Going Red - An Auslly Fanfict...

By ausllywriter

29.9K 1.8K 495

Red; the color of love. You see red when they're talking to another person. You see red when you kiss them go... More

one - falling at your feet
two - after school
three - intense gym
four - moon's girl
five - arcade
six - strange days
seven - partying
eight - drinking
nine - next morning
ten - warming up
eleven - concerning
twelve - studying
thirteen - only lasts a while
fourteen - sibling talks
fifteen - realization in apologies
sixteen - returning enemy
seventeen - time to tell
eighteen - bad days
nineteen - help
twenty - better days
twenty-one - dinner
twenty-two - first date
twenty-three - disastrous love
twenty-four - strengths
twenty-six - he's not like him
twenty-seven - bad return
twenty-eight - confessed apology
twenty-nine - fearful
thirty - thoughts
thirty-one - court
thirty-two - celebration
thirty-three - end

twenty-five - valentine's activities

391 20 4
By ausllywriter

"I don't even like basketball but that was a good game," Ally says as they walk hand in hand to his car. "You did great. You sure you don't wanna celebrate with your team?"

"I'm good. Besides, I promised you a movie night," Austin grins, once they reached his car. "You sleeping over?"

She laughs and gestures to the bag on her arm. "Did you not notice the overnight bag or...?"

"Hey, I was just making sure." He laughs, unlocking and getting in the drivers seat of his car.

They both hop in and Austin looks to her. "You wanna grab some food before we get to my place?"


"Your room is so messy." Ally says the moment they come inside the room.

Austin chuckles and pushes her shoulder. "I don't have time to clean it. I'm always with you or at school."

She rolls her eyes, and takes a seat on his bed. "Go shower. You reek."

"Of course, my love," he speaks in a bad English accent as he grabs his things for a shower. She laughs just before he comes over to kiss her soft lips. "Be back soon."

Ally looks around at his room as he showers. Deciding she couldn't take it, Ally stands and begins to pick up his mess of a room. There were only clothes everywhere, so she didn't mind really. Ally just didn't like the mess.

Once she's either folded or put the clothes in the hamper in the corner of his room, thrown away all his water bottles and crumbled up balls of paper, Austin has returned from his shower. He's shaking his hair into a towel as he enters his room. "I see you've tidied up."

"Because you're room was disturbing," she laughs, watching him throw his towel to the laundry bin in the corner if his room, to which he misses. "Maybe if you were a better basketball player, your room would be cleaner."

He fakes a wince. "Damn, that's harsh. I thought you said I was good tonight."

"Well, we all lie every once and a while," she laughs right before he comes to tackle her on to his bed. He lays out flat on top of her, making Ally giggles and push him. "Get off! You weigh as much as a whale."

"You're overreacting," he murmurs as he presses a kiss on to her lips blissfully. Ally responds for a few moment, and they pull apart as he rolls on the side of her. Austin grabs the remote from a spot on his bed to click the television on. "You wanna take a shower?"

Ally doesn't respond for a moment, so he looks to see her with wide eyes and blushed cheeks. Austin irks his eyebrow, before realizing she received the wrong message and chuckles. "Ally, I just took a shower. If I wanted you to join me, I would've asked. I'm talking about you taking a shower. By yourself."

"O-Oh." Ally speaks, her face getting even more red from embarrassment. But she shakes her head with a slight smile. "I showered before the game."

Austin looks at her with complete adoration, loving to see the side of her that got flustered and embarrassed. She stands to go to her night bag and grabs her pajamas. "I'm changing in your closet."

"You could change in front of me.
I won't look."

"Maybe another night." She giggles, going to his closet and shutting the door.

Austin sighs as he clicks through the channels and stares at his television. "There's nothing to watch."

She changes after a few minutes and comes back to place her clothes in her bag. Ally then comes to lay with Austin at the top of his bed, leaning on her arm as he looks through channels.

"You're too far away," he pulls her into him with his arm under her side and hand resting on her torso. "You wanna watch a scary movie?"

"You know I hate scary movies."

"I know, but you also hate cuddling. If it's scary enough, I get cuddles."

Ally looks up at him and rolls her eyes. "You're ridiculous," she murmurs, and reaches over to grab the remote. "We can watch... oh! Crazy, Stupid, Love is on!" She clicks the movie and grinning happily as she snuggles deeper into Austin's side.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot you liked chick flicks."

"That term is sexist."

He looks down at her with an irked eyebrow, to which she stares at him with the same look. "Shut up," he mutters playfully, kissing her forehead. He leans down to kiss her cheek, and even farther to kiss her collarbone. "You are very strong minded."

She laughs very lightly when he peppers a kiss on her neck and pushes herself up for him to have better access. "And you're very dumb."

At her words, he blows a raspberry into her neck, making her laugh loudly. She remembers his family is probably asleep and quiets, giggling softly instead.

He continues to kiss her neck as the movie plays and Ally lets him, her fingers going through his soft, bright hair as she watches the movie. It's only until he sucks on a sensitive part of her neck does she let out a soft sound of enjoyment and pulls his hair gently. He likes the reaction, so he focuses on that one spot, receiving a few moans and hums.

With her sounds,  Austin gets a bit more confident and gently brushes his hands under the small t-shirt she was wearing. He can hear and feel her breath hitch, but she soon relaxes, so he continues on with his plans.

"What are you doing?" She asks as soon as his lips leave her neck and he moves from her side to below her waist.

"Something," he chuckles, his hands moving to her up her her stomach. He kisses her stomach a few times before his hands reach what they were searching for: her breasts. He looks up at his girlfriend to see her eyes as closed, so he takes it as an okay and massages her breasts. She moans, and he smiles. "That feel nice?"

She nods slowly. Austin doesn't know where the sudden confidence to touch her like this came from, but as he lifts her shirt up and he gets a glance at her perky breasts, he doesn't care.

Austin kisses her in between her boobs, and continues to massage and kneel one while he peppers kisses on the other. When he takes her nipple into his mouth, the sound she makes is probably a sound he know he's going to come to love.

This continues on for minutes until the entirety of her chest is marked with his love marks. It's until his fingers are able to move under her shorts and he realizes she doesn't have any undergarments on at all do they come to a halt.

Ally stops him, placing a hand on his chest before he can move don't even more. "We-We can't."

Austin smirks and hovers over her. "And why not?" He realizes how husky his voice is and clears it, shaking his head. This girl had him in a daze.

"I'm not on birth control and we don't have a condom. I'm not letting you—"

Austin chuckles and moves back down to planting kisses down her body. "I wasn't planning on having sex. Or anything of this really," he chuckles, licking her navel. Her hums, grabbing his hair once more, but this time to stop her nerves.

"I don't wanna do that, Austin. Especially with no protection."

Regardless of her words, Austin still manages and get her out of her shorts, and he has never actually been so close to a girl's private before, but he knew Ally's had to be the prettiest he's ever going to see.

She was wet and dipping, and moans when she felt his breath in the area. "We don't have to have to have sex," he speaks and kisses her in her center, where she shivers and moans. "I just wanna taste."


Austin's mother eyes her son as he goes to the basement with blankets and sheets in his hands. "Why are you washing so early? And shouldn't you take a whole load?"

"Mom, my blankets are thick, along with my sheet. This is basically a load. And I just... made a mess on them."

She hums suspiciously, and turns just as Ally comes into her view, forgetting she agreed to let the girl stay the night. "Oh, hey, Ally, honey. I forgot you were here."

Ally gives her boyfriend's mom a kiss on the cheek, and smiles lightly. "Hey, Sandra. Do you know where Austin went? He's supposed to drive me home."

"I'm down here!" He calls from the basement. He must have heard them. "I'm washing my covers!"

Ally grabs his keys from off the counter and yell down the stairs. "I'm gonn warm the car!" She waves goodbye to the mother, and Ross, who was quietly sitting at the table, amused. "See you guys."

Once she leaves, Austin comes up the stairs. "I'm gonna go drive Ally home. I'll be back in thirty."

Before he leaves, Ross calls, "Nice going on the dirty sheets!"

Austin knows what he means and laughs, not even responding as he closed the door and left.

"And what does that mean?" His mother asks, glaring slightly as she watched her oldest get up.

"It's a boy thing."

sorry for not updating in a year lol

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