where did you, learn all that?" Hunter managed to get out.

Jac shrugged. "Shane taught me. How do you think I won last year? Although doing that without pads was really dangerous." She said, taking her nephew back into her arms.

Hunter shook his head. "Well, at least I have you to teach me." He said. Jac blushed at him. Blake felt like puking at his brother's flirting.

Ninja Ops

As Dustin, Tori, and Blake sat around a table while Cam worked on the computer with Sensei beside him. A laptop sat open in front of Dustin. Jac soon walked in, her nephew, you guessed it, still in her arms.

"Towi! Dusty!" Danny exclaimed, trying to squirm out of his aunt's arms.

"Jacqueline, why did you bring him here? Blowing our secret has big consequences." Sensei said when he heard the unfamiliar young voice.

"Don't worry Sensei, Danny's the son of the original Red and Yellow Rangers, plus all of his 'aunts' and 'uncles' were original Power Rangers. He knows to not blow the secret." jac explained, setting her nephew down. The little boy ran to Tori, who happily picked him up and placed him in her lap. "Plus, I promised Jason and Trini I'd watch him today," she added to the end, a sheepish smile on her face.

Cam nodded and got back to work, and Sensei studied the boy. After a minute, he looked back at the computer. Blake looked at Tori and Dustin as jac sat down. "'Towi' and 'Dusty'?" he asked.

Tori shrugged. "He can't say his 'r's yet."

"Just can't pronounce my name yet," Dustin said.

"Yeah, he calls the Blue Turbo Ranger Justin, 'Justy'." jac said with a laugh. "What're you watching, Dustin?"

"Shane and Hunter. Those guys are still at it," Dustin answered, looking away from the screen to look at the black-haired White Ranger.

Jac frowned and stood behind him, crossing her arms as she looked at the screen. "So there's a kick-boxing kangaroo hanging around, and those two are out playing follow the Leader?" she asked. When the others nodded, she sighed. "This is why there should never be two Red Rangers, it was hard enough when Tommy became leader and Jason became second-in-command, sense Jase was Red and Tommy was White."

Dustin sighed and looked Sensei. "Sensei, we need help here. Something, Sensei-like." He said.

"They must both learn that the best quality of being leader is to understand when to be a follower." Sensei replied.

"Dude's way deep," Andy said. "Especially for a Guinea Pig; Zordon would have said the same thing." She smiled sadly.

After a while, Shane's voice came through the communication. "Cam! That Kangaroo clown is back for round two! We need help!"

The Rangers all looked up at Sensei, who nodded. They all stood up. "Can Danny stay here?" Andy asked. Sensei nodded again, and she smiled gratefully.

"Ready?" Tori yelled.

"Ready!" the others responded instantly.

"Ninja Storm!" yelled Tori and Dustin.

"Thunderstorm!" yelled Blake.

"Winter Storm!" yelled jac.

"Ranger Form! Ha!" all four yelled. Once morphed, they left.

"I'm one manically mad marsupial!" the Kangaroo monster exclaimed as the four Rangers stopped next to Shane and Hunter.

Jac nudged Hunter slightly in the ribs. "What'd he say?"

"Yeah, we're not sure either," Hunter said.

"Take this!" the Kangaroo yelled suddenly. Flames shot out of his wrists at the Rangers.

"Quick Freeze!" jac yelled, throwing her arm out straight. She intended to freeze the flames, which worked, but the flames, instead of freezing and diminishing, instead glowed a little brighter and melted the ice before going back to the Kangaroo monster. "What? How did that not work, my ice is unmeltable!" jac exclaimed in surprise.

"Let's worry about that later, we gotta beat him right now!" Hunter said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Right," jac nodded. "Snow Storm!" she shot her explosive snowballs at the monster, which succeeded in blowing the Kangaroo back slightly. "Yes!"

The other Rangers tried to attack the Kangaroo again, but this time, the monster managed to throw the attacks back. The Rangers all fell to their knees, clutching their chests.

"I've had enough of this," Shane growled, pulling himself up to his feet. "Let's put 'em together!" he ordered.

"Storm Striker!" he, Dustin, and Tori yelled, putting their weapons together.

"Thunder Blaster!" the Thunder Brothers yelled.

"Ice Ball!" jac exclaimed, the baseball-sized ball of ice quickly forming and solidifying in her hand.

Shane and Hunter fired their weapons, jac threw her Ice Ball, and the three attacks combined. Right before the attack could hit the Kangaroo, something formed in front of him, bouncing the attack right back to the Rangers. The Rangers were all blown back, smoke coming from their suits.

"What happened?" Shane asked, getting back to his feet and helping Tori, who was lying next to him, back up.

"I don't know," Hunter answered, pulling jac back to her feet.

"It looked like some sort of shield," jac finished Hunter's thought. "Hey, look!" she exclaimed, pointing to where the Kangaroo stood. Two humans dressed ridiculously and another monster stood next to the Kangaroo. "Who are they?" she quietly asked Hunter.

"The girl with the thing that looks like eyes on her head is Marah, the other girl is Kapri; they're Lothor's nieces. The monster thing with them is Zurgane," Hunter explained.

"I did it!" Marah squealed excitedly, "My shield worked! How cool am I?"

"How lucky are you," Kapri mumbled, annoyed.

"Great, the whole family is here," Tori said sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"Let's do this!" Shane said which caused Zurgane, Marah, and Kapri to attack from one side while the Kangaroo attacked from the other.

"Come on, put them up!" Kapri said, having headed straight to Hunter and jac.

Hunter and jac looked at each other before shrugging. At the same time, they said, "If you say so."

Hunter tried to hit her with his Thunder Staff but she blocked him. That allowed jac to swing her Crystal Staff at Kapri, but, once again, she blocked. Jac was sent to the ground and Kapri put her two swords in an x-formation, trying to slash at jac, but jac put her staff up to protect herself, pushing Kapri back slightly. She managed to stand up, her staff still keeping Kapri's swords from hitting her.

"Hey, you're the Ranger Uncle wants!" Kapri exclaimed after a second, trying to push jac back.

"Oh yeah? Well, tell your Uncle, that he ain't getting me, and that the Rangers will beat him, tell him that it came  straight from the White Ranger!" jac snarled at kapri, succeeding in pushing Kapri off of her.

Kapri fled, joining Marah who had been fighting Blake. Zurgane, who had been fighting Tori and Dustin, joined the sisters, and the Kangaroo joined them as well. The Rangers pointed their Storm Striker and Thunder Blaster at them, and jac made another Ice Ball.

"Not so fast! You thought her shield was tough? Try mine!" Kapri exclaimed, waving her hand. Another shield appeared, one that jac could tell was strong or stronger then theirs.

"That shield looks pretty strong," Tori said, putting her hands on her hips.

"What now?" Shane asked, looking at his friends in despair.

"Could there possibly be a way to combine all of our weapons?" jac suggested, tipping her head to the side.

The Rangers all looked at each other, shrugging. "Well, it's worth a try," Hunter commented. The six Rangers put their weapons together, even jac's Crystal Staff fitting in.

"Storm Canon!" the six yelled, each one holding a part of the huge weapon.

"Whoa, look at that thing!" Kapri cried out, her eyes widening at the weapons.

"Let's get out of here," Marah said with a nod.

"Don't need to tell me twice!" Zurgane exclaimed. He, Marah, and Kapri disappeared, leaving the Kangaroo by himself.

"My buddies have bailed!" the Kangaroo exclaimed in surprise.

"Ready?" Hunter asked, smirking under his helmet.

"Ready!" the others responded.

"Fire!" Hunter exclaimed, pressing the trigger of the weapon. A huge ball of energy fired from the Storm Canon, easily breaking the shield and hitting the Kangaroo. The weapon dismantled, allowing each Ranger to take their personal weapon before turning their backs as the Kangaroo exploded behind them.

"Alright!" Shane exclaimed, jumping up and throwing a fist in the air.

"Yes! We did it!" jac exclaimed, letting out a whoop.

"Come on guys, let's get back," Blake said, to which the others nodded.

Tournament- Start

"I still can't believe you two are actually working together for this now," jac said, "Nice job," she told Hunter and Shane, who were getting ready for the race to start. She held Danny in her arms, occasionally switching him over to her opposite hip.

"Well, we figured that it would be better if we worked together rather than try to kill ourselves learning a sport that the other is awesome at," Shane responded with a smile. Hunter nodded in agreement.

Jac rolled her eyes, allowing a chuckle to escape. "Whatever." She shook her head. "Good luck, guys," she said before switching Danny to her other hip and walking over to the others. The race soon started, and the skateboarders were off. Shane busted pulled some awesome moves, some that jac had done earlier, before he and Hunter ran to the Motocross track. Hunter got onto his bike and easily bypassed the other racers, getting to and flying through the finish line first. He and Shane ran to a large rock wall, climbing up quickly, and Shane reached the top first. He hit the finish bar and he and Hunter got back down onto the ground, heading back to Storm Chargers.

Storm Chargers

And this year's winners of the Total Team Trek, is the team of Hunter and Shane," jac announced, handing a large trophy to the Crimson and Red Rangers, smiling brightly at her friends.

Hunter and Shane both held one side of it, holding it up high. Everyone cheered and clapped, and someone took their picture as they smiled. "Not bad," Tori noted as people left the store.

"Hey, we try to learnify with great knowledge," Shane said with a nod.

"…huh? What?" Dustin asked in a very confused voice.

Jac laughed at dustin. "They're starting to hang a little better," she said, crossing her arms. Danny, who Tori was holding the hand of, managed to get away from the Blue Ranger and ran to his aunt.

"Jac, jac!" he exclaimed, holding his hands up. "Piggyback! Piggyback!" he exclaimed.

Jac laughed and rolled her eyes, kneeling down to her nephew's level. "Climb on, buddy," she said. Danny made a noise of happiness and climbed onto his aunt's back, wrapping his arms around her neck and his legs around her stomach. He set his chin on her shoulder, his brown eyes sparkling with excitement.

Tori took the trophy from the boys, giving it to Kelly. Shane went to high-five Hunter, while Hunter went to hug Shane. Laughing, they switched, Hunter trying to do the high-five while Shane tried to hug Hunter. Sighing, they did the high-five, only it became an arm-wrestling match in mid-air. Tori shared an amused glance with jac. "It's a start," Tori said. The girls left the store, Blake and Dustin following.

Jac was checked her watch, sighing with relief when she saw the time. "Jase and Trini should be home by now, I'm gonna take Danny home." She turned to walk towards her home. "Bye, guys!" she called over her shoulder.

"See ya!" they called after her.

"Hey jac, wait up!" Hunter called, jogging to catch up with her.

Jac stopped, her nephew, still on her back, now asleep. "Hey Hunter, what's up?" she asked as the blond joined her. She began to walk again, Hunter keeping up easily.

"I'll walk you home, if you don't mind," Hunter said nervously, blushing lightly.

Andy smiled, a blush covering her own cheeks. "Alright, thanks," she said.

"Any time," Hunter replied instantly. "So um, your brother was a Ranger?"

Jac laughed. "Yeah, the original Red and leader. He later became the Gold Ranger when Trey couldn't do the job," she answered.

"That's cool; how old were you?" Hunter asked.

As Jac  thought for a few seconds before replying, "I was seven when I figured it out, and he became a Ranger about a month earlier, so, yeah, I was seven. Coolest three years of my life!" she exclaimed at the end.

Hunter laughed. "So, were you there when that attack thing happened, and all of Angel Grove was taken over?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

Jac shook her head. "No, I was thirteen at the time, and that's when Jason, Trini, and I moved here. Danny was born later that year. I did get to help out at some point, when Carlos thought he wasn't good enough to be a Ranger. I helped Adam to try and train him, and we even got attacked by cogs. We moved after that." She explained.

"Oh." Hunter said awkwardly. The two fell into an awkward silence for a few minutes, until Hunter broke it. "So um, remember when Blake and I came back, I asked if you wanted to go see a movie or something?" he asked.

"And I replied, 'let's see how this all ends up.' Yeah, I remember. Why?" jac responded.

"Well, um, it's not too late out right now, and I hear that new Spider-Man movie is pretty cool. The next showing, I think, is in an hour," Hunter started.

"Hunter Bradley, are you asking me out?" jac asked, stopping and looking at Hunter with a blank look on her face.

Hunter stopped as well and he rubbed his neck nervously. "Well, um, that depends. Will you go with me?" he asked.

Jac looked at him for a minute. A smile slowly broke out on her face and she nodded. "Yeah; yeah, I'd like that," she finally answered.

Hunter sighed in relief; he'd taken her silence as a no, and was relieved that she said yes. "So, we're going on a date?" he made sure.

Jac nodded at him. "Yeah." She turned slightly to walk up her driveway. "Let me drop off Danny and get changed. I'll be out in a few minutes." She said. Hunter nodded in agreement. Once inside, jac handed her nephew over to Jason, who took the little boy up to his room to be put in bed. She took a quick shower and got changed into a clean white shirt with a silver design on it and jeans. Pulling her black hair into a ponytail, she made sure she had her morpher and communicator on her wrist and her phone in her pocket before going back downstairs. It had only been eight minutes sense she came inside.

"Whoa, where are you going looking so nice?" Jason asked, coming out of his son's room in time to see his sister head towards the door.

"Out; I'll be back later, Jase, see ya," she said. Very hurriedly, opening the door and closing it behind her. Jason shook his head, going downstairs and looking out of one of the windows. He saw jac, and one of the boys he knew worked at Storm Chargers. He frowned. Did his sister have a boyfriend he didn't know about? Trini joined him at the window.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking out the window and also noticing the two teens walking down the driveway. She looked at her husband's face and slapped his shoulder. "Jason Scott! You are not spying on your sister!" she exclaimed & shocked that jason would spy.

"Sorry, but all she told me was that she was going out! Who is that boy?" Jason asked, turning away from the window as his sister walked out of his sight towards a crimson jeep.

"From what I can tell, that's the boy she was telling about. Jac never gave me a name, but she did tell me that he's sweet, strong, and would never hurt her. She also told me that they aren't even together, but he did ask her out once." Trini said. "From that, I can tell that he's a sweet boy. You've never even met him, give him a chance. We were their age once," she reminded him.

Jason sighed. "I know. It's just weird thinking about my baby sister who we used to protect dating," he said.

"I know," Trini said, rubbing his arm soothingly. Jason sighed again. His little sister was a Ranger, just like he had been, and might have a boyfriend. What happened to the little girl who figured out he was a Ranger when she was only seven, got into Motocross at eight, the little girl he used to protect? Jason felt himself at times very old,smile slightly at all the memories. Finally, he spoke again. "He'd better not break her heart, or I'll break him." He muttered in a low voice. Trini slapped his chest, but still let a giggle escape. Same ol' Jason always protective of jac.

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