Tell me you love me

By zoeamar

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Nate and Amy have been best friends since forever and now they're both grown up. Things get complicated. When... More

Tell me you love me
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Fan info
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11- Nate's POV
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Fan Info
Chapter 18 1/2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 18

535 11 2
By zoeamar

Hey! So I’m really happy with the sudden support of my story :) And please know that I do try to write as quick as I possibly can and that I’m not ignoring you :D And yes, the story looks a bit sad write now, but it’s going to pick up real soon!!!

Anyway, so I hope you like this chapter!

Chapter 18

Dizzyland. The funniest place on the planet!

 I cringed at the cheap banner hanging below the Theme park’s sign. Even though it was early in the morning the park was already full of children holding fairy floss and dragging their parents onto rides.

 Jacob groaned, glaring at the line for tickets. “I thought getting here early would be a smart idea!”

 “Seems like everyone else thought that too” I pointed out, watching a child crying over their lost balloon, which was now only a faint dot in the sky, getting ever so further away.

 The twins didn’t seem that disheartened and raced to the back of the line with big smiles on their faces. It made me slightly happier to notice them having fun. It occurred to me that I should be at least making an effort to look happy, for their sake.

 “Ok, let’s get some tickets” I said and realized how robotic my voice had sounded. Nate and Jacob both looked at me with suspicious looks, as if I had some sort of ulterior motive.

 I blinked at their expressions. “What?”

 “Nothing. Amy’s right, we can’t just stand here” Nate spoke quietly and walked up behind my sisters.

 I on the other hand was frozen. He’d said my name. It was something so small and insignificant that it shouldn’t have shocked me, yet it did. I hadn’t heard him use my name without being angry with me for a while.

 My chest ached and I realized that it was because I missed it. I missed him. I missed our friendship.

 I shook myself away from these thoughts and went to stand in line.

*            *            *

“It’ll be fun! Come on!!!” Jacob pleaded, on the verge of being on his knees.

I shook my head for almost the tenth time. “I’m not going on that death trap!”

 He pointed at the steel rollercoaster behind me. “That is not a death trap! It is a beautiful magnificent creation! It is our destiny to ride that coaster!”

 “Destiny?” I questioned, feeling slightly amused.

 “Destiny” He replied seriously.

 I frowned, looking to the others for support. My sisters shook their heads rapidly, trembling at the sight of the rollercoaster. Nate was staring at it with a vacant look.

 "Get Nate to go on it with you” I suggested lightly, hoping Nate would be too busy in his thoughts to hear me.

 Instead his gaze was on me in a second, searching my face again to see what possible hidden motive I may have, before turning to his brother.

 “Sorry Jacob, I’ve eaten WAY too many corndogs to even go near that thing. Unless you want me to throw up on-“

 “Woah! Way too much information bro” Jacob held up his hands in disgust and I let out a small laugh at his face.

 Jacob turned his attention back to me. “I’ll pay you. I’m talking cold hard cash…how about…. $2.00!!!!”

 I smiled shaking my head. “If you want to go on it so badly, just go by yourself!”

 He went quiet. “Well…I…I would if…I mean-“

 “Fine. Let’s go” I interrupted his mumbling for his sake, realizing he was obviously just as freaked out by the ride as I was.

 “Thanks Amy” He smiled at me and as we walked towards the ride’s line, I swear I saw Nate smile too.

*        *        *

 How did it end up like this? I was staring outside of the Ferris wheel carriage, down at all the small people. But more importantly I was trying to ignore the person sitting across from me.


 Unfortunately Jacob had taken my comment about my sisters being scared on the Ferris wheel a bit too literally and had hopped in a carriage with them. I had planned to get my own carriage, yet the park guy running the ride refused, saying it was a waste of a carriage and the minimum was two.

 And that was how I wound up with my ex friend on an amusement park ride.

 We’d nearly reached the top of the ride and neither of us had talked. And it seemed it would stay that way until I remembered something.

 "You were wrong about what you said in the car” My voice shattered the silence and Nate’s eyes widened in shock that I was actually talking to him.

 “How so?” He said flatly, with a hint of caution in his tone.

 “You told me I never think. But you’re just as bad!” I exclaimed, knowing I had to get this off my chest.

 His eyes sparked. “Oh really?”

 “Yes really! You weren’t thinking when you pushed me out of the way of that car!” My voice was raised and I was concerned that the whole park would hear it.

 Nate fell silent with a hurt look in his eyes. I watched him, waiting for an answer.

 “I was thinking Amy” He sounded so confident all of a sudden it surprised me. All I could was wait for him to explain.

 He closed his eyes. “I was thinking…I couldn’t let you get hurt”

 “Well I’m sorry things have changed Nate” I hissed, but the pain in my voice was evident.

 His eyes flew open. “What?”

 My chest ached at the thought of repeating my words. They only hurt me more. Luckily it seemed Nate had heard me. 

 “I…it hasn’t changed Amy. I still…care about you” His words sounded unsure yet true.

I blinked, my eyes swimming with tears, yet keeping them trapped. How could he say that? If he still cared then he wouldn’t have left me for Hannah.

 “Then why? Why can’t we be friends? I don’t care if you’re dating Hannah. I rather have our friendship back with you being with her than nothing” My voice broke and I knew I probably sounded pathetic.

 “Amy…” He said sadly, moving across the carriage to sit next to me. I flinched at how close he was; yet a part of me was screaming to touch him.

“This…this has nothing to do with Hannah” He told me softly, brushing away a tear that had gotten loose. His fingers left a burning trail across my cheek.

 “Then what is it? Is it…me? I can try change you know. If you’d just let me-“

 He wrapped his other arm around my back and pulled me close.

 “Amy, this is all me ok. You…you’ve done nothing wrong. I just…” He trailed off leaving me to try decipher the riddle like answers he gave me.

 I rubbed some more tears away. “Are you a werewolf?”

 He gave a quiet laugh. “No, and I haven’t got fangs either”

 I frowned, since vampire had been my next guess. I’d been hoping for some supernatural answer, as it would at least make some sense.

 “Then why? I deserve an answer, if what you said was true, that this has all been because of you” I demanded more confidently, knowing he would continue to avoid the subject.

 “I can’t tell you Amy, you don’t understand what’s going on!”

 “How am I supposed to understand if you won’t tell me?!”

I pushed away from him to the other side of the bench and even a blind man could see the hurt on his face.

 “Amy…I… I’ve screwed up ok. This should have never happened. I should’ve just let everything go the way it was supposed to” He spoke angrily, more to himself then me.

 My head was even more confused. “Well…yeah, getting back with Hannah was stupid but-“

 “It wasn’t that Amy” He sighed. “It was that stupid snow globe”

 I went rigid. The little palm tree snow globe. I couldn’t even remember where it was. Only what it had said. I love you.

 “I don’t get what you’re saying Nate” I tried to tell him slowly.

 He looked at me and I suddenly felt as though we were miles apart.

 “I’d already guessed how you’d react. I’d told myself a thousand times what to expect. And then… you’d pushed Hannah over and you looked so…angry and confused! I’d made that happen! It was not the reaction I’d wanted. I don’t know what I wanted” He muttered the last part almost silently.

 “I pushed Hannah over, cos she’s a brat. Not because I was mad at you. And I was confused because all of a sudden you’d started dating Hannah! Without even talking to me or…I guess it was your business but I just…” I started to loose my words in my mind, not sure of what I wanted to say.

 He was watching me closely, as if expecting me to continue.

 I swallowed. “I…I just didn’t expect that’s all. I thought… I don’t know what I thought. It was stupid of me to even think that the snow globe meant anythi-“

 Suddenly Nate’s lip crushed against mine and my mind went scrambling. It was a sweet gentle kiss, as if he was trying to make up for the time spent apart.

 My hands now wrapped around his neck, pulling me closer. Of course there was the part of me screaming bad things, that I should stop. But no way was I listening.

 It had only lasted a few seconds yet it had felt like hours to me. When he finally broke away from me, worry filled his deep green eyes.

 “You’re dating Hannah” I told him quietly, feeling dizzy and still thinking about the kiss.

 “But I love you”

 *        *         *

Ok guys, I think the story doesn't have that much longer to go, but I hope this chappy made you guys happy :D Today's a school strike so I took some time to write this. I don't know when I'll next update, but the holidays are coming up for me so I'll be able to write heaps :)

Also just quickly, when you do say stuff like 'Update!" I do hear you!!! :) So it may just take me some time to actually get the chapter up, but as long as someone wants to read my story, I'll write it :) 

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