UtaPri: Television Terror

By TheBlackberryKey

4.4K 249 43

Another day another problem. That was how your life in Shining Agency had become. Once again Shining has been... More

Chapter 1: Zap, Zap You Can't Go Back
Chapter 2: Zap Me Out of Here Part 1: Personality Panic
Chapter 3: Zap Me Out of Here Part 2: Bite me, Camward
Chapter 4: Zap Me Out of Here Part 3: Tokiya Ichinose's diary
Chapter 5: Zap Me Out of Here Part 4: Run and Hide, It's Satsuki!
Chapter 6: Zap Me Out of Here Part 5: Otoya, The Greatest Failman
Chapter 7: Zap Me Out of Here Part 6: Nagi, Santa isn't real
Chapter 8: Zap Me Out of Here Part 7: Kylo Ren and...Van Solo?
Chapter 9: Zap Me Out of Here Part 8: Utavengers Assemble!
Chapter 10: Zap Me Out of Here Part 9: Fifty Shades of UtaPri
Chapter 11: Zap Me Out of Here Part 10: Shut up, I'm a princess

Last Chapter: Television ban

427 27 2
By TheBlackberryKey

A/N: So this is the last chapter of Television Terror, I hope you have enjoyed this cracky story. I don't know how many new UtaPri stories I will write, but I guess time will tell.

Anyway please enjoy reading this last chapter as must as I have enjoyed writing it. 

You landed harshly on the floor of the common room, but you didn't get a chance to look around before you were met with 18 boys landing directly on you.

You heard as they all let out sounds of agony and annoyance, but you yourself were unable to say anything, due to the amount of people on your back.
"I see you have returned" Shining said casually as he got up from the floor and dusted himself off, but his clothes was ripped and the room was completely trashed.

"What took you so long?" Tokiya asked stifled from beneath Eiji and Camus.

"Well you see.." Shining started, but he was cut off by you slamming your hand into the floor.

"Move your fat asses from my body" you whimpered out from beneath the human pile as you gasped for air.

"Excuse you, my ass is not fat" Camus stated as he moved.

"With all that candy you eat, your ass is definitely the fattest" Ranmaru stated as he helped Ai out from the pile.

Camus scowled at Ranmaru, but decided to let it slide as he was greeted by a happy Alexander.

It didn't take to long before everyone was off of you and you finally got up from the floor with the help from Shion.

"So why were we trapped in there for so long" Masato asked the headmaster.

"Well as I was saying before, it was his fault" Shining said as he pointed to Raging who was currently sneaking out of the room.

"Of course it was" Eiichi said with a loud sigh as he and Eiji shook their heads in disapproval.

"I would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for those two girls" Raging said with a shudder.

"Two girls?" Natsuki asked in confusion.

"You mean Haruka and Tomochika? They wouldn't hurt a fly" Cecil said as he shook his head, you all nodded in agreement.

"They are crazy" Raging stated as the memories of today flashed before him, he shuddered once again.

"Well anyway, I have work to do, nice to see you all" Ringo stated as he quickly left the room not wanting to know anymore.

You waved at the pink haired male and turned to Shining again.

"Here is your stupid trophy, this time lock it up together with the rest of the things Raging might want to steal in the future" you said as you handed the trophy to Shining, who gladly accepted it.

"No seriously, lock all of your things away, if I have to go on some other crazy adventure because of you or anybody else in here I quit" Tokiya stated earning nods from everybody else.

"You do still realize that I'm your boss, right?" Shining stated again.

"Boss or not, we have been thrown through the channels of the television, and I have seen things that will forever scar me, I want a raise" you said as a shiver ran down your spine.

Shining nodded in understanding, "We will discuss that later, as for now run along children there is nothing to see here, I just have to finish up some business with Mr. Raging" Shining said as he started pushing you all out of the room before closing the door forcefully behind him. The last thing you heard from the common room was a dreadful scream from Raging, which you all chose to ignore. It had been a long day and you just needed to sleep. You all had work in the morning, and after a day like this you could really need some rest. You turned around and looked to all of the boys with a sigh.

"We survived" you stated as you finally relaxed.

"Barely" Masato said with a defeated voice.

"But we are breathing" Reiji said in an optimistic voice.

You nodded in agreement to their words, you had survived another crazy day with the boys, and you hoped this would be one of the last.

"But hey, who do you think would have ended up kissing (Y/n)" Otoya suddenly asked, causing you to freeze.

"Well since I was the one who landed on her first, I say it would have been me" Van declared proudly.

"Uhm no, I was definitely the one closest to her when we jumped" Nagi argued as he looked to Van.

"You are both wrong, I would have been the one" Natsuki said matter of factly. All of the boys started arguing about who would have been the one to kiss you as you slowly started to back away from them.

That's when Eiichi turned around and looked at you, "Well there's only one way to figure it out" he said with a wicked smile.

"Oh no you don't, not again" you said as you started to turn away from them.

"Get her!" Reiji yelled as they all started to sprint after you once again.

You didn't know how your life had come to this, or how this would end, but one thing was for sure as you ran at full speed down the hallway, you wouldn't be watching television for a long while.

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