Things Have Changed (Adopted...

By falloutbrick

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Adopted by Brendon Urie FanFic Brooklyn has been in the foster care system for 3 years with no luck of findi... More

This is Gospel
This Is Just the Prologue
Chapter 1: Grab Your Hat and Fetch Your Camera
Chapter 2: Ready To Go
Chapter 3: LA Devotee
Chapter 5: All My Friends We're Glorious
Chapter 6: Panic! Meet The Press
Chapter 7: Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks
Chapter 8: Swimming With The Sharks
Chapter 9: Maybe I'm Overjoyed, Maybe I'm Paranoid
Chapter 10: 20 Dollar Nosebleed
Chapter 11: Camisado
Chapter 12: Northern Downpour Pt. 1
Time to Dance
Chapter 13: Northern Downpour Pt. 2
Chapter 14: Turn Off The Lights
Chapter 15: Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating Faster
Chapter 16: Miss Jackson
Chapter 17: Old Fashioned
Chapter 18: Crazy=Genius
Chapter 19: From A Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins
Chapter 20: Let's Kill Tonight
Chapter 21: Your Regular Decorated Emergency
The End Of All Things
Character Ask
Character Answers

Chapter 4: New Perspective

2.4K 67 122
By falloutbrick

Brendon opens the door and smiles at us.
"Hey guys, come on in." He opens the door some more to let us in.

Is this really happening? I MUST be dreaming.

Jodie and I walk into the house. Holy shit it's huge. Well, what do you expect a rockstars house to look like.

The walls were white with pictures hung on them. They were mostly aesthetic designs like flowers and stuff like that.

To my left, there was a hallway which had a case of stairs that lead to the floor above and two doors on the other side of where the stairs were.

To my right, there was a beautiful kitchen with white cabinets hung along the walls. There was a large island in the middle with a marble countertop. The far side wall was completely windows and sitting right in front was a brown dining table with black chairs (odd combination but it works). A vase of yellow flowers sat on top of the table set to complete the look.

In front of me, against the wall, sat a beautiful black piano. I've always wanted to play the piano but I guess lessons were "a waste of time and money" in my dad's opinion.

I turn to face Jodie and Brendon talking.

"Hey! Long time, no see," Brendon says as he hugs Jodie.

"Yeah, it's been a while," Jodie laughs while hugging him.

Wait, what? How does Jodie know Brendon Urie and not tell me?

Jodie must've noticed my puzzled countenance since she starts to chuckle. Brendon must've noticed too because he also starts snickering.

"A few years ago, he and some of his buddies got drunk up at one of the bars in Hanford and I had to drive their sorry asses back to their hotel." She says smirking at Brendon.

He chuckles, "Ah yes, thank you again for that."

"No problem," She says laughing again.

He turns towards me, "My name is Brendon if you didn't already know and my wife, Sarah, will be here soon. She just went out to get some things for dinner."

I nod my head, "I'm Brooklyn if you didn't already know," I laugh.

"It's very nice to meet you, Brooklyn," he smiles.

"Can I give you a tour of the house? I mean, after all you are living here," he chuckles.

"Yeah sure," I snicker.

"I'll go out to the truck and get your stuff," Jodie says as she walks to the door.

"Ok," I reply.

Jodie heads out the door and closes it, leaving Brendon and I to stand there.

"I'll show you your room first. Is that alright?" I can tell he's nervous and that he is trying to contain all of his excitement. I am too, believe me.

"Yeah of course. Whatever is fine," I say.

His face perks up, "Alrighty then, let's go upstairs."

He leads me down the hallway to my left and up the stairs. It's met with another hallway with doors lined along them.

We go down the hallway, him leading, and we stop at the second to last door at the end. He opens the door and we walk into the room.

The room had white walls all around and against the wall on my right was a bed with a black comforter with white designs on it. Against the wall on my left which was in front of the bed was a brown, wooden dresser. On the left side of the dresser was a walk-in closet that had lots of shelves and hanging space. The right side of the dresser was the door to my own bathroom.

I absolutely love it. I'm sure I'll add my own touch later but right now, it's perfect.

"Do you like it?" He asks.

"Yes! It's amazing, thank you so much, Brendon." I turn to give him a hug.

He seems surprised at first but he soon gives in and hugs me back.

We walk out of the room and he shuts the door. As we walk down the hallway, he shows me the different rooms and which ones are which. The door at the very end of the hallway is his office. The second door coming down the hallway is him and his wife's bedroom, and the first door is a guest room.

We go back downstairs to meet Jodie leaning against the wall on her phone. Once she sees us, she puts her phone in her pocket to meet our attention.

I look down at my stuff on the floor and scan it to make sure she got all of it from the truck.

"I'll show you the rest of the house. Come on," Brendon says excitedly.

He leads me and Jodie into the living room which had two gray couches, one long and one small. The long couch sat against the wall and the small couch sat adjacent to it. A flat screen TV hung on the wall in front. Sitting in front of the couches sat a brown coffee table with tv remotes and coasters on it.

Then, he leads us into the kitchen through the other doorway from the living room and shows us more of the house.

We walk back out into the living room, "I'll show you the outside. It's my favorite part of the house," Brendon says with his usual overly excited attitude.

He opens the sliding door and leads us outside. There was their own pool which had different pool floats floating in it. Then he shows us his studio where he makes his music.

We head back inside and all sit on the couches in the living room. Jodie and Brendon engage in their own conversation and I pretend I'm listening. They talk for a few minutes and then Jodie gets up.

"Well, I think it's time for me to go. Thank you for everything, Brendon." Jodie says.

"No problem. Thank you for bringing Brooklyn here," he says, also getting up from the couch.

I look up at Brendon and smile. Deciding this is the time for the goodbye, I get up, walk over to Jodie and give her a hug.

"Thank you for everything this past year. I owe you a lot," I whispered into her shoulder.

I didn't get emotional when I left my other foster homes, but this time was different. I couldn't help but feel a little sad that she was leaving. Jodie means a lot to me and she has helped me so much over the past year.

"You owe me nothing," Jodie replies while still hugging me.

We let go of our embrace and she heads for the door.She looks my stuff over, probably seeing if she brought in everything. Brendon opens the door for her and she starts walking out. Suddenly, she stops and quickly turns around.

"I'll miss having you around you know," she says genuinely.

I chuckle, "Yeah, I know you will."

We all laugh. "I'll see you soon. Call me if you forgot or need anything," Jodie says.

"Ok, I will," I respond. "Goodbye, Jodie."

"See ya, Brooklyn." She cracks a smile.

The door between us shuts, thanks to Brendon, and that's the last time I think I'll ever see her.

Brendon faces me and looks at the clock behind me on the wall.

"It's 3 o'clock and Sarah said she won't be back until 4. So until then, do you want to play video games? Or is that not your thing?"

Jodie and I always played on her Xbox when we were bored or didn't have anything to do (which was seldom), but I still enjoyed it and liked playing.

"Yeah sure, what games do you have?" I really only know how to play Grand Theft Auto and Battlefront.

"I have Grand Theft Auto V, Call of Duty, Whistleblower..." He browses through where all the games are at, "Any of those?"

"How about GTA. I know how to play that pretty well," I say sitting on the couch with an Xbox controller in my hands.

"GTA it is then."

*1 hour later*

In the middle of Brendon and I racing each other, I hear the door open and two dogs come sprinting around the corner and jump onto the couch. They attack me with their tongues, licking me all over the face. The sudden impact from the two rascals make me drop my remote.

While I try and get these dogs off of me, Brendon pauses the game and starts laughing at the scene. He doesn't even try to help get them off of me.

After hearing all the commotion, I bet, a black-haired woman (which I can only assume to be Brendon's wife, Sarah) comes into the room and starts joining in on the laughter too.

Once I had finally got the dogs off of me, I sit up and wipe all the dog saliva off of my face.

"I forgot to mention that we have dogs. I really hope your not afraid or allergic or anything," Brendon says with an anxious tone.

"I'm not, I love dogs. I've never lived with dogs before so this will be new." I say, petting the black and white one behind the ear.

Brendon let out a breath, kind of like he was holding it in. "Good, I'm glad," he says with relief. "Don't worry, they aren't like that all the time."

"Where were they?" I ask. My curiosity gets the best of me sometimes.

"While Sarah and I were cleaning the house, they kept getting in the way so Sarah took them over to my friend Spencer's house who lives a few neighborhoods over," Brendon says knowingly.

My mouth makes an 'o' shape and I look up at Sarah. She's so pretty, oh my gosh.

"Hi, I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you, Brooklyn," she says sweetly.

"It's nice to meet you too," I reply.

She nods. "I'm gonna go start dinner, you two can go back to gaming or whatever you were doing." She chuckles. Sarah goes back into the kitchen, leaving me and Brendon still sitting on the couch.

"Wanna keep playing?" He says handing me the controller I dropped.

"Hell yeah. Let's go!" I grab the controller and resume the game.

*2 hours later*

"Dinner's ready!" Sarah calls from the kitchen.

I pause the game, get off of the couch, and go into the kitchen; Brendon following close behind.

Upon entering the kitchen, the different aromas from the food attack my senses. Holy shit that smells good.

Sarah stands on the other side of the kitchen where all the food is sitting out.

"I didn't know what you'd like to eat so I kinda just made a little bit of everything. I really hope your okay with what I made." Sarah says with a nervous smile.

I look at all the food. There's some grilled chicken, fried vegetables, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Oh my gosh, it looks so delicious.

"It all looks delicious, Sarah. Thank you," I say still looking at the food.

I glance up from the food to Sarah smile at her and she kindly smiles back.

Brendon and I walk over to the food and grab a plate. Walking along the food dishes, I pick out all that I want and put it on my plate. After I get everything, I go and sit down at the dinner table.

After I sit down and start eating, Brendon comes over with his plate. He sits down to the right of me and starts eating.

"What would you guys like to drink?" Sarah asks me with an empty glass in her hand.

"Water will be fine for me, thank you," I say after I swallow my mouth full of food.

"I would like water too, please and thank you," Brendon says looking over his shoulder at Sarah.

Sarah nods and pours water into our glasses. She carefully walks over to the dinner table and sets our waters in front of us. After going back and getting her own food and drink, she comes back to the dinner table and sits to the left of me.

We sit there in silence for a few minutes eating our food until Brendon speaks up.

"Do you feel comfortable here? I know you've only been here a few hours but I can't help but ask." He looks at me with a curious expression.

I swallow my food, "Yeah, I love it here already. It's ok if want to ask me more questions, I don't mind." I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly.

Brendon looks at me with an expression of surprise but then it switches to excitement. He's probably been waiting for me to say that the entire time I've been here.

"Ok," he says with excitement in his voice. "I don't want to pressure you into answering questions, but I just want to get to know you better." he says with a look of reassurance.

"Yeah of course. Fire away." I set my fork down and smile at him, ready for his questions. I really hope he doesn't bring up my past.

He thinks for a second then he responds, "First off, have you heard of my band?"

I kinda figured his first question would be in that area.

"Yes I have, Panic! At The Disco. Your music is amazing by the way. Death of A Bachelor is my favorite album but A Fever You Can't Sweat Out is a very close second." I'm a really big fan of theirs but not as crazy as I'm a fan of Fall Out Boy. They are still one of my favorite bands though, and I'm still freaking out about all of this. But internally because then I'd seem like just some annoying fan girl.

Brendon looks like a kid who had just opened a Christmas present that had the toy he wished for inside.

"Really!? I'm so, so happy you like my music. That means a lot to me," he says with the big smile plastered on his face.

I nod back with a smile, unsure of what to respond back with.

I glance at Sarah who is looking back and forth between me and Brendon, giggling at his reaction.

I look back to Brendon, wanting to know if he was going to ask anymore questions.

"Are you interested in anything, like music or art?" Brendon asks when he noticed me look at him.

"Um, I like to draw a lot. It's how I deal with my stress. Before I moved here, at my old school, I was in band and I really enjoyed doing that."

"What instrument do you play?" Brendon asks.

"I play the trumpet. I've always wanted to play other instruments that are more classic stage band instruments like piano and guitar, but I never got around to it."

"That's so cool, Brooklyn. Maybe I could teach you how to play, if you would like." Brendon says finishing up his food.

"Yeah sure, I would like that very much. Thank you," I say looking at Brendon giving him a slight smile.

He replies with his own smile before he finishes stuffing food into his mouth.

I can't believe Brendon Urie is going to teach me how to play the piano and guitar. When in a lifetime does that happen? When in a lifetime would Brendon Urie actually adopt you? ...Good point.

I didn't tell him the entirety of why I didn't do lessons though. My dad never liked the idea of me taking lessons, he thought it was a waste of money, which was stupid seeing how he would waste all of it on alcohol and cigarettes. What a bastard. God, I hate him.

I get up from the dinner table and pick up my empty plate and glass. I walk over to the sink where all the other dirty dishes were and set them there to be washed.

After we all finished dinner, Sarah put all the leftovers in the refrigerator while Brendon and I leaned up the kitchen. When that was done, we all went into the living room to watch Netflix on the TV.

"How about... Friends?" Brendon suggests as he browses his recommendations on his Netflix profile.

"Yeah, sure. I haven't watched that show in forever," I say.

Brendon looks at Sarah, she nods and he presses the Play Episode button.

*3 hours later*

I glance to the right of the tv to look at the clock. The time was 10:34.

I look at Brendon and Sarah on the long couch all cuddled up with one of their dogs, the brown one named Bogart.

Sarah fell asleep cuddled up against Brendon's chest. Brendon still is watching the tv, but looks like if he got more comfortable, he could easily fall asleep.

I'm sitting on the shorter couch with their other dog, Penny Lane, who's all curled up on my lap sleeping. She's so cute, oh my god.

I yawn loudly feeling sleep slowly over come me.

In the corner of my eye, I see Brendon glance over at me. "We should all probably go to bed," he says matching my yawn.

"Good idea," I say with another yawn.

Brendon turns off the tv, leaving the only light available coming from the kitchen. I slowly try to get out from under Penny Lane with the fear of waking her up. It doesn't work though because as soon as I start moving she wakes up and jumps off of me.

I slowly get off of the couch, missing the warmth of my seat, and slowly walk to the stairs to go to my room.

"Shit, I forgot to tell you- is it ok that I cuss or," Brendon says quickly, but his voice still laced with fatigue.

I stop half way to the stairs, "It's alright, you can swear around me. It's not like I haven't heard those words before," I mentally roll my eyes at the memories, "What did you forget to tell me?" I turn to face Brendon who is now standing in front of the couch facing me.

"I forgot to tell you that some of my friends are coming over tomorrow to meet you, if that's okay. I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier it's just-"

I cut him off, "Hey, it's okay. When are they coming over?"

He stops for a a few seconds but then responds, "Around 5:00, will that be alright? I know it's a bit sudden for—"

"Brendon, seriously, it's fine. I'm okay with meeting your friends," I say reassuringly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm positive."

"Okay, I was just making sure. I didn't want to pressure you into anything," he says.

"Yeah, I understand." I walk over to Brendon and give him a hug.

He again was surprised by the action but quickly hugs me back.

"Goodnight, Brooklyn."

"Goodnight, Brendon." He kisses the top of my head and we let go of the embrace.

I walk over to the stairs and up them to my bedroom. I walk in and see all my stuff sitting on the bed. Before we started Friends, I had brought up all my stuff to my room.

I take all of it off of the bed and set it onto the floor. Not even bothering with putting on my pajamas, I crawl under the blankets and make myself comfortable.

In a matter of minutes I fall asleep, not even thinking about what might happen tomorrow.


we finally meet Brendon yay! Anyways thank you guys for reading (we hit a 100 reads wo!) it means a lot to me so thank you sm!!

Also yay long chapter!


Thanks for reading!!
-patd18devotee 💞

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