Chapter Twenty Eight

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I was in the garden that my dad planted for Maria. As I walked I paid close attention to the flowers. I notice that the once vibrant orange tiger lilies,lilac bushes, red carnations, and many other colors and varieties were now darkening. They were slowly dying for some odd reason. They were dying on an island that almost never sees cold weather and unhappiness. I mind linked Tyler to meet me here so we could discuss the dead plants. I didn't want to bother my family since they're enjoying themselves today by taking Maria out.
"I was summoned," Tyler stated in a joking matter. I let out a small laugh before going back to my serious state. I quickly fixed my black knee high skirt that was matched with my white button down short sleeved top.
"Yes you were. Take a look at the plants," I stated. I walked over to an old concrete bench and sat down. Tyler let out a thinking hum as he inspected the pink rose bush. It's green was slowly turning brown and the petals were shriveling up. A rose made a crunch as he lightly squeezed it in his hand. He stood up and wiped his hands off on his black short sleeve before stuffing them into his dark wash blue jeans. He made his way to sit next to me.
"The garden is dying but think the weather is slowly cooling down," he reassured me.
"That's the thing. Before I released Maria it was seventy degrees and through the two days it has dropped down to sixty," I stated.
"So what? Do you think Maria has something to do with all of this?" He asked with his head cocked to the side and he had a confused expression painted on his face.
"I know she isn't causing it but maybe Jace is. Think he had her as leverage and now he has nothing. Maybe this is a warning," I suggested.
"And what is this warning?" He inquired with an eyebrow raised.
"Maybe that he is coming and that with his magic he can kill us all like he is killing the environment by using the weather," I replied while standing up.
"Or you're just overthinking everything and it's just one of those temperature drops. Why would he come after something as powerful as you?" Tyler questioned.
"He is skilled in black magic. He's been practicing everyday for years and I can hardly use my powers. So how am I suppose to beat him? He obviously knows that I can't fight his way so what's stopping him from coming in and killing us all?" I shot back. Tyler stood out and let out a frustrated groan.
"Well if you worry and think a lot then you won't be ready," Tyler stated.
"What do you mean?" I asked turning around to face him.
"You need a plan because if I know you ,and I'm sure that I know you pretty well, you won't let him come in and slaughter everyone," he remarked. I sighed and walked over to him. I rested my forehead on his chest.
"Why was I cursed with this?" I half asked and half groaned. I could hear Tyler laugh and felt his chest move due to the gesture. He wrapped his arms around my back and squeezed me lightly.
"Because you were the only one strong enough to handle it," He assured me. I smiled against his chest and stood there so I could enjoy his company.
"I love you," I confessed.
"I love you too," he whispered in my ear before he let go of me and walked off.
"I can figure out a plan and possibly save everyone ,but that would be hard so I'd have to shoot to save most of my people even if I die or I don't make a plan and have certain death along with my people," I thought aloud.
"Hmm. Well looks like I need to start planning," I sighed.
One Day Later
I was in my office trying to think up a plan. My trash can was over flowing with crumpled up notebook paper and I'm sure that my desk has permanent cracks in it from me either pounding my fist on it or when I give up and slam my head down. I have no clue what to do and I haven't seen my dad or brother to even tell them. I didn't want them to worry. I thought I was on to something then I got the same roadblock that keeps showing up.
"How do I get around black magic!?" I complained. I let out a aggravated and tired moan before letting my shoulders slump in defeat and my head hit the table. I'm pretty sure that I'm literally going crazy. I felt like crying but no tears fell yet I was still making noises that sounded like crying. My fist finally hit the desk one last time and I heard a crack come from the desk.
"Oh well if I break it then I can get a replacement," I whined before lifting my head up. I saw a long crack starting a little to the right of the middle near the bottom that stretched pass the center and stop a little after the middle at the top of my dark mahogany colored desk. I shrugged and went back to my planning. My pencil now had my fingers imprinted on it from me trying to break it but also trying to not kill someone with it. My concentration was broke when there was a knock at the door. A string of curse words left my mouth under my breathe as I realized it was my brother and father.
"Come in," I hollered and the door creaked open. I tried my best to master a smile but judging by my brothers confused face and my Dad's concerned one, I guess I'm not doing so well.
"What's wrong honey?" Dad questioned.
"Jace is coming after us and he's probably bringing his mutts," I confessed.

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