Holding on to you (girlxgirl)

Por Alidelscotty

762 87 1

Aless is trying to reconnect with something she felt she lost a long time ago. She loves her girlfriend, Amy... Más



15 3 0
Por Alidelscotty

The driver pulls up to a beautiful older but still very beautiful house that looked to be owned by someone with a few dollars to spare. Just to be sure that I was indeed at the right house I texted Bree

"Hey, I'm outside. Not sure though if I'm at the right place. Did you give me the right address?" within seconds I looked up and saw Bree waving me into the house. I open the car door and paid the driver then ran up the front steps and into the house, it was at least twenty-five people there just hanging out I guess. "Hey, where is Jenny?"

"She's in the back; we were making some drinks when I got your text. Hey, I'm sorry about the other night, I..." I cut her off before she could finish.

"Dude don't worry about it, let's just be friends and not make it anymore awkward that it already is. I'm over it and I'm just here for carnival until I can make it back to Amy in a few days. Seriously, I'm cool." I said, still walking back past all the people until we made it to the kitchen where I saw Jenny. She looked up and she seemed happy to see me.

"Aless, what's up girl? How's it going?" it seemed like Jenny had already started throwing back a few drinks.

"Jenny! Nothing much you know, just enjoying it here while I can." I said as I started to make myself a drink. "So, what are we doing here?"

"It's my friend Jamie's Birthday today; he invited a few people over so we're just drinking and listening to some music. They have a bon fire going in the back if you want to go chill by the fire." Bree said as she pointed to the back door, I turned my head around and I could see the fire going.

"Yea, let's do it." We finished making our drinks and we headed for the door. Jenny turned back at the last minute and grabbed a 6 pack of beer.

"I think I'm going to need these in a few." She said holding the beer tight. I didn't know Jenny, so I couldn't tell if this was how she always acted around alcohol or if she was drinking to forget something. I could tell by the way Bree was looking that something wasn't right between them. We sat down in lawn chairs with more than enough room to share. Luckily not many people were out there so it didn't get too loud. There were two other couples and a guy that I could only describe as looking like a gay version of Justin Bieber.

"Hey guys, this is my friend Aless. Aless that is Carla and James, Cory and Sarah, and Jordan." I waved at them all as they responded with a wave and a smile.

"So how do you too know each other?" I heard coming from the person next to me, I looked over and it was Jordan. He had a smile on his face as if he knew something I didn't.

"Jordan!" Bree said trying not to draw any attention to her.

"Uh, school. Bree and I went to school together in Florida." I said trying to keep it simple.

"Oh, ok." He said with a grin

"So how do you know Bree?" I said

"We've been friends ever since she came back to Spain. Her family lives down the street from mine."

"Oh, that's cool." I said nodding. Silence fell, and I could tell it was getting a little awkward. I looked over at Bree and Jenny and Bree was trying to get Jenny to stop drinking so much by pulling the beer from her lips.

"Stop it!" yelled Jenny. She startled everyone as now we were all gazing at them.

"Jen seriously, I hate when you get like this." Said Bree.

"If you hate it so much then maybe you should stop looking." I could tell Bree had enough of the drinking and she stormed off. Jenny didn't seem to care if she stayed or went. I excused myself and went after her. It seemed like all I was doing today was chasing after upset girls.

"Hey, dude! Wait for me." I saw her run up the stairs and I was right behind her. She stopped in what looked like a guest bathroom and started to cry. "Hey, what is going on with you guys?"

"Ugh, the same shit that always happens. She just pisses me off so fucking much and she doesn't even seem to care at all." Bree started to turn red and from knowing her for so long I knew that could only mean one thing. She was about to have an anxiety attack. I rushed over to her and tried to calm her down.

"Bree, I need you to calm down, you're turning red and I need you not to do that right now."

"I've been trying to calm down I can't. She just makes me so mad." When we were dating the only way I knew to prevent her anxiety attacks were to sit down with her laying in my lap while stroking her hair. I immediately assumed the position to see if it still worked. I held her in my arms as close and tight as I could get her and stroked her long hair while massaging her scalp. The crying started to die down and I knew she was starting to calm down.

"Is that better?" she didn't reply but I knew it was a yes as she made herself more comfortable in my arms. "You know, speaking as your friend and not your ex-lover. You shouldn't be with a person like that if she is going to cause you to be this way and not even check to see if you're ok. I know how hard it is for you to get out of it once it hits you all the way." She turned and looked up at me for a minute not saying anything and I wondered what she was thinking.

"Me and Jenny have been together for a while and I've have an anxiety attack every time we argue, and not once has she been able to calm me down or even cared to see if I was ok. She thinks I'm being a drama queen and that I'm just looking for attention." As she said that she turned back around in my arms.

"Well, some people are like that. But don't feel like you're obligated to stay in this relationship with her if you're not happy just because you don't want to hurt her." She didn't respond but I knew she understood what I was saying. After an hour of me stroking her hair and silence she had fallen asleep and I didn't even notice. I looked down at her and instantly I remembered back when she would fall asleep in my arms like this. I looked at my clock and it was late. I figured I could head home and call it a night. The first day of carnival was tomorrow and I wanted to be rested for it, who knows how long we would be out partying. I slowly got up from under her without waking her, I picked her up and took her to what seemed like a guest room and tucked her in. She must have been really tired because she didn't make a sound through the whole transfer. I walked downstairs and back out to the bonfire hoping to find Jenny, but she wasn't there. I walked around searching through people and was stopped when I looked up and saw her kissing this beautiful blonde girl on the couch and it seemed like no one cared that she was cheating on Bree. I walked over to her as calm as I could be, Bree was no longer mine, but she was still my friend and that hurt me.

"Yo!" I pulled her up off the blonde. "Dude are you kidding me right now, your girlfriend is upstairs, asleep after you almost caused her to have an anxiety attack, and you're down here messing around. What the Fuck!" She seemed drunk off her ass and could hardly stand while I tried to put some sense into her head. "You know what; don't let her find out about your little kiss with princess over here. It's not worth another anxiety attack, you won't try to protect her from. Get upstairs, and get your girl... You really don't deserve her." Pissed to the max I stormed out of the house and sat on the steps. I felt my eyes get wet as tears started to fall. I don't know why I was crying, I didn't want Bree anymore but how could I not care about her. I just wanted these next few days to go by, so I could get out of here. Bree needed to make the decision to leave Jenny on her own terms and even though this would have made it easier it wouldn't end well. I started walking until I found a taxi that took me back to my hotel room. I took a shower turned on Game of Thrones to start where I left off. I watched reruns until I fell asleep, all I could think about was Bree.

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