Royally Switched

By queenmal4life

6.3K 58 20

Like all sisters there comes fights, Zarya and Arkayna have been fighting a lot, nobody in the group can take... More

The New Princess
Undercity's New Hero
The Dragon Disk
A New Villain Rises
Heart to Heart
Day 2
Twice Bitten
Self Doubt
A New Understanding
The Riddle
Day 3
Doing Good
Troll Attack
Back to the Hospital
Reality Check
Back to Normal
Ending the fight

As They Wish

1K 10 0
By queenmal4life

"Why do you always do that?" Zarya asks after Arkayna flicks her hair.

"Because, I don't like my hair in front of my shoulders," Arkayna says walking away.

"Well, it's so annoying," Zarya responds in an annoyed tone.

"Well, what about you and your Orc Bash? You play it so loud that you don't even notice when your friends talk to you."

"That's because I need to tune out the Gnomes 2 Men you guys listen to, all the time," Zarya crosses her arms.

"What's wrong with Gnomes 2 Men?"

"They are nothing more than pretty boys with one good song."

"The one about us?" Arkayna says.

"Yea, at least Orc Bash sings about problems and real life."

"Gnomes 2 Men sing about problems too."

"Yea, relationship problems, not real ones."

"Those are real problems," Arkayna yells.

"No Arkayna, real problems are not knowing who you are, being homeless, and forced to do things that you don't want to."

"So basically all about you," Arkayna assumes.

"Not just me, everyone in the Undercity. All the underdogs who have no where to go, the ones who don't know what lies ahead."

"I didn't know our parents were going to be turned to bone."

"That's because you don't know anything outside of the palace."

"You think it's easy to live in the palace with our annoying, conceded, self-centered step brother."

"No Arkayna, I agree Gawayne is annoying. But real problems are kids in the Undercity having to rely on their skills to survive, pick pocketing the rich and greedy to get food to eat. Do you realize that Piper, Choko, and I were the Finch Hoods of Drake City, we would steal from the rich and give food to the poor, we wouldn't take any of it, even if they offered," Zarya rants.

"Why did you have to steal?"

"It's called survival, something you wouldn't know about because unlike me you weren't baby snatched and taken away from your biological family then your adoptive family."

"You think it was easy for me before we were Mysticons?"

"Yea, you had everything handed to you, I had to steal to survive."

"Guys, take a deep breath and relax," Em interrupts trying to defuse the argument.

"Em, don't even try, both are as stubborn as a minitour, you won't win," Piper's voice comes through the grate that separates her room from the hangout.

"I wish you could see what it was like living in the Undercity before all this happened," Zarya yells.

"And I wish that you could see what I went through, Gawayne may be irritating now but you should have seen him when our parents weren't bone."

"That gives me an idea," Piper whispers to herself as she leaves her room to find Malveron.

She wanders the stronghold and finds Malveron and Doug making potions.

"Malveron, I need your help," Piper interrupts the potion making.

"What's up Pipes?" Malveron asks putting a bottle on the table and picking up another one.

"I need to know if you have a spell to have two people switch lives," Piper asks.

Doug and Malveron drop the bottles in their hands and the bottles break just as they hit the ground.

"Piper that is dangerous, why would you want to do that anyway?" Doug asks.

"Zarya and Arkayna are fighting and they said that they wish the other one could see their life before we became Mysticons."

"Piper, even though they wish for it, it can be more dangerous than when Zarya accidentally changed herself into a revenge beast, it can alter the time line." Malveron says.

"It will only be for one day," Piper tries to convince him.

"Piper even if it wasn't so dangerous I don't think it will be a day, the only way to break that spell is when both see and understand the others point of view, Arkayna will be able to see your guys struggles way before Zarya does, you really think that Zarya will be able to put up with Gawayne for a day?"

"Zarya may be stubborn but I think that she won't be able to put up with Gawayne for a day."

"The fighting has gotten so bad that they haven't noticed that Choko is either in Piper or Em's room. He is rarely around Zarya anymore, look he is even curled in a ball right now," Doug points to the corner.

"Aww, come here Choko," Piper calls her friend.

"Okay Piper, I will do it." Malveron gives in.

"Yay, thank you," Piper puts her hands up.

"No Pixie Blast," Malveron says in a strict tone.

"Aww, ok," Piper says, she hugs Malveron instead.

"Understand that this spell takes effect at midnight, so they will wake up switched. We may hear screaming," Malveron warns her.

"Got it, I will let Em know," Piper says as Choko jumps on her shoulder.

"Why can't you just take off the tiara and look at what your citizens are up against," Zarya yells as Piper walks back to the hangout.

"Hey, I am Mysticon Dragon Mage, leader of the Mysticons, I know what my citizens are up against."

"As a Mysticon not as the princess," Zarya shouts.

Piper taps Em on the shoulder and motions for Em to follow her into her room.

"What's up Pipes?" Em asks curiously as Piper closes the grate.

"Be very quiet, Arkayna and Zarya can't find out," Piper responds jumping down from the grate and landing on her feet.


"I convinced Malveron to cast a spell to give Zarya and Arkayna a different point of view," Piper explains.

"Please clarify, I'm not following," Em is confused.

"Tomorrow Zarya will have Arkayna's life and Arkayna will have Zarya's life. It will be before we were Mysticons," Piper clarifies.

"So we won't be Mysticons?"

"No, we will it will be the day we all met, Zarya will be a princess and Arkayna will be a citizen of the Undercity."

"So they get their wish, that they will see how the other lived."

"Exactly," Piper says giddily.

"But it won't effect us, right?"

"No, all we have to do is act like their life has always been the others, so Zarya has always been the princess and Arkayna is a citizen of the Undercity."

"We better get to bed, it's going to be a long day tomorrow," Em says.

"Yea, good night," Piper agrees.

"Good night Piper."

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