Chapter Twenty Three

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I was in my office catching up on the paperwork that I missed out on. Soon I someone knocked on the door and I sniffed the air.
"Come in Caleb," I said casually. He opened the door and stepped in. I was already tired of all this stupid paperwork! I groaned in frustration before hitting my head on the desk. I could feel Caleb life and eyebrow in confusion but then I heard him holding in his laughter when e came to realization.
"Don't even think about it," I warned.
"Don't even think about what?" He asked in a joking manner.
"Do not even laugh. I am going to be pissed and probably kill you myself if you ever disappear again. I don't care if you run off or get abducted! I'm not going through all of this paperwork again," I complained. He started to laugh and I gave him the death glare. I let my wolf let out a growl because she didn't like paperwork either. Caleb instantly stopped and straighten up. He cleared his throat and looked at the floor. This time I laughed because he thought I was scolding him for real.
"Anyways," I started", what brings you here?"
"We got word about the bloody rebels alpha. He lived and he is siding and joining with those who are against us. Rumor has it he is planning an attack on us," Caleb growled. I let out a growl but that soon faded into a groan.
"Ugh. This time he's not leaving alive," I stated. Caleb laughed before leaving and I waited for the sun to go down. Soon my dad walked in and I turned to greet him.
"Your coming to a meeting with me tomorrow. Be in front of the meeting room in my kingdom at seven in the morning. Look decent for a princess," he ordered before turning around and leaving. I waited until he was out of my castle to groan. This just had to keep getting worse. I finally went to bed.

I slowly opened my eyes to a sliver of sun peaking through the window. I looked at my alarm clock. It said 6:55 am.
"Fuck!" I screamed as I scrambled out of bed. I quickly changed into a black dress with a golden belt that went around the waist. It was knee length and it was spaghetti strapped. I threw in some shiny black heels and quickly braided my hair. I brushed my teeth and kissed Tyler goodbye before sprinting to my fathers meeting room. My dad was about to walk in when I ran up to him. I smiled trying to hide the fact that I had just woken up. He looked down at his wrist and let out a little "hmp" and looking at me.
"What?" I asked worried.
"Well you made it here earlier than your brother ever had to a meeting that I invited him to," he replied with a smile.
"What time?" I inquired excitedly.
"6:59 am. Your lucky now let's get in here," he ordered. He walked in first and I followed. The alpha,Luna,beta, and what I believe is the alphas son and daughter were all on a couch but the beta sat in a chair. They bowed at the sight of my dad and I. I smiled and we took our seats.

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