Sukor - Crazy abt U

By Sukorian

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Suraj is the college nerd but cute. Chakor is the college queen very bold n naughty More

First time notice
Life sucks
Chakor vs. Deep vs. Suraj
reaction of action
pyaar ka maara {lost in love}
Raunaq - e - aashiqui (my song 😍)
Love breeze
Mother daughter talk
Face off
Back to college
The result day
Party time (Last Chapter)

Some new happenings

296 25 43
By Sukorian


Recap; Suraj trains with Arjun. TiKorAan come for his support.

Now we all know u just can't build up a physique in just a day so we r now in 6 weeks later since the incident had happened....

Suraj was now very comfortable with the weights he made a selfie n send it to his love

Chakor received his picture 😍😍😍😍😘 was her reply.

But naughty Suraj. Send me a pic of urs!
Chakor didn't wait long...

Suraj; cutie pie 😘.
Chakor smiles. Miss U!!!

Suraj calls her...

Chakor picks up.

Suraj!!! I love u!
Chakor when will u return I'm missing u!!

Chakor; Suraj just this night n the half day of tomorrow n I'm back!

Suraj; y ur parents did this?!

Chakor; they were celebrating their wedding anniversary Suraj...

Suraj; exactly their wedding anniversary... we aren't married yet so y u went with them ur anniversary will be only with me!

Chakor was on cloud 9. Suraj!!! I love U!

Suraj; love u 2 now come soon!!!

Chakor; haan baba I will come directly to u tomorrow!

Suraj; promise?!

Chakor; haan Haan promise!

Kasturi; Chakor!!! Where r u?!

Chakor; Suraj Maa is calling if to go! Bye love U!

Suraj pouts. Bye love u 2.

Both went to sleep thinking of each other.

On the next morning Suraj was desperately waiting for his Chakor... but she was coming at afternoon time... he was pissed sitting on the garden chair when someone come n blindfolded him... he felt the hands.

Chakor!!! He pulls her toward him n made her sit on his lap!

Chakor places her hands around his neck. How u know it is me?

Suraj; who couldn't I? He comes closer holding her even tighter starting to kiss her... yeah was kissing her... 😎.

Chakor likes it she was losing herself in him... unknowingly she moans his name... Suraj....

Suraj stops as it never happens before...

Chakor looked at him. Y u stopped?.

Suraj; woh U...?!

Chakor; what me?

Suraj; comes closer to her ear. U just moan my name!

Chakor embarrasses... I did what?!

Suraj just nod... both went inside the house. In the hope no one heard it... n they were very lucky no one got to know!

Suraj; u were to come in the noon then?

Chakor; woh I talked to mom abt us... she closed her eyes as she wasn't sure who he will react...

Suraj was just smiling at her. U did what?! U talked abt us to ur mom?!.

Chakor nods with a smile. U okay na?!

Suraj; more than Okay!

Chakor hugs him from the side.

Bhagya n Arjun were coming down having a fight.

Suraj got confused. He stood up n Chakor follows him. Both hide to hear abt their fight.

Arjun; Suraj is my son!!! U won't tell him that he isn't!

Bhagya; Arjun!!! Suraj is also my son but the true is he isn't our son!

Arjun; so u want to tell him the truth abt him?!

Bhagya; not the whole truth. Just?!

Arjun; what?!

Bhagya; Suraj needs to know who his parents are!

Arjun; not are but were they died the day they left him n me!!!

Suraj Mera beta hai! Bhai nahi hai!

{Suraj is my son not my brother}! Nothing can change this fact! Not even U!

Chakor was holding Suraj hand... he was confused he has never met his grandparents but if Arjun is his brother n not father how is this possible...

Bhagya; Arjun! U know better than me! They r coming! When he finds out from them u may lose his trust n love!

Arjun; Bhagya he was just 4 years old when he come to us our parents left him here as they were too busy with their life. We were newlywed we had our own dreams our own children for his sake u were ready not to become a mother n now my parents may comeback n take no way! He is old enough to make his decision but I won't let him go!

Chakor tighten her grip... Suraj turns to her.
Hmm now it makes so much sense... with tears in his eyes he was saying... Papa... I mean Bhai always teased me like a brother a friend not like a father... y my parents gave me away??? 😭.

Chakor hold him tight... even she was crying.

Arjun; I will never let them taking him away from me! He is my son! Bas! I won't hear anything abt this topic again!

Bhagya nods. Suraj is my son too. Arjun!! I'm not angry or upset I told u before I would do everything for him... not having our own children that was never a problem! No I was always scared to love him even more than our own children! He never did anything wrong always obeys us. He always respected us... y u think I'm against him? I love him more than U!

Arjun pouts... but agrees even he loves him more than her....

Chakor; u hear how much they love U! Suraj nods... but y they gave me away??? Chakor was holding him but her enters the room.

Arjun n Bhagya looked at him.

Arjun rushes to him. Suraj what happen? U r u crying??? What happen??!!!!!

Suraj; y they gave me away???

Chakor comes in too... we hear ur talk...!

Bhagya shocks... her eyes become watery... she leave the room in tears.... Suraj; Maaa!!!! He follows her... but she closed the door behind her before he could enter the room.

Arjun looked at Chakor... we thought our love would be stronger but we failed he wants to know y? He is not grateful that he has us... that their is no need for his parents... he smile fades n tears were rolling down his cheeks...

Suraj; Maa!!! He was hammering against the door.... maa!!!!!! Open the door!!!! Again a big slam on the door... Maa!!!!! His Eyes were red in anger n sadness.

Arjun come to him. He places his hand on his shoulder. U want to know?!

Suraj looked at him. Maa!!! He hammers on the door!!!

Arjun; I will tell U!

Suraj; Maa!!!!!!! Another hammering on the door this time louder n longer. I want my mother. He shouts at Arjun. Maa!!!!!!

Bhagya opens the door n he hugs her tight.

Arjun; u want to know?!

Suraj; No!!!! I have my mother here with me!!!

Bhagya; Arjun... we need to tell him...

Bhagya comes his face. Ur parents left u here bcz they weren't ready to be parents again! U n Arjun have an age gap of 16 years. Arjun n me got married when he was 20 years old. U always was with us... so it wasn't hard for u to forget ur partners... one day... no actually it wa midnight... u had a nightmare Mera beta... u call for help... n we come to u!

U call me Maa for the first time... I slept on the bed next to U! U were holding me tight. From that night I become ur mother.... Arjun; and I become ur father... Suraj we love u a lot we r blood related I know I'm just ur br....

Suraj stopped him placing his palm on his mouth. U r my father n ur my mother... whoever will come are just my grandparents I have no other relation with them...

Bhagya made him lie on her lap... Chakor comes n holds him tight.... she kisses his cheek whispering in his ear... U r very lucky! Not only having my love 😎 but also their love ❤️🌹.

Suraj nods... still on Bhagyas lap...

A bell....

Hope u liked it
Sorry for any confusion
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