The Odd One Out (Finn Wolfhar...

booppooo tarafından

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"All you do is buy girls all the shoes and purses they want in order to get in their pants, I know how you wo... Daha Fazla

Eleven ;^)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
y i k e s


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booppooo tarafından


"Did you see the way he was looking at you?!" Sophia whisper yelled.

"Yeah! I wish someone would look at me like that!" Jack added.

"Whatever, he might still be a little out of it since he was really roughed up the other day." I tried to give a generic excuse.

"It wasn't just that, he even said bye to you! He was looking forward to seeing you in Math!" Sophia whispered shoving me slightly.

"Jack, Sophia, and Y/n! Would you care to share with the class?" My English teacher annoyed turning to face the class from the board.

"N-no, they were just trying to help me spell something." I spoke up, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

"Alright, now keep it quiet." She said and turned back to the board.

I sat down next to Jack and Sophia at our lunch table. We sat in the corner circle table of the cafeteria, just the three of us. I looked around to see if anything interesting was happening, and today something was. At the preps table people were arguing with Finn.

"Guys look!" I shoved Jack and pointed to the table.

Finn continues to argue with his friend Wyatt and then rolled his eyes. He looked around and then his eyes met with mine.

"Oh no." I said and swallowed hard.

He walked over to us and sat down, resting his hand on his fist.

"Money couldn't buy you a seat with the rest of the preps? Aw sad story." Jack said sarcastically, pretending to sob. I elbowed his ribs and he stopped.

"Um...w-what happened?" I asked taking a sip of my water.

"They basically kicked me out since I called Millie a slut for cheating on me. Shouldn't she be sitting with the wanna bes?! She dating one of them! It would at least leave an open seat for me." He explained frustrated.

"Well, I'm sure they'll let you back over soon." I reassured and patted his back.

He looked over to me and our eyes met again, "You think so?" He asked giving me those puppy dog eyes again.

"Um..s-sure." My heart skipped a beat as he gazed into my eyes. A grin spread across his face and he sat up.

"Well, What were you guys talking about before I interrupted?" He asked looking over to Sophia and Jack.

"Sex..." Jack coughed.

"You guys are so nerdy." I giggled.

"What? We were talking about like what kind of porn we watch." Sophia said as if the conversation was innocent.

"Oh yeah? I bet Jack watches lesbian porn." I smirked.

"Hey, that shit is hot." He defended himself making me and Sophia laugh.

"What about you, Finn? I'm sure Millie didn't wanna ride the horse ever night." I questioned, intrigued as I picked at my food.

"It depends, sometimes I'll watch lesbian, or even like kinky handcuff shit." He confessed, making Sophia choke on her food.

"Okay let's change the subject before it g-" I tried to say before I was interrupted.

"No, Jack and I said what we like, now it's you and Sophia's turn!" Finn said pointing to Sophia and then me. I'm

"Well, I think like gay guy porn is pretty hot, all those muscles really turn me on." Sophia said jokingly. I smacked her arm and started giggling.

"Y/n?" Jack questioned.

"I...uh...don't really watch porn.." I confessed.

"You said you don't really, which means you have before." Finn poked me.

"By accident!" I defend.

"Oh whatever track star." He rolled his eyes and smirked at me.

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