The Hybrid Royal

By imaginativebowman03

979 67 0

This story is about a normal 16 year old girl with a loving family but she soon learns she is not normal. Her... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten
Authors note
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Eighteen

23 1 0
By imaginativebowman03

I was watching as my brother followed around his little girlfriend. Caroline was nice and she was good mate but her parents were another story. I wonder how she put up with them throughout all the years. Caleb was a good brother. He didn't hover but he was never far off. I went back to work with papers upon papers. Trading agreements and other stuff. I wonder how mom and dad can stand doing this. Well now that I think of it mom only does stuff for her kingdom and dad does stuff for his kingdom. So that means that I'm overall screwed. I friend as I finished up the last paper of the day. It was about five in the evening. I decided to go out and enjoy the day. I wore my Jean shorts and a blue tank top. I always wore my running shoes even though my mom resented them. The villages were doing well and surprised to see me walking through them. I found my new hide out. On the shore there is a bunch of trees. I liked to climb up the trees and look out over the ocean. The sound calmed me after a stressful day. Soon my brother and Caroline were walking past my tree. I jumped form to say hello.
"Hey y'all," I greeted.
"Woah, hey sis. I haven't seen much of you lately," he replied.
"Well I'm always around somewhere. Do what are you two doing?" I asked.
"Caleb was showing me around. If I'll be living here in the near future well then I should get to know the land," Caroline added. I looked over the land and ocean.
"Well that's very nice. I let you two go. Remeber don't stay out this far to late," I earned before turning towards my castle.
"Don't worry sis," Caleb said before he continues walking. I sighed then slowly walked back to my kingdom. I was soon greeted by Tyler. He was sitting at the table eating.
"You know I thought that the wife was supposed to cook for the husband not the husband cook for himself," he laughed before taking a bite of chicken.
"Well maybe I would if it were the early nineteen hundreds but it's not so it appears your shit out of luck," I replied. He rolled his eyes.
"So how was paperwork?" He questioned. I gave him a death glare.
"Don't mention paperwork at all," I warned before header to the shower. Showers were more for relaxing than cleaning. I didn't sweat and hardly got outside to even get dirt on me. Pajamas at last. I finally left the shower for my balcony. It was a lovely evening and I was almost sad to see the moon come out. I went back inside and decided to reorganize some things. When I couldn't sleep I'd reorganize my office or move objects around the castle. It really got on the maids nerve but she dropped the issue. Soon I past Tyler in the hallway.
"You should consider coming to bed here soon. You haven't slept for a while and I know you don't need sleep but I miss you," Tyler confessed. I laughed and shook my head before I continued my night.
"Well the cuddle s pillow because I have stuff to do," I lied. I really had nothing to do but I was in no sleeping mood. I heard him make a huffing sound before going to bed. I was enjoying myself as I would reorganize everything and I even moved paintings around. I made my way into my office to organize. I organized papers by what they were about, when they needed to be sent out, and if the were from vampires or werewolves. I laughed at how easily my newly arranged office would be a paper piled mess tomorrow. It never fails that I'll get to my office and when I leave everything is in one messy pile. I sat down in my chair and turned it so I could look out my window. This little window did many wonders. It helped me to know that I wasn't confined to my own office and work but that there was a world awaiting on the other side. I simply rested my eyes for a minute but I started falling in and out of sleep. That was til I heard a startling mind link from Caleb.
Sis help we've been captured
I shot up out of my chair from the sudden voice.
By who? Where are you?
I was frantically running to the door.
I don't kn-
He didn't finish and now I was beyond scared.
Caleb? Caleb!?
He stopped responding so I got in contact with dad.
Dad! Caleb just mind linked me. He and Caroline have been captured. They don't know where they are or who captured them but he stopped responding!
I then decided to mind link the whole kingdom which last time I did it took a lot of work but I didn't have time to dwell.
Prince Caleb and his mate Caroline have been captured. No one shall rest until they are found and returned home. Do worriors and patrols please get to work now! If your are not in these groups stay inside!
I had found a way to put vampires into the link so they heard everything. I knew Tyler got the message because I heard him running down the stairs.
"Let's go," he said heading for the door.
"No, I need you to go and guard my mom and sister," I demanded. He turned to look at me.
"Who's going to help you?" He asked.
"I help myself. I'll be fine I promise now go," I replied before practically pushing him towards my mom's kingdom. He was hesitant but he adventually headed that way. I shifted and ran through the woods. Deeper than I've ever been before. I continuously changed my path. I kept my nose on high alert for Caleb's or Caroline's scent.

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