Blood Brothers [RWBY]

Autorstwa Qwiky1357

25.5K 394 130

Two friends decide to meet up after many years of gaming together, but get pulled into a whole new situation... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Sorry for the long wait
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 21

247 4 0
Autorstwa Qwiky1357

Darnell's POV

After having fun with everyone after a little prank, we all washed our faces and just watching TV together. I look out the window and see that it's pretty dark out now and I'm just waiting on Cinder's call now. I have Pyrrha in my lap while we watch and she's leaning back into my chest happy as always. I decide to ask her about her fight today "So Pyrrha? How was your win today? Heard you and Ren did pretty well."

She looks up at me "It was good fight actually, they were pretty formidable. Me and Ren pulled through with quick thinking and defeated them."

Aelia is on the ground in front of us laughing as her mother finished talking "More like you fucked them up! They stood no chance."

Pyrrha sighs but I laugh "Sounds more like it, formidable my ass"

She holds my hand "I don't like it when you curse Darnell"

"I don't like it when you sell yourself short."

Huy laughs a bit and mocks me "I don't like it when you sell yourself short baby"

I laugh "Shut up lover boy, your the same way"

Blake laughs a bit as her hears this "Sorry Huy, but you are quite the romantic so don't tease Darnell about it. I love when you act like that though, it's real sweet."

Julia sighs in disgust "Shut up, trying to watch something here! Not listen to how my parents show their affection."

Huy laughs and teases her some more "How about hearing you're uncle and aunt then? We walked in on them before."

As I was listening I spit out my drink onto the floor and Pyrrha tried stopping Huy from saying anything else. Aelia immediately blurts out "NO! DON'T SAY ANY OF THAT SHIT! PLEASE!"

Blake goes "Don't worry! They didn't do anything.... well, we actually interrupted them before they did anything."

When everyone was talking I check my scroll checking it due to it vibrating and I see Cinder texted me telling me to meet her now. She wants me to meet her at the entrance of the forest.

I think of a good excuse to leave, I push Pyrrha off me gently "I'm gonna go for a walk, clear my mind a bit and avoid getting embarrassed by any more of this nonsense."

I feel Pyrrha grab my arm "Mind if I come with you? I wanted to talk to you for a bit about everything in private. Plus with you guys being a extra pair of hands during the festival, we can't spend that much time together..."

When she finishes she looks at me expectantly and it hurts me to say no to her "I'm sorry but I just wanna go for a walk by myself for a few.... I need to think things over... sorry."

She looks hurt "O-Ok... that's fine.... but when you come back... can we talk or something? Please..."

I hug her tightly to reassure her "Of course, I just want to listen to some music and walk around for a while." I kiss her on the lips "I'll be back ok?" She nods her head in disappointment, and I grab my clean clothes and head out.

I'm at the front gates with my gear and mentally prepare myself as I walk my way to the forest. I call Cinder to tell her I'm on my way, I hear the ring go for a bit and she answers "Hello Darnell, I'm guessing you're on you way to meet me?"

"Yeah, I just left and grabbed my gear, any rules when we fight?"

I hear her hum a bit before she answers "I guess when our aura breaks then that's it, if I win we go our separate ways and I continue what I'm doing.... even though talking, to you makes me regret doing it... if you win or it's a draw I will tell you what I can."

I'm confused "What you can? What happened to everything?"

She pauses a bit "Because she may be watching me Darnell.... I have to be careful."

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"It's fine... just hurry before something happens."

"Got it, I'll see you there Cinder."

"Likewise Darnell" we both hang up and I continue walking, I tighten my gloves and check my SMGs. I realize I'm going in blind since I've never seen her fight, she most likely has seen me so I gotta be careful and change my tactics. I won't underestimate her either.... Salem wouldn't have Cinder working for her if she was a pushover.

It took me a bit but I finally made it, as I get closer I see Cinder in the outfit she wore when we first talked. I notice she has two identical blades on her lower back. She looks up at me as I come into view "You ready Darnell? Remember no holding back, Salem says you're powerful and you haven't even got to you're peak yet."

"Yeah let's go, after you."

We walk side by side as we go into the forest and she breaks the silence "So what do you know about Salem Darnell? I can fill in the blanks for you at least."

"I know enough of her past and how me and Huy are her sons, also how to get that demon out of her."

She looks at me questionably "Demon? Care to explain?"

"She used to be a maiden.... she was fighting waves of grimm with the other three maidens and was overwhelmed... the grimm basically tortured her for the this.... demon to take over her and control the grimm and get more powerful. It's inside her... using her for whatever fucking purpose it wants. Me and Huy found this tome and can use it to save her by releasing her from it's grasp."

She looks forward "Didn't know about any of that... thank you for telling me."

I try to see if I can get something out her in case I lose to her "Care to share anything?"

She thinks a bit, deciding on what to tell me "Remmebr the maidens?? Darnell?" She looks at me and I nod silently "Well.... I was ordered to attack the fall maiden..."

I stop walking in realizing how powerful she is! She has the power for the maiden! How the fuck can I compete with her!? She sees my face and continues with a chuckle "Don't worry, I have only half of the power of a maiden. I was..... interrupted during the process by a hunter, you know him as Qrow."

I sigh "Nice to know Oz is being mysterious still, even though I'm basically neck deep in this shit."

We get to an open area for us to spar in, we look at each other and nod. We walk to the opposite sides if the area and ready ourselves. I can't tell is she has a ranged weapon so I'll go all out with my semblance.

"Ok Darnell! You ready?!" She yells out from the other end.

"Let's get started sis!"

She smiles and we both get serious and go quiet...... she launches towards me and I jump at her head on. Just before we connect with our attacks, she dives low and goes for my legs. I jump above her and launch a blast of fire at her, but I see her do one of her own! The blasts collide and explode between us. I cover my upper body with my arms at the best of my ability and feel myself get blown into the air. "Shit!" I yell out and she jumps up at me with her swords and goes for a spinning slash, but I grab both of her blades and I see her eyes widen. I take the opportunity to kick her straight in the stomach. She yells in pain and hits the ground but I don't let up. I propel myself downward by putting my hands behind me and blast energy from both of my hands. I use the momentum to my advantage I cock my arm back for a punch but she surprises me! She flies up at me and meets me halfway and our fists connect. From the amount of force from the both of us, we send off a wave of energy and opens up the clearing more by knocking down some trees and burning bushes. We separate and look at each other.

"Wow Darnell, your not disappointing me at all. Color me impressed actually, I can say truthfully that we're on a even playing field."

I laugh a bit "Yeah not gonna lie, I can feel it as well. You're no joke Cinder with half of the maidens power, I hope you'll use it for good will though after I beat you."

She laughs and smirks "Ohhh getting cocky huh? Never underestimate a woman Darnell."

"I would never Cinder, I just know you're gonna end up on my side when this is over."

I see her loom down and mutter "Yeah... hopefully... anyways let's continue."

Without a moments notice I go for an attack and put my hands together and swing at her. I caught her off guard since it connects and sends her through a tree. She growls and jumps at me with blinding speed and gets a few hits on me. I start blocking her attacks and feel the heat off her punches and kicks. I notice her eye has a flame coming off of it and her attacks start hitting harder! Damn this must be her maiden power kicking in! I power up my semblance in response and knock her off me for a second and jump back to reset my footing. She doesn't give me a chance by launching a huge blast at me, I power up some more and jump right at and surprise her. The blast hits me and explodes but I keep moving and I hit her straight in the chest.... at least I thought I did. She caught my fist and I swing my other one to hit her in the mouth but she catches it as well.

"Almost had me there, caught me for a second but I remembered you're pretty much a tank."

We continue to struggle for strength and no one budges "Yeah, I like to live up to my title thank you."

She laughs "Let's see then" she gets stronger and starts to push me back. I'm going all out right now what the fuck?! She's gonna beat me at this point..... I start to think about all the potential lives I could save.... my family..... I let out a tell of anger and I feel some of my teeth turn into fangs and my nails change. I look at my hands and they look... like a dragons! My fingers have red like scales and my nails look like talons! Cinder gets a frightened look on her face and kicks me away from her hard and I get pushed back. "DARNELL YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN!!! DON'T LET YOUR POWER SPIKE UP OR SHE'LL KNOW!!"

I listen to her and start thinking of things to calm me down.... I start to regulate my breathing and I go back to normal.... but I fall to a knee due to how exhausting that transformation was. I'm breathing hard as hell, Cinder runs up to me "You okay?" She grabs my chin "Look at me Darnell for a second please" I open my eye to look at her and she breathes out slowly "You had me scared there, if you powered up for any longer she would've noticed."

I wheeze out "Are *pant* you telling me you *pant* weren't at full power."

She shakes her head "No, but I was close to being full power.... you're strong Darnell.... you have my word that I'll be on you're side. You have power hidden inside you.... and I still have more to dig out as well." She puts my arm over her shoulder "Come on, let's get back to Beacon. Neo! You can come out now!"

I see that girl with the green eyes from before come out the forest. "You had her hiding? Why is that?" I say as I finally catch my breath but still need her help.

"She can use her semblance to bring us back to Beacon. You put up quite the fight and put a toll on yourself and me a little."

I laugh "Don't I lose though?"

She shakes her head and the girl gets close to us "No, you're just barely touching your true power Darnell. You've haven't encountered anyone like me before so it's understandable. We bring out the power within us when we spar. Hope you don't mind being my sparring partner Darnell. We could learn so much from other."

I stand up without her help "Agreed... that transformation was.... crazy, I didn't feel human anymore."

"That's to be expected, you're power isn't really human in the first place. Enough chit chat, Neo bring us back."

She nods and in a blink of an eye I'm back at the gates of Beacon. "What the fuck was that?!"

I see Neo smirk at me and Cinder talks "That's her semblance, you've seen it before. Remember when you fought Roman?"

I look at Neo and the pieces go together in my head "I knew you looked familiar!"

She smirks more and her eyes change to brown and pink and she walks off torwards their dorm. I look at Cinder "So when can you tell me everything?"

She thinks a bit "Whenever you want actually, I was supposed to sabotage the Vytal Festival.... I won't be doing that now.... but I need to show you something Darnell..."

"What is it?"

She looks at me but then looks down at her chest "You have to... come to my dorm. It's not pleasant for me to show you in the first place... it's something Salem did to me as an insurance to make sure I follow her orders."

I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her "Let's go then, I want to help you with whatever is happening. I made a promise remember? You're my sister now."

She smiles a bit and a tear falls from her eye "Thank you..... brother."

We make it to her dorm in silence but I feel I'm being watched, I really hope it isn't anyone I know.... could turn bad when I'm with Cinder. She opens the door and I enter, I sit on her bed as quiet as I can due to her team sleeping. She sits right next to me "Ok.... I have to... take off my tank top to show you..." she says as her face reddens.

I'm the same as her when she says this "W-Why? Is there something in you're chest?" I say looking away from her."

I hear her shuffle behind me, she's actually doing it! I'm sorry Pyrrha for whatever happens. She says in a quiet voice "Darnell..... please look at me."

I close my eyes and turn towards her.... I open my eyes slightly but I see I scar in the middle of her chest that leads up to her abdomen. I reach my hand out to trace the scar but stop myself "What.... did she do to you Cinder." I look up at her eyes and she's trying her best to hold everything in."

"She..... implanted a grimm inside me.... it's next to my heart. If I disobey her she'll have the grimm.... take control over me and I'll just be... as I can guess sleeping or watching everything happen... but there's a way to kill the grimm without harming me."

I nod as I listen to her quietly "You have to incinerate it...."

"How the fuck can I do that without hurting you?!"

She shushes me to keep quiet "Please keep quiet! I can walk you through it Darnell.... you just have to concentrate and focus on the grimm."

I sigh and put my elbows on my knees and put my hands up to hold my face "Cinder..... if I mess up it.... it could kill you!"

She pleads further "Darnell you're the only one who can help me! If you want to save me, you have to try this!"

I think more about what's going to happen, if I somehow accomplish this she'll be free. If I fail she'll die and I'll get arrested for murdering someone..... I breathe deep "Are you sure I'm the only one and this the only way I can help?"

She nods "My body is resistant to fire so I can take some of the heat without being hurt to much, the maiden powers gave me that ability."

"Alright.... I'll do it.... but if it's too much for you we're stopping.... I don't want to kill you, understand?"

She nods "I understand Darnell."

I put my hand over her chest "Pyrrha would kill me if she saw this."

"I'm sorry for putting you through this Darnell. I promise to stay by you're side and fight... I would love to stay as a family.... I miss mine... when you promised to help me, you reminded me of them..."

"Don't worry, I keep my promises rest assured."

"Ok I'm gonna start with the process Darnell, just close you're eyes and listen to me." I close my eyes and listen for her instructions "First look for the grimm presence." It takes me a bit but I feel something dark in her, almost sinister. I nod my head so she continues. "Now focus on it, nothing else besides the grimm and my voice please." Things like her heart and lungs I don't feel or hear them anymore, I don't feel anything around me or hear anything besides her voice. "Now focus your semblance, power up a little, not too much. The grimm isn't that powerful and only a little bit of heat will kill it." I concentrate more and I feel the heat in my hand start to build up slowly, I build up enough for size of the grimm. "Ok that's perfect, now here's the hard part. You're going to transfer the heat from you're hand to the grimm. You need full concentration, it's like setting off a blast but instead of it moving towards your target, you'll set it off inside them. Let the heat leave you're hand Darnell."

I do as she says and I feel the heat leave my hand "Darnell, I can feel the heat going through my chest. Be careful now, you need to stay calm to let the heat move through slowly so it doesn't harm me. You're doing great so far. Now I want you to make the heat tighter, think of crushing up some paper for instance." I imagine the heat compacting itself, I tighten my hand a little to help myself and I feel it getting smaller but not losing its power! Cinder feels my excitement and says calmly "Calm down, remember calm and easy." I settle down and I feel the heat reach the grimm "Ok two more steps and we're done, let the ball of energy go inside the grimm." I do as she says slowly, I feel the grimm now and I let charge of energy go for it's center for better effect. "Oh god ok, we're almost done! When you're in the center just let it go and open you're eyes!" I'm close enough and I open my eyes and close my hand, she yells in pain and falls back.

I lift her up with my arms and her eyes are closed "Cinder! You ok?! Hey answer me!"

Her eyes flutter open slowly "Darn.... Darnell?" She sees me and starts to laugh a bit "You did *pant* it!" She coughs a bit before continuing "I can't feel anything where it was anymore. You killed it!" She sits up and hugs me tightly "Thank you so much! I never felt the same with that inside me" she starts to tear up but realizes I haven't said anything since she hugged me "Darnell? Is everything ok? You being silent is scaring me.."

I clear my throat "It's just that.... you're hugging me..."

She looks up at me "So what?!" She's says while sounding offended.

"No that's not the problem Cinder.... you have no shirt on right now....."

She looks down and pushes herself away from me "I-I'm sorry!" She goes to the other end of the bed and puts her tank top on....... we sit in silence for a bit and I talk first "Well.... I guess I'll get going now.... I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I look at her from the side and she's still embarrassed "Y-Yes, that would be fine with me."

Before I open the door I turn to look at her "Hey Cinder?"

She looks at me "Yes Darnell?"

"Would you mind going to Ozpin with your team and explaining everything? Don't worry, I won't let them do anything to you... you can count on that."

She looks down and looks back up to me after thinking "I don't know Darnell.... let me think about it and I'll answer you tomorrow, I promise to not be late with my answer either. Just promise me something."

I sit back down with her and hold her left hand "What is it?"

She looks at me with her one eye "Promise that... no matter what... we'll treat each other like family.... and you'll help me protect Emerald and the others."

I hold her hand tighter "I promise..."

She nods her head "Thanks.... let's hope we can win Darnell"

I laugh "Nah, we are going to win."

She laughs a bit and hugs me once more "I'll let you sleep now, we'll talk more in the morning."

I let go "Alright, if you wake up before I do just come to my dorm, you know where my dorm is correct?"

She nods "Yes.... we were given a good amount of info on you."

I laugh "Hope you know how stubborn I can be then"

She chuckles a bit "I've experienced that first hand Darnell."

We share a laugh as I head out "Alright Cinder, I'll see you tomorrow then, goodnight."

"Same to you Darnell, goodnight."

I close her door and walk down the hallway and I'm greeted with Huy.... and he doesn't look too happy.

He sighs in disappointment "Going for a walk Darnell? More like a rendezvous, with another woman I might add. I don't really like seeing Pyrrha hurt Darnell...." his eyes change to blue "What's happening between you and Cinder?"

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