Chapter Fifteen

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It was soon to be the rehearsal dinner. I felt like puking for some reason. I was looking out over the balcony at my new home. The castle got completed three days again. It has a big balcony. I can still see dad's castle but I can also see mom's
I had it almost completely light by natural light but had back ups for cloudy days and nights. The outside was a stone and inside it was cost feeling but was still pretty big. It could easily host over a hundred people. We were having the rehearsal at my dad's but the wedding was here. Apparently there's so many decorations that had to start today. I had to be there at six. I checked the time and quickly jumped. Glad I was already ready because the clock was reading 5:57. I ran to his castle. Everyone was slowly making their ways to positions when I ran in then walked to my dad.
"Well,well,well, you made it here with a minute to spare," he chuckled.
"Sorry. Let's just get this over with," I sighed. It hasn't been a long day but I just wanted it to be over. We started rehearsal. My brother walked down my sister and my dad actually walked my mother. I didn't want to be walked. Then I walked down all the while smiling. I felt my stomach turn. I knew it was nerves. I finally reach Tyler and he took my hands. His beta ,Derek, was acting like the preacher. This would be interesting.
"So vampires and wolves we are all gathered here today so Tyler can finally........GET SOME!!!!!" He yelled out and everyone laughed. Well not Tyler but I can't say that I kept a straight face.
"Jokes aside. Tyler do you take..... Uh what's your last name?" He asked. My parents never had a last name that's what was weird. I shrugged my shoulders and everyone laughed.
"Well then, Tyler do you take Paige,your mate, who also happens to be a princess, as your wife? So she can push you around and give you orders, for as long as you shall live?" He laughed. Tyler laughed and I even laughed a little.
"Well I'm kinda stuck with her so yes," Tyler thought he was funny.
"And Paige, do you take Tyler blackwood to be your husband, that will always want some no matter what. And will probably be the reason you have 10 kids and want to rip out your hair everyday all the while still love and lust for him," he smirked.
"Well now that you mention that I don't know but for my mates sake let's go with yes," I joked around and my stomach now only hurt from laughing.
"Well I now prenounce you wolf and hybrid. You may kiss the hybrid princess," he said with a bow. We laughed before we actually kissed.
"Now let's eat!"Derek yelled across the room.
It was now time for me and Tyler to go separate ways. My dad insisted that he'd get Tyler ready so he will stay over there and mom said I'd get ready over there so I headed to her castle. I sat in the window looking through the woods. With my super good vision I could see Tyler out on the balcony.
"Can't sleep either?"
He looked around but soon answered.
"No. I've gotten to use to being with you that it feels weird"
I laughed.
"Well we have a early day tomorrow. I love you and I'll see you soon"
"Love you too"
The mind link ended and I went to my room. I finally fell asleep. I woke up as the sun shines through my window. I smiled knowing what day it was. I waited knowing that mom and Aria would be up soon to help. I was right. Mom came in holding a hair and a makeup kin while Aria had my dress bag. I decided not to fight on makeup. My mom began right away. She did a natural look so it enhanced my looks not covering them up with a whole new face. Then she got to business on my hair. She did a half up and half down style. The top had two braids that met in the back and braided down while the bottom had waves. She put in a few tiny white flowers. We went to my castle to put on the dress. As soon as mom zipped it up I felt so happy. I put on my white wedges witch had a few diamonds along the side of the toe. The dress was still the strapless white dress that was form fitting to the hips then became loose and flowing. The few simply diamonds the went up the middle was stunning. It was like a small galaxy with more in the middle and got fewer and smaller as they went out for about 4 inches. The saying was soft on my skin. I heard movement start to stop downstairs. Mom guided me downstairs but kept me around the corner until Tyler was in. I caught a glimpse of the decorations. There were red.and white flower petals on the ground witch was a dark brown wood. Each isle had white and red flowers strapped across the back with a bouquet of large red and white flowers where each isle ended. The walls were a darker than color. I had a veil attached to my crown and decided I didn't want flowers so instead I he'd my dress up a little. Finally some music started and Caleb and Aria disappeared. Then mom and dad. Soon I heard the wedding march start as I started walking I looked up to see Tyler almost crying. He had a white shirt with a red tie. He had black shoes with a silver suit jacket and pants. I reached him and he took my hands. I looked up and smiled. I'd remeber this forever. The music stopped as the preacher started.
"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of princess Paige and alpha Tyler. If there are any objections speak now or forever hold your peace," the preacher said. The he nodded.
"Seeing none I will now continue the ceremony. Do you Tyler blackwood take Paige to be your wife for as long as you both shall live?" He asked.
"I do," Tyler nodded.
"Do you princess Paige take Tyler blackwood to be your husband for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do," I smiled.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the preacher stated. And that my friends was the most passionate kiss I've ever received from Tyler.

Authors note. Ok so in the next chapter they will finish their mating process but I will not really write that out. To lovie dovie for a forever alone soul like myself but if you'd like to for some reason imagine that feel free I guess. Thanks for reading.

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