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"They're she is!" I announce with excitement as my beautiful girlfriend Millie got out of her car and jogged up to me and my group of friends.

She set her books on the hood of my car and wrapped her arms around my neck and throwing the rest of her petite body against mine. I kissed the top of her head and we pulled away.

"Good morning, love." She greets with a soft grin.

I gazed into her beautiful eyes and a smile crept across my face. Then, I felt a hand slap onto my shoulder and turn me around forcefully. I am met with my good friend Wyatt, and he was wearing a concerned expression.

"Is there something you wanna say or are you just gonna stand there?" I question raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, I gotta tell you something," he scratched the back of his neck and looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was around, "alone."

He waved his hand to tell me to follow him to a distance away from the group. As we walked away I could hear Millie sigh heavily.

"Um...I-I don't know how to put this so I'm just gonna say it. Millie's cheating on you." Wyatt informed with a sorry expression.

I was in denial. Millie wouldn't do that, I mean yeah she was hot and sweet, but someone like that was made for me and only me.

"D-do you have proof?" I slightly stuttered out.

"Not on like video, but I went to Sheetz the other day to get some food and she was sitting at one of the outside tables with Jaeden Lieberher. T-they were laughing and she kissed him on the cheek. Then they left hand in hand to his car. L-look man I'm just trying to be a good friend, I don't want you to be in a fake relationship." He elaborated.

I was still slightly in denial. Then anger took over me, and my blood started to boil. Millie, the girl that I've loved for over a year is cheating on me with a wanna be. Am I not good enough?!

The bell rung pulling me out of my thoughts. Wyatt gave me an apologetic smile and walked off to the building. I went back to get my stuff and ran into the school. I shoved through people looking for that Jaeden bitch. Then, there he was..with Millie. Within the two minutes that Wyatt and I had spent talking, she managed to fine him and get all over him. She giggled at something he said and then kissed his cheek. I stormed up to them and grabbed Jaeden's shirt collar and shoved him against the locked.

"I'm going to kill you Lieberher!"
I yelled in his face shaking him.

Then I pulled him away from the lockers and shoved him onto the floor, anger consuming my body. I ran up to him and kicked him in the ribs. Millie screamed in horror behind me. I got down to his level and my fist came in contact with his temple.

The Odd One Out (Finn Wolfhard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now