The Odd One Out (Finn Wolfhar...

بواسطة booppooo

185K 4.1K 5K

"All you do is buy girls all the shoes and purses they want in order to get in their pants, I know how you wo... المزيد

Eleven ;^)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
y i k e s


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بواسطة booppooo


I heard a scream from a distance, I looked around my locker door to see people grouped around what I assumed a fight. Fights rarely ever occur at school, so I shut my locker and ran up to the crowd shoving my way through to see what was happening. As soon as I saw what was going on a smile swept across my face.
A wanna be verses a prep, perfect. I watched as the two wrestled on the ground, occasionally grunting in pain. Then as quick as light Finn's hands were wrapped around Jaeden's neck. I gasped and ran over to Finn ripping him off of Jaeden.

I stood between the two trying my best to shove them away from each other, then finally the principle arrives. Mr. Hopper shoved through the group and started shouting, "Break it up you two!"

Right before they did Finn attempted to throw one more punch, and instead of it hitting Jaeden, it hit me, and immediately everything went black.

My senses slowly came back to my body and my eyes slowly opened. I was blinded by a unnecessarily bright light. I groaned and shut my eyes again. I heard a voice in the distance shout for the nurse. I rubbed my eyes and attempted to open them again. I finally observed my surroundings and saw that I was in the nurses office. I sat up and stretched slightly.

"No no no sweetie lay back down." The nurse informed sweetly but urgently.

"W-what happened?" I asked.

"Well.." another voice spoke, "Jaeden and I got into a fight and I accidentally punched you."

I immediately knew it was Finn Wolfhard. I turned my head slowly to look at him. He had a  black eye and a cut that was covered by a band-aid on his temple. I snickered and rolled my eyes, turning my head to face to ceiling again.

"Ya know Wolfhard, I hate your guts. You can apologize, and I'll forgive you, but not meaningfully." I mumbled taking the ice pack that the nurse handed me.

"Well, what can I do to make it up, so I can get a meaningful apology?" He asked scooting his chair closer to the bed that I was resting in.

"Maybe you could leave me and my friends alone, stop whispering stuff about us when you pass us in the hallways, and stop dumping milk on me and Sophia every damn Wednesday in the cafeteria." I list sternly.

"Oh...well your wish is granted. I'm sorry." He mumbles out giving me puppy eyes.

"Sure you are, if you really were you wouldn't have started doing all that shit. Remember in elementary school when you were the nicest person ever, then middle school hit and you met all the jocks and preps and they turned you into an asshole. Just because you have money Wolfhard doesn't mean you have to be an asshole." I said telling him everything everyone else wanted to say.

"I-is that how you really feel?" He questioned with sad puppy eyes.

"No it's just a speech I've been rehearsing for English. Yes, asshole!" I exclaimed in disbelief that he didn't believe me.

"Oh. Well I'll leave you and you're dorky friends alone." He affirmed flicking my arm playfully with a smirk.

"Oh don't flirt with me, and we're not dorky." I retorted crossing my arms.

"W-what? I'm not flirting with you." He stated shocked.

"Oh, so sitting here and giving me puppy eyes and being all 'Im sorry I've picked on your friends!' and flicking my arm and smirking, isn't flirting?"

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