The Divided House

By ThereseJoyBChen

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Tiffany and Jack were best friends ever since they were little. They were inseparable and they finally foun... More

The Divided House
Chapter One - The Beginning
Chapter Two - The Confrontation
Chapter Three - The Separation
Chapter Four - Family Knows Best
Chapter Five - The Biggest Mistake
Chapter Six - The Vacation
Chapter Seven - A Night Of Untold Tales
Chapter Nine - Remember Today
Chapter Ten - The Divided House
Chapter Eleven - The End

Chapter Eight - The Mates and The Realizations

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By ThereseJoyBChen

Chapter Eight - The Mates and The Realizations

Indian Shore Lake, Rhode Island New York

"This is what I need." Jack said to himself as he arrives at the house he rented for the week. He didn't bring his phone, his laptop, and other gadgets. He only brought himself, his sketch pad and his clothes. He then calls up his three best friends from high school which he still stays in contact with, his former teammates from the football and golf team in the house telephone.

James Arthur Kennedy his best friend since middle school. He was the running back for Jack when they played football together and co-captain of the golf team. James went to the same Ivy League school as Jack, Columbia University, but majored in Political Science and Economics. He was a campaign manager before and now he's a New York State Senator. He's currently married to Emily Vanderbilt, a lawyer and they have three children together. Kathleen Anne Kennedy the eldest of three, is a senior high school student in Avenues, New York. Patrick Thorn Kennedy is the middle child and a junior high school student in Avenues, New York. Joseph "Joe" Fitzgerald Kennedy, still in middle school and the youngest of three. With their famous last names and legendary family legacies it's been quite a hectic life for them.

George Andrew Mountbatten-Windsor, you can tell by the name that he is a royal. Yes, he is the prince of Kent. Although he is not in line of succession to the throne, he is still a royal. He was born in Buckinghamshire but raised in New York City. His parents shy away their royal duties to focus on their two children, George and Elizabeth Rose. He went to school in Long Island, New York where he met Jack. When he came of age, he returned to England to study in the University Of Cambridge majoring in Architecture and later graduated with honors. He is currently engaged to Alexandra Sophia Grimaldi, princess of Monaco. He's currently living in New York and visits Princess Alexandra as much as he can in Monaco and she, vice versa.

Timothy "Tim" Unitas used to be Jack's linebacker back in high school but now he's a professional NFL player, playing for the New England Patriots. You could tell by his last name that he's the son of Johnny Unitas also known as "The Golden Arm" back when he played. Tim went to school to New York to pursue his dream of playing for the New York Giants and that's where he met Jack. After graduation, he eventually came back to his hometown and studied in University of Louisville majoring in Management. That's where he met his college sweetheart who is now his wife, Angelina Miller who majored in Psychology. They have one kid together, Johnny Thomas "Tom" Unitas who is now a freshman in high school playing for their school's varsity team. Tim and his family are currently living in New England.

Ding Dong!

Jack opens the door and greets George. "It's so good to see you!" Jack said as he hugs George. "It's so good to see you too!" George said in his British accent. Jack invites him inside and helps him settle in. After that, Jack and George got some cold beers and went to the backyard and sat on the beach chairs as they look out into the lake.

"So, how are your princess duties, Georgy?" Jack joked. "(Laughs) excuse me but it's called, Royal Duties and you should refer to me as Prince George." George gagged. "Agh, I see." Jack retorted.

Ding Dong!

Jack leaves his beer and goes inside to open the door. "Oh my gosh, if it isn't the famous boy wonder in person!" Tim joked as James trailed him bringing their stuff from the car. "I need a little help here!" James called out. Then George came to the rescue and helped James out. "Nice seeing you buddy." James said to George. "It's been a while has it?" George said. Then they all settle inside the house, Tim and James grab some beers and they rejoin Jack and George in the backyard.

Jack wore a white long sleeve shirt with a collar and folded it three-fourths and navy blue euro shorts paired with his brown loafers with two tassels. He had a beard on and brushed up his dark brown hair to the side and even wore his club master sunglasses. George wore a light blue long sleeve shirt with a collar and wore a red closed v-neck cardigan over it paired with his khaki brown shorts and navy blue boat shoes. He shaved his beard and brushed up his brunette wavy hair and wore his aviators. James wore a light red long sleeved with a collar shirt and a cream colored round neck cardigan over it, he wore gray colored fitted slacks and black suede shoes. He had his five o'clock shadow on him and brushed his brunette hair to the side, he put on his black wayfarer sunglasses. Tim wore a navy blue with white little anchor print on his half sleeve buttoned down shirt with a collar, white shorts with a brown belt, and brown suede boat shoes. He put on his Oakley sunglasses, wore his patriots cap backwards letting some of his wavy hair go out, he had a buzz cut but it kinda grew a little.

So they all sat in the backyard looking at the lake and drank their cold beer.

"So tell us why we're all here, Jack." James opened the topic. "Yeah, last time we were all together was your wedding, buddy." Tim said. "Yeah, I know I know." Jack said. "So what is it? I know you told us different kinds of reasons, Jack." James said. "Oh yeah, you told me you were dying!" George joked. "(Laughs) oh gosh! He told me he was in trouble." Tim said. "You told me you were getting divorced." James butted in. Jack becomes silent. "So which one is it?" George asked. "One of you is correct." Jack said. "C'mon Jack. Just tell us." James said.

"Okay okay... I think I'm getting divorced." Jack said.

"No shit. Are you serious?" Tim said surprised.

"Are you okay?" James asked concerned.

"I don't know guys. It's different, I feel so hurt." Jack replied.

"What'd she do? What happened?" George asked concerned.

"I think she slept with Rodrigo." He said softly and sips his beer.

"The photographer?" George asked.

"Yup. That's the one." Jack answered.

James took out his phone and texted someone. "I'll have my guy dig some dirt on him." He insisted.

"James, you don't have to do that." Jack said.

"No it's fine." James said. Jack had no choice but to give in.

"So did they really sleep together?" Tim asked innocently.

"Of course. Why would he go to Venice in our hotel room claiming that he wants a paternity test for our baby?!" Jack said angrily.

"Tiffany is pregnant?!" George said shockingly. "Your having a baby?!" Tim gasped. "Is the baby yours?!" James reacted.

"Okay one at a time! (Pause) Tiffany is pregnant, she's having a baby and I don't fucking know if the baby is mine." Jack yelled.

"Jack, as much as I hate to say it, you have to talk to Tiffany about this. You can't just run away from this problem." Tim said.

"This is a big one, Jack. You can't just divorce someone because they may or may not have been involved with that idiot. We're talking about another human being here, Jack." George continued.

"Jack, you know we'll always be here for you right? But this time buddy, you have to do the right thing and that's to talk to your lovely wife." James added.

"I appreciate all the advice, guys. But I don't know if that's enough anymore. You all know that I've been unhappy for years and not even talking to Tiff, maybe this is a sign that she's not the one for me you know? Maybe we were never meant to be..." Jack trailed off.

"So your marriage is basically for the cameras and nothing else?" Tim questioned.

"Yeah before. Like two years after we got married, we both became workaholics until we just accepted the fact that our marriage is a status. We're dubbed the most elite couple in New York guys. In New York! (He stressed) we tried to fix our marriage by working it out, talking and spending time together as much as we can, but is that really enough?! At first she wasn't even on board with the whole second try thing until she knew I was spending time with another girl who by the way is just a friend..." Jack said angrily. "I didn't plan on this guys. This was never part of my plan." Jack trailed off.

Tim stood up, "Pull yourself together, Jack!" Tim shouted. "We are not in high school anymore! This isn't who you are, you used to not give up on people and always see the best of them. What the hell happened to that guy?!" Tim said angrily.

Jack stood up as well and shoved Tim. "I grew up, Tim! Don't you dare tell me that I've changed cause all people do. That's how we're built, we embrace the change. The old me is long gone, I'm smarter now and wiser. I'm a grown man and I can make my own decisions." Jack snapped.

"Then why the fuck are we even here in Rhode Island helping you solve your bullshit?! You're a grown man, why can't you even confront your own wife. Why the fuck do you need us then? George had to fly fucking thousands of miles from Monaco and came here to be with you. James had to be pulled out of a very important meeting regarding the wellness and sustainability of New York. And I had to skip an important game just so I could see three of my best friends again." Tim yelled.

James and George separated them as Jack was about to punch Tim. George held back Jack as James held back Tim.

"Apologize to him, Jack." George exclaimed. "Alright, alright. (Pause, looks Tim on the eyes) I'm sorry, Tim. Please let go of me, George. (George let's go of Jack) you guys are right, okay? I'm sorry for being so childish about this situation. Thanks for being such good friends to me. After all, you guys are all I've got, you guys are family." Jack finally gave in.

"No matter what, we're always here for you, Jack." James said.

"Yeah, we're here to also pull you down to the ground and not get burned by the sun." Tim said.

"Chaps for life. We've grown into such fine young gentlemen." George said.

Jack smiles and they all give each other a hug. Then they sat on the chairs and enjoyed each other's company. As night began to fall, they lit up the pit and prepared the outdoor cooking materials. Jack and George set up the fire by putting the wood in the pit. Tim cooked some mean steaks and burgers. James cooked the mashed potato and in charge of the drinks. As Jack and George set up the table and the lights and placing of the plates he's quite itching to tell them his news.

After they say grace they dig in to the burgers, steaks and mashed potatoes and the beer. As they ate, George opens the topic.

"Guys, all of you know that I'm getting married, right?" George asked.

"Yeah." Everyone agreed.

"I seriously want all of you to come to the wedding." George said.

"(Laughs) is it gonna be like a prince William/Kate thing?" James asked.

"Unfortunately, yeah." George answered. "I know you hate long ceremonies, James." He added.

"No I don't." James disagreed.

"No, that's me." Tim said while his mouth was full.

"Oh. Anyways, it's gonna be held in Monaco and you're all gonna be part of my entourage." George said.

"Shit do we have to wear one of those military royal costume thing?" Tim asked.

"No. Chaps, you'll wear one of those royal suits. Don't worry, everything is taken care of." George assured them.

"The flight, the families and etc. all expenses paid?" Jack asked.

"All three of my best friends get to fly on a private jet, with their families in tow and all expenses paid. All of you will stay at the hotel in suites which I gladly picked for your convenient stay in Monaco." George said.

"When is the wedding?" James asked.

"Next year."

"Oh. I've got time to prepare." Tim said.

"You sound like a girl." James joked.

"A lot can happen in a year." Jack said.

"Stop being so negative, you douchebag." James joked.

"So guys, are you in? Or are you out?" George asked.

"Of course we're in, George. But here's a question we've all got in mind... Since James was my best man at my wedding, and I was his best man at his wedding, Tim's brother, Chad was his best man at his wedding, who's your best man?" Jack asked.

"(Laughs) you Americans are so cute." George joked. "Jack I want you to be my best man." He added.

"No way, are you being serious?" Jack said shocked.

"(Laughs) okay, I gotcha! (Laughs) I don't know who my best man is yet because Alexandra told me to wait." George said.

"That's just sad." Jack said.

"All I know is that all three of you will be my groomsmen, standing beside me in the ceremony." George said.

"Great." "Thanks George." "Can't wait!" Was their reaction.

Ding! Dong!

"Did you invite anyone else?" Tim asked. "Not that I know of..." Jack replied. "I'll go get it." James said.

As he exits the table and goes inside to open the door, he was in awe.

"What're you doing here?" James asked.

"Looking for Jack."

"How'd you know we were here?"

"I saw Jack's laptop saying he rented this place."

"I don't know if I should let you in..."

"James, who's at the door?" Jack called out as he goes inside the house and finally as James steps aside, Tiffany comes inside.

"What're you doing here? How did you find me?" Jack said surprised. James went outside to talk to the guys.

"Jack we need to talk." Tiffany said.

"There's nothing to talk about." Jack said.

"Rodrigo is gay. He got a stripper pregnant and he went to me to convince her to take a paternity test if the kid is really his. He didn't want his boyfriend to find out." Tiffany said.

And a face of shock was bestowed on Jack's face. "H-how... B-but... S-so the b-baby is m-mine?" Jack stutters.

Tiffany goes near him, she puts both her hands on his cheeks and let him look right at her, eye to eye. "Of course it's yours Jack. You're the only one I have made love to all my life. I love you Jack Camden Parker, and nothing's gonna stop me from loving you. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever! So please..." She got cut off by Jack.

"Oh shut up and kiss me." Jack said and kissed Tiffany passionately. They hugged and she cried on his shoulder. Jack wrapped his arms around her and soothed the back of her head as she cries. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Jack said as he tore up and kissed her forehead. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Tiff. I'm so sorry." He said again and again.

"I'd never do that to you, Jack."

"Shh, shh. There, there... It's okay." Jack said. "Do you want to eat dinner?" He asked.

"No. It's okay. (Sniffs) I still have to meet up with my assistant." Tiffany said.

Jack held her hand, "Okay. Come say hi to the guys for a while." He said and brought her outside where the guys were eating.

George stood up and kissed her cheeks, "congratulations, Tiff." Then James and Tim hug her together, "congrats on the baby." Tim said. "You're child is lucky to have a mother like you, Tiff." James said.

After a while, Jack brought her to her car, she kissed him and he stood there letting her disappear into the path leading to the city.

"So I take it, all is well?" James asked as Jack approached them.

"Yeah, I guess. She told me everything and then I stopped her."

"Why'd you stop her?" George asked.

"Because it made no sense... I looked at her and I realized that this is the love of my life and she's crying in front me. Seeing her hurt, hurt me too. I love her. Whatever she does to me, I'll still love her and I'll love that baby even more, whether if the baby was mine or it was Rodrigo's I don't care because I choose to love her no matter what happens to her." James sighed and put his hands on his face. They all gave him a group hug and they continue to dine and drink.


Please don't forget to read my other stories:
- Summers With You
- In Love, With You, With US
- The Decision
- My Life Unnoticed
- The Divided House
- The Finest Hour

Please don't forget to vote for my stories too and comment, sound off, tell me what you think in the comments below. Please follow me and be updated for more stories that'll come your way. Thank you for reading!

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