You're So Annoying βœ”οΈ

By _xXUnicornSlayerXx_

2.6M 116K 91.3K

I continue throwing pebbles at his window, a grin on my face. He finally opens his window, glaring at me. "W... More



55.6K 2.4K 2.2K
By _xXUnicornSlayerXx_

Frost's p.o.v

Chapter Thirty-one: Oh, my, god

"So," Manon taps her fingers on the dashboard.

"So..." I say before taking a huge gulp of my lemon water.

I wanted to stick a lemon up my ass when I woke up, but then I thought, well that would sting right? And then it would stretch my butthole out.

And I'm not ready for that.

And then wouldn't it be sore? Like, you would be shoving a lemon up your butt.

"You and Nova, huh? Kissing?"

"You and Cole, huh? Making out?" I mimic with a grin. I pull into a parking spot just as she wacks me in the head.

"You had your fun in teasing me about Cole, now, it's mine," she says and gets out of my car.

I rub the back of my head, getting out as well. I slide my backpack on, "This means war, Manon." I state and freeze in my tracks as I see Aubrey trailing her finger down Nova's arm.

Ugh. I am too tired for this!

"What the actual fuck?" Manon says loudly, and I frown. "I'm going to beat her ass!"

"Manon, we need to get you checked out for your violent behavior," I say jokingly, patting her back.

Much to my surprise, Nova says something and pushes her away. Aubrey's mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water before she finally turns, stomping away. Stomping like how I should stomp on her neck! MWHAHAHA!

Manon and I slowly walk up to Ollie, and honestly I was praying to Madea that he wouldn't approach us, but he did.

Manon steps in front of me as he approaches us. "What do you want?"

He tries walking around Manon but she blocks him off, "Frost, can we talk?"

I peek around Manon with a tight smile, "Sure. I guess. Why not. Because then I can blackmail you for some food!"

Manon's head whips around, "What?"

"Manon hush! You can jump him later or whatever." I whisper, grabbing Manon's hand, pulling her away and to the side.

"Please," I wave at him and motion for him to follow, "Continue."

Nova stares at me in confusion, following us, "Really?! I mean okay,"

He then watches with a frown as I slowly start walking with Manon into the building.

"Matthews, can we speak privately," he asks, motioning to Manon.

"No! What if you try to kill me? I need Manon as my witness!" I ask before Nova walks in front of me, lifting me into the air and over his shoulder. I stare at Nova's butt, holding onto his waist.

Oh not again.

Can I not get a break? I mean come on! I hate being lifted up, especially upside down! Like, I just ate and you think I want to be upside down? I'd rather stay up here with Eleven and her Eggos than down there with Will.

Is this how I die? Taken away from my best friend and hauled off into a butchering room?

"Put me down!" I demand as I pound his butt.


I gasp.

How dare he. I will gain my revenge! I will... I'll... I don't know what I'll do but I'll do it!

I'm finally put back down, and I whirl around, ready to fight Nova in case he attempts a federal crime against me. I raise my fists but he catches them in his hands.

"Let me go you... you buttnugget!" I yell and try freeing my fists. A couple kids walking by, and glance at us but continue walking.

"I'll let you go as long as you don't punch me," he says and I stop flopping my arms, glaring at him.

"What did Aubrey want?" I immediately ask with a scrunched up face as he releases my fists. Lucky for him if I didn't have the arms of a worm, I would beat him up like he wouldn't believe.

... I feel very violent.

"She was... trying to make a date..." he says, rocking back and forth on his heels, "And I said no and that she had a lot of balls for even asking,"

Heh... balls. That's what my hands are going to look like when I pull a Neo from Matrix on this sucker!

I lunge at him, grabbing him by the shirt, "If I find out you're lying or if I catch her even looking at you again, I will shove a lemon up both of your asses and sprinkle salt in your guys' eyes! My sperm donor did a stunt similar to this to my lovely ma, and I will not live another day to see it happen again!"

Nova gulps.

As I release him, I slowly let out a laugh. A throaty laugh. A throaty crazy laugh. Nova stares at me with round eyes.

"I'm going to class now. I... will see you later," I say monotone but I don't wait for a response before slipping away from him and running down the hall like a madman.

I run into Math and see Manon saving my seat. "It's Britney bitch," I say while sliding in my chair.

"So what happened?" Manon asks but before I could answer, Nova and Cole walk in, and I duck down.

Maybe he won't see me. I am quite the expert!

...Oh wait, he knows I sit here, doesn't he?

"Why are you ducking down for?" Manon asks a little too loud for my liking. I kick her shin harshly and she screams in pain just as the bell rings.

Perfect timing.

I lift my head up and place it on the desk. Mr. Earl stands up, clapping his hands. "Alright class, listen up," he orders and everyone goes silent.

"I'm going to announce the people who have gained a lot more on their tests."

Ha! I know I'm not one of them. Tears of sadness.

As he read off the names of the students who gained the whatever, I miserably tugged on Manon's hair.

"Can you leave my hair alone for once, woman?" she slaps my hand away and slaps my back.

"What is this?" I groan, "Hit Frost day?"

"Yes, yes it is."

Classes went by quicker than I can count. I slowly walked down the hall, not really wanting to see Nova.

Maybe he wasn't doing anything with Aubrey.

Or maybe he was.

Why is everything you say negative?

Technically we're the same person, I'm just in your head-

No! Don't want to hear it!

I push open the doors and immediately spot Kai in the lunch line. As if everything was in slow-motion, I dashed over to Kai and hid behind him just as Nova looked over.

"Whatcha doing Frost?" Kai asks, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. I frown as he quickly wipes it off and inhales deeply.

"Nevermind about me, why are you sweating?" I ask and stand up straight.

"I'm nervous," he explains while getting a tray of lunch. "M-My race is today after school and-"

Iris runs up to us, watching me the entire time. "H-Hi F-Frost!" she suspiciously hugs me, squeezing the cheese out of me. I pat her back and raise a suspicious brow.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask while crossing my arms. "What did you do?"

She hangs her head, "Distract you..."

"Distract me from what-" but before I could finish, Nova runs up to me and I'm suddenly lifted into the air, bridal style. "Help! Chip! Somebody!"

"What is this?! Hit and pick up Frost day?" I ask Nova, holding onto him.

I swear Nova picks me up more than my dad did as a baby.

And that's just sad.

Aubrey glares at us across the room, fuming with anger. Seeing this flipped the excitement switch in my tiny brain and I grin wildly.

"Haha take this, biotch!" I scream while pointing at Nova, nearly falling out of his arms.

But as we walk out of the cafeteria, I realize something terrible. Something only criminals would dare to do.

"Hey I didn't get lunch!" I exclaim, "And I'm hungry,"

I start wiggling with rage, trying to get free.

Nobody, nobody, takes me away from food. And if you do, I become a wild animal. And I'll bite you! Wait, wouldn't that be cannibalism?

"Stop it," he says, setting me down, "I wanted to talk to you,"

I drop to the ground, sobbing dramatically.

"Free! I'm free!" I kiss the ground but soon groan in disgust. I start wiping off the dirt and small pebbles on my lips, saying 'ew' multiple times.

Well, I'm never doing that again. Just kidding! I'll probably do it again.

"Matthews," Nova says, getting my attention, "I, uh, think I owe you an apology,"

I stand, crossing my arms, "Uh, for what? My memory has gone sour."

Nova inhales, shoving his hand into his pocket, "I... I... lately I haven't really been able to explain what happened."

"Because I honestly don't know what happened," he says with a light chuckle and I find myself relaxing, "She just... out of nowhere and I-"

"Wait wait," I interrupt him, "You don't have to apologise."

"I don't?"

"Not really," I mutter, but tap my chin, "Tell you what. Let's move past this, okay? And if you still feel bad, you can buy me extra cheesy chili fries,"

"... That's it?"

"And if you never speak to Aubrey again otherwise I will shred you down to your last atom," I threaten but smile, "And vice versa."

He grins, "Deal."


After school, I went home and changed into my nice floral tank top and white jeans, along with my white converse. Then, I came back here with Nova, Manon, and Cole for the race.

"Run Kai! Run Iris!" Manon shouts with a clap. Cole cheers along with her. Kai looks as if he's going to collapse. Iris catches up to Kai, grabbing his hand.

Ugh, they're so cute!

"USE YOUR SHORT ASS LEGS!" I scream just as they begin catching up with the person in first place so far.

Rose claps her hand, "You got this, guys!"

"Do it for me! For us, we love you midgets!" I yell and Nova chuckles.

Everyone in the stands starts chanting Kai and Iris' name, stomping their feet as well.

I watch in amazement as Kai and Iris both run across the finish line, together. Then they both awkwardly fall over like sacks of potatoes. I shoot up from my seat, clapping and hollering.

"And the winners are, Kai and Iris!" Rose cheers into her microphone.

"That's my baby! You hear me? That's my baby!" I cheer and run down from my seat, onto the track.

Kai and Iris lie together on the ground, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. "You did it!" I exclaim while handing them a water bottle.

"We... we did it..." Kai breathlessly holds up both his and Iris' hands.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Kai..." Iris states, squeezing his hand. He giggles and takes a long drink of the water. He hands it to Iris and she does the same.

This is too adorable.

Kai suddenly snaps his head to me, "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion. He breaks out into a smile and weakly nudges my foot with his foot.

"Go! You have a date!"

I'm going to kill Manon.

I smile and congratulate them again before walking over to Nova. "Hey bro," I punch his shoulder.

"Ready to go?" he asks, swiftly grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. I hesitantly pull my hand out of his and he frowns.

"Not yet?" he asks and I nod. He nods too, putting his hands in his pocket, "I gotta earn it,"

I laugh awkwardly, "Anyway... when aren't I ready? Did you know I wake up to the I'm ready song by Spongebob?"

"No, I did not." he chuckles, "But I'm not surprised,"

We walked to his car and got in. I, of course, called shotgun. I'm gonna need it when I- let me stop before I end up in prison.

I pull my legs up to my chest, hugging them. "So... where are we going?" I ask and he gives me a sideways glance.

"I'm not telling you," he states with a smirk. I sigh heavily— and loudly, might I add— and stick my lip out.

"Please?" I beg. He shakes his head laughing.


I pouted the entire car ride until my frown was turned upside down. He parked the car and looked at me with curiosity.

"The beach? I love the beach!" I exclaim as I eagerly climb out of the car. The cool breeze blows against my skin, and I smile.

"I haven't been in forever!" I say to Nova as he walks up to me with a smile, "The last time I was here, I almost drowned!"

"Oh the memories," I say gently as I pull my hands up to my face, "Salty water in my throat... my lungs burning because I couldn't breathe..."

Nova blinks, "Are... you alright?"

I nod and skip alongside him. "So... uh... what's the plan buckaroo?"

"There's a corn dog thingy over there and then... I dunno," he says while scratching his head, "We walk?"

"Ooo," I say while walking ahead of him, "You're buying me three corn dogs!"

We walked to the corn dog stand and got two corn dogs. Well, Nova got two and I got three. Consider it payment for the stunts he pulled.

And let me tell you.

They were delicious.

We then walked to the beach and just walked down near the water, just standing next to each other, enjoying the quiet atmosphere and each other's presence.

"Can I say something?" Nova suddenly asks.


He awkwardly scratches his neck, "I... I actually used to watch you through your window. But not in a creepy way!" he rushes out with a light blush.

What in the Edward Cullen...

"Do I need to file a restraining order and learn karate?" I ask.

"I just... it always made me laugh when you tried sticking a penny up your nose," he softly laughs, his eyes crinkling.

I smile, "You did?"

"Yeah... it was pretty cute. You were cute," he says, glancing at me. I blush while looking down.

"And... you were cute too..." I say with a small smile, "Even when you frowned."

He rolls his eyes but can't fight the smile on his face. "Be quiet Matthews,"

"Never fool,"


My feet are killing me. Like, literally. Here I am, watching Mean Girls with the heated rice pack under my feet. They ache. They ache more than my brain when I try figuring out what 9+7 is.

August is asleep, so I have to keep it down or I'll awaken the beast.

As I go to put another bite of leftover spaghetti in my mouth, my phone lights up with a message from Nova.

It said, 'Come outside.' and I furrowed my brows.

It's like, ten at night, why is he even awake.

I get up from my comfortable position and slip on my slippers. I put my hair into a loose bun, and pull on my hoodie and quietly trot downstairs.

I grab the flashlight and step outside. I walk down from my porch and stand on the sidewalk.

"Nova?" I call out and shine the flashlight everywhere. Suddenly, I hear groaning and whimpering.

"Hello? Who's out there?" I call out and start walking down the sidewalk. The noises become louder, and it almost sounds like... the person is in pain.

"Hello-" I round the corner only to scream. A figure stands perfectly still, groaning and whimpering. I shine the light on the person and notice a familiar head of hair.

"Hello? Are you okay?" I ask, carefully walking closer. The person suddenly turns around, and that's when I see it's Nova. "Nova? Are you okay..." I trail off as I notice his busted up body.

My eyes wander down his body until they go wide. I stare in shock at the pretty big pocket knife lodged in his stomach.

Oh, my, god.


Hello, its me.

Calm down, calm down. I'll sign autographs later.


Sorry for the errors

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Don't forget to vote and comment!


Lots of pizza🍕❤


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