Holding on to you (girlxgirl)

By Alidelscotty

762 87 1

Aless is trying to reconnect with something she felt she lost a long time ago. She loves her girlfriend, Amy... More



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By Alidelscotty

Bree's Point of View

We were having so much fun at carnival, I looked over at Aless and it seem that she was having the time of her life. Just seeing her like this made me happy, even though I know I crushed her the other day, she seemed to be handling it better than I though. I thought she would want nothing to do with Jenny and I, but I am happy that I'm wrong. I looked over at Jenny and of course she was drinking again, to think after all that went down last night she would still decide to drink. I woke up in Jamie's bedroom not knowing how I got there; I later realized Aless must have brought me there when I fell asleep in her lap. I remember thinking to myself then, why in the world would I push someone away like Aless, who would take care of me like that even after how I treated her for someone like Jenny, that doesn't care about no one but herself.

"Jenny, are you seriously drunk already? I understand that we're here to have fun and all..."

"OMG Bree! Can we go one day without you busting my ass over something stupid? It's just a few drinks. Stop bitching all the damn time!" She said, interrupting me.

"What the hell is your problem? I may not be your 'wife' or anything but I am your girlfriend and I'm guessing that means I'm supposed to get a little more respect than this." I started to walk off then I turned to Jenny. "You know what; do what the fuck you want to do." There was a bar across from where we were, so I decided I had enough of Jenny's company, I sat down and ordered drinks just throwing them back to back. One for each time Jenny had crossed the line with me. How could I have given this girl my all and the one girl that doesn't want much from me, nothing? That was it, I thought. I was done playing games with Jenny. I needed to feel happy, I needed to feel loved. I jumped up to leave and was immediately put on my ass. The alcohol took a bigger impact on me than I thought. I made my way out the door and hailed a cab. It was time to finish what I started. The driver took me to Aless's hotel; just before I got there I was able to call Randy. He and I used to go to the beach together when I was younger, and we kept in touch through the years; he was my ticket in to Aless, I know I would be happier once I saw her. He met me at the front counter with a key to her room.

"Hey, Bree. Are you ok, you don't look so good." Said Randy.

"Yea, why?"

"Well, maybe because you look like you had way too much to drink. Do you need me to take you home?"

"No, I'm fine. Where is the key?" He handed me the key and I was on my way. "Thanks, I owe you one."

"If you change your mind about that ride, let me know." I ignored him and continued on my way to her room. I made it all the way up there surprisingly and entered with no problem, she was already there, and she was asleep. I wanted her to know that she could have me, all of me. I closed the door and she turned and saw me.

"Bree?" I stripped out of my clothes the best way I knew how. It was harder than I thought; I made my way over to her and climbed into bed with her

"Aless, hold me." She pulled me in and held me, her eyes were closed, and I could tell she was tired. I kissed her neck to try to wake her up, I could hear her moans and knew it was working; I slowly began to kiss her lower and lower. I kissed her titts and ran my tongue all around her nipples.

"What are you doing, you have a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend and we just have girlfriends." Said Aless, I shushed her still loving on her body. I didn't want to be reminded of Jenny at all for the rest of the night. I moved back up and kissed her lips, she kissed back, and I knew she was now awake. I stripped her of her clothes and we picked up where we left off, with me on top as she let me in. I don't remember when we fell asleep but all I know is that was the best sleep I ever had.

Morning came and there was a knock on the door. I didn't bother to move, I was still tired from last night and the drinks were kicking my butt.

"Alessandra, what the fuck is going on?" I turned around to see what was going on, there was a beautiful girl at the door, and I was confused.

"Baby, I honestly don't know. I was at the carnival last night and I had a lot to drink. I came back to my room by myself and fell asleep; I just woke up when you knocked on the door." Said Aless. Wait did she just call that girl Baby? I was suddenly enlightened. That wasn't just any girl that was Aless's girl. Her girlfriend. But how?

"Do you think I'm stupid? There is a naked puta in your fucking bed Aless. How do you not know how a fucking naked puta got in your bed?" I jumped up trying to use the pillow to cover my naked body. Things got calm as I noticed tears started to run down her face. "Did you sleep with her?" Aless looked at me and seemed confused for a second. "DID YOU FUCK HER?" she asked again.

"No. I don't know. Yes, I guess." I could tell it was time for me to get out of here, but I didn't know how to make that happen.

"Aless how the fuck don't you know if you slept with her or not, yes or no." She crossed her arms and waited for a response. Aless walked closer to her to calm her down.

"Baby, I was drunk I don't remember last night" The girl pushed her away and wiped the tears from her eyes and turned her and looked at me and I knew this wouldn't be good.

"Did you fuck my girlfriend?" She started to walk over to me and Aless jumped in front of her to stop her from reaching me.

"I think it's time for me to go" I started to look for my clothes and I guess that made the girl mad as she pushed Aless out the way. She was able to get back between us in enough time to grab her and put her against the wall pinning her arms down. It gave me enough time to find all my things.

"Aless, let me go. Why the hell are you protecting that little bitch?" As tears began to run down her face again she stopped struggling. I put my things on trying not to draw any attention to myself, like that would work.

"Ok, I'll tell you everything, but you have to let her go." She didn't respond, and I couldn't tell if I was good to go or if she was building up strength to take me out. Aless let her grip out and I finished getting dressed and made my way out of the room. As the door closed behind me it felt like I had dodged a missile aiming right for my head. I didn't know what to do anymore.

I took a cab home and was ready for this nightmare to end. I needed to talk to Aless but it would have to be later, there was no way her girlfriend would let that happen after what just went down. I got up to my apartment and surprise there was no Jenny, I doubted that I cared what she did at this point, I think it was time we ended things anyways. She wasn't good for me. If in the end I can have Aless, I don't want to be stuck with her. I sat in the living room on the couch; I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts to call her. Just as I hit talk there she was coming through the door.

"Hey babe, I got you breakfast" she said holding a brown bag from our favorite brunch spot.

"Uh, thanks. Can you sit down we need to talk." I moved over on the couch, so she could sit.

"Sure babe, what's up?"

"I've been thinking, and I think she should break up." She seemed more upset than sad.

"What did that bitch tell you?" She mumbled something under her breath that sounded like 'she said she wouldn't say anything' "It was only a kiss and I had too much to drink that night." Confused with what she just said I asked.

"You kissed somebody? When? And who is the bitch? Do mean Aless?" Shocked at my confusion she became silent. "Jennifer, what the fuck is going on?"

"Well, it makes no sense hiding it now. I was making out with a girl at the part the other night, Aless saw me and she told me she wouldn't say anything to you." I felt a punch in my heart, Aless knew and she kept it from me? Jenny had crossed the line more than once with me and I couldn't believe Aless would do something like that, she was lying. She just wanted me to be mad at Aless instead of her.

"Whatever, Aless is my best friend she would never keep secrets from me."

"Well she did, so much for being a best friend." She was pissing me off and I wanted her to go.

"Like I said before, I think we should break up. I'm done with you treating me like you don't care about me. Aless has been here for a few short days and she has done more for me as a friend than you have as a girlfriend."

"You know, I see the way you look at each other, I know she's not just your best friend or whatever... Wait, are you leaving me because of her?"

"That is none of your business, we're not together anymore." I barked.

"What the fuck ever, do what the fuck you want. And just so you know. The other night, it wasn't just a kiss; I've been fucking her for weeks now. You're just too self-centered to notice." She tried to hurt me, but I didn't care, or I pretended to anyways.

"Oh yea, well me and Aless made love twice. She's the reason I didn't come home last night and why you couldn't get a hold of me the day we went to the beach. She fucked the shit out of me, much more amazing that you ever could." I threw shots at her, so she would hurt as she had hurt me over the years. It seemed to work because she turned bright red then started to cry.

"Fuck you Bree!" She punched the wall and her hand bounced right back like a ball. "FUCK!" she dropped to her knees and held her hand. I ran to the kitchen to get some ice to help her. I might of not want anything to do with her, but I stilled cared about her.

"Here put this on it." She looked up at me and grabbed the ice from my hands; she got up and stormed to the bedroom. I followed her, she then began to pack her things.

"I'll be gone in a minute; you don't have to watch me."

"I'm not watching you."

"So, what do you call standing at the door staring at me?" I walked away and went back to the living room. I felt a little freer; hopefully I would be able to talk to Aless before she leaves tomorrow. As I was there sitting in silence Jenny comes out with bags of her things.

"Are you all packed?"

"You know, I don't know why you think I treated you so badly, you're the one that was sensitive the whole relationship and didn't want to have any fun. Ever since Aless came you have been acting even more of a stuck-up bitch than usual. In the end don't blame our break up on me, it was all you. She left and slammed the door behind her, I was relieved. i say there and cried for hours, wonder what was wrong with me. I didn't know what else to do so I opened up a bottle of Grey Goose and made myself a drink. I knew it was wrong to keep drinking only to make the pain go away but I couldn't help it. I was hurting, and this was helping.


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