Falling for the Unexpected

By Chelsea_Frye

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Living on the tenth floor of the Plaza, designing shoes for the best company, and dating her high school swee... More

Prologue ✔
Chapter One: A Daily Adult Life ✔️
Chapter Two: The Arrival of the New Boss ✔️
Chapter Three: The Interview ✔️
Chapter Four: Hiding in Black and Bushes ✔️
Chapter Five: The Proposal ✔
Chapter Six: The Ordeal of a Personal Assistant ✔️
Chapter Seven: An Introduction ✔️
Chapter Eight: The Girl in the Pictures
Chapter Nine: The Ultimate Surprise
Chapter Ten: The Closer, The Better
Chapter Eleven: Heart Breaks & Betrayal
Chapter Thirteen: It's a Working Process
Chapter Fourteen: The Preparation
Chapter Fifteen: The Fashion Show
Chapter Sixteen: Forgive & Forget
Chapter Seventeen: An Existence without You
Chapter Eighteen: Here comes the Bride
Chapter Nineteen: One Last Chance
Chapter Twenty: Truth be Told
Chapter Twenty One: The Departure
Author's Note

Chapter Twelve: The Comfort of Prince Charming

9.8K 349 12
By Chelsea_Frye

The Comfort of Prince Charming

Audrey had her hands on her face and shield herself for protection.

"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" the car honked.

Audrey had not scream in terror. She was silent and watch the lights flashing before her. She thought was this it? Was she going to die like this? Is it wrong to fall in-love with someone who never even cared about you?

Yes, it is!

Then she heard a voice calling her.

"Audrey, Audrey?" the voice said.

Audrey thought. Was this an angel calling her name? She just stood there and awaited for the next thing to happen.

"Audrey!" it called again.

Audrey removed her hands from her face and noticed a black SUV so closed to her chest. Her vision started to blur and saw a silhouette of a man approaching her.

"Audrey!" the man called.

Audrey squinted her eyes and tried to get a better view of the man. The man extended his arms and tried to reach Audrey's hands.

"Audrey are you crazy! I almost crashed into you!" Jacob called.

"Jacob," Audrey said barely in a whisper.

Audrey came running into Jacob, hugged him tightly. She buried her face on his chest, sobbing harder and harder. Her mascara had pour into a mess and onto Jacob's white shirt. Jacob didn't know what to do but rub circles on her back gently. He had stayed quiet and give comfort to Audrey.

It must've been years, until Audrey and Jacob broke apart. She was still sobbing and wiping her tears with her hands. Jacob handed her a white handkerchief.

"Audrey, it's okay. We should get out of here." he said and held her on the shoulders.

She said no words but nodded. He opened the front door of his car and lead Audrey inside.

During the car ride, Audrey had fallen asleep and Jacob had no intention in bothering her. Instead of taking her home, he driven to his penthouse.

When they arrived there, Jacob carried Audrey to his penthouse. Through the elevators and through the halls, good thing there were not much people at this late hour. Jacob had come from a long business meeting about the stats of his company.

When he finally reached his suite, he removed Audrey's heels and unstrapped it. He placed her on the couch for a second and wanted to fix his bedroom for her.

His room was quite big but cozy. A king size bed was placed in the center of the room and a gigantic, steel made frame laid beneath the mattress. He replaced his old bed and pillow sheets with white sheets. He had even put a comforter on.

He quickly returned to Audrey and carried her to his bedroom. He tucked her in tightly and placed a pillow on the side for her to hug at night. He got a wet towel and started to wipe Audrey's face a little. After doing this, he closed the door gently and wished her a good night.

Minutes later Audrey was awoken by a sound of television. It was coming from the other room. She awoken with tons of pillows to her side and a tightly tucked blanket. She noticed this wasn't her own room. It looked too pretty compared to hers. She stood up from the bed and decided to adventure around.

"Hello?" Audrey called as she walked into the halls. She could still hear the sound of television from the other room.

Was this a horror movie or something? Was I raped? No, I would have been strip naked. But I hate all this tense and suspense! Where am I? Audrey thought to herself.

When she finally came to the room where the she heard the television, she knocked softly. She knocked again and there was no response. She didn't want to be disrespectful by just barging in, but she had too.

"One more knock and if this knucklehead don't answer, that's it I'm coming in like the Spanish Armanda." Audrey said to herself furiously.

Audrey knocked one more time but this time with more force and power. There was still no response. Then she in came in barging with her office clothes in a white, slim cut dress strutting in cuffed shoes, screaming, "Awwwwwwwww!"

When she came in, she noticed no one was in there but an opened door leading to a balcony. She tiptoed her way there and poked her head in the nearby window, trying to get a glimpse of her rapist and she had took a stick in case the rapist did something to her. Maybe hit her or tie her with ropes and tape duck tape to her mouth.

Then she was in shock to fine Jacob standing on the balcony, tearing up and drinking beer. Audrey accidentally made a sound and caused Jacob to turn around.

"Audrey, I thought you were sleeping. Don't worry I did not do what you're thinking right now. I have no intention in doing such things to you," he said in a hoarse voice.

"What do you mean. I didn't think such things. You need to dip your head in cold water."

Yes, you did Audrey!

"Oh. Good to know." He approached Audrey and entered inside. "I know, you'd probably want to be at your condo tonight but you were fast asleep and decided to just let you rest in here. I was wondering why were you out on the streets crying. I almost bumped into you!"

"Oh. Ugh." Is all what Audrey had managed to say.

Jacob could see the hurt and sorrow in her eye. He has been in her situation before. Her mascara still dripping and her face was a mess. She looked sticky and tired from her long stroll around NYC.

Audrey couldn't answer his question. She was in no mood to tell him what had just happened. Every time she remembered it, she started to cry.

"I didn't mean too..." Jacob uttered not be able to complete his statement. He moved closer to Audrey and hugged her tightly, rubbing her on the back again.

You could hear Audrey snuffle her nose every time she took a break from crying. Jacob settled her on the nearby couch and turned off the TV. He grabbed some Kleenex tissues and handed it to her.

"Thank you," she said and blown her nose into the tissue.

"Audrey, you need comfort right now. I think I'm just the right person to lean a helping hand. If it's okay to answer my question, can you answer it?" he said sincerely.

Audrey blown her nose several times until she got the chance to talk. "It's about Jessica and Ethan."


"They've cheated behind my back. They're dating now. I know, he's my ex. Why would I care?" She sniffle her nose while talking. "No, but the thing is that they've been hiding their relationship ever since I was dating that son of a ... a ... a ... Of a horse! I wasted my life with him for five years! All along he was cheating on me with my best friend." The word friend caused Audrey to cry louder and harder.

Jacob rubbed circles around Audrey's back and calmed her down. "I don't know what to say Audrey but I know you don't deserve a guy like that. You're pretty and amazing. Look at you. You're pretty in and out with a great personality that isn't hard to fall in-love with. Don't look down of yourself just because a man dumped you for another woman. Show him you're stronger without him and you don't care. You wouldn't give a damn about him."

That caused Audrey to stop sobbing and force a smile on her face. "Thanks Jacob! I appreciate what you've done."

"It's all I can do for comforting me while I had my first real heartbreak," he chuckled.

"I've had tons and never learned how to deal with them."

"Because you fall to easily."

"I don't know." She sniffled. "Why do nice people fall for the wrong person?"

"So you consider yourself nice?" he joked.

"No. I mean you."

This made him turn silent and caused him to have somersaults inside his stomach. "What do you mean? I've caused the breakup of Alexis and I."

"Oh right."

"But if you consider me nice than yeah. I'll take it. I don't know maybe us nice people think we deserve the love we get."

That kept Audrey thinking. "Cute. Where'd you get that from? From the movies?"

"Hey! I was being nice here!" he hissed.

"Maybe that's why you used the word us in it. Audrey sighed loudly. "I just wish to find true love one day. Sail the ocean with him. Site see with him." She chuckled. "That'd be fun."

"I know. I just hope the girl I fall in-love with is standing right in front of me now. Has great humor and looks beautiful like you."

That caused Audrey's cheek to heat up and she felt flushed in fever, embarrassed. "Beautiful? Look at me. My makeup all messed up and I probably reek right now."

Jacob didn't know what he was feeling inside but had the urge to kiss Audrey right now. He had a blazing fire inside of him waiting to have water pour down on him. He felt as if the only solution was a kiss from a beautiful maiden sitting right next to him.

"And I hope I find a guy like you. So..." The moment Audrey had said so, she noticed Jacob leaning in against her. His lips were locked against Audrey's.

Audrey tried to push herself away from Jacob, but he got very possessive when it came to woman. She surrendered to his kiss and kissed Jacob back.

The two went silent for a while after they broke apart. Audrey was left speechless and felt afraid to speak.

"Ugh... I'm sorry. I-I just..." Jacob stuttered.

He felt frighten all of sudden to talk to Audrey.

Audrey showed a sly smile and said, "Practice kissing. How are we going to convince Alexis --that we're madly in-love with each other."

"Yeah. That's right. Practice."

They smiled, staring awkwardly at each other. A long awkward silence accompanied the two.

"You should probably go to bed," suggested Jacob.

"Yeah, but I need to take a bath. Can I?"

"Course. You can use the one in my bedroom."


Audrey stood from her awkward position and headed her way to his bathroom inside his bedroom. Then she heard a knock on the door right before she was going to lock the door.

"Audrey, here's a shirt and a pair of pajamas. There mine but I didn't used them yet." Jacob said. "You can use them. And you can throw your dress into the hamper. I won't mine."

Audrey smiled at Jacob. Jacob scratched his head and headed out his way. "Wait Jacob!" Audrey hollered.

"Yes?" he asked. "Anything you need?"

"No. I just wanted to thank you for your comfort and you being an absolute gentleman. Thank you again!"

Jacob nodded and mouthed the words, "You're welcome."

Audrey continued on her bath and locked the door. She stripped her clothes off and turn the water on. She let the water run down her body letting it cool down the heat she had just receive from the blazing, passionate kiss she had with Jacob.

What was he thinking? Did he like me back? Oh wait, do I like him back? Wait, yes, yes. I do! I totally do! Or was I just too talkative and annoying that's why he kissed me? I don't know, but all I know is that I liked him. I liked him ever since I laid my eyes on him. She thought this throughout her shower.

After her shower, she put on the clothes Jacob had lend her. She put on the plain, white T-shirt. The shirt was so big and long. It had reach the length of her knees. It looked like a dress. She paired it up with his dark blue plaid pajamas.

After showering and changing, Jacob handed Audrey a brand new toothbrush. She almost forgot to brush her teeth. She didn't want to wash away Jacob's kiss away but she had too. It started to reek. She wished that her breath wasn't that strong when she was lip locking with Jacob.

After brushing her teeth, she headed right to bed. Today was such a long, heartbroken and surprising day. She couldn't stop sniffing Jacob's white tee. It smelled just like him. His sweet perfume lingering on his shirt. Actually on everything he touched.

He was that hot! He even made non living things get turned on.

Audrey was lucky to be wearing his tee. It felt as if Jacob was sleeping right next to her. Hearing his heart beat next to hers. She could almost fantasied him hugging her, feeling his body heat, smelling his perfume mixed with a bit of sweat.

What a concoction!

If her nights were more like her fantasies, every night would make a perfect night in Jacob's arms, stroking her hair, singing her a lullaby while she falls asleep.

Wait, singing her a lullaby? He ain't her mother!

Jacob slept in the guest room since Audrey had occupied his room. The guest room had two small twin sizes beds and a night stand between them. The colors blue and white had alternated as the color scheme of the room. There hung a flat screen TV on the wall besides two high shelves where a stack of books were stored.

He slept in his boxer shorts and in a Hanes T-shirt. For him, tonight was one of those sleepless nights. He stared at the blank ceiling and thought things through.

What was I thinking? Why did I have the sudden urge to kiss Audrey? What am I feeling? Is it love? No, it can't be! I'm in love with someone else. Her name is Alexis Birmingham! He was wondering in space and faded into his own dream.

In Jacob's room, Audrey had one of those sleepless night. She had kept replaying the kiss with Jacob over and over and over in her head. Every time she got to the part where he had stuck his tongue in her throat, she'd bury her face on the pillow.

"I am head over heels for Jacob! This can't be! He's in love with perfect, flawless Alexis not unattractive , despicable Audrey!" She gasped to herself incredulously.


A/N 📄

Ooooolalalalala! Kissing!?! Seems like things are heating up with Jacob and Audrey! Now that Audrey had finally admit to herself that she likes Jacob, what awkwardness will happen? But whose denying his feelings for someone? Jacob? Find out next on ch. 13.

Hey guys! So I hope you enjoyed it. I know it's really short. I only wrote it in one day. this chapter was short because I thought it was right to separate the kiss and the other things that are about to happen or that will be written.

I hope you've notice that I've updated so quickly. Why?

It's because I want to finish AUL before July hits. I've wanting to write another book but don't worry I won't leave you hanging again like what I did with BHIG. Sorry I have really lost interest in BHIG, but I'll keep it up still. I'm annoyed with my grammatical errors and plot and really lazy to edit it.

*EXPECT FREQUENT UPDATES. TWO-THREE DAYS FROM NOW. (If only I'm motivated (; really really motivated. Don't expect too much tho.)

& I F Ü L I K E 👇👇👇



-Follow Me (:

With Love,


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