Crazy In Love

By TeezaLovesYa19

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Two best friends Alexis and Colby realize that they have feelings for each other after many years, but don't... More

The Date
The Surprise
I Don't Know What I Want
Taking It Slow
The Letter
One Direction Concert!
It's Too Late To Apologize
Caught Between
A Dream Come True
A New Start


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By TeezaLovesYa19

I woke up on Colby's chest. I must have fallen asleep during one of the movies. I lifted my head up to see if Colby was awake. Yup. He had falenl asleep too. I got up to check my phone to see what time it was.Colby was a very hard sleeper so I knew he wouldn't notice I picked up my phone. 11:15. Damn, it was late and I had three missed calls from mom. Oh shit. Since it was Friday she usually. got home at about midnight. Maybe she called to let me know she was on her way. I listened to my voicemail:

"Hey Lex, it's me. I just wanted to let you know that I won't be home tonight. Me and some friends from work are going out and then after I'm just going to spend the night. I should be back by noon tomorrow. I left my credit card in my room in the first dresser drawer. You can order whatever you want for dinner. Oh, and before I forget if you need a ride the Stevens' across the street said you could borrow their car whenever you needed. I'm trusting you to be able to handle this. Don't blow it. Be safe sweetheart. I love you. Bye."

I was shocked, mom was leaving me alone? Awesome. I'm glad she didn't walk in and see me and Colby. Talk about awkward. I should really tell her about us when she gets home.

I sat down my phone and turned towards the couch to wake him up. He looked so cute. I stood there for awhile just watching him sleep. It felt so odd yet so right to be with him. It was definately something new. A few moments passed and I decided that I couldn't wake him. So I headed upstairs to get on my laptop. I sat down in my comfy chair and played some music. I put on "More than this" by One Direction and listened to it proably 25 times. I just loved them so much! Suddenly I remembered the concert and started smiling like an idiot i was so ready, but wait.. I didn't even know when the concert was or how many tickets he got, matter of fact I didn't even know who I was going with.. great.

Soon I got hungry and went to find something to eat. When I got down stairs Colby was nowhere to be found. Why does he keep disappearing on me? Oh, well he's probably in the bathroom I figured and went to the kitchen. I opened the cabinet and the first thing I seen was Ramen noodles, so I got a bowl down filled it with water and put it in the microwave. While I was waiting on it to cook I could hear talking. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from, I thought maybe it was the neighbors. But I kept hearing it I walked over to go check it out. It sounded like it was coming from the back yard, I opened my patio door and stepped out now I could here the voice clearly. It was Colby. He was talking on the phone. Why didn't he just stay inside? He didn't hear me come out so I just stood and listened. I heard Colby say:

"No dude. I can't anymore. Why? Well, because I sort of have a girl now. Yeah. Uhh well you know how I talk about Lexi all the time? Well, I finally made a move. She said yes, but she wants to take it slow. It's not funny. I understand her reasons. No, I can't still be apart of that. Are you fucking stupid I just told you I have a girl now why would I still want to sleep with her. I'm not cheating on Lexi. I gotta go." He hung up the phone and sighed.

I had no idea Colby wasn't a virgin. Not that it mattered, but if he was sleeping around why didn't he have a girlfriend by now? I wonder how many girls he has slept with? Oh well, it doesn't matter.

''Who was that?"

"Oh shit!" He yelled startled. "Baby you scared the hell out of me" He said walking up the steps towards me.

"Colby I heard your conversation." I said questioning him.

"Well how long have you been standing there" He smiled.

"Long enough."

"That was my friend Ian"

"Okay, why were you telling him about me?"

"Because, he asked."

"Then why were you talking about sleeping around? I didn't even know you weren't a virgn."

"Okay I'm not going to lie to you. I'm not a virgin and I've had sex many times. I did it to keep from being a crazy man, because you see I was going crazy being with you and thinking I'd be stuck in the friendzone forever. So I just played off my frustration and unhappiness onto other girls instead of you. I love it when your happy and I would kill just to see that bright smile of yours."

I couldn't help but blush a little. "So why didn't you date any of these girls?'

"I didn't want them. I wanted you."

"So you just played them" I spat.

"They knew what I wanted. I didn't play them any more than they played me."

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. "I believe you" I whispered into his ear.

"Good. Now let's go back in. It's too dark out here I can't see your beautiful face"

I blushed and led him inside. "Oh by the way mom is staying with a friend and won't be home until tomorrow" I smiled.

"Awesome." He smiled.

We ate and then I started getting a little tired. I told Colby and he said he was too and that he would just sleep on the couch I approved, gave him a kiss goodnight, and went uptairs to bed. I laid there and stared at my ceiling I couldn't get to sleep I was too busy thinking about the guy in the other room sleeping on my uncomfortable couch. This was stupid.

"Colby!" I yelled. I heard him come running up the stairs. He got to my room in no time flat.

"What! What! What's wrong!" He said frantically.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I just didn't want to be alone. Would you sleep with me?" I smiled.

"Of course" He grinned.

He climbed in to bed with me and pulled the covers up. He laid facing me and kissed my forehead. I wrapped my arms around him. I felt so safe. He whispered "Sleep tight princess" and before long I was asleep in his arms again.

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