Holding on to you (girlxgirl)

By Alidelscotty

811 87 1

Aless is trying to reconnect with something she felt she lost a long time ago. She loves her girlfriend, Amy... More



16 3 0
By Alidelscotty

Even though I was still bitter over Jenny being stupid last night and pretty much cheating on Bree; while she was right upstairs, I had to put it aside so that Bree wouldn't suspect anything. Although Bree also cheated on Jenny, with me no less, I felt that this was a little different. She was doing it to piss Bree off, at least Bree felt guilty after we had sex. I couldn't be mad at her anymore for the way she acted that night anyways and Amy was all that was on my mind and I was going to stick to that. I hopped in the shower and got ready to go pretend to be ok with Jenny. I waited in the Hotel lobby where they are supposed to be meeting me before we head off to the first of the two days of carnival. I sat in the sitting area just gazing at the random people of the hotel going about their day. I started to wonder what they were here at the hotel for. People coming from all over the world and ended up in this hotel, but for what? Where they all here for carnival as I was, a business trip maybe. I would love to have a job that took me to a place like this for a meeting. As I started to assign names to everyone that past by me, like Walter- the pale rich looking guy in what looked to be an expensive suit and Cookie- the tall blonde in an almost too revealing red dress that was clinging to Walter's arm I received a text message. I reached in my pocket and her name was the first thing I saw Elizabeth, I unlocked my phone to read what she had said

"Hey Weirdo, what are you up to today?" I smiled, everything about her made me smile.

"Nothing much, I'm going to carnival with a few friends that should be meeting me like right now." I replied back, she almost made me want to ditch Bree and Jenny to go hang out with her. At least I knew there wouldn't be any awkward tension with her. She seemed to be the only good thing to come out of this trip.

"Oh, bummer! Well when you get tired of hanging with them let me know. I'm about an hour away with some friends right now but I'll be back in town later tonight if you want to hang just the two of us. Let me know!" The offer sounded tempting, but I promised I would do carnival with Bree and Jenny, so I can't turn my back on them now. However, I would definitely be taking her up on her offer to hang out later tonight.

"Yea, of course! Let me know when you're in town and I'll try to break away. See you then." Now all I had to do was make it through the rest of the day with Bree and Jenny and I could relax all I wanted with Elizabeth. I had two days left in Spain and then I would be back home working long hours as usual.

I decide to go back to naming the hotel guest when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Jenny with Bree standing about 6 feet behind her. "You, ready?"

"Yea, geeze, what took you guys so long" I got up and started to walk to the entrance and past Jenny. When she saw me looking at her she looked at me with eyes as if she knew I was judging her for last night but seemed sorry about it. She started to make conversation I guess to cut the awkwardness.

"Slow Bree over here couldn't figure out what she wanted to wear so I ended up waiting thirty minutes in the car for her to decide on a nice enough outfit."

"Well, if you would have helped me instead of leaving we would have been here sooner now wouldn't we" I stood back while they went at their little lovers quarrel again and instantly was annoyed.

"Babe, please. I do not want to argue with you today and I'm sure Aless doesn't want to hear it either." Jenny tried to stop them from going at it but I think it just made it worst. Bree stormed off in front of us and I was so done with the two of them. I could tell Bree was still mad about Jenny's drinking and her little panic attack, that's when I figured we would have a horrible day.

"She's so stubborn at times, it gets on my nerves." Jenny whispered to me trying not to let Bree over hear her.

"Oh, I know. Trust me; you don't have to explain to me about Bree and her stubbornness." She giggled along with me as Bree looked back with an evil stare. " She might be stubborn but even though she doesn't know about all that happened with you last night she's still mad about what she did see so don't be hard on her."

"Bree, stop being a baby and talk to your girlfriend. We're all here to have a good time so let's not make this about you not being able to decide what to wear." I knew this attitude was more than just over clothes, but I didn't want to get in the middle of that. She acted like she didn't hear a word I had said but I knew she did, she started to slow down, and we were able to catch up to her. She looks over at Jenny, gave her a kiss on the cheek and didn't say a word.

"Alright guys, this is your territory how does this Carnival thing work?" As soon as I said that we turned the corner to see what might have been millions of people dancing, singing and having fun in the streets. "Never mind, we can just follow what everyone else is doing." A smile grew on Bree's face, I guess she wasn't mad anymore; she reached down to grab Jenny's hand. Even though I was starting to accept the fact that Bree and I would never be it still hurt seeing her with Jenny like this. I let them take the lead in showing me what carnival was about.

We ended up grabbing some food from people on the streets and also some alcoholic drinks that were extremely cheap, so of course we threw them back faster than we could buy them. I knew I was going to regret it in the morning, but I didn't care, it was time to have fun and I was feeling excited. Amy would be calling me soon, I turned my phone volume up and turned the vibration on, so I wouldn't miss her call and went back to partying with the rest of the Country. About an hour went by since I set the alarm and I was more than feeling the alcohol, all three of us could barely stand up. We still kept partying though as the simple ability not to stand up right made it more fun to be out there. We started walking behind the parade till night fell. I looked up at a familiar building and I knew where I was, it was my hotel, but could I make it inside? I looked around and Jenny and Bree were gone, I was all by myself, but for how long was I by myself? I didn't care anymore I decided to take whatever energy I had left in me and put myself to bed. I was all partied out. As I entered the Hotel I could see a guy behind the desk looking at me as if the sight of a drunk girl stumbling into the hotel was something he saw every day. I walked up to him

"Hey, I'm up on the 11th floor, reservation should be under the name Alessandra Morris, can I put in a room service order. Pretty much tell them to bring anything that will cure a hangover" I tried to stay upright by leaning on the counter

"Yes, ma'am. Do you want this at a specific time?"

"uhhmm, 10:00 am should be fine, thank you" I walked away not knowing if he was finished with me or not. I didn't care I wanted my bed now.

I finally made it to my room and wasted no time, I was in the bed and nothing for the rest of the night would be able to convince me to move. Laying there I realized that I totally blew of Elizabeth, I was going to have to call her and apologize in the morning.

Shit!! I didn't get a call from Amy, or did I? I checked my phone for a miss call and I didn't have one. Either way I quickly called her, it went straight to voicemail, so I left a message. "Hey Baby, just calling to say I haven't been kidnapped or anything. I'm actually about to go to bed but I'll call you in the morning. I love you, talk to you then." I plopped back down on the bed and started to drift away.

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