Twenty Two

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Finn just texted me to let me know that I have dinner over at his house on Friday at six o'clock. I went downstairs and told my mom the news and she almost had a stroke.

"You're dating one the most popular boys in school! How are you not excited?" She questioned grabbing my shoulders and shaking them slightly.

"Because we're super poor." I mumbled shoving her hands off my shoulders.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about that, if he really loves you that shouldn't matter."
She reassures and pats my shoulder.

Finn's car pulls up in the driveway and I walk out to see him holding the door open for my with the biggest smile. I look down at my outfit one last time to make sure it looks alright and make my way towards him. I decided to wear some nice jeans with a simple T and some converse.

"I'm glad you didn't dress up too much." Finn reassures and pulls out of the driveway.

I walk into Finn's house, or rather mansion, and I feel anxiety and nervousness take over my body. I hide behind his tall figure as he walks into his dining room.

"So..Finn..where's this girl of yours?" I hear a man speak with a mouth full of food.

He grabs my wrist gently and pulls me out from be hind him. I awkwardly wave and grin.

"You must be Y/n." His mother says in a very smug tone.

"Uh..y-yes I am. I-it's nice to m-meet you." I stutter out and internally facepalm.

I sit down with Finn and start eating the food that was served to me. I don't look up from my plate for most of the dinner.

"So, how long have you and Finn known each other?" His mother asks right before taking a drink.

"Um, since like fourth grade I think." I answer trying my best not to stutter.

"How long have you two been dating?" His mother asks totally forgetting about the last question she asked.

"About a week." I answer picking at my food since I was full.

"How much are your parents making?" His mother questions making my stomach drop.

"Back off Mom, I knew you were going to do that." Finn says forcefully with an annoyed look.

He places his hand on my thigh and starts rubbing it to calm me down.

"I'm just asking Finn. I would also like an answer." She requests placing her silverware down on the table and giving me the death glare.

"I'm not to sure who my dad is. A-and my mom works down at the gas station..w-we don't make much..sorry." I explain and try my best to hold back tears.

"Goddamnit Mom! I can't believe how much of an asshole you are. And your not any better dad! You're just sitting there letting it all happen!" Finn exclaims getting out of his seat in anger.

"N-no Finn i-it's fine." I mumble trying to get him to sit back down.

"How dare you talk to us like that Finn?" His Mom retorts getting out of her seat.

"How dare you ask my girlfriend how much her mom makes?! How selfish and awful do you have to be to have the nerve to do something like that?!" Finn asks infuriated.

"You know what, fuck you guys." Finn chuckled and grabs my hand, walking us out of the house.

"I'm sorry Y/n." Finn apologizes as we get into his car.

"No it's not your fault." I say and intertwine our fingers.

"Yes it is! I brought you over here and I knew this was going to happen!" He yells ripping his hand away from mine and hitting the wheel.

"It's okay Finn." I say softly and rub his shoulder.

He sat there and stared out of the car at his house, and then starting sobbing.

The Odd One Out (Finn Wolfhard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now