Twenty Seven

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I decided to man up and go back to my parents house after all this time. I pulled up in the driveway and took the key out of the ignition slouching in my seat. I looked up to the house and just started getting angry. I took a deep breath and got out, slowly walking up the front door. As soon as I walked in my nosey mother stuck her head around the corner to see who had entered.

"Look who decided to return." She snorted walking back into the room she was previously in.

I followed her into the room and stopped her.

"How was the stay at your girlfriends?" She asked closing her book and setting down on the small table next to her.

"Better than it would ever be here." I answer sassily.

"How was it eating Ramen for dinner everyday?"

"You are the worst person on the planet. I hope you know that. This whole family is shit!" I yell as my blood started to boil.

"You've just made some bad decisions. You'll figure them out soon." She continued.

"I'm moving out. Burn in Hell." I commented storming out of the room and up to mine.

I texted Y/n asking her if it was okay and she confirmed. I got out all the bags in my closet and started shoving my stuff into them. Y/n texted me to inform me that she was going to be at track until about five o'clock. I started dragging all of my stuff down and throwing it in my car. My father came storming out after me and whipped me around.

"Your the last person I want to see." I mumbled trying to shove past him.

"Listen here boy. Just because your mom asked a few questions doesn't mean you have to right to tell her to burn in he'll run off to your girlfriends." He commanded getting in my face.

"Well looks like I did, oops." I said getting in my car and leaving that hell hole once and for all.

"I really hope I'm no bother to you Y/m/n, if I am just tell me please." I inform kindly as Y/n helped me unpack my stuff in the guest room.

"Your fine I promise. Now Y/n will have someone else to torment after school." Y/m/n said leaning against the threshold of the door.

"Thank you again for letting me do this." I said with a grin.

"As soon as I met you I wanted you to move in, so this is great." Y/m/n said reassuringly with a big smile.

"Now we can see each other all the time!" Y/n said mocking a crazy clingy girlfriend.

"I'm excited." I said putting the last of my clothes in my new closet.

The Odd One Out (Finn Wolfhard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now