Lone Wolf

Oleh reverse_neck_brace

6.7K 351 65

Amelia was merely expecting to enjoy her date night when she went to one of Utah's great desert parks after c... Lebih Banyak

How I Was Turned
New Abilities
The Truth Comes Out
Meeting Others Like Jake
Dinner Night
Transformed Into a Beast
Outside My Window
Fighting For Fun
Running With the Pack
Car Troubles
Confronted at the Grocery Store
Resolved Grudges
Proving My Worth
Meeting Another Alpha
Blood Pact
Uninvited Guest
Rising Tensions


373 21 6
Oleh reverse_neck_brace

I woke up on top of a strange bed in a strange bedroom still shifted as a wolf. My head had stopped swaying and my vision was not fading in and out as it was earlier, so I believed that I was back to full strength. I surveyed the room and found clothes laid out for me with Brent's scent seeped into the cotton.

Knowing I would have clothes to change into—even if the clothes reeked of the enemy—I allowed myself to shift. Compared to my first time shifting, I reverted back with complete ease. Once I was completely human, I gave myself a moment of rest on the bed to gather my thoughts. I was tired, hungry, and worried the worst for Aiden, but I had to push those needs to the back of my mind. My top priority was getting the hell off of these pack grounds and away from Brent and Turner. While Brent did seem surprised to see me, I did not forget what Turner mentioned the first time we met—Brent wanted a female werewolf in his pack.

I could not wait and hope Jake and the others would come save me. Being a damsel in distress would get me nowhere in this situation—other than Brent's captivity. Knowing I had to do something gave me to motivation to get up and dressed in an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. After. I slowly approached the bedroom door and gave the knob a turn, but it was locked. I could easily break down the door, which confused me. Why would they put me in a place that I could easily escape from? I doubted Brent wanted five angry werewolves after him, so it was plausible he was putting in enough effort to keep me there so he would not lie to the rest of the pack but made it easy enough for me to still leave.

Not wanting to break down the door just yet because the noise would bring more attention to myself, I padded over to the lone window. Pulling the sheer red curtain back, I saw mostly trees, but after waiting long enough I saw a couple of wolves scampering past. Either I was being guarded or they were protecting the pack grounds from intruders. I stood by the window assessing how large of a time gap there was between the passing wolves, and while there was a gap, I did not know if I would be able to pass through. Jake had warned me many times before how strong my scent was, and I did not know if Brent's clothes were enough to overpower my scent to new wolves.

The house would be riskier as I did not know the way through, so I figured I better give the window a shot. Slowly and quietly, I unlocked the window and raised it enough to slip through during one of the intermissions of prowl. The bedroom was on the second floor, but jumping down to the ground was not difficult with my agility. Once my feet touched the ground, I pressed myself up against the brick wall in an attempt to conceal myself. I did not have much time to waste or to really think over my idea, but the need to make it back to my pack overpowered all worries or concerns.

I did not have time to shift, so I reigned in all of the words of wisdom Jake taught me while training and ran silently into the woods. My senses were on high alert, allowing me to smell how far away the wolves were and hearing if they got any closer to me. My movements were precise, and I would momentarily pause by every tree I passed in case I was seeable from the surrounding area. My heart was racing quickly from adrenaline and my vision was switching between normal and shades of red. I felt like my heart would burst before I felt I was in the clear.

The ground around me still reeked of those in Brent's pack, and I had a bad notion that I was not going where I needed to go. I did not have any shoes, and while I was able to process my every step so I did not step on sticks or brush, I still felt small cuts forming on the soles of my feet.

My hopes were slowly but surely rising the more I ran, but I could also feel doubt rising just as quickly. This was too easy. While Brent did make it sound like I was an unwanted guest, he would not give me up so easily. Also, Turner must have healed just as I had and being led by his blood-driven mind, his first thoughts must be aimed towards me.

My worries were quickly answered when I picked up on a dreaded but familiar scent gaining traction on me. I pumped my arms harder and worked my legs more than I ever had, and soon the trees were merely a blur around me. While I passed through the forest at a supernatural pace, everything around me slowed down enough so I did not trip over a stump or slam into a tree.

Jack Turner was trying to gain on me, but if I was running quicker than Easton ever could, I doubt he would be able to catch up to me. Then again, I did not know how determined Turner was to capture me and I did not know how long I could hold this pace.

"Amelia!" Turner roared from a distance, shocking me enough to slightly stumble. I felt my right leg stiffen up enough that I could not regain my balance. I had enough time to hold out my hands to stop my head from slamming into the ground, but that also left some deep scratches on my palms. I picked up on his footsteps coming near me, so I scrambled up to my feet.

Turner sucked air through his teeth to make a disapproving sound, causing me to turn to where he was coming from. I still could not see him, but I could smell and hear his approach. Bracing myself for whatever mood Turner spun himself into, I stayed light on my toes and prepared to pack a punch.

He finally showed himself from behind a tree and I felt dread fill my stomach when I saw the rage displayed in his eyes. Turner did not take too kindly to me gnawing on his shoulder, but in my defense, he seemed okay now. When our eyes connected, a grin overtook his face. "Darling, why do you run from me? We are soul mates," he yelled louder than needed, making me wince.

Jake still failed to tell me the depth to that meaning, but I knew that I was nothing with Turner. If I actually made it through this altercation and knew there would be no danger following me back, I would shout from the rooftops that Easton was my soulmate. It may have taken me a life-or-death situation that led me to the conclusion, but I loved Easton. I loved him so much. He, and Jake, and Aiden and Noah and even Trenton were all my family now and the thought of never seeing them again tightened my hands into fists. I would do anything to see them again.

"We are nothing, Jack, and we will never be anything. You mean nothing to me." I packed every word I spoke with as much hatred and contempt I could muster, and the reaction that Turner displayed was exactly what I was looking for. He snarled with his teeth bared and his canines as extended as possible. His knees were bent and ready to pounce, but that was about all Turner seemed in control of. While Turner was acting in a psychotic state of mind, mine was as clear as could be with only one thought bouncing through my head.

I needed to make it home to my family.

Jack released a deep, guttural growl before outstretching his arms and springing through the air towards me. Remembering that while I may not be the strongest, I was the fastest, and I side-stepped out of the way. If Turner was in any better state of mind, he would have outstretched his arm to grab me before I could bounce away like Aiden would have done, but he wasn't. Rather, I managed to prance around Turner's heaving body and keep my eyes on his every movement. He was being reckless in his movements, and while it could be towards my advantage, he was also unpredictable. Fighting with all of the Five Musketeers gave me an idea of different fighting styles and patterns, so if Turner was in his right mind, I would be able to understand his fighting choices and guess what moves he would make next.

Turner dove again, and this time, I grabbed his reaching forearm and twisted it as I twirled behind his back, putting him in a hold taught to me by Jake. Turner released a strangled cry, but I was not pulling his arm as far back behind his back as someone like Aiden could. When I thought I had the upper hand, Turner kicked back his foot and sideswiped me to the ground. In order to not collapse to the ground with Turner on top of me, I released his arm and rolled out of the way before his body even touched the ground. My landing was not graceful, but I managed to scramble back up to my feet before Turner.

Wanting to keep Turner down on the ground, I reeled back my foot and kicked him in the stomach. His eyes almost popped out of his head as the air pressed out of his body and he curled himself into a protective ball. I attempted another swift kick, but Turner grabbed my ankle before it could connect with his ribs and yanked.


This fall was even further from graceful than before. I collapsed onto my back and wheezed when the wind was knocked out of me. Black splotches concealed my vision because I did not have the time to protect my head from hitting the ground floor. I did not even really know what just happened before Turner climbed on top of me with his knees planted on either side of my hips and one of his hands gripping both of mine above my head. He had sweat dripping down his forehead and a sadistic smile plastered across his face. He slowly leaned down so his face rested beside mine and his lips were next to my ear. "Oh, Darling, you put up quite a fight. I like that you can prove your worth for me. Once I break you, you will make me and my pack so proud," Turner cooed, turning my stomach into a pile of stones.

This could not be what all of my training led up to—lying helpless underneath a man who wanted to break me. Thoughts of my family ran through my head, and all of a sudden, Turner's subtle movements slowed down and my vision reddened. I tugged at his hand with all of my might and broke his hold, allowing myself free reign of my hands. With Easton's face plastered in my mind's eye, I thrust my hands forwards, claws elongated, and reached into Turner's chest.

Jack Turner's heartbeat reverberated in my ears. It was beating like a drum when he held my hands in his, but the more my fingers reached through his rib cage and squeezed his heart, the slower it became. All I could hear was his heartbeat as I witnessed his smile slowly diminish and his eyes widen. I could feel myself reaching as far as I could fit my digits between bone and sinking my claws into the tough organ.

I wished I could speed time back up to normal speed, but I could not seem to think, and everything remained moving as slow as molasses. Turner's heartbeat slowed even further until his eyes glazed over with a lifeless glint and then silence surrounded me. No more heartbeat. I couldn't even hear my own.

I held Turner's body above me, still gripping his insides, until reality sped up again and the weight of his lifeless body finally began affecting me. Still unable to process what I had just done, I felt my arms give way and Turner fell on top of me. His weight put pressure on my lungs, but I doubted it was anything compared to how it felt to have someone's hands inside of your body. With a fractured breath, I shoved Turner off of me and allowed my body to melt into the ground. The adrenaline and exhaustion caught up with me at that moment, and my eyelids fluttered. I wanted to sleep so badly, but the smell of Turner's seeping blood coated the inside of my nostrils, and my sleep deprivation was set to the side for the moment.

I turned my head to the side and was met with dull, red eyes. Turner's mouth was agape because his head was at a weird angle, but a good enough angle for me to see every aspect of his face. My memories began blocking my vision, and Turner was Turner one second, and then Dante the next. I felt myself reach down my body to see if I felt blood seeping out of my torso, too, but I was not the victim this time.

I was the murderer.

I don't know how long I lied on the ground staring at Jack, but I did not want to get up until the only person I saw next to me was Jack. I probably would have stayed there for eternity, but I picked up footsteps in the distance. Not really having much or any fight left in me, I stumbled to my feet and prepared to hide.

My eyes watered at the intoxicating scent of Turner's body, but then I smelled him approaching.

Not worried about how scratched up my feet were or that the shirt I was wearing held large splotched of blood, I ran. My legs seemed to carry themselves because I had no other reason for why they would be moving this quickly after all I had gone through. I ran until I caught a glimpse of fiery red hair dancing in the wind, and that was when my legs decided enough was enough.

"Easton," I called, landing on my knees and having to catch myself with my hands. I only glanced down at the ground for a moment to ensure no sticks were nearby that could puncture my hands, but the moment I was looking away was when arms pulled me into a warm, strong body. I buried my head into Easton's neck and inhaled his familiar scent, partly for comfort, mostly to rid Turner's smell from my nose.

While I did not want to get up off of the ground, I did not really have to worry too much because Easton lifted to his feet with me dangling in his arms rather than letting me stand on my own. "Sweetheart," Easton breathed into my ear with such a relieved voice I almost gained the strength to smile. He held me tightly a little longer before regretfully holding me away from his body so he could see if I was hurt. It was nice to be held earlier, but now that I was being held in the air like a ragdoll, I wanted to be put down.

Easton's slightly deranged eyes roamed my body with a purpose, and knowing what he was looking for, I answered, "Don't worry, this blood is not mine. I'm not hurt. Now put me back down."

Following my orders like he was in a trance, Easton set me back down on my feet but kept his arms wrapped around my waist so I still was not really holding myself up. The sound of multiple shifts terrified me into thinking Brent had come to take me again, but Easton gave me a tight squeeze of reassurance. More running steps sounded from all sides, and I scanned the woods in order to see the rest of the Musketeers appear. All of their faces held worry, but the one that stuck most with me was Aiden.

I gasped, thinking maybe I was hallucinating Aiden like I did Dante, and got out of Easton's hold to take slow steps towards him. He did not care to wait that long and scooped me up into his arms and swung me around, proving to me that he was real. "Amelia, I'm so sorry I left you. I knew I would not be able to do you any good after they drugged me again, so I made it as far as I could away from there before I went unconscious. I needed to be able to make it back to the pack to tell them what happened and bring them here."

"You're alive," I choked out, gripping his back as he was not wearing a shirt. I did not want to think about it earlier, but the possibility that a member of Brent's pack killed Aiden was not small, and I tried my best to not think about it in order to escape. Now, seeing Aiden, relief flooded my system and tears fell down my cheek. They did not kill him.

Aiden held me for a few minutes longer, which I appreciated because I was still slightly crying and trying to get myself under control. We were still on enemy's territory and needed to make it back home before I would allow myself to break down. When Aiden did finally let me go, I turned around to see Jake next to me.

Jake's face was hard, but I understood it was not directed at me. He was in Alpha mode. "We need to go back to our pack grounds. Now."

I wanted to go home so badly. To cuddle on the massive sofa in the study with Easton or to play-fight with Aiden in the backyard would be a blessing right about now. I needed to get away as quickly as I could because all I could smell was Turner's body a little ways back and know I had caused that. I was already walking, or more likely stumbling, in the direction of where the men came from, but Brent's voice echoing through the trees stopped me.

"You can go, but leave the girl here." Easton had me behind him in a flash with his hand held possessively onto my waist before the first words rung through the trees.

Alpha Brent was angry, and I could understand why he was angry, but I did not want him to announce to my family why he was angry. Everyone could smell Turner's blood covering me, yet they did not know the full truth. They did not know what I did to become covered in another person's blood. Jake stepped in front of the rest of us as Brent approached with his fists balled at his sides. "Brent, we are leaving. All of us. Your pack member went too far and enough is enough. If I even smell him again he will be killed on sight." Jake's voice was stoic, but his words only made me want to throw up.

Brent's eyes slid to mine and his scowl fiercened. Even though he did seem angry, Brent did not seem too sad that Turner was dead. This did not really surprise me, though, because based on the pack structure I did not think loving feelings could be formed between the pack. "That won't be necessary, Jake, because your female wolf already killed him."

I knew I murdered Turner because it had just happened, but it is like when a loved one passes. You know that the person is gone, but it is easiest to act as if the person did not die and never admit to his passing. Hearing Brent say out loud what I had done made the vomit I had been holding down since the sinful act finally rise. I turned away from the men to bend over and allow everything to come up, which was painful and burned my throat, but I was comforted by the fact that Easton held my hair out of the way and with his other hand soothingly rubbed my back.

"It's fine, Sweetheart, you did not do anything wrong. You're okay," Easton comforted, but he was wrong—I did do something wrong. Something very wrong. Killing a deer was one thing, and I managed to overcome that regret because it was instinctual and a part of nature. Killing another person was not forgivable and not natural. I needed to protect myself, but I should have found a different way. My conscious was not strong enough to handle the life of another, demented or not.

As I attempted to catch my breath with my hands on my knees, I listened in to Jake and Brent argue. "He kidnapped her from her home and drugged another one of my pack members. Jack Turner deserved to die!"

"That was not her decision to make!" Brent growled, shaking with anger. Jake was also engraged as they stood toe-to-toe with their foreheads almost touching, but he was containing himself better than the other Alpha.

Jake took a step back, and while it looked like he was backing down, he stated, "My pack and I are leaving. If you try and stop us, there will be consequences."

It did not seem Brent was used to being denied, because the moment Jake turned his back on him, Brent gnashed his teeth and his back arched unnaturally. We all knew what was coming, and without having to turn around, Jake closed his eyes and began his shift. After throwing up and losing nutrients I did not have the ability to lose after shifting and not eating, Easton was basically holding me up by gripping my body to his. When the Alphas began shifting, the rest of us backed away, with Easton having to lift me to a safer location.

Jake did not have the time to preserve his clothes because Brent had already begun shifting, so scraps of cloth were flung in all directions as their bodies contorted in abnormal angles. Unlike me, Brent and Jake had shifted long before now and their shifts were very rapid. Once wolves, the two Alphas took no break before circling each other with their sharp canines on display.

Even though I wanted to watch to see what happened, Easton sat me down on the ground and squatted in front of me. His broad body blocked my view of the fight and all I could infer as to what was happening was from the snaps and growls. Easton held a stern face as he cupped my face in his hands. "Are you hurt anywhere?" He did not display any worry for his Alpha, but that could just be because he was good at concealing his feelings or he did not think he had anything to worry about. I had never seen Jake in a legitimate fight, and he always took it extremely easy on me, but I had a feeling Jake could dominate anyone who threatened his pack.

Knowing he could tell if I was lying anyway, I admitted, "I'm dehydrated and hungry, but as long as we make it home after this, I will be peachy."

Easton's eyes softened, but he moved his hands to grip my thighs and I saw he was also barely hanging on. "When we get home—because we will get home—I'm going to feed you, you're going to take a long bath, and then I'm going to hold you in my arms as we both get some needed sleep."

I wanted to smile so badly, but all I could manage was a soft sigh as I closed my eyes and imagined such a luxury. "That sounds nice," I responded, almost feeling the warm water of a bath surround my body.

"Sweetheart, I want you to know, none of us judge you for what you did to Turner. If I was in your position I would have done much worse."

My hands shook, and this time, not from lack of food. "Please," I begged, "I don't want to talk about what happened."

A worrisome whine sounded, causing both Easton and I to wince. I tried to look around Easton to see what happened, but he rested his forehead against mine and blocked my view. I stared into his ice blue eyes hoping to see that everything was going to be okay, and I understood it was because all I saw was love. It was deathly silent now and whenever I shut my eyes, all I could see were Turner's dead eyes staring back at me.

"Jake's fine," Noah observed, allowing me to release a deep breath I was holding.

Easton slowly released me, finally allowing me to see what happened. Jake was prowling around the area, still feeling an adrenaline rush from fighting, while Brent lied still on the ground. I tuned in my hearing to see if he was breathing, but I could not even hear a heartbeat.

Noah stepped up as the leader seeing as Jake was in no position to speak to us. "We need to leave. Now." His eyes scanned our group and stayed on me for a while in order to assess to see if I would be able to make it where we needed to go. As a confirmation, I shakily rose to my feet and braced myself for whatever Noah wanted me to do. I would do anything in order to get away from this place and Turner's scent.

"It is not a long distance. The car is nearby," Easton whispered into my ear, and for the first time since this morning, I smiled.

It took a bit of work and Easton's help for me to make it to the car, but once I saw Easton's Expedition, I felt myself let go. Sitting in the back seat, soaking up the air conditioning, and enjoying Easton's arms around me were all factors that contributed to me falling asleep in the first five minutes of the vehicle starting. I did not wake up until the car turned off at Jake's house, and even then I was still out of it. Easton carried me into the house and into the study, knowing the study was where I felt the most comfortable. I listened to the water begin running in the hall bathroom as I breathed deeply and attempted to saturate my nose in the scent of The House.

After taking a long, relaxing bath, I put on my own shorts and tank-top and padded up to Easton's bedroom. On the way, I noticed the Musketeers watching me with a careful eye, but they were too scared to talk it out with me. I did not mind too much because it meant I did not need to talk, either. Hearing me get out of the bath, Easton trailed after me and sunk into his bed beside me. After curling his arm around my waist and resting his head on the pillow beside my head, Easton mentioned, "We were really worried about you, and once we realized Aiden had been on his run for too long, it was hard to think straight."

"Did you get my note?"

"Yes, but we just figured Turner was too smart to take you back to his territory. We were planning possible locations when Aiden stumbled back and told us everything that happened," Easton paused and began circling his forefinger lightly over my stomach. "Whenever you are ready to talk about what happened, I'm here for you. I just wanted to let you know that none of us see you differently. I'm actually prouder of you for making it through everything that happened. You are so strong."


He defeatedly sighed. "I know you did not want to talk about it, but I needed to let you know—"

"I love you," I admitted gripping his hand in mine.

Easton's entire body tightened so much I almost laughed. I had almost fallen asleep waiting for an answer when his body relaxed again and he squeezed me closer to him. "I love you too, Sweetheart."

We were both silent as we enjoyed the comfort of our shared words, but I had to ask, "Easton, what will happen now that Brent is dead?"

I could almost see Easton scrunching his eyebrows together as he mulled over my inquiry. "I don't know, Sweetheart. Jake killed another Alpha, which broke a very important rule in the werewolf code of conduct."

"Who can say if what Jake did was wrong?" While I felt guilty for my actions, I could not help but want to protect Jake at all costs. He was only protecting me, so in return, I will stand up for him at every obstacle.

Easton was reluctant to answer. "Alphas keep other Alphas in line. When word gets out, other Alphas may want Jake to be punished."

"We won't let that happen though, right?"

Easton chuckled and kissed my neck. "Right. No one is going to touch our pack." Being considered one with the pack had my heart fluttering. Throughout the dilemma that occurred today, I called the Musketeers my pack and my family. Having this mindset gave me the courage to convince myself the next chance I got, I would be physically joining the pack. It was past time, and I was more than comfortable with everyone in Jake's pack. Once completed, I would be more connected with the extended family I had found.

Nothing can get in between me and my family because I was stronger than before I was changed—physically and emotionally. I actually wanted to see someone try to break us because, after everything we have been through, our bond was too strong to break.

I'm not too great at leaving long, heart-felt messages, but I do want to say a big thank you to everyone who stuck through this book with me and shared all of your love and support. Every comment kept me going and every vote brightened my day. You all mean so much to me, and I hope you enjoyed Lone Wolf :)

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