Arranged Love: Juliana's Stor...

By DarkMoon

397K 6.5K 406

Juliana Draco receives the dreaded and long awaited red envelope on her 20th birthday. The contents of the en... More

Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 1
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 2
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 3
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 4
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 5
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 6
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 7
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 8
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 9
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 11
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 12
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 13
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 14
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 15
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 16
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 17
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 18
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 19
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 20
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 21
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 22
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 23
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 24
Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 25

Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 10

12.4K 248 14
By DarkMoon

Arranged Love: Juliana's Story 

Chapter 10

My luck was completely shattered when I saw that it was not one but two men who I could have lived the rest of my life without ever seeing again. This could be really bad depending on what these two where up to. With buckling knees and a paled face I sat down with Cristina on my lap while doom and gloom walked over to take their place across the aisle from us. I lowered my head resting it on top of Tina's little head while my long curly hair fell in a curtain around us in an attempt to shut out the doom and gloom that just entered through the door.

The two where Miguel Mendez, Gabriel's older brother who happened to be a police officer back home and who hate me with a fiery passion for all the trouble I created and dragged his baby brother into. The other was Richard Powell who at one time worked for the district attorney back home, he also hated my guts and has had it out for me since I egged his car and house back in junior high along with a few other things I did to torment him in my wild un-angelic like teen years. They were here to stop this since Gabriel couldn't even try anything without Layla finding out, so the little chicken shit called his big brother who teamed up with a lawyer whose hated me for years. Life couldn't get any worse than it was at this moment.

"Who are the two of you and why are you disturbing these proceedings?" The judge's booming voice echoed across the court room sending chills down my spine.

"Your honor I am Richard Powell and this is my client Miguel Mendez who is here on behave of his brother Gabriel Mendez." I mentally groaned as Powell's words echoed my thoughts.

"Your honor Mr. Powell and his client have no rights to be here. Mr. Mendez's brother dissolved his parental rights before Cristina Draco was born." Mr. Jones was correct and I wasn't sure what those two where up to by being here.

"Is this true Mr. Powell?" The judge asked.

"Yes, your honor it is true." Powell sounded a little nervous and he should be since Montana law was different from Colorado law.

"Has your client ever paid child support to the child's mother Juliana Draco?" Was the judge's next question to Powell. The answer was no and I'd like to see them try to prove otherwise considering in all those papers Mr. Jones had where signed statements from close friends and family members of both Gabriel and I saying he had never paid me child support and I never pursed it due to his dissolving his parental rights.

"Yes, your honor. We have 10 signed statements saying that Gabriel Mendez did pay Juliana Draco child support." I was hoping for an in and out court visit not standing here listening to 2 men who hate me try and stop this adoption with lies.

"Let me see them." The judge said and quickly looked over them before turning to Mr. Jones.

"Your honor I have 20 signed statements from friends and family member of both Mr. Mendez and Miss Draco saying that he never paid child support with Miss Draco never pursing the matter since the parental rights where dissolved before the birth of Cristina Draco. I also have her bank statements for the last 5 months which show no significant amount ever being paid to her from Mr. Mendez.” Mr. Jones handed up the documents and the judge looked them over quickly before turning to Powell and Miguel.

"Mr. Powell you and your client have no business being in my court room. Bailiff please escort these two out of my court room." The judge boomed across the court room. The bailiff led the two out of the court room and turned back to us. I had returned to standing and was holding Tina against my shoulder as we waited for what would happen next. The judge signed the legal papers and declared that Koran was Cristina's legal father. It was almost 11 AM before we got out of the court building. I didn't see Powell or Miguel but that didn't mean I wouldn't be hearing from the Mendez brothers today. We thanked Mr. Jones for everything and then headed out to the car.

"I need to stop by the office. Is there anywhere you need to go?" Koran asked once we were in the car.

"Just the pet store for some fish food and dog food for Sadie." I said quietly while leaning my head back against the seat.

"Okay. We'll stop by the pet store before we head home." He said steering the car towards his office.

I dozed off for a little bit on the drive from the court house to the office. I felt the car stop and heard the car turn off causing me to wake up. Getting out of the car I grabbed Tina, the diaper bag and followed Koran to the elevators. The elevator music as in all elevators sucked and we had to listen to it all the way to the top floor. Wonderful Stepping out of the elevator I was greeted again much the same way I had the first time, stares, drooling, cod fish looks, and a few distant wolf whistles. Just another pleasant trip to the office. Half way to Koran's office and Tina started to cry, she needed to be changed and feed a bottle.

"Diaper change along with a feeding I take it." Koran said turning to face me.

"Yes, I am going to go change her can you get me some warm water so I can fix her a bottle when I am done?" I asked him.

He smiled and nodded his head. "Sure, I'll meet you in my office." With that we went our separate ways. With Cristina freshly changed I headed back into the den of wolves and made my way to Koran's office.


I watch as Liana made her way through everyone and watched how she steeled her gaze not looking at anyone just focusing on making her way to my office. When she made it I heard her sigh in relief and began to wonder about that. Wondering didn't last long as Liana voice soon came crashing in though my thoughts.

"Did you manage to get some warm water?" She asked as she sat down on the couch.

"Nothing to put it in. Give me one of her bottles and I'll go fill it up for you." I said walking over to get the bottle. With bottle in hand I headed out to go fill up the bottle. While I was filling the bottle Dominik showed up.

"Jeez Koran I didn't know you drank from a baby bottle." He said coming up next to me to fill up his mug with some coffee.

"You're so funny I forgot to laugh. The bottle isn't for me dumb ass." I shot back at him.

"I know I am just hilarious. If it isn't for you does that mean you're lovely fiancée is here?" He asked with a wiggle of his brows.

"Don't quite your day job Dominik." I told him completely ignoring Dominik's question about Liana. With that I left and headed back to my office praying that Dominik would not follow me back. He was a harmless idiot so that wasn't why I was hoping he wouldn't follow me, Liana looked overly tired and she really didn't need to be dealing with an idiot at the moment. I managed to beat Dominik to my office and locked the door behind me so that he couldn’t get in if he managed to somehow get out of doing his job.

"Here you go." I said handing the bottle to Liana. She gave me a small smile and took the bottle pouring in some powered formula. She looked a little pale and tired. Being in court today must have taken a greater toll on her then I thought. She had dozed in the car but that wasn't unusual considering if she wasn't driving then she was dozing. I looked at her for a few more minutes before moving to my desk, might as well get some work done while Tina gets fed.

"You ready to go?" Liana asked about thirty minutes later. She had Tina on her shoulder burping her.

"Yes, ready.” I said getting up and going over to grab the diaper bag so that Liana could continue to burp Tina. We headed out kinda quickly to the elevators and we both sighed in relief when we got in leaving behind all the gawkers. Our next stop was the pet store, wasn't too sure that Liana would stay on her feet long enough to get the two items we needed. She dozed again on the way there and woke up just like last time when I turned off the car. We headed in and pushing the cart she lead the way. First stop was dog food; I swear Sadie is spoiled with her food since Liana gets her high quality premium holistic food.

"Which one do you want?" I asked her before she could move around to get it herself.

"The 40lb bag of wild salmon for puppies." She said pointing to the one she wanted. Sadie was 7 months old and it looked like she was going to be a big girl. I loaded that up then we headed down to get the fish food. She picked up the fish food, some loose charcoal, water conditioner, and a new siphon since Sadie got hold of the last one. With that we finished up and headed home. Liana must be tired or something cause we didn't fight once the entire morning.


When we got home I went right up to my room to crash. It had been one heck of a morning and I was done in. I napped while Tina napped for a bit, this whole morning had been stressful and that sucked what was left of the little energy I had this morning. When I get my hands on Gabriel his a dead man. I woke up a couple of hours later to the cries of Tina who was done with her nap and wanted to be change, some food and to play. All groggy like with sleep still in my eyes I made my way over to pick up Tina from her crib and we headed down stairs. It was quiet when we got down there, I knew Koran was in his home office but Rina seemed to be missing yet again. I laid Tina under her little play gym and went into the kitchen to look for a note from Rina and of course to fix a bottle for Tina. There on the fridge was the note from Rina.


Went out. Prisca came to town for some work and went to hang out with her. You're fiancé is annoying me and I thought you wouldn't want me to hit him. You might want to ask what he called me. You're going to be pissed. Anyway be back for dinner.

Great, what did Koran do now? I swear you tell him to be careful around Rina and he's like a freaking bull in a china closet. I swear if I have to kick those two's butts I am going to make damn sure neither of them can walk much less talk. Looks like after feeding Cristina I was going to have to short all this out. What a fantastic mess to wake up to after an already extremely stressful day. Oh well, looks like I am on damage control after I feed Tina. With Cristina feed and happily playing in her play pen I grabbed the baby monitor and headed towards the home office. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"Come in." I heard Koran call from the other side of the door. I opened the door and stepped into the room. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the dimmer light of the office.

"Che nel mondo hai chiamato mia sorella mentre io sonnecchiavo? (What in the world did you call my sister while I was napping?)" I asked him in Italian as I plopped myself into one of the chairs sitting in front of his desk. He looked up at me confused and I sighed handing him over the note I got from Rina.

"Oh das. Sie hat mir gesagt, das sie ausgeht und ich habe sie goth-girl genannt. (Oh that. She told me she was going out and I called her Goth girl.)" He answered back in German after reading the note. I rolled my eyes. I don't know if I should be pissed or laugh at what Koran had called her.

"Che cosa hai fatto per infastidire lei? (What did you do to annoy her?)" I asked still speaking Italian. Figured I'd better ask that since I didn't have a clue how to deal with him calling Rina ‘goth girl’ especial since I found it kinda funny and I called her a vampire anyway.

"Ich habe nicht anderes getan als sie zu meiden. Das hat sie wahrscheinlich geärgert. (I didn't do anything other than avoid her. That probably annoyed her.)" He smirked at me. I shook my head.

"Se due non possono andare d'accordo sto per bloccare tutti e due nella stessa stanza. Ho già un bambino non ho bisogno di altri due. (If you two can't get along I am going to lock you both into the same room. I already have one kid I don't need two more.)" I said getting up to go back to the living room where I was debating on going back to sleep or watch a movie.

I had just settled in onto the couch and was about to start a movie when the freakin door bell rang. I was so tempted to yell for Koran to get it but instead I behaved myself and got up to get it. I looked through the little spy hole and saw that it was Layla. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding until that moment I opened the door.

“Oh..Hello Liana." Layla said a little surprised. Why in the world would she be surprised that I answered the door? I live here and am eventually marrying Koran. I've always gotten the feeling that Layla would trade up for something better and that something better just happened to be my fiancé. Bitch gotta go.

"Hello Layla. What brings you by?" I asked friendly like knowing that if Rina where her she'd either be gagging or trying not to laugh or possibility both.

"Koran asked me to bring by some papers."

"I see. Well, come in and I'll show you to the office." I replied standing aside to let the bitch into the house. I led her into the living room where I picked up a crying baby who wanted to see her papà. Right on time with that want as was her usual. I led her to the office door stepping in her way stopping her from reaching to opening the door.

"Please wait here while I tell him you're here." I said sweetly but with just enough edge to get my point across. I opened the door slipped in and closing it behind me walked over to Koran. "Layla è qui per vederla. Assicurarsi che la cagna non rimane a lungo o sarà necessario un nuovo assistente e ho bisogno di un nuovo fidanzato. (Layla is here to see you. Make sure the bitch doesn't stay long or you'll need a new assistant and I'll need a new fiancé.)" My voice held such an edge that Koran didn't even argue with me.

"Lasciala a. (Let her in.)" He said as he reached for a somewhat whiny Tina. I smile while handing him Tina before I went back out to tell the bitch to go in.

"He is ready to see you." I said politely enough. She didn't look happy that I had left Tina with him. Good whatever the bitch was planning seemed to have been foiled with Tina wanting to see Koran. Layla went in and I went to attempt to start my movie again. I had just sat down when the door bell rang again. What was my house grand central today or what? Not a happy person by now I went to answer the door yet again.

"¿Qué demonios hacen usted dos quiere? (What the hell do you two want?)" I asked after opening the door to find Gabriel and Miguel standing on the other side. Shit, why did I have to be right about having to deal with these two today? "Usted no debería estar aquí Gabriel. El Layla deja aquí algunos papeles para el Corán. ¿Qué tal yendo a explicarse si ella le ve aquí? (You shouldn't be here Gabriel. Layla is here dropping off some papers for Koran. How are you going to explain yourself if she sees you here?)" I asked Gabriel while completely ignoring Miguel. Gabriel looked a little nervous at this bit of news and kept constantly peering over my shoulder. Such a chicken shit. Miguel on the other hand was unfazed though I could see he shared my thought of his brother being a chicken shit.

"Yo esperaba sólo que Miguel y yo pudiéramos conseguir una posibilidad para ver a Tina. (I was just hoping that Miguel and I could get a chance to see Tina.)" He said in a rush.

"¡¿Después de que los freakin le atrofian tirado hoy usted francamente piensa que yo querría ver su cara o aquel de sus hermanos mucho menos le dejó ver a Tina?! (After the freakin stunt you pulled today you honestly think I would want to see your face or that of your brother's much less let you see Tina?!)" Did his mama drop him on his head or something as an infant? Good lord I think these two are sharing a brain! "Abandónele dos y cuando me siento obligado dejarle ver a Tina I'll hacerle llamada. Ahora salga aquí antes de que Layla le vea aquí porque no voy a salvar su asno si ella le ve aquí. (Leave you two and when I feel compelled to let you see Tina I'll give you call. Now get out of here before Layla sees you here because I ain't going to save your ass if she sees you here.)" Just as I said that I heard Koran and Layla walk into the entry hall.

Oh this is going to be so much fun. What a day so far and it just keeps getting better and better. Someone is going to have hell to pay for this and I knew exactly who that someone was going to be and it wasn’t going to be me. Well, this should be interesting. I wonder if Layla is smart enough to figure out why he is here. We’re about to find out.

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