Hogwarts Professors

By _Books1031_

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Draco and Harry both end up becoming Professors at Hogwarts. What happens when the two boy's have to get alon... More

T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
T W E N T Y - F O U R
T W E N T Y - F I V E
T W E N T Y - S I X


304 8 5
By _Books1031_

"We missed you two yesterday." Hermione smiled at the two men when they walked into the Great Hall.

"We were sleeping." Draco replied sitting next to Harry who was on Hermione's right. 

"I know. I went to go check on you two and found you both asleep on the couch." Hermione smiled, then took a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"Why did you come looking for us 'Mione?" Harry asked as he grabbed his usual breakfast.

"Because you both had missed dinner the same day that the article had come out. Naturally I was a little bit worried, however I left as soon as I knew that you two were okay." Hermione smiled. "You two are adorable, has anyone told you two that recently?" 

"I believe someone just has actually." Draco responded laughing, the other two quickly joining in. 

"So what do you have in-store for today?" Hermione asked. 

"Well, it's Hogsmeade weekend isn't it?" Draco asks looking at Harry however he obviously had no idea it was even the weekend. 

"It is yes." Hermione answered. 

"Well then, I am going to drag Harry to the Three Broomsticks. Would you like to join us?" Draco responds. 

"That sounds brilliant. Mind if I bring Ron? Hermione asks. 

"Of course not." Draco responds then he turns to Harry to see if he agrees with the plans.

"I'm in." Harry says then begins to eat. Draco rolls his eyes but laughs softly, then starts to eat his yogurt. 


An hour later The two men are waiting at a side door near the Charms classroom for Hermione. They are all going to walk together and meet Ron there. 

Draco was excited now that he and the Weasley got on better and were actually able to classify their relationship as friends. The two were just chatting when Hermione finally arrived. She was wearing her coat already as apposed to Harry who was holding his coat in his arms. "Ready?" Hermione asked when she showed up.

Harry looked at Draco who nodded, then Harry responded "Yeah." and the three then head off. They exited the building, Harry putting on his coat as they were walking down the grounds. As they were walking down they spotted Hagrid and said quick Hello's. They then continued on their journey to the Three Broomsticks. 

It took them about 20 minutes, all chatting quietly until they arrived. Draco held the door open for both Hermione and Harry, they both thanked him and Harry gave him a lingering smile that if anyone were around would definitely notice something.

Ron was already sitting down at a table in the back. He stood up when he saw the three Hogwarts staff enter. He smiled and walked over, firstly he gave Hermione a giant hug even though it had been about a week since they last saw each other. He then gave both Harry and Draco hugs (although Harry's was much longer lasting), then they all sat down, Harry sat down beside Ron, Draco across form Harry, and Hermione across form Ron and beside Draco. 

Very quickly they had ordered their drinks (all Butterbeer) and had all gotten some chips to go with the meal. 

"So how are things going Malfoy?" Asked Ron looking across the table to his brother in law. 

"It's going well, how about you Weasley? How is the joke shop? How is George doing?" 

"I am doing well, joke shop is booming but everyone knows this, and George, well he is George." Ron replied, saying the last part a bit glumly. Ever since Fred died, George hasn't been the same, everyone understands that what he is feeling is okay however whenever they say they know how he is feeling, he will turn them away. George hasn't smiled in a long time, not truly.

"I'm sorry again Ronald." Draco said again, referencing what happened to his older brother. 

"Draco, you did nothing wrong. You didn't kill him, your side did. However I think we can all agree that if you had a chance then maybe you wouldn't have ended up on that side. You're too nice to be a Slytherin sometimes." 

Harry and Hermione just looked at this conversation in awe. Not only had Ron and Draco called each other by their given names, but Ron had actually complemented Draco in a serious conversation. 

"Thank you?" Draco responded but more as a question. 

"Oh don't thank me, you're practically my brother in-law, we have to get on or the other two will start to yell at us." Ron laughed in response.

The rest joined in, and they then continued to talk for the rest of their time out. Eventually when it started to get dark out Draco and Harry stood up and said their goodbyes then started to head back to the castle. 


When Draco and Harry walked back into the castle, dinner was just ending, and there were students all over the entry way, all leaving the Great Hall. Not many of the younger students gave them a second look however, the older students were looking, some smirking at the sight of two of their professors who are suspected to be in a relationship come inside both red from the cold, looking as though they were just on a date. 

Not giving anyone a second look the two of them walked to the teachers wing so they could have a cuppa and maybe go to bed early. 

"Did you have a good day?" Draco asked Harry quietly as they walked upstairs. 

"I did, did you?"

"I did." Draco smiled. He really did have a good day, glad that he spent it with Hermione, Ron, and most importantly Harry. 

When they got back to their room Harry unlocked the door, and the two entered. They took off their shoes and then Draco dragged Harry to the bed where they just laid down, and talked quietly. 

"Harry?" Draco asked calmly.


"Will we ever tell the public?" Draco asked timidly, nervous of what Harry's reaction would be. 

The golden boy turned onto his side so that he could look straight at Draco. "Of course we will. It's your choice whether we do it sooner of later. If you want to do it this afternoon, next month, or when we're married at 70 I am in. It's about when you're comfortable with it." Harry replied honestly and calmly as he could see how nervous Draco was for that answer

Draco was quiet for a moment thinking about what Harry had just said before quietly saying, "You want to marry me?" 

Harry was startled. Did Draco not know how much he loved and adored him, how much he wants to spend the rest of his life with him, how much he wants to have children with him. "Draco, I love you very, very much and of course I want to spend the complete rest of my life with you." He then leaned of to the blond and gave him a sweet kiss, full of passion and love. 

"I want to marry you too someday." Draco said smiling when they released. Harry too couldn't help but smile at this too, the image of the two of them on their wedding day, or their child's first day of school. "Now back to the whole 'when are we telling the world', when would you like to do it?" 

"Whenever you want to." Harry replied without thinking about it. 

"How about over Christmas. Sure your family and my mother know all about it, however it would be a great time to tell the world." Draco replied. 

"Christmas time it is then." Harry smiled and kissed the blond again, but this time in a more needy kind of way. Still full of passion, but having that extra hint of want.

Draco understood the kiss immediately and could already feel his insides start to think about this too. He kissed Harry back harder, sloppier, and all around with more passion. The love and lust between them intense, and getting more enticing each moment. 

Soon they started to remove clothing, and not before long they were both in their pants, which noticeable tents. Harry was first to move, going for the waistband of Draco's pants but pausing for a moment before asking, "Yes?"

"Yes." Draco breathed out breathlessly. And before you can say quidditch the two men were completely in their birthday suits. Draco was laying down on his stomach, his head to the left so he could breath, and his arms above his head, being held there by Harry. 

Speaking of Harry, his right hand was holding Draco's in place, while his left stroked up and down the blond's side as he slowly left kisses down his back. Taking his time for each and every part on his spine. 

Draco underneath him was moaning like hell and after a moment the ex-death eater let out a small 'Shit' out of realizaton. "Give me a second." Draco told Harry, who instantly got up and asked if everything was alright. "Silencing charms." Was all Draco had said, and grabbed his wand from the bedside table, and started casting some simple but effective charms. 

He then laid back down into the position he previously was in before saying, "Carry on." Which made let out a laughed before also going back to where he was, kissing near the blond's tail bone.

Very quickly Harry moved on to more intimate areas of the human anatomy. Harry carefully spread open Draco's cheeks, and then started to lick the puckered hole. Instantly Draco let out a loud moan of delight, causing Harry to also let out a moan; his warm breath on the blond was a welcome pleasure. Harry quickly got back into it, practically devouring the blond's hole, his moans loud and proud for all the other professors to hear (thank Salazar that he put up silencing charms) 

Draco wasn't sure if he was going to make it through all of this pleasure. Him and Harry have sex all of the time, and it's never not been enjoyable, however this time there seems to just be that extra bit of stimulation that is just completely driving him over the edge. 

Harry then abruptly stopped what he was doing -too soon for Draco's liking- and just as the blond was about to protest, Harry inserted his first finger into the blonds entrance. Draco let out an even louder moan, and Harry quickly started to pump the finger in and out, encouraged by the blond man laying before him.

Harry pulled out his finger, and grabbed a bottle of lube from the top drawer in the bed side table. Although his saliva was enough for one digit, he knew that it wouldn't be enough for the rest. Poured the blue liquid onto his hands, and smeared it over Draco's hole. The blond let out a small shiver from the cold feeling the Gell left, but didn't't say anything. Harry then made sure to smother his two fingers in the solution before entering Draco again, stretching him, and getting him ready for what was to come. 

The blond immediately pushed back against the fingers, ready for more even. He couldn't feel the pain as the brunette stretched him. The two of them moaned loudly, louder as Harry created a rhythm of the pounding he was doing with his fingers. Harry was quick to start stretching out his fingers, scissoring the blond as they went. Soon enough he slipped a third finger in, repeating the same process as before.

"Okay. I am ready." Draco said after a few minutes of stretching with three fingers. 

"Are you positiver?" Harry asked with uncertainty. He just wanted Draco to be properly prepared before they got into the real fun. 

"I am Harry, don't worry. Just fuck me so that I am limping tomorrow and everyone will just know you fucked me until I couldn't walk straight."Draco replied sexually. 

"Okay, as long as you're sure." Harry replied after a moment of contemplation. Harry reached across their bed and grabbed the bottle of lube, pouring it in his hands, and then rubbing a generous amount on his cock. He took the extras and smeared it on Draco once again, and then he brought the blond closer, one hand on his hips, and the other on his cock. "Yes?" 

"For gods sake, yes Potter. Fuck me now or so help me." Draco let out in a burst of energy. He was glad that his concert was very important to Harry, but If he didn't come soon he was going to very grouchy. 

Without a further ado Harry pushed his member into Draco, going slowly as to make sure that the blond could handle it. Harry let out a moan of delight at the feeling of Draco's tight arse, and although he was going slowly, couldn't help but just be filled with pleasure. 

When Harry was fully in, he waited for Draco's 'okay' for him to start thrusting. And if Harry was being honest, it came a lot sooner than he would've thought. Draco bucked his hips to let Harry know that it was alright to go on, and Harry did. 

He pulled out, and then back in. Slowly at first. The two were letting out moans and loud breaths. Another sound that was echoing through the room was the sound of the bed beneath the two. As Harry started to speed up, the bed frame started to hit the wall, quite roughly at times.  

"You enjoying that are you? You little slut." Harry whispered in Draco's ear sexually. Draco didn't respond but let out another moan.

Harry slapped Draco's arse, leaving a red mark, and another loud moan coming from the blond. Harry's pace somehow continued to increase. "You like that you little whore? Beg for it, otherwise I will leave you here to wank yourself to completion. All alone right here." 

"Please Harry, don't stop." Draco somehow to get out. 

"What was that?" Harry smirked as he continued to pound Draco, however the blond noticed that the chosen one was starting to slow down.

"P-please Harry, pl-please don-t stop! Fu-ck me until I c-cant keep go-ing!" The blond begged. 

Harry seemed to be satisfied with this as he started to speed up again. The pounding continued, as did the dirty talk that -Although Draco didn't know where it was coming from he couldn't help but be very turned on by it. The only problem now was Draco's prick. It was throbbing, and although it was getting some friction from the bed, it wasn't enough. 

"Harry pl-lease, touc-h m-me." The blond was getting close, both men could tell, however that didn't stop Harry from teasing him with it. 

"You need to come do you now? How about, I will only touch you if you promise to owe me a favour." Harry smirked, and somehow was able to say this while keeping up his pace.

"I promise, please Harry, please-please just to-touch me." The blond yelled. 

Harry complied, pausing for just a moment so that he could bring Draco onto his knee's and elbows so that he could reach underneath and start pumping Draco. With all this extra stimulation the blond was moaning at every given moment. Harry too could feel his lower stomach start to ache, and so he somehow started thrusting faster, and harder. Although he was still making sure to not hurt Draco, he was also trying to give the two of them the best fuck they've ever had. 

A few moments before the two of them were about to release their seeds, there was a snap from underneath Draco. The fucking bed broke, but neither man could give a damn at that moment because a few seconds later Harry souped that he was coming, and screamed Draco's name, which sent Draco into his own orgasm. 

Harry kept thrusting and pumping through both of their orgasms, only stopping when it was becoming too much for either of them to handle. He then pulled his placid organ out of Draco, and plopped down right beside him. 

"For fucks sake." Harry laughed as he fell into the bed. 

"Language Potter." Draco tisked, but he too let out a laugh. "I will fix it but you have to clean us up. Agreed?" 

"You fix it, and how about we get ourselves cleaned up in the shower where you can own me the shower blowjob." Harry winked, referencing that favour that Draco owes him. 

"How about, we do that lovely shower in the morning before we get up?" Draco tried to reason as he was just super tired and obviously Harry could sense that from his lovely boyfriend.

"Okay, we can do that." Harry smiled, and while Draco fixed the bed, Harry vanished any evidence of anything that went on. The two then got under the blankets, not bothering to get dressed (which would evidently prove some cause for concern when they are rudely awoken), and just snuggling together falling into a peaceful sleep quickly. 

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