Arranged Love: Juliana's Story - Chapter 7

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Arranged Love: Juliana's Story 

Chapter 7

Who in the hell is that? I thought as my ever sloth like self made a small stop at my dresser so that I could grab my Side Kick Xross Bar Lock knife from the top drawer. Whoever was on the other side of that window might have been polite enough to knock but that didn't mean I had to be polite at 2 am. Yes, I have a knife and more than just one. I've actually got a really nice collection that Koran has yet to find out about. I flipped it open and head over to the window. Whoever was on the other side of that window was going to get the biggest shock of their life. Standing off to the side of the window, I slide it open carefully and then reached out and grabbed whoever was on the other side of the window. I had them in a head lock with the knife held at their ribs, the grunts sounded like a male and by the size I would say that was an accurate guess.

"You have 5 seconds to identify yourself before I puncture one of your lungs." I added a little pressure to the knife to get my point across. Before he could answer someone else came through the window. Note to self close the damn window next time you rip someone through it since you never know if they have help with them or not. "Hold it right there or your buddy here won't be breathing much longer. Now who in the hell are you?" Nope, it never occurred to me to go turn on the lights.

"Put the knife down and release my brother Ana." Said a voice from the dark that I thought I would never hear again. Shit! This is so not good.

"Che diavolo state facendo voi due qui e bussare alla mia finestra alle 2 del mattino? (What in the hell are you two doing here and knocking on my window at 2 in the morning?)" I asked in Italian while releasing idiot #1 from the head lock and folded the knife close but still held it in case idiot #2 over there did something stupid.

"Siamo venuti a trovarti. (We came to see you.)" Said idiot #2 in a duh it should be obvious tone.

"Alle 2 del mattino? Uh, ciao il mio fidanzato è in fondo al corridoio, insieme a mia sorella, mia figlia è qui con me e Sadie. Oh yeah voi sono del tutto brillante. Avete altre idee brillanti in quelle teste di tuo? (At 2 in the morning? Uh, hello my fiancé is down the hall, along with my sister, my daughter is in here with me and Sadie. Oh yeah you two are totally brilliant. Got any other bright ideas in those heads of yours?)" Note the heavy sarcasm at the end. I was tired and now I was pissed to the point that these two idiots would be lucky to get out alive.

"Non è stata una mia idea Ana. (It was not my idea Ana.)" Idiot #1 told me. He was just trying to get on my good side since I still held the knife.

"Ah, davvero? Allora com'è che siete tutti e due qu? Se non era la tua idea non saremmo qui. (Oh really? Then why is it that you're both here? If it wasn't your idea you wouldn't be here.)" I got really mean and flipped open the knife again.

"Ana, non troppo affrettata con quel coso. (Ana, don't get too hasty with that thing.)" Idiot #2 was looking rather uneasy at the knife. Hmm...Must have something to do with last time I saw him. Let's just say he was lucky to walk away with a minor scratch.

"Sono le due del mattino! Ti aspettavi che io sia di buon umore Tiziano? (It is two in the morning! Did you expect me to be in a good mood Tiziano?)" I asked Tiziano or better known as idiot #2 and idiot #1 was my best friend and Tiziano's younger brother Antonino (Tony). Despite being pissed I was glad to see Tony however I could have lived another 100 years without seeing Tiziano.

"Oh, andiamo Ana che c'è modo di parlare con me. Lo sai che mi hai perso perché io sicuro come diamine vi siete persi abbastanza signora. (Oh come on Ana that is no way to talk to me. You know you missed me because I sure as heck missed you pretty lady.)" Tiziano said with a cocky full of himself grin. That's the kind of attitude was why I could have gone another 100 years without seeing him. As full of himself as ever I see and still thinks he is God's gift to women. As if.

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