Unexpected | Zelink (modern A...

By PandaDawgBE

67.4K 1.6K 2.7K

(Cover by @Zelinkie) - (Art by finnichang on tumblr) {-------------------} Zelda's eyes were glued to the pag... More

Second Home
Deja Vu {pt. 1}
History {pt. 1}
History {pt. 2}
The Royal Family

Deja Vu {pt. 2}

2.6K 80 99
By PandaDawgBE

Link stopped in his tracks, hand gripping Zelda's firmly as he watched the smog go a certain direction.

It had been quiet for a little while, but Link felt uneasy in the woods when it was quiet.

"Ya know," he said, moving slightly in the smog's direction, "this would've been easier if we had lighters or some sort of fire on a stick."

He felt Zelda squeeze his hand in response, letting him know she was there. "Why is that?"

"The Resurrected Hero used to come around these woods with a torch; it guided him to the proper entrance of the Korok Forest." He smiled and stopped walking again, flashing a knowing grin behind his shoulder to Zelda. "As well as the direction to the sword that seals the darkness."

He laughed softly when he heard Zelda's gasp from behind, knowing she had grown excited.

"So," she was saying, "if we had any kind of fire with us showing us where to go...we'd be able to go to the direction of the Master Sword?"

Link nodded, stopping to watch the white particles in the air.

"But...is the sword even there anymore, is the question." Link felt Zelda walk closer to his backside, close enough to feel her heat. He could already imagine a look of interest all over her face.

He started walking again, the destination getting closer. "I don't know—we don't know. No one's updated on that thing in over a few centuries. "

Zelda was heard letting out a grunt of acknowledgment.

It was silent by then, which made Link more focused on getting to the forest within the Lost Woods.

"Have you ever gotten lost before?"

Link's lips twitched into a smile—relieved that Zelda was speaking. "I don't think so," he answered.


The air around the two was getting thicker, and Link's vision was turning white so he stopped completely and backed away.

"Whoops, I almost had us get lost right there." Link laughed and turned around, facing Zelda.

She had a small pout on her face as she looked into his eyes. "What would happen if we did get lost?"

A smirk came out of Link. "As we've talked about a while ago, we get turned into a skull kid." He tilted his head. "And something else but...I dunno. Just rumors though." He laughed lightly and walked past Zelda, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze as he brushed past.

"Can't let anything happen to the Princess now, can I?" he joked.

He smiled with a laugh when he heard Zelda say, "Indeed so, Sir. Link. If I were to be hurt on your watch you'd be tried for treason."

Link didn't say anything afterward, but he made sure Zelda saw that he was grinning as he was near the entrance to his home away from home.

The crunching of the dead leaves on the ground as they walked were heard, but it was soothing in a way.

Zelda broke the silence again. "Are there ever any animals around here?"

Link saw his tree right as Zelda asked that question. He shook his head as the two neared the entrance of the large tree.

He stopped and turned to face Zelda, his hand comfortably in Zelda's own hand. "Not really," he said. "Sometimes, loose deer. That's about it."

Zelda laughed and moved her hair out of her face with her free hand. She hummed contently and looked around, nodding toward Link's tree in the end. "May we enter?"

After a nod of confirmation from Link, Zelda went in. Link, as well, since he was connected with her.

"Hey, lemme go find some wood to turn on some kinda light." Link noticed how dark the tree was so he reluctantly released Zelda's hand and went back outside, leaving Zelda alone to explore within the engraved tree.

The sounds of nature were soothing to his ears, and even though it was silent in the woods it was comforting enough to be in his tree. He had someone with him as well, so that was all the more reason to not be uncomfortable.

Link walked in silence, taking in the noise of his feet hitting the ground as he walked with the crunching leaves underneath. He turned his head around a corner of a tree and perked up when he saw a pile of thick wood sitting there. He walked to it and huddled them together, being careful as he bundled them in his arms.

As Link turned around and started walking back to Zelda, a smile went on his face. This is great, he thought. Hanging out with someone like this; it's been forever since I've done that. With Zelda, though— Link saw Zelda carving something on the outside of the tree with the knife he had in the tree, barely beside the entrance. He shook his head and his smile turned warm. With her, it's okay to be myself, and it feels like I've known her for...ages!

Having heard his movement, Zelda turned around and smiled sheepishly upon seeing his return.

Even though Link was aware, he still asked, "What're you doing?" when he made it closer.

Zelda fiddled with the knife's handle and nodded toward the carving she did. "Just...that. I-I'm sorry—I should've asked-"

"It's alright." Link smiled reassuringly and walked past her to look at the carving closely.

A...sword and shield? A frown came upon Link's face as he turned back around to face a pink Zelda. He tilted his head, which was enough for her to comprehend.

"Uh...well...since knights used to have swords and shields, I thought it'd be fitting to have this on there." Zelda shrugged, suddenly shy. "I dunno, just having known you're into swordplay and whatnot triggered it, I suppose."

Unexpectedly to Zelda, Link smiled and laughed a little bit. He glanced back at the carving before getting back to Zelda's focus. "I honestly forgot I had told you all of that."

Zelda laughed as well, smiling sheepishly. "Well...I suppose it's something that stuck out the most to me about you."

Link smiled and turned around to head into the tree, moving to the middle of the hangout to drop the planks of wood carefully to the ground in a pile. He realized Zelda followed him from behind when her presence was close and decided to ask a favor.

"Hey," he said, "can you get me the lighter and the torch that are over there in the corner?" Link's head motioned toward the corner of the room, which made Zelda do as he favored.

When she came back with the supplies in her hands, she held them out for Link to grab, which he did.

He crouched down and lit a ready fire on the tip of the torch, watching the fire engulf the wood and expand as he pulled the torch away from it.

Though she did not speak, Link sensed she wanted to say something by her shifting and quietness. He turned to Zelda after standing up straight and putting the fire out on the torch, setting it aside.

"What is it?" he asked.

Zelda seemed taken aback by his question, as the trance she was in was distracting her. "What?"

"What is it?" he repeated, firmer but emphasized.

Zelda seemed to frown as he read her like an open book, but Link was pouting when she asked, "Do you think...maybe just one day we can go in search for the Master Sword together?" She scratched her head, gesturing to the torch. "I saw the torch and you said you need a lit torch or something to get through the lost woods in search of the sword."

It took Link a little bit of time to comprehend what was going on, but he said, "Well, one day we can.

Seeing Zelda's demeanor change completely was worth it for Link as he sat down by the fire, Zelda following along and moving to sit closer to his side.

"When?" she asked.

He answered with, "Well...maybe in a few weeks—or days, even. Depends when we are a lot more familiar with each other."

Zelda grunted in response, moving to sit down beside Link near the warm fire. "Well...what if we get to know each other a bit more while we're here?" She shrugged and looked around the room. "I mean, it's just us here, Link. It is pretty private if I do say so myself."

Zelda watched as Link bit his lip and fiddled with his thumbs. He turned his head to smile at her as he said, "Sure. But," he held up a finger, "before we do that and start getting into anything too deep—" both he and Zelda laughed a bit—"allow me to teach you a thing or two on swordsmanship."

"Oh, r-right now?" Zelda laughed nervously. "It...isn't a real sword I'm going to use, right?"

Link laughed silently. "No," he said. He pushed himself up to his feet and dusted off his clothes, reaching out for Zelda's hand afterward. "Don't worry, it'll be fine; maybe even fun."

After Zelda grabbed his hand and was pulled up, he held onto her hand and lead her to the entrance.

Zelda was stopped there as he smiled her way. "You can go ahead and wait outside, I'll grab the swords."

Zelda nodded with a smile Link had returned and walked outside, which was Link's cue to go to another corner of the tree and get the two wooden swords. He picked one up by the handle and examined it in his hands—finely carved, little to no leftover chips of wood that would leave any splinters, thankfully.

He'd had those swords for years and they were fine, fortunately.

After reminiscing, he grabbed the other sword and started walking over to wherever Zelda was waiting, which was not too far from the tree itself.

"Hey," he called out. Zelda turned upon hearing Link and smiled seeing him come up to her with the swords in his hands.

"Are those wooden?" Zelda walked forward to meet with Link along the way, eyeing the weapons in his hands.

He held one out to Zelda, which was her cue to grab it. "Indeed they are, your highness." Link smiled and straightened his posture, his legs ways apart in a stance. He lined the sword up to his nose, looking at Zelda with a smile. "You ready?"

He'd be lying if he said he didn't laugh as he saw Zelda slightly panic. "W-wait, I don't know what to do," she exclaimed, finding a firm hold on the sword.

"Just go with your instinct for now; it's what I did." He turned the sword around in his hand and walked closer to Zelda, which resulted in her backing away. "I'll help you out with what you need help with upon seeing what you can do."

Link spun once and swung the sword out of nowhere, making Zelda let out a yelp of surprise and dodge the object that was not even going to hit her.

Link couldn't help it—he was laughing. He held the point of the sword down to the ground, his hands placed over one another on the hilt. "Don't worry, Zelda. I'm not gonna hit you. What I want you to do is just hit the sword."

"Hit the sword?" she asked, fumbling with her position.

Link nodded, holding the sword up in between them with his left hand.

Zelda didn't do anything but stare at the sword, moving her eyesight from Link to the sword itself until she got the message. She raised her own sword with her right hand and lightly held the fuller against the fuller of Link's own sword, making an X with the two weapons.

"You're left-handed?" Zelda asked, trying to rid of her nerves.

Link merely smiled and tightened his grip on the handle and tapped his sword against Zelda's. He simply nodded and moved away, a lot quicker than Zelda would've expected.

He side jumped and twirled over to Zelda to pretend-slice her but she reacted on her own and placed her palm against the sword's tip with her other hand and let Link hit the edge of her sword.

Link grew a smile and jumped back from the push of Zelda's block. He rolled his shoulders and gestured to Zelda with the sword, a large grin plastered on his face by then. "See? You have something in you!"

Zelda laughed sheepishly, tucking a strand of hair behind her pointed ear. "Thank you, Link."

The grin Link had on his face was enough to make Zelda feel accomplished. He walked up closer to her and twirled the sword in his hand, careful to avoid hitting Zelda.

"Well, now since dodging or blocking isn't an issue, what would you like to learn?" suggested Link.

Zelda seemed to have thought hard, but after looking up from the ground she shrugged with a small smile and held the sword up. "Can you teach me how to dodge better? I, uh," she laughed, "just dodged in the spur of the moment."

A laugh bubbled out Link's chest as he nodded. "Alright, then." He walked up to Zelda's side and positioned himself, the sword held out in front across his body. "First," he said, "do this."

Zelda watched his formation and spread her legs apart just as he did, her feet lined up with her upper arms. She grimaced as she bit her lower lip. "I should've brought more comfortable jeans if I knew this was what we were gonna do." She laughed and nodded her head down as she looked at Link. "I'm wearing pretty tight ones."

Link chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "This is usually why I always wear looser sets of clothing when I go out; never know what I'm gonna do."

Zelda smiled and set her eyes as she fixed her formation, nodding for the next step.

Link nodded and looked forward, gesturing with his head as he said, "When the sword comes down or forward—or whichever direction it's coming—always move the opposite direction of that, obviously." He motioned Zelda over to stand in front of him. "You got the formation done, but I want you to try and pretend to attack me so that you get an example."

Zelda was a little scared. "What if I accidentally hit you...?"

A shake of the head from Link made her relax from the position. "It's okay," he said softly.

Zelda was reluctant to move in front of Link, but the look he gave her was enough to reassure her everything was going to be fine.

Who was she kidding? He'd been doing the stuff they were doing at that moment for almost years, so he should be fine.

Link smiled slightly seeing Zelda settle herself in front of him, his stance not lessening one bit. He nodded to let her know he was ready.

The blonde took a deep, shaky breath, bringing the sword up to slice it down onto Link's shoulder with hesitation.

The edge hit his shoulder but it was so soft he almost didn't feel it. He shrugged it off and straightened his posture a little more. "C'mon, Zelda. Use everything you got, don't be scared."

Zelda bit her lower lip and took another deep breath, moving back a little more to give herself and Link some space to prepare.

After some time, she nodded to either herself or Link—neither of them knew which it was. She looked at Link and stared at him straight in the eyes, which left him to be slightly aware of the strong aura she was trying to put around herself.

With no warning, she moved forward and moved her wrist down right as her arm slashed across what would be Link's chest if he had not jumped back and shielded himself with the sword.

Zelda relaxed and let out a breath she was unaware of holding. She let out a laugh of relief and Link laughed along with her to ease her tension.

"See? Not so bad, and I'm okay too." Link checked himself by twisting and turning his head and body. "No scratches, no harm."

Zelda nodded, looking at the sword in her hand. Even though it was fake and wouldn't really kill Link, it still was scary knowing she could have hurt him with such a solid weapon.

"It wasn't bad," said Zelda.

"It wasn't bad," Link repeated with a smile. He walked up to her and motioned for her to do the stance. "Your turn."

She was reluctant, very. She trusted Link, she really did, but she was afraid he might accidentally hurt her like she would've to him.

"Zelda, I'm not gonna hit you." Link went up to her and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He smiled warmly and shook her in a friendly way. "I'll be careful, trust me." His voice was soft as he spoke.

"I-I do trust you, Link. I do, really. I'm just...y'know..." Zelda shrugged and looked at the ground beneath her.

Link bit his lip in thought and set his eyes on Zelda despite her focus being on the ground. Her hair was falling in front of her face as he watched her contemplate.

He wasn't going to, but his immediate response was to tuck her hair behind her ear, which he had done. Link practically felt Zelda's blush as his hand lingered on her face when she looked up, her lips parted in surprise. He was blushing too, as a matter of fact.

He parted his own lips and no words came out, except he hesitantly removed his hand from her face. He pursed his lips and placed the tip of the sword against the ground, his hands over the hilt once again. That was a stance he had always grown accustomed to.

"S-sorry...," he finally said, looking off to the side—anywhere but Zelda's general direction. "I just...i-it was just an instinct, sorry."

Zelda was quiet, which made him worry he messed up, but he turned his eyes to her again when she murmured, "It...it's okay." She blushed a little more and scratched her head, the sword being fiddled with in her hands. She was hesitant, Link noticed, but she asked, "Um...did you ever...like...have a little sister before? Girlfriend, perhaps? Because...usually, that isn't a reaction someone would have to this unless it used to be a habit."

Link held his breath at her questions, but he answered, nonetheless. "I'll save the answers to your questions for later when we're seated and...well, not sweaty—" The two laughed and the tense atmosphere around them in the forest was dispersing.

Zelda smiled again, looking into Link's eyes. "So...my turn?"


At that moment, it was an understatement to say Zelda looked absolutely stunning. She was way more than that.

Despite having been hit on the head on a tree trunk, and with Zelda looking worried for his life, she looked absolutely charming.

Her voice asking if he was okay was muffled within his head as he stared dumbly into her eyes as if he was in a trance.

Suddenly, she was no longer a teenage girl—in front of him was a Princess and several other Princesses who looked similar in a way.

All their faces were distant and all merged in one, but he no longer felt like he was in his own world. Instead, he was leaning in, paying no mind to what was going on around him as the lips of the gorgeous Princess in front of him were, oh so, inviting.

He snapped back awake, everything vanishing in one slap as the present Zelda was heaving with a red face.

"W-wait—" Link sat up straight against the tree he was leaned against and looked around at his surroundings. His eyes jumped back to Zelda's, who seemed flushed in every way.

"W-what happened?" he asked. He looked like a spotted doe—confused, but yet scared with widened eyes.

"You...well...," Zelda laned back on her knees and sat on her calves, "y-you almost kissed me, for one."

Link brightened red, heat going to his face as he pushed himself up against the tree. "W- really?!"

Zelda nodded, still blushing. "Yes. I don't know if you remember what happened before you tried, though."

Link tried thinking back to what happened after the two took a break from swordplay, but to no avail.

He shook his head, looking into Zelda's eyes.

Zelda sighed, her breathing calm and collected by then. Her color was settling back. "Clumsy you ended up tripping on a branch and hit your head against a tree trunk. You hit it...pretty hard."

"...how hard?" Link asked, listening intently.

"Pretty hard to the point of you having a bump on your head. I was really worried when you got dizzy so I set you down and had you drink some water that you had in the fridge in your tree." Zelda frowned and sat down on her bottom. "I hope you don't mind I looked through there."

Link shook his head. "Don't worry, it's okay."

"Um, but...you didn't listen to me either." Zelda twiddled with her thumbs and looked at Link, worry in her eyes. "I kept asking if you were okay, even had to shake you but you didn't respond... You just...leaned in and..." Zelda's voice trailed off as she wasn't able to finish her statement, red going back to her cheeks.

Dumbly, Link nodded. He was slowly comprehending everything Zelda was saying to him. His head was throbbing, but it wasn't exactly from the pain. It was something else.

What...what in the name of Din did I see when I was looking at Zelda? Link tried to look away from said Zelda, but his eyes were glued to hers.

That felt so...weird... It felt real! Like-like as if I...was there...with the Princesses of Hyrule many years back. The male teen licked his dry lips and looked away from Zelda with force. He wasn't sure what to say.

"I'm...sorry for slapping you, by the way."

Link turned his attention back to Zelda. "It's fine, really," he said. A small, quiet laugh came out of him. "It made sense on why you did it, so...it's okay."

Despite feeling bad about having had slapped him, Zelda still felt a small smile make way to her face. Her expression was warm. "So...how about we go back inside the tree and take a break, yeah?"

Link nodded, hand going to his head after feeling the pain that came from the side. He grit his teeth and tried to push himself up, the other softly rubbing his temple.

"Hey- wait, let me help." Zelda stood up and bent down to grab Link by his elbow, supporting his back as he stood up. His feet were having a hard time planting to the ground so he released his hand and used them both to wrap his arm around her shoulders.

"Just... I'm gonna wrap my arm around your waist, okay?" called out Zelda. Her arm went around his waist to help him straighten before having heard an answer.

Link nodded either way, trying to hide the pain he was in, but the world was woozy around him.

Zelda guided him over to the tree's entrance which was luckily only a few steps away. They entered and she set moved to seat him on the couch, but Link shook his head and kept himself firm on the ground.

"I wanna sit near the fire," he said.

Zelda watched him closely, looking for any pain written on his face but he kept his face as straight as possible. He was obviously dizzy, anyway. "You sure?"

"Yeah." Link let out a long, unexpected breath and had Zelda guide him over to the crackling fire. She kneeled down as Link moved down to sit on his bottom, but right as he sat down he fell on his back.

Zelda started to panic again. "Link, are you okay? You didn't hit your head again did you?"

Link laughed slightly, closing his eyes as he laid comfortably on the ground. He turned his head to Zelda and gave her a positive grin. "I'm fine," he said. He gave the space to the side of him a pat. "You should lay too, the floor may look dirty but it really isn't."

Zelda stared at him in disbelief, but a smile was on her face. "But...you're actually fine, right? You're not anywhere near passing out or anything?"

It took Link a little force to shake his head. "It's comfy. Come, come." He pat the space again.

Zelda laughed incredulously and shook her head, walking over to Link and sitting down before laying down beside him.

They both stared at the tree's ceiling, silence radiating.

Link closed his eyes for a brief second, letting the dizziness depart the best it could. He opened them when he felt ready and was glad to see he was all better. But, he needed to make sure he really was.

He turned his head over to look at Zelda, glad to see she was herself and not a Princess of ages long past.

Why did they come into my mind anyway? And why did it seem so real? As if...I was actually with them. Link sighed quietly and kept his eyes on Zelda, who was softly humming to herself as she closed her eyes

Even though Link was not aware of what he was thinking back at the trunk exactly, now he was—it was the same thoughts. The girl's yellow hair splattered around her head, framing her like a halo. She really was a beauty far beyond words.

And Link was afraid to admit he may have started to feel something for her, something he didn't want to feel. Something he had denied multiple times before ever since he had gotten over Mipha.

Maybe...maybe he was actually starting to fall for her.

Link's mind jumped away from those thoughts right when Zelda turned her head to face him, a smile growing on her face as she saw him awake and aware.

"How do you feel?" She rested her arms on her stomach, seeming comfortable.

Either Zelda didn't notice or she just didn't say anything about the blush on Link's face. "I feel better," he said. "Thank you."

A relieved smile broke out of Zelda. "No problem, I'm just glad you're okay."

"Yeah..." Link let out a breath and looked back to the ceiling as he moved his arms to use his hands as a cushion behind his head.

It was silent again as Link and Zelda let the sounds of nature overlap their breathing.

Zelda was the first to break the silence. "So...while we're here and relaxed, what if we get to know each other a little bit better?"

Link grunted in response, getting cozy. "Alright then. I guess I can start with my family life; simple, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Let's just start off easy." Once Zelda seemed ready to listen, Link glanced at her before telling her his story.

"'Kay...so, I was born here. In Hyrule. Obviously." The two laughed and Link continued. "Uh...well, I've been living with my aunt for pretty much my whole life."

"Your whole life?" Zelda turned her head to look at him, but his eyes were focused on the wood atop.

He nodded. His next words were not so easy to let out. "I...I-I'm an orphan."

Link could just see the look of surprise Zelda had in the corner of his eye.

"You're an orphan?!" she harshly whispered. She was in shock, to say the least because it was something she wasn't expecting.

Link nodded and turned his head to her, a smile on his face. "Don't fret though, it's alright. Even though I don't really have parents, Impa is basically my whole life and the person who made me the boy I am today."

Zelda was at loss for words so she just kept her mouth shut and nodded, waiting for more.

"And...," he continued, "Impa is actually one of the last of the Sheikah, believe it or not."

"W-wait. The Sheikah?" Zelda rose an eyebrow. "You mean...the Sheikah Tribe?!"

Link laughed as she gasped. "Mm-hm."

"Wow! I really thought they'd gone extinct and no longer populated," exclaimed Zelda.

"Yeah well, Aunt Impa's one of the last Sheikah's around." Link smiled and focused back on the ceiling. "I honestly don't remember my parents, nor what happened to them. When I was five-years-old, that was when I had found out I was adopted by Impa."

"Oh... I'm so sorry, Link." Zelda moved her hand and placed it comfortingly on Link's forearm, giving him a rub of comfort before removing it.

"It's okay, really it is. It's also kind of why I'm so into history, for my aunt being a Sheikah I've always been interested ever since finding out the Sheikah once served the kingdom of Hyrule back then. Someone even served the Princess in some generations but we're not too aware on who it was." Link shrugged, finishing his conversation. "Dunno, but that's all I have family-wise, though." He looked into Zelda's eyes. "What's your family like?"

"Uhm..." Zelda was hesitant, but she knew if Link did it so could she. "I...well... It's not that interesting, but...I live with my dad, uh...my mom died when I was a lot more younger because of some type of disease I'm unaware of to this day."

"Oh," called Link, "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay," reassured Zelda. "I'm not fazed because when she passed I was unaware of what was going on around me."

"So...you just live with your dad? No brothers, no sisters?" asked Link.

Zelda nodded and reached up to play with a strand of her hair. "But...I do have these two really close friends. Their names are Lana and Urbosa. They're basically like family to me. Even though Urbosa is just an internet friend."

Link grunted and turned onto his side, using his arm as a pillow as he watched Zelda. "What about real friends?"

"Lana." Zelda looked at Link before turning to her side as well, gazing into his eyes. "She goes to my school, but she's been with me ever since I was a child so I see her more as family. Like a sister I've never had."

Link was quiet after she finished talking, but he grunted to let her know he listened. He was taking it all in before he let out his own words.

"I had a friend once—one of the many ones I have. But he was...a really special friend to me." Link saw a smile quirk at the corner of Zelda's lips and that made him grow a small one.

He kept talking. "His name was Talo. He and I had been friends ever since I was just a kid and we grew up together. He was actually the one I found this tree with, and the love for swordplay started with him." He laughed as he remembered the memories he had with Talo. Honestly, nothing were bad. Besides for when their friendship broke.

"But...uh...he left for high school. He never told me where. He just left and I suppose that was the end of our friendship."

Once the frown on Zelda's face appeared, Link knew what she was going to say. "Trust me, Zelda, it's okay." He gave her a reassuring smile.

Zelda sighed a little in frustration. "I guess..." She looked away from Link, but Link kept his eyes on hers. He was observing her facial features, taking it all in.

It took a while for either of them to say anything, but it was then Link said, "But...I find you to be a really close friend to me now; a special one."

He saw the blush creep onto Zelda's face as she smiled and said, "Honestly, me too."

Link adjusted his position, a confused smile on his face as he laid more comfortably on his side. "Hey, I just had a weird sense of...deja vu.

Zelda nodded quick, her eyes brightening. "Me too!"

Link blew air out from his cheeks, furrowing his brow. "That's so weird..."

Zelda shrugged and laid once again on her back, closing her eyes. "Well, it's probably just our head doing some weird things."

Link watched her every move, his confusion not dimming. "I mean...maybe, but...isn't it weird?"

"How so?"

"Well," Link was saying, "this feeling usually always happens whenever we're together like this—sharing a moment."

Zelda's eyes opened by then, taking everything Link had just said in. "You're...not wrong, that's for sure."

"I-I don't know." Link turned back to face the ceiling, suddenly shy to look at Zelda. "I'm probably just thinking too hard into this."

But what happened back at the trunk, was that deja vu...? It can't be. Link sighed and draped an arm over his eyes, the crook of his elbow giving darkness to his closed eyes.

"No, I believe you in this. It is pretty odd," Zelda said softly.

A grunt was given to her in response, drowsiness overtaking the both of them the longer they had their eyes closed.

So, before they knew it and another said a word, they had fallen asleep on the ground side-by-side near the fire in the tree in Korok Forest.

I had to break it into two parts because it's so long whoops. I'm almost at one 1k reads though, that's nice so thank you guys :) I hope you guys who are sticking to this story are enjoying it thus far. 

See ya next time.

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